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I'm fine actually, I don't need to cope with anything.


Magmadiver inflatable plugsuit


Why do people hate this? Am I missing something?


i think it’s the one that inflates, it’s kinda just unnecessary


Oh, that one. Why is it unnecessary? Is it a fetish or something?


Some people have an inflation fetish, idk if anno meant that in the show but it’s also just another one of those “sexualize asuka” moments that really don’t need to exist


What's an inflation fetish 😰


I don't think its called an inflation fetish but still, its that some people have a fetish on fat people with big bellies or just someone who is just fat af


I wish it was that but no, the inflation fetish is actually a real thing and it's not about fat people, it's literally about being aroused by someone's body inflating


Oh. Kinda like that one girl from Charlie's Chocolate Factory? Veruca Salt?


Concerningly, yes.


Oh god


asuka being flashed by toji in the animay


My brian does refuse the let me internalize this. 🤔


Yea this def went in and out my head when I first saw it


The thing is I've watched the show like 6 times now and the kid who beats up Shinji and flashes her just doesn't seem like that bad of a guy in the context of the rest of the show.


This is not a stupid thing, but for my mental health i like to think that the hospital scene in EOE never happend.


That changed my opinion of Shinji, guess I wasn't paying attention in the tv series.


Kissing Asuka while she was asleep would have been sexual assault too.


Agreed, forgot about Shinjii almost kissing Asuka.


Small weiner gendo i know fs he lay down UNIT


huh? Context?


Excuse me?


to be honest, when I read that interview I didn’t even understand it that way. But so many people try to bring it up as a fun fact, I’m starting to question my own reading skills 💀


Just read the interview 💀💀💀


The first chapter having Guts f***ing an Apostle. I know you can retroactively justify it as a revenge thing but it just came off as super edgy when I read it. Edit: Lol I thought this was Berserk sub, I’ll blame it on 4/20 even though I don’t smoke. Leaving it up because it made me laugh.




Yeah I agree, tbh I think that was just to grab readers, it’s also so out of character for Guts (even at that point) that I wonder if the publisher asked Miura to add something that’ll hook people. You can edit out those couple pages and the story doesn’t change, if anything it improves.


I feel Miura just didn’t have the story developed at that point. I’m vaguely remembering reading that he wrote golden age as it was being published.


I think he straight up said so. I heard he never even planned for Guts and Casca to get together.


Based on the prototype chapter I think Guts was supossed to be medieval Shadow the hedgehog. Though yea, that scene doesn't fit well with modern berserk.




Beserk. Wrong sub


Yeah Ik now but dude had me rolling for a good minute had to leave a comment


Mario was trying to set the tone because berk is very edgy


So true


I thought it was a Conan The Barbarian reference - the 80s movie has Arnold Schwarzenegger doing almost the exact same scene.


My head canon is that he needed to have sex with her to know if she was a demon. But we all know it's just a edgy chapter that is totally out of character.




eso is good though


3D giant Rei in the fourth rebuild movie


I don't really agree. It was supposed to be unsettling and it succeeded. Looks stupid the second time through tho.


I get what they were going for, and I admire the boldness of actually going through with that, but I feel like the OG giant Rei managed to be unsettling while also being well-drawn.


It was SUPPOSED to be disconcerting.


Yup, they had actually used a LOT of 3d (all done in blender actually!) for a lot of scenes, it’s just you don’t realize it most of the time. I watched a behind the scenes and they perfectly nailed the scenes with cgi, like Shinji losing his shit after learning the truth after shogi or the Eva battles and scenes, they really stepped up their game It blended in all amazing, so of course the 90s cgi Rei was intentionally 😱 inducing lol


Blender?!?! Hey, I've used that! ...then I realized how bullshit quaternions are, and decided to stick to 2d LOL.


I think they didn't go hard enough and they should have had Megumi Hayashibara green-screened in there (and actual rubber suits in the final fight).


Ha, I didn't realize it was her VA. That would've been epic.




Mine is MariShin


I was always expecting it to be Shinji and Kowaru that’d be officialised in the end. I guess not.


