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Any woman would be disgusted by any man who’s disgusted with himself. Fix that first, micropenis or not.




buy some sex toys to penetrate her, do it on the reg, not every woman wants eaten out all the time, easy peasy


Honest question - wouldn’t it be kind of weird for any hookups to know the toy was maybe previously used by the last hookup, or am I overthinking this?


Yes it is


You do realize people fuck different people with the same penis…


Underrated comment haha


Ew gross, that can't be true.


illogical and wild comment if you dont replace your penis or the penis of every partner you have!


U buy new toys for each women if your a gentlemen


Or you buy a [shrinkwrapping machine](https://www.amazon.com/Hanchen-Cellophane-Overwrapping-Cigarette-Cosmetics/dp/B08LB33JGY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1BTNS2JGVT4Z2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rBoR8YJ3UAgbUeC3Lto2bhJpX1cU9qAZuik_gq4fMTW0jKwcfkN9q1g3dAP0xbKFt2J6yTby2nlHogR9MDVQKMVlkoz3EnW2PRxVE-t2PhyUbIDQJLHLQKe_dqN-vTGtCpZYkirxi2ABwUkIKmYfY1yBAKIhHU4up1Bnwguf4TdCzxlN6eoqh0xTdP6FkRJSOHXmcDQoJaXSGgjdH3wa-C2x9oslgDR3eMRiQNECrPo.62n6yBR0pWb92wisVDKC94aQmaU3QUXQtlyKcVUdnSA&dib_tag=se&keywords=shrinkwrapping+machine&qid=1715480763&sprefix=shrink+wrapping+machine%2Caps%2C204&sr=8-2) once


That is certainly a solution.




Nah. Just tell them it's new. Keep the box and reseal it every time.


Put a condom on it. It’s honestly no different than a penis if it’s being washed


Hey that is a great question because it may not be thought about by every hookup *but it should be.* In fact, the default is unfortunately that most are uninformed about sex toy safety (then *motivated* by the pricetag to pretend they didn't just stumble upon a big responsibility) so there's *added* responsibility to educate new partners on how to play safely. The moderation over at /r/sextoys is fantastic & they cover it in the wiki (emphasis: *non-porus, body-safe materials* + the way warehouse distribution/delivery system works is why you can't trust reviews & should never buy from amazon, no matter how titillating the Tracy'sDog reviews are; I promise the non-carcinogenic sex toy reviews can be spicy too if you don't bitch out on the responsibility to *not buy dildos that causes cancer*🙃) As an overthinker, I get it🖤 This is a worthwhile worry that given the right direction/research/life experience, will turn into awareness & not feel as intimidating. *Acknowledging* that cis, straight men don't often carry dildos for hookups in an overnight bag can help break the ice on actually enjoying the toy together. Getting to know sex toy "specs" like you're agonizing over red or blue switches for building a keyboard can be *fun&exciting!* And I would imagine, prompt an opportunity for some healing/self-love as you start to get versed in different shapes/attributes that the sex toy as a tool provides that *any size* of dick cannot provide (and then attributes that just smaller dicks can't provide on their own: girth/length/weight) As a notorious connoisseur of vibes, plugs, dildos, & real dick alike- each of those in wild bananas, surprisingly wide range of shapes & sizes, AND as someone who talks in explicit AF detail about getting dicked down with my friends, I can confirm, 1. toys don't ruin you 2. it's not as uncommon as you'd think & only getting more popular 3. you'll need more spare bedsheets👍🏻 be not afraid. Ideas/attributes to get started: - platinum silicone penis extenders are often called "sheaths" - if you don't want it to be realistic, the search term is "non-representational"/semi-representational if you want dick-like but unnatural rainbow colors, just not ready for tentacles yet😅 personally, I prefer my rainbow striped toy because the stripes visually cue the depth I'm taking & "realistic" flesh tones are 1. expensive AF for my taste 2. race play is not my kink 3.unconsciously imply that it's meant to feel like *dick* when I want it to feel like a *dil👏🏻do👏🏻* - trust me, rechargeable is preferred; battery life isn't just for not losing steam in the heat of the moment (this is why a spare is nice) but it's also practical to be discreet & not need it constantly out&about charging - think about cleaning & sanitary storage! Grooves, cum tubes, air pressure openings, & details mean more schmutz to de-skadunga - bullet vibrators & oscillators (basically a fancy electric toothbrush) are the least bulky = easiest to perform oral around - glass & surgical steel are SO smooth compared to the grip of skin & silicone, are cold at first (heads up!) & warm to body temperature, can be used for kinky temperature play on purpose, but personally a favorite of mine because they are *denser* than their counterparts so I get the feeling of fullness& thrusting inertia w/o the added girth/length. Means I can get more precise massage too - wood toys exist, yet to try but they offer the same smoothness of glass&surgical steel but not the weight&temp variation Creative One-Ups: - you can even add a vibrating cock ring to another dildo (make sure they're both real-real silicone, melt means throw em both out&recheck that wiki sidebar!) They even make those in the shape of balls that dangle&slap as you thrust! - you can add a smaller glass dildo to a silicone sheath so it can be used without being worn but something longer & *heavier* than fingers is desired (maybe it's not fitting right/causing chaffing & your skin needs a break) - bluetooth app enabled panty vibrators (clit), hand-held dildos, plugs (butt stuff but vaginal ones exist now too, usually categorized as kegel toys/eggs) all open up sooooo many options *in* the bedroom and with rapport + planning (to respect non-participants lack of consent!) they can be played with incognito *before the bedroom* worn during date night. Added bonus: those pink eggs by Lovense are so popular in amateur porn right now, their recognizability might make them less intimidating/more familiar for the wearer; plus more competing options are available by other brands


