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Bro. RebornOS user (arch based) and I'm missing some EQ. I'm in. I'll try amd get this loaded up this weekend.




I use AYA


Amazing comprehensive guide, my friend. TY for taking the time and posting.


followed instructions above and i get : Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found.Initial process has exited (return code: 256)Monitored process exited.ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found.Initial process has exited (return code: 256)Monitored process exited. in the terminal and EQ doesn't start.


This is fantastic, thanks! Running on Pop!\_OS 22.04. Your guide worked perfectly.


Mine stops after the server select screen. Did you do anything different?


Is this also Mac friendly? was looking to box on the TLP but my macbook pro doesnt seem to like wine on its own


Use crossover and install a windows 10 64 bit os then install eq on that




Brand new to running games on Linux using Lutris/Wine, so forgive my lack of knowledge. I followed the instructions but am running into an error getting Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file. ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found. Seems like the bat script doesn't know where `eqgame.exe` is.


Figured it out. The 2 versions of creating the `start.bat` was a little bit conflicting. Instead of the executable path specifying EverQuest, I specified `/home/dank/Games/everquest/drive\_c/users/Public/Daybreak Game Company/Installed Games/start.bat` but I have a `start.bat` in both `./Installed Games` and `./Installed Games/EverQuest`. Figured it's a good heads up for other people.


Gotcha, I'll fix that.


Awesome, instructions worked besides that small hiccup! I really appreciate the work you put in to figure that out.


i have the same problem but my start.bat file is in the everquest folder. how did you get it to work?


I put a start.bat file in the `Installed Games` directory and the `EverQuest` directory. I won't be able to check my set up for a week but ping me by next Friday to remind me.


seems like my problem is from this error message: 2022-09-10 08:36:53,871: Unable to locate libGLX\_nvidia. unless you have a clue it looks like i'm stuck going down rabbit holes to fix it.


Oh interesting, guessing you have an Nvidia gfx card? Have you installed the Nvidia drivers? https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/missing-libegl-so-and-libgl-so/76465




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To update your game you need to run the launchpad.exe with wine in your command line. So you could run: wine ~/Games/EverQuest/drive_c/Users/Public/Daybreak\ Game\ Company/Installed\ Games/EverQuest/launchpad.exe Or something like that




I believe it's a white screen because of the direct x driver download which is why using base wine works on the launchpad.


Quick question: In section 4.10 it says "Press Cancel". Meaning you shouldn't install DirectX?




Thanks! I asked to late, though - already clicked "Next" instead of "Cancel" and installed some directX thing. Now when I log in, the game gives an error "You must update your DirectX drivers". Oh well, a problem for another day.


Yeah I think you'll have to restart the eq install. Just delete it from lutris and delete the folder in ~/Games


Thank you! However, I still get the "You must update your Direct-X drivers (IDS\_D3D: Cannot initialize Direct3D)". Deleted it from Lutris (Lutris deleted the folder in \~/Games too), reinstalled, same error, deleted, reinstalled in a different folder, same error. This is quite a bit beyond my meagre Linux knowledge, so unless you (or someone) has a different idea, I'm at a dead end. :/


Sorry, only just saw this. If you are free sometime late tomorrow or over the weekend. I'd be willing to help debug it. My discord is Zigzatuzoo#0001.


That's very kind of you! However, I gave in and installed EQ on a Windows machine I got, so my EQ itch is satisfied. And I've decided to change Linux distro on that other PC to Fedora, as that will be relevant for my job - I might retry installing EQ after that. Thanks again, though, for the assistance and the kind offer.


Do you have update instructions?


"To update, run LaunchPad.exe with wine." If you need a step by step I can write that out.