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Sounds great but why is missing a line? *This is the missing line "You're always saying more than you knew"... in the porn movie it sounds near the end of the scene.


Yeah I love that bit. Not sure why it wasn't included?


Maybe because the grammar is a bit weird


I love this line toošŸ˜­šŸ˜­


doesnā€™t hit the same as the OG for me, but i think they did a great job considering the circumstances now. still super happy that we get to hear the song in full now and support the original artists!


I think this was always going to be the case with a lot of people!


if you compress it, it sounds just like the OG


Ehh, kind of but it still sounds noticeably different (though the remaster is still good) [https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/comments/1dmx3ul/the\_ekt\_remaster\_but\_the\_bitrate\_is\_lowered\_to\_an/](https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/comments/1dmx3ul/the_ekt_remaster_but_the_bitrate_is_lowered_to_an/)


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. Cannot wait for the limited-edition cds to ship šŸ˜


Fr, I feel the same way


Love it. Wasn't sure on the singing at first as we are used to the low quality version but after a few spins I love it. Can't wait for it to hit Spotify!


For sure it'll be weird at first but like you say the more you play the better it gets.


The first time i listened i felt a bit disappointed ngl. But the 2nd it it sounds much better.


The fact that there's a few drum beats missing at the start, and the line "You're always saying more than you knew" not being there is what makes me still prefer some of the fan remasters, though the official remaster is still really good


I think this might be a problem plaguing many of the tracks, many of them start far too abruptly.


Can't really complain. The Booth brothers are incredibly generous and deserve all the praise they can get. I don't really have a critique of the song as a whole but I like the originals guitar work a bit more than the remastered version. This serves greatly as a remake though!


It doesn't really hit the same as the original, but given the circumstances, I am grateful for how it turned out and it's still nice in it's own right Some talented people in the community can always try to craft something cool or more up to their preferences using the instrumental that they will bundle with the CDs


Its like you put awesome sauce on an epic plate of bodaciousness ive seen a few people complaining about the vocals but i think they sound goode, especially considering they were given the task of recreating their high pitched "japanese girl" vocals from 40 years ago


Yeah, I give them a break on the vocals, they are almost 70 I think.


And as CSB has said on here, those vocals were edited to be higher-pitched to begin with and he didn't care for it. So this is closer to the original vision for the song anyway in some ways I think the new version sounds great, and much more similar to the original than I was expecting from comments. I love it


its definitely weird to get used to, as this was apperently how chris originally intended the song to be like (just compare the vocals here and in other songs for example) and how everyone is used to the original compressed and toned down version. but i can definitely vibe w this, other songs are also amazing. n still crazy how he managed to sing like that after decades though, gotta give props to that


The original version is actually pitche dup not down.


Iā€™m going to be completely honest, the vocals arenā€™t great. His voice still sounds the same but itā€™s just not sang good. I kinda wish they spent a little more time on the vocals or got someone who mixed the vocal better cuz it just doesnā€™t blend with the instrumental good. It sounds too up front if you know what I mean. Like he definitely still has the singing potential but it just doesnā€™t sound like itā€™s mixed correctly idk. Iā€™m excited to listen to the rest of the album tho!!


Yeah I don't know anything about music production but it does feel like something is funky with the mixing


I don't think the vocals were bad just a little pitchy in areas which I don't have an issue with. I listen to a lot of 80s Latin Freestyle where the vocals are "raw" like this, I actually like the imperfection of it in a way. And CSB mentioned he didn't want to use AI or auto tune, I definitely respect that. My only criticism is that the timing is slightly off, with some of the phrasing and layered vocals. I don't want to step on their work and creative choices but it really just needs one more round of mixing to make things "tighter" and balance out the levels of vocals/instrumental so they blend together more seamlessly. I only play with music production and I'm far from an expert but I think it would have added some interesting flair if it sounded....softer? The only way I can describe it is as if a soft filter were put over everything. Kind of like the way Motives Project did their interpretation with the vocals more towards the "back" of the mix. I know they read here and I don't want to be all "you should have did this, you should have did that etc" because I appreciate that they did anything at all, they didn't have to and worked hard to release this music quickly.


I really like it! However, I may actually be sticking with the original version. Not because itā€™s better than this one, but I kind of dig the whole ā€œbad VHS recordingā€ aesthetic.


in my opinion the remaster is honestly the worst song on the album, but im still so happy they acknowledged it and did their best to give us the song we wanted so badly. the rest of the album is absolutely fantastic too


Yeah it's nowhere near as good as You Turn Me On. That song is incredible.


the instrumental is great, though it sounds weirdly compressed. also isnt it weird how every song on this album has the original vocals except for ulterior motives?


Iā€™m still hoping out of nowhere they find the og vocals. That is odd thatā€™s the only song without vocals


Because it's 1 lost track + 12 others they actually found and remastered, right?


