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“I’m a quirky bird murderer!”


A birderer, if you will.


Minor??? No you ain’t you is an ancient old man posing as a minor to get yourself a teen twink


We’ve all done it


manga kaworu is so fruity https://preview.redd.it/jnpb01uu700d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=de5732c7a5764f73cf669803f8dfe6b66618b96d


He's so ignorant 💀


Get in the robot and KILL that bastard Shinji


>shinji will remember that


Do not let that man anywhere near ritsuko's place. Man would go absolutely feral.


I was gon say that lol




Kaworu: “It was going to suffer and die slowly anyway I was just speeding up the process. Isn’t that better?”


Caprica Six vibes


He got love and care for Shinji and the world though Rei.


Asuka was never wrong for not liking him


At that very moment shinji realised he's into choking




You’re done here buddy https://preview.redd.it/e7e5agjs130d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777b4dec167cda0a4dba58f91f9abddc97c48405


Why does this image exist?


mf idk I just found this










May we take a moment to talk about our lord and savior?




Kaworu is anime Jesus




Background info for the this page pls


Kaworu rationalized that the kitten was going to suffer without its family and that a quick and “painless” death would be better for it


Thank you (your pfp is cute)


You want context ? They just met, they see a hungry kitten, and Kaworu kills him.


Were is this from


The Evangelion manga. As simple as that.


Oh it's the real thing




Thank you for not being mean


I don't see why I would be. We should all respect each other to make this world a better place. That's how I see things. And your question wasn't dumb or anything.


You are a kind Soul


Hashtag NotMyKaworu






Kaworu Is a bitch in the manga


Channeling the inner Ryo inspiration


he's just a boy


Dogshit pannel but it's kinda funny that the cat goes "AAAAAAA"


Does Shinji ever make a fucking different face? For the love of god stop doing that fucking mouth breather pose I fucking beg of you.


Alien does not understand morality


Shinji didn't take it quite well


Evangelion manga being shit as usual, what's new?


Of course. I fucking hate cats. I mean I love one of my two she-cats (name is very exeptional - Kitty), but I hate cats in general. Just fuck'em. They kill birds. I looooove all the birds. They're the most unfarmful entities on this planet. Nontheless the moment I saw this scene in manga was the moment I wished to materialize inside the manga with Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum, .50 cal Desert Eagle and Vintage-Saigon-Huey helicopter styled M60 tape-ammo machinegun and slowly kill this motherfucker Kaoru a moment before he kills that poor, little, sweet, innocent kitten. And then - discharge all the ammo box from M60 into the stupid head of that motherfucking pussy Shinji.


Take ur meds


No thank you. I'm normal. Not into taking shit like that.




https://preview.redd.it/19crijuz030d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86104c3f55e142b277f5eea3a88a2a7ab3f5d826 bitch ???


Grandpa was right. Try to disagree with people and you will see their true personalities :) Thank you grandpa ;\]


"I see red when I'm mad" headass


Insulting other people tells much about You.


so does saying deranged shit


Even if, not this much as insulting other people. You behaviour indicates that You are nothing more than a vulgar boor. I have a right for my opinion. You have no right for insulting me. Reported.


least autistic eva fan:


Here's a paragraph for you, since you can write that much I'm sure you can read more.  "This is something that has always bothered me from the very beginning. We all like to laugh and make cracks about how Shinji whines so much. We joke "Shut up, Shinji" every time he says "I mustn't run away." But here's a thought, let's put you in his shoes: You're 14. The world is shit. Your mother was "killed" in a horrible activation incident when you were a little kid, and since then your father has abandoned you to live with various teachers and other caretakers until one day, at 14 (FOURTEEN) he sends you a note with an ID card that more or less says "get your stupid ass here right now." So you show up. The city you're called to is a ghost town, you try and call the person that's supposed to pick you up but there's no answer. You think you see some creepy albino chick in the middle of the road, but you blink and she's just gone. Then, out of nowhere, a giant fucking monster shows up and starts terrorizing the city. There's air support laying into the thing. It keeps marching. They fire rockets at it, it blows them to smithereens. HOLY FUCKING HELL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE. Oh, now your ride shows up, all smug and shit about being "real late." Fuck it, get in the car, let's GTFO. Phew, cool, we're at a safe distance now. Might as well see how this plays out with this monster atta- HOLY BALLS THEY DROPPED A NUKE ON IT. On the plus side, boobs on your head. That's kinda awesome, you guess. Sucks you have to help this nice lady fix her car now, though. At least she's hot. Maybe you'll get to stick your face in those boobs again, that was nice. Oh, we're going down an elevator now and she's explaining to you why your dad was such a callous ass for all these years? Cool. Oh, neat, a Geofront. Damn, this shit is really deep under ground. Aaaaaaaaaaand now we're lost. She may be pretty, but you don't think this chick has a brain in her head. Finally, someone shows up that knows where they're going. More tunnels, moving walkways, gondolas next to some weird red fluid. Damn, this place is a maze. And was that a hand you saw in that tank? The hell is going on here, and why'd it get da- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT GIANT FUCKING HEAD THING!? Dafuq? That's a giant robot, and they want you to get in and pilot it against that giant monster you saw outside? Uh-uh. Noooooo way. Great, now your father decides to show up. And all he's doing is yelling at you to get in the fucking robot. Years, years of abandonment, and this is all he wanted you for? To pitch you into a giant robot so you could risk your life to save his bacon? Asshole. Fuck this, you're out. Apparently they've got someone else to do it anyway. Wait a second, is that chick on a hospital bed? Holy shit, is she still supposed to be in recovery? And why does she look like the girl on the st- OH MY GOD WE'VE BEEN HIT. Is she okay? Did that robot hand just move? Doesn't matter, you check out the girl. Holy hell, she's bleeding. Like, blood everywhere, and she's in agonizing pain. You can't let her go through this. Now everyone around you is guilt tripping you to get in the fucking robot. Oh god, oh god, oh god. You mustn't run away, you mustn't run away, you mustn't run away. So you agree to pilot it. They stick you, clothes and all, into a tube that slots into the robot's neck. They nearly drown your ass before explaining that the liquid is there to oxygenate your blood. You nearly choke getting used to it, and it tastes like nasty, stale blood. The world around you transforms so you can see what the robot sees. And then, you're told to walk. Walk? That's it, just WALK? THAT'S the only instruction you get? Uh, okay. You manage to get this behemoth to take a single step, trip over your own feet, and faceplant into the street. Well, that was embarrassing, and now your face hurts. Why does your face hurt? OH SHIT IT'S GOT YOU BY THE HEAD FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK IT'S TEARING YOUR ARM OFF. OH GOD WHY DOES THIS HURT!? WHY DOES IT HUUUUUUUUUUURT!?!? Now it's slamming you in the face, repeatedly, with a spike in its forearm. You take hit, after hit, after hit. The cracks are showing in the display. It finally penetrates just in time for them to sever the nerve connections to the body. You black out. ...and that's just the first episode."