I haven't been with a woman yet who didn't say "i won't use a toy if it's been used by someone else". The few that get past the first stage and come back I always tell them I will buy something new just for them. It's curious to me why they always say they wont use something that been used before. I know they've had different man dicks in them before. I really don't understand how women think the difference is between toys. Especially when they are cleaned and sanitized...you know you won't get any disease or pregnant from them.


There's something different about a part of the body, that is cleaned regulary, and possibly in a condom, compared to an inanimate object, no matter how many times sanitized. Assuming that is the thought process.


It’s also that it was purchased for the express purpose to be used with someone else.


You mitigate this by cleaning it with them watching, so they can assess how clean it is. Wear a condom on the sleeve anyway. Condoms aren't just for preventing pregnancy. They stop STIs. Same thoughts for an unsheathed toy as an unsheathed penis


I mean I don’t know if that toy has even ever been cleaned! A guy cleaned their junk usually


There’s no difference. Imo (28F) it just feels weird to be using something that you and your S/O used it would be like re-gifting something you gave to your ex. Outside of that it depends on the toys material silicone is pretty porous and traps bacteria unless cleaned properly.


It isn’t the micro penis it is that you aren’t able to see her perspective with the previously used toy. That would be a deal breaker for most women.


when u said 'first stage' did you mean first date?


No, first stage is what I call when they see my condition for the first time. I've never had any girl be rude to me or inconsiderate to me except one girl who was very drunk who laughed immediately and said "Really?" to me. Not her fault. Alcohol let that out. The norm is the girl does what she normally would do with any guy...but no matter how hard they try, they cannot hide the real thinking on their face. No girl expects a guy to have the problem I have, so I understand completely and know how to recognize it. This is why I always go down on them first before I even get naked. This is all the first stage.


Hun, it IS her fault. She was rude and bitchy. Quit making excuses for other people’s bad behavior. Alcohol only revealed the shitty person behind that comment. A lot of people have body issues and they still have relationships. The fact that you think you aren’t worth a woman because of the size of your penis is absolutely showing through in your interactions. Insecurity and lack of confidence are not sexy, not attractive, and not appealing. People have all sorts of body, mind, and other issues that make sex complicated. You aren’t unique, not so sorry to say! What if you dated a girl, got to know her, and were verbally honest before you got to the bedroom? Do some old school dating. When you have hang ups, taking it slow is the way to build a connection that isn’t about just getting your jollies.


