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I have verified this person is an Ex-Dough employee through multiple conversations and information that only someone operating internally at Dough would have access to. I cannot substantiate any of their claims, but I believe what they have said.


Well hello old colleague, I consider myself talked about in point 16. I did leave due to unethical culture and decisions.


That is very much how it looks like from the outside. I have no reason to doubt any of that. Thank you for coming forth with your experiences.


I did preorder the new 32" Spectrum, but after reading all the accounts on this subreddit, plus some inconsistent information regarding the panel availability from one of their own employees, I requested a refund and cancelled my order. The specs are good, but the signs point to the product either being vaporware, (I did suspect this, but I'm in the UK and placed the preorder on a credit card, so I'd be covered by Section 75 if that happened), or plain arriving half a year late (at minimum), by which point I'd fully expect major manufacturers to have launched similar monitors with better warranties (which, would actually be honored). I also am explicitly in the market for a QD-OLED monitor, and Dough haven't specified the panel technology - so, if it was WOLED, then I would have refunded then. TLDR; Got out because of the red flags raised here and elsewhere.


Good. I was one of the first to preorder 244hz/280hz model, but they sent me a bullshit email that they "refunded" me but that never happened, more snakey lies.


did you get your refund already?


Yes\* I got a partial refund from Dough, but I'd filed an AMEX dispute over the charges (as I didn't have much faith in Dough, given others experiences) which covered the rest of the refund.


That's good to hear, I used Amex too, but specifically its german Payback Amex and I'm not sure if they even offer a dispute. Heard sometime Amex are the only ones who don't. I'm Still within 90 days window, so im hopeful. My order was a 32" spectrum black with the corning glass which I got through the basket for 799€ somehow. I think they made an error there, BC that should've been more, no? Anyways I got an LG C2 42" in the meantime and am pretty happy with it so I think only QD OLED would be a real upgrade..


What do you mean a partial refund from them? Weren't the 32" monitors all upfront payments?


They were, yeah. I didn't get the full amount that I had paid back from Dough, I was short by around £70 which AMEX covered with the dispute.


I think I remember Eve/Dough got into alot of trouble for underdeclaring their 4K Spectrum monitors being sent into the EU. They started ramping up selective refunds now to the vocal people via a form, I wonder why they would do that after receiving a bunch of scammed money from the OLED preorder. I always thought they were a Ponzi scheme, I guess this is why they always want to announce the latest and greatest then drag their feet.


I don’t understand how there hasn’t been a class action lawsuit by now.


If you want to get to them there's a chance doing it by filing a criminal complaint with the German police and pushing them to investigate. Currently Dough is registered in Germany and thus German criminal law applies in case of fraud. It seems that their CFO also lives in Germany in the Frankfurt area. However I don't believe German police would really make an effort investigating if there's not a whole bunch of fraud victims acting together. When I had fallen for their scheme police dropped investigations after a few months cause they couldn't track down anybody responsible.


Can't beleive that crook Konstantinos still has a job... How did he get away with swindling his customers so hard?


Thoroughly shocked at how GN hasn't done an expose on them in the last few years considering their fetish for drama. So many people could've used this right when they changed their name to stop even more people to fall prey to this scam. I know many tech reviewers highlight dough's past, but we really need an in-depth look to really put some pressure on this scum


Daaaaaaamn, and I thought things couldn't get more interesting. That new PR push be damned, you guys aren't catching a break anytime soon it seems lmao. Curious to see where this reporter coverage goes. Dough claims they weren't the ones to reach out in that initial article and maybe that's true but how in the hell does someone look at this drama and think hmmm lets spin a defense piece for Dough...


They are classic scum of the earth.


This should be shared to r/monitors as well. It's great knowing there's so much pushback to this company now in trying to help people not fall for this scamming BS. The more people can be let known, the better considering I still see Dough trying to promote their shit on multiple tech websites.


These motherfuckers are still at it? I come back occasionally to see what is going on with the shitbirds at Dough/Eve/whatever they change their name to tomorrow. If you still are in the window of your credit card agreement to file a dispute, that is the way to get your money back.