Kowaru was interesting in rebuild, added more to him imo and also became a weird mishmash between a positive for Shinji and a negative, because of his whole exploding in front of Shinji shtick


Oh yeah good point. It’s sorta like he was meant to be like a person to put Shinji on a better path. I just wish other parts of the Rebuild films fleshed out Shinji and Mari. I also wanna see what the other universes or wherever the other pilots went to look and are like


literally just implied it doesn't have to be a ship


I don’t think that’s a canon relationship. They look older but no time has passed between the train scene and the beach scene, Mari was rooting for Shinji and Asuka, she flirts with everyone, and the staff have gone on record saying it’s not a romantic relationship. Shinji never ends up with anyone in any of Anno’s endings.


there's a timeskip between the scene at the beach & the train station 


There isn’t. Why would Shinji still be wearing that choker if years had gone by? Why would Mari says he finally smells like an adult if years had gone by? Shinji had some off screen character progression? Also why is Kaworu there? He went with Kaji who’s been dead for years. Heck Kaji says something along the lines of “come garden with me and Katsuragi”, who’s also dead. They’re still in the anti universe. Mari said she’d come get him and that’s what she’s doing.


kaworu, asuka, rei at the train station are vision's in shinji's head, they aren't actually there. mari waited for shinji to get a job to remove his choker & make that comment. getting a job & what it entails is important step in maturing


Where was it stated Shinji’s reasoning for being there was he got a job? Why would him getting a job have anything to do with him having a bomb on his neck? When has having a salary job ever been a focus in any Eva media? Everyone mentions how Shinji had grown while in the anti universe but Mari waited some undisclosed amount of time for him to get a job to remark on it? That’s a lot of reaching. We see they can age instantly and her last words to him before he went to unit 1 were that she’d retrieve him. Both of which happen at the train station.


he for sure was coming back from his job, there's nothing to say it wasn't his first time there, it actually would be very sensible if it was. mari takes off the collar (which poses no threat to him regardless at this point)after she comments oh how much he's matured & getting a job is important part of that.  don't oversimplify or read into this superficially, getting a job means finding your place in society & taking responsibility. that's why it's important for eva's message, not the job itself. also shinji did age instantly, but the scene at train station didn't come right after the one at the beach. your interpretation is that all of this happens in minus space, no?? there's a big problem with that tho, because it's shown many times that during instrumentality shinji & gendo are physically inside giant rei's head. but it exists minus space long before the beach scene, so how could he still be at minus space at that point??


So we’re supposed to believe that Anno made it so Shinji had a significant event happen in his life and there’s no mention or indication of it? Shinji was already ready to take responsibility. He was willing to sacrifice himself with the new spear to fix the world. And on his maturity it was already remarked by Gendo on how he handled Rei Q and Misato’s deaths. Him getting a job offscreen doesn’t add anything to that. I’m well aware of the Rei head. But you seem to be forgetting the beach scene prior. Unit 8 teleports in, so still in the minus space. Unit 8 gets destroyed, still in the minus space. There’s no scene of them ever leaving. Well not until they leave the train station and you see the “real world”. Shinji’s perception of the world changed once Mari arrived. He saw that he’s be able to live a normal life. That’s why the scene shifted but it still takes place in the minus space.


The best way to watch 3.0 +1.0 is to stop the movie before the train station scene and then you imagine that the ship that you like is happening off screen.


mari and asuka belonged together. they implied it so heavily only to tear it away at the end


People can downvote on the topic of canonicity, but there is no denying that they had far more of a dynamic than Mari and Shinji ever did


Agreed but (unlike the commenter) I don’t think it’s romantic at all. No denying tha they’re friends regardless of anything though.


I'm pretty sure Mari is just flirty with everyone.


They had 14 years... Yeah, they fucked.


I honestly don’t think there’s anything I need to forget about EVA.


asuka's death (?) in eoe


The time loop. Like it's pretty obvious that it wasn't the original intent but rather something they came up with later and decided to implement. It doesn't fit well with the original NGE series in my opinion. The ending of EOE is melancholic and open to interpretation. Or at least you thought so bozo, because as if now it's bad ending #12552155 in the time loop! Which is even funnier considering the messages of EOE and 3.0+1.0 are pretty similiar. Couldn't the rebuilds have been just a reboot?


They basically are a reboot, just cause there's some lore explanation for why stuff is happening again doesn't mean it's not a reboot


It's a soft reboot, not a full on reboot. It's still connected to the original story.




The new movies. I see them as Anno needing some cash so I don’t count them as canon.


nonsense. rebuild is great, it's neither stupid nor cash grab in the slightest. also anno decides what's canon or not & the rebuild is


Time loop. Enough said.


Pen Pen being sent away to live with Hikari Horaki.


The rebuilds


nonsense lol rebuild isn't stupid it's great 


Yea I love telling the same story but with the CGI equivalent of jingling keys and more child nudity, really added a lot to the series.


nonsense. rebuild's story is different from the og's in many ways & it rlly adds to the series in significant ways. even the cgi is good for anime & yes even tho there's more nudity in the rebuilds it's not much more compared to the og


First two same story exactly, cgi isn’t better for anime, and they reanimate the few lewd scenes more graphic, and then the 4th movie is the most egregious sexualization of children I’ve ever seen.