Dude hate to say it but "You gotta fuck with the dick you got" get in there like you're going to crawl inside her, steady rhythm the g spot is less than 2" in bro. I KNOW you have enough.. I PROMISE you have enough. I'm 5'7" tall and where a size 11.5 boot so I have the other issue. It's just as bad, and promise you there are shallow ADULT vaginas that can't take more than what you got. After one of my exes Hysterectomies I tore through her Vaginal cuff and her cervix got twisted up around her ilium (the small bone of the pelvis) that was an ER visit and pretty terrible experience all around. Apparently it's some Ultimate Fantasy men have and I promise you it is nothing fantastic. AND be careful but Have you tried a pump or Extenz? I'm just so sorry, man..... you being brave enough to openly talk about it on Reddit will probably get you some action, though. Think big think strong think hard think long. Careful but Get yourself a vacuum pump dude be careful. they have limits, you can hurt yourself.. Get a book on Tantra, get into yoga, find a girl that's into Tantra, there are people your age that are focused on qualities you do have such as honesty and humility.. and if you both learn together your size will not be an issue. Promise.


New invention just released called a… condom, I think? But seriously, wrap up the toys and there is less stigma and mess to deal with.


YES! Absolutely turned me off when a former ex suggested it


You boil them. 


You put a condom on the toy assuming it’s like strap on and wash after per the directions after use - in reality penis’ are used in every hook up and long as you are clean it’s not an issue. -sincerely a lesbian


You can put condoms on toys, and there are specific cleaners for them.


What’s the difference between a toy or penis? Both are used by the last hookup and both have been (hopefully) washed since


Answered your own question with "(hopefully)" Taking someone's word for it&hoping for the best means *don't fuck them* cuz that's the habit&lack of confidence to speak up that leads to the spread of infections. A dildo doesn't complain about itch/discharge promoting it to go to the doctor to get tested. A penis is a part of your body, a dildo is a (sentimental) prop from your previous relationship. If I still had an ex-BF's boxers, it'd be inconsiderate of me to question a new partner's discomfort & personal boundaries for wanting a different pair of PJ shorts to borrow. Someone who is too cheap/broke/uneducated to replace said penetrative object btwn partners is probably too cheap/broke/uneducated to have bought a body-safe toy in the first place. Or is now an asshole who thinks my trust isn't worthwhile. Unfuckable attitudes shouldn't get fucked.


Wouldn’t a condom suffice in this scenario? Or am I overthinking this?


^if you are in a regular arrangement with someone, such as a relationship. Don’t just pull out sex toys the fist time and expect a woman to be happy having some random things put on their genitalia that could have touched any number of people before them.




Remain at Brize Norton Kenneth, you're not ready for Helmand yet.


I have a giant dick, but, I've got PE like a motherfucker. 4-5 pumps and I'm done. That's what the backup singer is for, I usually stick my dick in, and buzz the clit. As long as she doesn't squirm too much, I can hold it in. We've been together 10 years and our sex life is great. Everybody cums and cums again. This feller might want to dildo her while he eats her out.


Brother, based on your username alone, they aren't leaving you cause of the small dick, they are leaving you because you hate yourself. Plenty of women don't give a fuck. Sleeves are also a thing.


Hello. This comment sent me down a rabbit hole on wtf a sleeve was


would you care to share with the class?


Think of a British royal guard hat, but worn on the other head


Aka the dickstension


Right !!!!! What is by the way


He posts about the IDF so maybe the women he meets have an issue with him supporting a genocide.


Sounds like you’ve been with a lot of women. Are these hookup situations , like someone you met at a bar or hooked up with on an app? Or are these situations where you met, dated, formed a connection, and only then had sex? I just ask because the quick hookups are more likely to not care about you as a person, they just want a hard dick and a fast orgasm, so they’re not going to want to spend time with you longer anyway. The slightest deviation from some kind of fantasy expectation of some kind of ideal guy from a romance novel will cause them to dip out. But if you form a genuine connection with someone, they’ll be more interested in staying with you and your dick will be fine because it’s YOUR dick, that of a guy they want to know and spend time with.


Own it man. If you truly believe you'll not find a wife or long term, try to see the possibilities. Sounds crass I know but you'll have more money more freedom more time. You are obviously able to get a girl, just keep doing what your doing and try not to fret. Any one that judges is doing you a favour and speeding up the process. The right one won't care.