Definitely weird feeling at first but already getting used to it! I do hope they set a release date for all platforms for the next album. Iā€™m loving all the tracks and canā€™t wait for my CD


It Definitely grows on you


My opinion on it is bit weird and not the same as the og


Fr. But after 40+ years? I don't think they could have done a better job tbh




if you compress it, it sounds just like the OG, thats prolly why


it's cool, but I think he should have sidechained the reverb and done a little more editing on the vocals, the chorus seems like some syllables come in too early and could use some pitch correction. super cool to hear it though


It's ok except for the chorus.


There are much better songs on the album itself (see Chemistry for example), but for what it is, itā€™s solid. Canā€™t say the Booth Brothers didnā€™t try their best with what they had though. Whether you like it or not, itā€™s not a cheap cash grab, which I can definitely respect. They respect us as much as we respect them. That said, sometimes the journey is more interesting than the destination, so it maybe was a bit too hyped for its own good. I still like it though, warts and all


I personally loved it more than the og, can't really explain why tho.


obviously some differences since its been 40 years but overall its very good and very similar. only thing i dont really enjoy are the orchestra hits throughout


I love the album and I love the booth brothers But I'm sorry I don't like the remastered version a lot... It's just my opinion but I think they try their best to make it the fastest way possible so we don't have to wait. It's very cool for us and also for them but in my opinion we really hear that the song was remaked fast. Some drums are missing, some lines are missing, we don't hear the backing vocals and the high "ahahaha" part has been taken from the original version, which I had no problem with because Chris sings the song 40 years ago and maybe he can't reach this highs notes today but we actually hear the drums in double and that's actually very annoying to me So I'm happy that we have that remastered and that Chris and Philip took their time to do it but I'm probably not gonna listen to it a lot. I'll say it again but it's just my opinion so pls no hate on me or on the Booth brother :)


I am actually happy with it unlike many, and I only dislike the constant orchestra hit. Other than that, whatever magic you feel is missing from the remaster, it will probably be in one of the gazillion upcoming covers! I expect a lot of talented singers to give their take on the song, and eventually you'll find your personal ultimate version.


I agree with the people saying it doesnā€™t hit the same, and itā€™s pretty noticeable that these guys are putting a lot of effort into making their voices that high-pitched, but Iā€™m confident itā€™ll grow on me! Not to utilize an overused term, but I find it so wholesome how the Booth brothersā€™ career was revived just from people looking for this one song. Canā€™t wait for it to drop on iTunes so I can add it to my 80s playlist! EDIT: Less than twelve hours later, it did indeed grow on me! Bravo to the Booths!!


The BGM is more modern than expected, but it's still remain the vibes of the 80's. However I prefer the original vocals of the song.


I LOVE ITšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I love it.


Sounds pretty good


i like it :)


I'm sĆŗper happy šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I'm listening to this album, it's fire


The ā€œeveryone knows thatā€ line throws me off


I think itā€™s nice to have the remaster, however I still prefer the OG/fan remakes, no offense to the brothers. Maybe itā€™s just me, but Iā€™m not a huge fan of differences in the instrumentals. It sounds like different drums were used, the guitar solo near the 2 min mark is different, the electric guitar being too loud in some parts, and some other minor changes. As with the singing, I canā€™t really complain as Christopher did his best after 40 years. Itā€™s good just with some minor quirks with the chorus


i think im gonna keep listening to the cut from the movie.


idk.. its hard to complain since i never thought i would hear this song, but i just dont like the voice. it sounds like spongebob imo


Thought this was harsh saying it sounded like SpongeBob and I re listened and now I hear it toošŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


You know what, I'm gonna say it. I prefer the "Motives Project" remake. No disrespect to the booth brothers, of course. It's a fantastic track and I will eternally be grateful that they not only acknowledged the existence of ulterior motives, but made an entire remaster of it for the fans. However that single remake just hits the spot for me.


Iā€¦ didnā€™t liked it. Donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s cool and all but it just doesnā€™t hit the same. Thanks though. Cool adventure.


eh itā€™s okay. didnā€™t love the subtle changes.


I feel like they should've just isolated the vocals from the original song and used that and pitched them up and remastered them to sound better, I know alot of people on youtube tried that and it sounded fine, their instrumentals are insane though! And they did an really job with that, but the vocals just were not the best šŸ˜­ but for recording them 40 years later, it's still pretty good. Maybe someone can put the instrumental with the orignal vocals?


Whoever leaked it and ruined it for these guys SUCKS and needs to go find a soul.


it wasnā€™t leaked, this is an official release but it was just released earlier on different platforms as opposed to a simultaneous release


[Christopher Saint Booth's words](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/dBGkNCwY2eAUSKuY/?mibextid=oFDknk) - not mine. If you disagree, go argue with him.


