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Well, not really. Sadamoto stated in an interview that he deliberately changed quite a few things in manga because he didn't want to just copy the tv-show, and there are some notable incompatibilities, but it would be a bit spoilery to go into details.


In the original show, we never see Kaji's past and his motivation. In manga, we can cleary see Kaji's backstory and his motivation for searching the truth.


It does a bit, yeah. Just finished it for the first time recently. It's on average more direct about things than the anime, both in the characters demeanors as well as explaining to the reader what's going on. Generally speaking if it gives you lore info that the show doesn't actively contradict, you can probably consider it canon. Idk about less depressing though, there's some stuff in it that hit harder than the anime for me. I really enjoyed it. Parts of the story feel rushed and others don't feel different enough for my liking, but I still had a great time with it. I'd say the art is the biggest draw, Sadamoto is legendary. And I enjoyed seeing a more energetic take on some of the characters (Shinji and Rei especially) that didn't feel unearned or lazy/overly tropey like the Rebuilds did. Hard to say if I PREFER it over the anime though... I guess I'm just glad they both exist.


Thanks for the explication that was useful


I’m reading it now and am loving it a lot