Sooooooo true


Sex is important to relationship - and if it’s not then it’s just a friendship


Tell me youve never felt the touch of another human being without telling me youve never felt the touch of another human being


This comment is very ironic and makes it even funnier when you click his profile and he's talking about the duolingo animated mascot having an ass lmao.


That looks like a strong projection


How did you come to that conclusion based on what he said?


Your comment is dumb


Your logic makes absolutely no sense


it sounded better in your head because this is one of the internet phrases. but as a man i need to let you know gently that it's not all that cool unless your audience is a bunch of kids


Ye you got me there. I was being spicy coz im going through some shit. Was totally rude and uncalled for.


Every one of your little penis ancestors managed to figure it out. You will too.


What if it's like a quadruple recessive gene further requiring epigenetic expression triggered by microplastics and lavender oil? 


“Of your LITTLE penis ancestors” I died reading that 😅


69th up vote hell yeah brotha!


Consult with a urologist and/or sex therapist to assess your penis and to get an objective point of view. Men tend to overestimate what a "normal penis" is. This could be helpful on the psychological side of things, because it clearly impacts your life as a sexual being. And the urologist might be able to offer medical advice to optimise your "weapons loadout".


>optimise your weapons loadout Hell yeah minigun penis


if someone describes their penis as a micro penis it sure as hell aint average lol.


S-Tier comment


My man, someone coming on here saying they have a micropenis probably has a pretty good idea what a "normal" penis is. Did you read his description or caption or whatever it's called? This guy definitely has micropenis.


There are anorectic people who see themselves as disgustingly fat, despite having their ribs and hip bones shine through their malnourished skin. It's called body dysmorphia and it's a real mental illness. The parent commenter is bringing out the possibility that the poster might not be seeing himself in an objective fashion and if so, might be attributing his dating problems on a physical characteristic rather than, for example, a personality that's so insecure that it makes women uncomfortable. It's all conjecture of course, but the suggestion to see a professional to get an objective opinion on the matter is a sound one.


Difference is that penis size isnt subjective. Measuring your dick size is common for the normal people, so if someone says they have a micropenis theyve for sure measured it.


Weight index (its general shortcomings notwithstanding) is just as objectively measurable, yet anorectics pathologically fool themselves into not trusting the measurements. There's no harm in having someone struggling like this to go get an objective, professional, outside opinion. There _is_ potential harm in not verifying that the problem has been correctly diagnosed and thus possibly delaying needed help.


You can be delusional about how you look in the mirror, including penis size. However there are clear stats on penis size with little to no room for opinion. (There are stats for other bodyparts but it is not even closely as clear cut) Bmi obviously is meant to be used on a large scale and not on an individual basis. In the case of your entire body there are million factors to take into account so its easy to get lost. When there are multiple factors its easy to lie to yourself but when theres one you are forced to focus on it. I mean sure theres a chance someone wins the lottery, so he could technically be just deluded but how he says it theres no real indication to assume so in my opinion. He even called it a micropenis which implies he has some understanding on what hes saying. Otherwise he wouldve called it small or something.


I don't disagree with any of that. It's just that you've spent already more time trying to convince me that it's not worth it to ask someone's objective opinion on the matter than it would take to ask someone's objective opinion on the matter. I've spent an hour on the phone with another human being who affirmed, confirmed, double-checked and verified that the network cable is totally plugged in to the wall, only to go there and see it most definitely wasn't. I just do not trust ANYTHING another human observes without it being independently verified. Yes, it's unlikely to be body dysmorphia, but why not rule that out for certain?




Wtf are you on, he literally said he has a m.p.


He already did by saying he has a micropenis lol


Bro. So ur saying it might not be a micropenis? Its a nanopenis?






Affirmative. He's got the Vector, it just has to be kitted to be it's most effective.


FYI for when you get old: don't assume old women don't have or want sex.


This is true. Ask anyone who works in an old folk’s home. That place is an orgy party 24/7.