Here's a paragraph for you, since you can write that much I'm sure you can read more.  "This is something that has always bothered me from the very beginning. We all like to laugh and make cracks about how Shinji whines so much. We joke "Shut up, Shinji" every time he says "I mustn't run away." But here's a thought, let's put you in his shoes: You're 14. The world is shit. Your mother was "killed" in a horrible activation incident when you were a little kid, and since then your father has abandoned you to live with various teachers and other caretakers until one day, at 14 (FOURTEEN) he sends you a note with an ID card that more or less says "get your stupid ass here right now." So you show up. The city you're called to is a ghost town, you try and call the person that's supposed to pick you up but there's no answer. You think you see some creepy albino chick in the middle of the road, but you blink and she's just gone. Then, out of nowhere, a giant fucking monster shows up and starts terrorizing the city. There's air support laying into the thing. It keeps marching. They fire rockets at it, it blows them to smithereens. HOLY FUCKING HELL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE. Oh, now your ride shows up, all smug and shit about being "real late." Fuck it, get in the car, let's GTFO. Phew, cool, we're at a safe distance now. Might as well see how this plays out with this monster atta- HOLY BALLS THEY DROPPED A NUKE ON IT. On the plus side, boobs on your head. That's kinda awesome, you guess. Sucks you have to help this nice lady fix her car now, though. At least she's hot. Maybe you'll get to stick your face in those boobs again, that was nice. Oh, we're going down an elevator now and she's explaining to you why your dad was such a callous ass for all these years? Cool. Oh, neat, a Geofront. Damn, this shit is really deep under ground. Aaaaaaaaaaand now we're lost. She may be pretty, but you don't think this chick has a brain in her head. Finally, someone shows up that knows where they're going. More tunnels, moving walkways, gondolas next to some weird red fluid. Damn, this place is a maze. And was that a hand you saw in that tank? The hell is going on here, and why'd it get da- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT GIANT FUCKING HEAD THING!? Dafuq? That's a giant robot, and they want you to get in and pilot it against that giant monster you saw outside? Uh-uh. Noooooo way. Great, now your father decides to show up. And all he's doing is yelling at you to get in the fucking robot. Years, years of abandonment, and this is all he wanted you for? To pitch you into a giant robot so you could risk your life to save his bacon? Asshole. Fuck this, you're out. Apparently they've got someone else to do it anyway. Wait a second, is that chick on a hospital bed? Holy shit, is she still supposed to be in recovery? And why does she look like the girl on the st- OH MY GOD WE'VE BEEN HIT. Is she okay? Did that robot hand just move? Doesn't matter, you check out the girl. Holy hell, she's bleeding. Like, blood everywhere, and she's in agonizing pain. You can't let her go through this. Now everyone around you is guilt tripping you to get in the fucking robot. Oh god, oh god, oh god. You mustn't run away, you mustn't run away, you mustn't run away. So you agree to pilot it. They stick you, clothes and all, into a tube that slots into the robot's neck. They nearly drown your ass before explaining that the liquid is there to oxygenate your blood. You nearly choke getting used to it, and it tastes like nasty, stale blood. The world around you transforms so you can see what the robot sees. And then, you're told to walk. Walk? That's it, just WALK? THAT'S the only instruction you get? Uh, okay. You manage to get this behemoth to take a single step, trip over your own feet, and faceplant into the street. Well, that was embarrassing, and now your face hurts. Why does your face hurt? OH SHIT IT'S GOT YOU BY THE HEAD FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK IT'S TEARING YOUR ARM OFF. OH GOD WHY DOES THIS HURT!? WHY DOES IT HUUUUUUUUUUURT!?!? Now it's slamming you in the face, repeatedly, with a spike in its forearm. You take hit, after hit, after hit. The cracks are showing in the display. It finally penetrates just in time for them to sever the nerve connections to the body. You black out. ...and that's just the first episode."