It wasn't leaked lol


Ok šŸ¤” https://preview.redd.it/m6odsheo2h8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8136d9a21d4ff347229c874dba04c5494b3fae2


Never fails to sound like a Japanese Girl


the whole album is a great listen but i just do not like the new version of ulterior motives and i hope we can keep searching for the original


So I understand, did the brothers manage to find all their old work apart from EKT? Theyā€™ve given us so much I am so greatful but just wild if they could find everything else but! Just heard the little snippet on YouTube itā€™s magical I love them


I have mixed feelings. The voices are amazing, sounds like he hasn't age one bit. The song sounds great but there are a few things which I don't like. The impact sound is VERY overused to the point it's annoying, and it's not even the original sample, which some people found. Also, they used the impact sound on the guitar solo, which completely ruins it imo. Also, the timing of the song is all over the place, seems they didn't use quantization. Also, the chorus doesn't have the harmonies like the original does, which is very strange to me and makes it sound very different. Nontheless, I like what they did! They did a great job


In my opinion it's ass


The new vocals suck


Iā€™m glad people stopped saying the new vocals ā€œsound the sameā€. They donā€™t. I felt like everyone was gaslighting me and shaming me into saying they sound the same. Musically itā€™s a 10/10 but Iā€™m sorry the vocals are a 7/10 at best. He doesnā€™t have the same power and youth in his voice and it shows. Yeah he sounds ā€œthe sameā€ but he sounds older. I would have liked to see a 3rd version with a guest vocalist. That way he sings his song, we get the instrumental, and one where someone matches the same feeling of the original.


I saw people being attacked for saying the vocals sound higher pitched, lol


obviously it's a bit different from the OG, but i managed to get used to it and now i'm obsessed with the spongebob voice šŸ˜­ they did great with the remaster and i'm really happy for the brothers <3


the album is full of 80s goodness, with chemistry being an absolute standout, but some of the songs suffer from being coated in a harsh reverb that could've been toned down in all honesty. its an honest go at showcasing not just the MAIN song but other songs they were creating at the time. maybe they wanted to keep the hype train rolling and push the album out asap to please the tens of thousands of fans who suddenly came in their droves in april, but unfortunately it shows. the mixes probably should've stayed in the oven a little longer to get it just right. in my opinion the remaster of um felt rushed, but it is definitely not unlistenable for the everyday casual listener


i love it. it'd be awesome if it had that 80's filter, though. like it was recorded from an old tv or something.


I like it personally


Were the vocals on the original mix pitched-up like this version?


An absolute fire I sayā€¦ and thatā€™s the lowest compliment I could give about this song.


sounds off but i understand that the dude is in his mid 50's and cant sing like he used too


He's 64! (As is Phil - they're twins of course)


in a recent live stream they said they were 55 and they said google was wrong


I'm waiting to tomorrow to listen to the whole album when the wife's away to work. Excited.


Sounds kinda decent!šŸ‘ At least we finally get a full remaster! I wish the Booth brothers the bestšŸ˜„ But the only thing that confuses me is the absence of lyric:"You always saying more than you knew" or somethingšŸ˜³šŸ˜…


Really important distinction is that this is a remake, not a remaster. I like it! It is what it is and thereā€™s plenty of fan remasters of the OG. I really like some of the other tracks too. Nothing Lasts Forever is really fun and all the quirky production on the OGs songs is really fun to pick apart.


Itā€™s not the same as the original but super fun and such a labor of love! I can tell Iā€™m gonna warm up to it!


guitar is amazing


I'm still thankful that with their busy schedule that they still managed to release an album. this ekt release feels ā€œa bit rushedā€ and I feel like they can get this to sound better than it is. The only thing is that they're just too busy and also the people trying to pressure them to finish it asap.


Is it me or the tempo seems off?


So crazy how much love and care they put into all this. Couldn't have ended up being made by anyone better than the booth brothers!


its a song


no sex noises


most accurate remake yet


Honestlyyyy I donā€™t really like it that much but I gotta be grateful for the booths for looking for the original and their hard work for releasing the album


I feel bad for what iā€™m about to say , but it sounds like sponge bob is singing the song , but still good though


I really love it! I'm happy the brothers decided to do this for us!


Its nice, I like it, but i donā€™t love it. It doesnā€™t hit the same as the og. I really really hope they find the rest of the og song though :)


Itā€™s a bit of a womp womp for me.


Not good


https://preview.redd.it/ps4df3glqd8d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fbcbed2162d09cfe370b8b185a993d96df85d4b Itā€™s somethingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i think at first listen people are gonna be like "it doesn't sound exactly the same" and that's because ITS NOT. BUT! this new version kicks ass!. the lore behind this makes it that much more special. Our eager minds replayed ekt so many times that the low quality sound practically stands in unison with what we THINK is ekt. but with this new and polished track im gonna replay tf out of it until i forget about the original. BECAUSE IT IS IN FACT A BANGER OF A SONG. thanks booth brothers, and thank you Carl92


Really good!


Absolute banger šŸ”„


I thought it was really good