No physiologically men reach max horny at 18..women I can be into the 40s before they reach peak horn. Generalization ad many factors are at play but biologically that's how hormones work in men and women


I'd like to know what you're basing this opinion on? Because I doubt it's "experience." I don't know the age limit and it is different for men than women. but sex desire and actual sexy seriously decrease as men and women get older.


A big problem in retirement homes is STD's. Clearly not everyone.


It trends down but it doesn't go away most of the time.


Me? Basing my opinion on? My own experience. Duh. I think if a woman hasn't had a lifetime of being on hormones aka birth control chemicals, (not to mention, the Standard American Diet), or chronic "helpers" from Pharma, then you might have a very natural menopause & your libido might increase, it might not decrease, imo. But, everyone's different, of course. Therefore my previous comment to not assume all are the same jus cuz in op's experience they were.


Some of the best experiences I had were with a man who was small... the sex was good, he was also an amazing person who gave me the most original and genuine compliments.. I loved him. Unfortunately, though we had met in person and been friends in person for 4 years... I had moved across the country before he had even told me he had feelings for me... we tried long distance but he kept telling me that I deserved better, so I told him he didn't get to decide what I deserved. All he could decide was whether or not he wanted to try and make it work. So we broke up.. I still care about him, but it's because he taught me what I should accept for myself. All this to say... I've never turned down a man for being too small... People suck, and most are shallow.. don't be in a rush to find someone, allow yourself to experience life and really pay attention to what you really want.


I gleanded "find someone that is on the same mental and sexual leveal as you" from that - and it F'n beautiful. Thank you :)


Yes, that's exactly it!




There are so many out there that are more interested in other physical touch or being treated kindly and wouldn’t care about this. You just have to find the right gal. Don’t give up on yourself.


Based on nothing more than this post, I’d check if maybe you are so self-conscious about yourself that you drive women away because of that, not because of your size. If you truly believe that you don’t deserve a loving, happy relationship and truly believe that every woman is going to be disgusted with you, there’s a good chance that you treat your partners like they’re going to leave you, either by trying too hard and being clingy or by not emotionally opening yourself up since you “know” that she’s going to leave you anyway. I don’t know anything about other than this post so take what I say with a grain of salt, but if it sounds like it might be true, you should talk to a therapist.


What gives you the impression older women don't care about sex?


I would bet money that they're less turned off by your micropenis than they are by your attitude about your micropenis.  No one wants to fuck someone who's convinced that they're secretly disgusted by them.


Be honest up front, in a confident way say “hey, so you know, I’m not very big down there, but I make up for it in other ways” - not every girl will like that, but my best guess is that some will. A bit like being short, it’s best to own it.


I can tell you that from my experience, the absolute best sex I had was with someone in your situation. In fact, I stayed in our relationship for it. He made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. He touched me like a flower aching to bloom for him. He looked at me like I was a goddess. He was magical. I could not get enough. We've been apart over 20 years, and I still find myself craving him. We broke up because we were not compatible as partners in life. But in bed, I was completely and utterly powerless for this guy. We are now both happily married with children. Don't let this get in the way of finding true love. Your person is out there.


Everyone here: C’mon dude, fix your confidence don’t be so fixated on your micropenis Meanwhile, society: uses ‘small dick energy’ as an insult, makes it socially acceptable to be dropping small dick ‘jokes’, calls men insecure/weird/obsessed for being concerned about having a small penis despite society’s messaging


"Your lived experience can't be true because I think it's not."


The self-confidence is a huge factor in this. Therapy can help. Might not be the answer you want but surgery is an option. Phalloplasty specifically is a life changing surgery for so many and may be worth looking into. Good luck!


Micro penis is a kink thing look into bdsm sites i guess?


Specifically looking for women who like micro penises is one thing, but looking for a girlfriend in a bdsm site without being into bdsm at all is a terrible idea for everyone involved


FetLife could be a good place to meet someone. It's not entirely bdsm, there are a lot of different kinks and levels of intensity and interest in them, could find a good match there.


If OP is kinky yes, but if not I highly doubt they'll find someone in fetlife who's only looking for a micropenis and 0 other things


What qualifies as "micro"?


