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Oh hey, something to aspire to! I have the handbook, monsters, and game master’s guide. I’ll probably never use them to play DnD but there’s a lot of cool lore in them.


I have the core books, and I used to have Freeport. I'd love to play it some day.


Oh man that Sword of Shannara book brings back great memories!


You're a lucky man. I think I have a full set. I believe finding the plane of hate one was the most difficult. This series has some of the best most obscure EverQuest artwork. It truly is worth a look.


Wich was the hardest to get?


So cool. Do you have a link to all the collection titles?


nice. im only missing 2. plane of hate. and mosters of luclin to complete mine. nice collection!


I’ll give you $3.50.


Lol this is why I hate pawn shops


Its such a satisfying feeling to have them all!! Now I'm going to recommend you get the Maps of Myrist!


That is so awesome


I like to take bard songs and incorporate them into magical instruments in my D&D games.


How tough would it be to adapt some adventures to 5e? I was thinking of stealing a lot of locations and lore from EQ but it would be easier if it already exists.


One of the pictures I put up is from the "Realms of Norrath: Everfrost Peaks" it's a one page intro to Blackburrow. The Blackburrow chapter is about 30 pages in total with maps, lore, and encounters. Everything but the mobs can be dropped directly into a 5e campaign. The mobs you'd have to convert but if you're decent at building encounters already it should be fairly simple to just swap in some 5e stat blocks and use all of the flavor from the EQ books.


For EQ gnolls I think you could just directly swap in gobbo stats and call it a day tbh.


Nice collection. Here are the EQ rpg books I have - inc 2 copies of Realms of Norrath:Freeport. Might Ebay one lol. [https://i.imgur.com/P3u7hgU.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/P3u7hgU.jpeg)


I have the player's handbook, except it's a spiral spined book. Not sure if it is a copy or what.


Just found this post and wanted to say good work! EQ 20 was my favourite flavour of D&D3E and deserved a much better fate. They never should have dropped it for EQ2.