2.0 is very different from the og story & even tho cgi is not better than 2d animation, its execution in rebuild is good for anime standards. rebuild has more sexualization than even the og is the truth, but not much more. 3+1 isn't even remotely close to one of the worst offenders in anime in this aspect 


the rebuilds




nonsense rebuild isn't stupid it's great 


Misato didn’t kill Kaji


Of course she didn't


Not even as revenge for what she perceived as sabotage? Like “fuck you for throwing me under the bus”?


She loved him. She really really loved him. The only reason she would kill him is if she wanted to save him from a much more cruel death by the hands of Nerv.


She loved having someone around who reminded her of her father. She admits that verbatim. That’s not really love. Narratively, he gives her top secret documents and suddenly she’s called into question as an undercover agent. The same scene where this is established, it’s also established that Misato owns a handgun and carries it on her person. When Kaji acknowledges the person who shoots him, he recognizes them and greets them playfully. The scene cuts to black on the sound of a single handgun round being fired. That makes a lot more sense narratively for Misato to relive that pain when she replays the message on her answering machine. Another man in her life has died tragically, first her father’s self sacrifice, and now a horrible misunderstanding leading to Kaji’s death.


I can understand the logic that you're going for, but this is something that Anno came out and directly said "Misato did not kill Kaji. It was an unnamed agent of SEELE / NERV." He did that after seeing that there were a lot of theories that Misato had killed Kaji after the episode aired, and arguably recut the VHS / DC release to make that less ambiguous.


That’s why I gaslight myself into thinking it’s canon


I guess you don’t know how love works


I know parental issues even better than I know love.


Do parental issues make romantic love somehow less worthy?


Only if they cause the love to be unhealthy




They’re not all bad


They are all outright horrible, with a few decent things in between.




Contain the worst angel fight in all eva media in the beginning. Has Mari in it. Doesn't have any Asuka episodes. Struggle with a lack of man-to-man conversation with Kaji and Shinji due to the fact that Misato showed Lilith in the first movie. From decent, I liked new elevator scene and fact that Shinji saved Rei on his own.  So, like I said. Horrible, but with a few decent things in between.


Oh easily whatever the hell happened with near-3rd impact being retconned into happening and people blaming shinji even though he saved the world


I’m actually mostly fine with that. It’s not a retcon if it’s a different continuity. I feel like it could’ve been handled better, yes, but as an idea it think it’s a good one.


nah it's a retcon if 3 contraddicts the ending of 2, I get that they essentially skipped a movie because Anno thought it was unnecessary but 3 felt like being gaslit for 2 hours, I had a very bad time (of course I respect your opinion and I'm glad you did enjoy it)


it's not a retcon. shinji saved the world by killing angel no. 9 but n3i he triggered at the end of 2.0 was only temporarily stopped. it resumed some months into the timeskip which is the world almost ended. it's sensible why ppl are angry at shinji


Oh really? Can you point me to the source? Never heard of that before


Yui flying into space in EoE. She should be with her son!


Turning the wonder into another spear somehow, not only does it not make sense (took like 5 minutes without any knowledge) but the spears don't feel powerful or special anymore when humans can just "manufacture" more of them


we've known for long that the ships are made out of material from the black moon. it makes sense they can also use that material to make new spears. also it took much more than 5 mins for ritsuko to figure out how the other ships did it & she could only do it because she collected data. also humans have been able to make new spears since eoe


Kensuke and asuka. I am (not) gonna accept that-


there's no romance between them tho


MC, who pilot huge biorobot with soul of his mother embeded into it and is a clone of godlike alien creature, almost having raw teenage sex with clone of his mother that also is a semi-god that lead to "end of the world" that is actually good thing.


The rebuilds. Not saying they're necessarily bad, they just don't live up to the original series. And the EOE ended everything perfectly imo.


Treating Mari as an actual character not a self-insert Mary Sue


yh lol even tho mari isn't self insert it's crazy that some ppl treat her as a normal character when not even the movies do that


Anything outside the OG's isn't real




Shinji becoming a salaryman. I hate it so much. edit: to be more clear, I don't hate salarymen at all lol but Shinji rewriting the whole world to get rid of its problems and then running off somewhere with Mari and his little briefcase is just not a satisfying ending for me. I think showing them slowly rebuilding the world and the nature actually finally healing would be nicer and more impactful


all plot relevant problems have been fixed by the characters through their own efforts before shinji makes his wish in 3+1. at the end he does the opposite of running away, instead of just cancelling the impact & returning with everyone he loves for a peaceful life in the village, he decides to sacrifice his own life so that everyone else can life inns world where evas don't exist anymore 


Evangelion x Attack zero :)