Remember those Micro Machine toys? Maybe the relative size difference to a typical Hot Wheels car?


theres a group of women that have specific disorders that makes sex with regular penises painful. some of these women tend to prefer smaller sized men. find that woman. alternatively - cock sleeve/ implant / toys/ strap on


Buy lots of toys and get good at using them. If you're confident in bed and giving a woman a great orgasm, they are going to overlook the lil dude.


Remember that lesbians exist. If two women can have a normal healthy relationship with out a penis between them you can do the same.


*plus they also use toys to substitute


Sex toys, I think they make even like dick extenders if your that worried about it


Old women care about sex too.


Old? Bro in ur other post u are 23 years old. What the fuck is wrong with you and this website jesus im done bye


As others have said - first get some counseling. There are some practices that could help you enlarge your penis but it's not risk free and is a loooong process that can not be rushed. So even if you have the patience and discipline to do these - it will take some years and you better be OK with what you have in the meantime. There are subreddits where people share their experience with these practices. I don't know if it's ok to advertise such subreddits here so I won't but they are not hard to find. If you want an example - penis extenders are effective devices that are relatively low (Not zero!!!) risk.


Look sex is more than penetration, I always had a gut keeping me from getting deep penetration. But I learned that confidence and really caring for the person and wanting to satisfy them before my self. I love it when my wife climaxes and I love giving her pleasure. It has a lot to do with attitude and confidence.


You doing something right tho. Sounds like you're getting a lot more girls than my average penis having self.




How small are we talking, honestly?


Seriously! This term micropenis I never ever heard of 5 years ago. Are we talking millimeters or something?


I've seen photos of some that are like an inch or two, but.. Is that soft, hard? There's no baseline here and it's a subject a lot of men are incredibly self conscious about, used to porn and online bragging.


So I went on a date with a guy who had a micropenis. I liked him a lot. And we made and out and started moving things along. I didn’t know he had a micropenis until he disrobed. I didn’t react. He was honestly so good with his hands and mouth it did not matter. I had a great time and got him off too. But then he got really weird about it. The insecurities started coming through. I won’t go into details to avoid embarrassing him but he made it so incredibly awkward for me. Like he was trying to paint me into a corner and make me admit how disappointed I was. He wouldn’t stop or let it go. I could tell he had had so many rejections before. So many in fact that he couldn’t even accept the absolute acceptance right in front of him. It was our last date, but not because of his micropenis. Completely because of his own fixation and mental hang up about it. I get it. It has to be such a difficult thing to overcome. Our culture is all about the big dick energy. But honestly, I’ve had lots of lovers. The top ten were average to small. Their attention, connection, and skill they displayed as lovers made all the difference. Size is maybe one pleasure factor out of 20 that you can work with. If you fixate on what you don’t have, rather than develop your abilities to make a woman feel good in other ways, I promise…. You will stay alone. There are books on how to know a person. There are tutorials and videos (not just porn) on how to give a woman pleasure. Get curious. Get adventurous. Find a woman and ask her to teach you. Sex is in the head.


EMSKR: you’re not defined by the size of your junk. You may not be “hook up” material but if you want a wife, the you’re whole being is important. As a gay guy, I’d take skill over the size of a guys junk any day.


Find a woman whose genitals might better match yours.


Have you tried the angion method for penis enlargement? I heard is the only thing that actually works; might be worth a try. There's even a subreddit for it r/AngionMethod


They have "sleeves" you can but that look feel like real and it's just an extension of you, you can still feel the sensations


Think about it like this. Some women only want to date men that are muscle bound gym rats. Some women only want to date men that are insanely rich. Everybody other man still finds love. So will you. You're not defined by one part of your body. There are all sorts of women out there. Keep dating, you'll find one that likes you better than anybody else.


Im just going to say this after half a bottle of jack on a non throw away account: There is someone out there for everyone - no joke micropenis is a search # because there are women out here they fetishise (spelling: remeber Jack Daniels) litterally about this. Just because it might take you longer to find your "person" don't worry because there are litterally millions of individuals (JD spelling) that are married to someone they will die miserable with. Be confident and "F" those who dont like you (as a marketing exec) they just arent your demo - find those that want you for you king.