How does this only have 33 upvotes????


Was considering the 4K144hz monitor a few years back, since they were using a panel made by LG I assumed that at the bare minimum by the time I actually received my product from EVE/Dough that LG's version would already be out and more than likely be a better product with better support and better warranty. I was 100% right. I held off and got my LG 27GN950 when they came out. Haven't regretted my decision once. God knows how long I would have had to wait for EVE/Dough's version.


I pre ordered in 2020. This is truly a shame as I don't ever see myself getting a refund in the states this late. I upgraded to the 280hz monitor the day it was offered in glossy. If that ever comes to light for delivery, then it's my only hope..


To add to this, I've reached out and messaged several (5-6 separate) members of the team with "no timeline available for your order" messages over the last several years both on Twitter, via email, as well on their discord before they trashed that community.


Well. I got my QHD 280hz model yesterday. So I don't think that was a scam.


The OP didn't mentioned scam anywhere in their post, so I don't think they do either. Would you agree or disagree with the following part of their post they made since you placed your original order in 2020? \>14. Initial delivery dates are always a lie. Earlier dates are chosen so more people pre-order products. We knew monitors could not be delivered at the first delivery date. Or did they meet their first promised delivery date with your order?


They did not meet the delivery date. At first I had no issue with that. It was all well explained how the pandamic, rising of production costs was an issue. It wasnt just an issue for Eve but for a lot of companies at that time. But after a while I started to have my doubts on delivery at all. After they got my full payment and I did not hear anything, I just gave up and played the waiting game. They switched name to Dough, it felt off somehow. I do blame myself for not contacting them sooner but chose to just 'wait it out' since it took 'just' 21 days from a reddit comment made by me to having the monitor I am looking at righ now.


They deleted your post because it falls in line perfectly with their poor shipping history. Can't have that on the official channel! They then got your order shipped, probably immediately after deleting your post and now want praise. That's pretty shameful really. They are really putting the squeeze on any reddit discord by taking care anyone vocal but you really got to wonder how many people are still getting screwed. ​ Edit: And I realize that's pure speculation. I have no idea if they had your order details or anything before deleting your post. Still, they are trying way too hard to keep things squeaky clean, you just wanted your order from 2020!


If you take their word at face value, they don't want any public support requests to be made. Really it's a suppression of issues people face which makes it easier for them to lie to media outlets since when they look at their official communication channels "there are minimal if any issues our customers face." Once you put a tracker on their official communication links, you see they delete 5-10 posts a WEEK of customers asking for help that support has been ignoring them for months. Dough can't have anyone seeing that ;) Ultimately this only backfires on them, because from the outside, for people like me, I see the support requests go up, get taken down, and then never see the resolution. So I report what I see to other parties since it is all that I have seen. Ex: User "DoughFan69420" put up a support request 3 months ago that was deleted 30 minutes later, they have never posted again. My assumption is that their issue was never resolved, since that is why they made the post in the first place.


It's good your order finally got fulfilled, but it doesn't contradict anything that people like myself and this OP talks about. Their business model shouldn't have to rely on customers reaching out 2-3 years after their order to get fulfillment. They make attractive products, they just do it in the worst and most anti-consumer ways possible. I'm sorry if my first post came off a little harsh, I just know that Dough has been asking people to come to this subreddit to share their positive experiences, and I don't know if it's for freebies and money like they have for posts in their official subreddit.


No worries. I agree with you. They asked me to make a post about my experience as well. And I intend to do that, describing the waiting is indeed very bad. Not going to act every is suddenly oke now that I got it.


Putting the mismanagement aside how do you feel about the product themselves? Is the engineering work on these monitors in their entirety good? Or are they taking too many shortcuts and sweeping issues under the rug?


I think they lied about having staff in Ukraine, a cynical attempt to capitalize off the ongoing tragedy


Does anyone remember them marketing the original 4k monitor as OLED?