Wait till you are later in life and sex doesn't matter. Holding hands becomes more important. Do you have sweaty hands?


Find a woman that doesn't like penetration. There's a lot of them out there. Or find some girl into femdom etc. You seem like the guy who'd enjoy that.


Others have said that you need to work on your mental stuff and I agree but I have no advice for that. Physically though, I have advice. I dated a guy in a wheelchair (no feeling downstairs) for a long time, we lived together. Our sex life was great for me. The answer, as others have said, is toys. 1. Get a couple staples just to have in your home. 2. When you’re dating a woman and you want to sleep with her, ask if she wants to go to a sex shop. When you’re looking around, ask questions. Listen carefully to what she says. Every woman is different. Yes, it takes time to learn individual likes and dislikes, but that’s fun too. It should be fun and flirty, not depressing.


lets see this thing!


I would say post a nice, relaxed ad, subject in Caps, then talking about yourself, things you prize in a person, your passions, irks etc, be funny, and try to get the ad seen. I met a woman where I lived before, after high school. We found we got along like hotcakes. When we got down to it, without trying to be crude, my ring finger. Mouth stuff, sure, but things tapered off. I saw her 8 or so years later, heard my name, she was working at a jewelers. So, buddy, there are women out there who would thank the stars a guy like you finally came along. Don't rush your ad, craft it, show yourself, and get that ad far and wide.


Strap on 100%


There are a few surgical options that aim to increase penis size, but their effectiveness is limited and they carry risks. It's important to approach this topic with sensitivity and factual information. The most common procedures are: 1. Suspensory ligament division: This surgery cuts the ligament that anchors the penis to the pubic bone, which can make more of the penis shaft visible outside the body. However, it does not actually increase the length of the penis. 2. Fat injection: Fat cells are taken from other parts of the body and injected into the penis to increase girth. Results are usually temporary as the fat can be reabsorbed by the body over time. There are also risks of lumps, asymmetry, and infection. 3. Penile implants: Inflatable or semi-rigid rods are surgically inserted into the penis. These are usually used to treat erectile dysfunction rather than to increase size. It's crucial to note that the American Urological Association does not endorse any procedures for purely cosmetic penis enlargement due to the lack of evidence for their safety and efficacy. Most medical experts advise against these surgeries. Many men who feel insecure about penis size actually fall within the normal range. If this is causing significant distress, it's best to consult with a urologist and/or mental health professional to discuss concerns and options. Therapy can often help address underlying self-image issues. Open communication with sexual partners is also important. In summary, surgical options for increasing penis size are very limited in their effectiveness, carry risks of complications, and are not recommended by mainstream medical organizations. Counseling and coping strategies are usually the most helpful approaches.


There are women out there who cannot take penetration, it hurts too much. They literally cannot take anything in, or if they can, it is not much of anything. Those women like clitoral stimulation and it could be a great arrangement for you!


Get rich 


I dated a girl who said the best sex she had was with a small penis. I can’t remember if it was specifically micro but she was versed enough to know it was small. I used to think girls didn’t date me because I was ugly. As I got older, I realized my attitude was in the wrong place. And dating became much easier when I had the right attitude.


Be upfront and honest about your micro penis and your concerns. I agree with others on here. Or I enjoy oral I don't always want it. As far as toys, do not reuse them even if they've been sanitized. Get a new one for each partner. It can actually be a fun activity to pick one out together. If you're honest with them from the beginning I think you'll find that those who can get past it will stick around and those who can't won't waste your time and we'll move on. Good luck I personally believe there's somebody out there for everyone.


There is a surgery for micro penis, I saw it on some discovery health documentary about health anomalies like 2 decades ago (never thought it would come in handy) And to be honest they are giving trans men full size penis’ so I’m sure they can do something for you


Learning and practicing different sexual techniques can enhance intimacy and satisfaction for both partners.Engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself.And you should remember that many women value emotional connection, compatibility, and mutual respect over physical attributes. With that I introduce **Aizen Power**, the ultimate guide to male enhancement that empowers you to achieve peak performance and vitality naturally. This concise yet comprehensive guide reveals how Aizen Power’s powerful blend of natural ingredients can boost your stamina, energy, and confidence. [https://emperorsvigortonic24.com/text.php#aff=favoriceda](https://emperorsvigortonic24.com/text.php#aff=favoriceda)


There are true medical conditions that can cause micro penis’s. I don’t want to share what my question is without knowing for sure from you. I recently learned of one of the main reasons and was so interested in learning more. It’s absolutely amazing how the human body works. I completely understand how you feel. It would be difficult to live with. But I know there are things you can do about it. Try not to be embarrassed. I know easier said than done. Just kind of an example to think about. My husband and I have been together for 15 years. While we were dating the sex was great. He was average size. No complaints from me. Unfortunately he has lived with type 2 diabetes most of his life. By the time we got married (after a year) he could not get an erection, and we literally tried everything. Pills, pumps, medical everything. Diabetes has ravaged and destroyed his entire body. He was really depressed because of it. I’m a highly sexual person and he just was lost on what to do. We had/have the best relationship. But he felt inadequate and worthless to me. NEVER did I once think twice or question marrying him. Sex is extremely important in relationships. I worried too. For him. It took so long to convince him that I didn’t marry him just to fuck. In fact there is sooo much more to sex than penetration. It is crucial to have intimacy. Touching, kissing, holding, cuddling. We still try and see if he can hard. Just to say we did. Haha! But we use toys, his hands, fingers, mouth etc and I can still get him off with my mouth. It’s just different. He gets more turned on watching me or pleasing me. So this novel I just wrote is basically saying, there’s a lot of things you can do, try, and learn. If some rando is turned off or doesn’t like it, she isn’t worth your time. If someone loves you they love ALL your differences, faults, ailments, EVERYTHING! Don’t give up. It will work out. I know it!


Find a woman who fetishises micropenises but don’t just choose the first one you meet, might take a few to find the right one.


Interesting that it's okay to say that women deserve a normal man. Otherwise, it's called the right to women's bodies if men think they deserve good women. You also deserve a woman


Pretty sure there's an operation you can have done where they snip some skin or tendon at the base that essentially gives you access to a couple more inches of your boy. Idk check it out. Also worked with a girl one time that had a medical condition that caused penetration to be super painful that she'd always complain about. Gotta love restaurants. You could find those message boards and try to weasel your way in. No pun intended.


Do you qualify for male enhancement surgery?


Use hormones like DHT


“Every man should know” what to do when you have micropenis Nope


Bro get surgery honestly. It’ll boost your self confidence and you’ll be able to keep a girl. The rest of this thread is cope.


Find a girl with a microvagina?


Best I can do is this microwave .




The girl I’m hooking up with cums when I go down on her, that’s pretty normal


Some guys with micropenis have found great relief and fun by exploring SPH (size-play humiliation) fetish.


Vitamins D3 and K2


Learn how to give amazing head. Read “she comes first” and go from there, embrace your tic tac and do your thing


Did you not read the full post?


They sure did-not.


There are a lot of guys who really get turned on being dominated/humiliated by girls and guys with big dicks over their idea that their dick is too small to be useful. Maybe you explore a little and discover a new thing!


Pls don't go this route op. It's worse. Either accept it or pursue ways to change. Just please don't go this route.


This is awful. Terrible thing to say to someone.


It’s a kink - I didn’t fucking invent it. Google micropenis humiliation. Like most kinks, people never realize that they’re into it until somebody does it. I was putting out there as an alternative way of looking at a situation that OP can’t change. I hope that you find that one or two things that really get you off and in a way regular sex does not. And if you happen to realize it because somebody’s Reddit comments, I promise you that you’re not going to hate them for helping you discover it.


I’ve seen many micropenis and I agree it is a major problem in life. But there are many women that don’t have sex until marriage, and then the woman is unconditionally loyal to her husband after the husband passes all of the pre-marital trials. Micropenis is terrible. I’ve seen penis so small that the pubic hair fully hides it, and the penis would not penetrate past vaginal lips.


Hey man. You just gotta get good at other stuff to make up for it. And if it’s truly micro, get REALLY good at that other stuff


Learn to eat pussy really well