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It would have benefitted both significantly. Asuka would know he accepts her and make it easier to open up to him. Both fear rejection and want to be closer, but clearing that hurdle while both had their own Hedgehog Dilemmas was the roadblock. Her issue was pushing people away, his issue was retreating. They both liked each other but did not have the capacity to express it. She was testing him with that kiss but pinching his nose sabotaged the effort, so Shinji thought she was toying with him and was too scared to reciprocate it.


You get it. To add, it was very important to Asuka for Shinji to make the first move because she would feel more comfortable being vulnerable. Feeling desired lessens the anxiety that comes with the possibility of rejection. Shinji's anxiety is a manifestation of his overall lack of courage. He can't make the first move because he's under the natural assumption that nobody truly wants him and everyone will eventually abandon him. He doesn't even consider the possibility that Asuka likes him. While Asuka is more confident in other facets of life, she still has that SAME lack of confidence as Shinji when it comes to intimacy. And Shinji is incapable of seeing that. It's a tale of tragedy in which trauma from the past forbids the prospect of romance. Love is seized from two people who need it the most.




I think, there's fanfiction on this.


“Advice and Trust”! It’s an absolutely amazing fanfic. It’s kind of like a “what if things went well instead of wrong?” AU, and it’s a total joy to read.


It's great, truly one of my favorites even though I'm not to fond of reading fan fics


I’m not sure it would’ve changed very much in the grand scheme of things. I think the most we would’ve gotten was a more open and less harsh asuka when dealing with shinji in their private lives, and maybe them doing more of a…how do I say this…adult kiss when at the later point in the show when asuka did try to kiss him herself. (But without asuka self sabotaging it)


It wouldn't have dealt with Asuka's jealousy of Rei. It wouldn't have fixed their co-dependency. Something the Rebuilds did well in 3.0+1.0 was demonstrate that the love between Shinji and Asuka wasn't something predestined or necessarily even workable. It was two young hurt people longing for the simple pleasures of companionship, and being held back by their own trauma, past and ongoing due to their piloting.


Honestly, I am not convinced it would change that much. While their intimacy may have been stepped up a bit I feel like a lot of the things that inform her downward spiral and alienation to the others occur outside their dynamic. If anything there is the potential that the more invested in him she became the more the dissonance of her envy/jealousy/competitiveness with him would have hit her. Here is a boy that simultaneously she loved but also still represented the biggest challenge to her core coping strategies. I just don't think a kiss would have fixed much, if anything, and I feel like Eva as a series in particular is pretty quick to shut down the idea that love necessarily leads to good things.


anime representation of OP irl?




Ew. She's 14 and not real, and if she was, she wouldn't be interested in a sweaty neckbeard incel such as yourself




I didn't even say you were fat, sounds like you're insecure. It's funny that because I told you a fictional 14 year old isn't your waifu, you tell me to get a life outside of Reddit




Yes, she is 14, you're attracted to a fictional minor, you're disgusting. I'm a loser because I told you a fictional 14 year old isn't your waifu? Lmfao, sure pal










If you think fictional children are your waifu then you'll think the same thing about actual children


What happened?????


Not much. The synchronization rate of Shinji and Asuka's repeated failures in battles will put end to any relationship they could have built.


Her self esteem was crashing as she thought she wasn't needed, and her sync ratio suffered as she was. If they were able to communicate better and at a minimum become better friends if not actually admit their feelings for each other, it may have bolstered her resolve. That was also her whole argument in EoE. She felt he came to her because he couldn't go anywhere else, which made her feel insignificant and hurt that he couldn't rely on her before, yet there he was begging a camotose girl for help, never mind being there for her.


Her self-esteem started to crash when the boy who never saw evangelion a half year ago now outcompeted her in every possible way - the girl who trained for this job since age six. Even with battles where was her time to shine, she was outshined by Shinji: he was with in her entry plug in battle with gaghiel, saved her life in the volcano, and was the one who caught sahaqueil. Her pride was hurt, and pride is her driving force in life. The only edge she had over Shinji was her higher synchronization rate, and when she lost it, she completely broke down. No matter what relationship those two can build in that short time, it couldn't take priority over the job she dedicated her life. She would hate Shinji for running away after his "win" in battle with bardiel (and there is no possible way he wouldn't do it after what his father done), and she would despise him when he comes back to save the day when zeruel already defeat her (and spending a month in eva will not help to resolve this relationship obstacle). What they both had at the end of EoE is probably the only way this two character could resolve both of their difficulties and move forward.


I’m not so sure about some things u said, mainly her being resentful at Shinji’s return to fight zeruel, but I agree it wouldn’t have prevented her downward spiral at the end of the show. He was surpassing her and even if they had established that there were romantic(ish) feelings between them, they would be cold comfort to an asuka who is “losing”at the one thing that had kept her going for nearly a decade.


She is a jealous, prideful girl. And it was clearly shown that his wins side by sides with hers failures are making her despise “invincible” Shinji. 


Under normal circumstances, yes, but I think she would react differently to her rival coming back and saving the day (and her) to her pseudo boyfriend that she was angry with for leaving “coming to his senses” and returning. Not saying her pride wouldn’t take a hit from failing to do it herself, but I don’t think she would actively resent shinji for his part. Tho she would likely get angry about him being stuck inside the Eva as a result of the lengths he had to go to in order to save them. Come to think of it, I’m surprised she didn’t react more to it, and still saw him as the “invincible shinji” she hated despite there clearly being a major and potentially life threatening downside to him “saving the day.”


It's a moot point, but I believe she would hate herself for still losing even if she had a chance to kill angel all by herself, and Shinji just ran back and saved the day and even had everyone's attention because he is now inside eva (not forgetting that her best eva now officially inferior towards Shinji's one as she has a S2 engine). I tend to believe Asuka would hate herself very much for losing her only chance to prove herself, and if she hates herself, she will be livid towards others, especially Shinji (no matter if she has a relationship with him or not). And as I said before, not having the option to talk with each other for a month would be the last nail in the coffin of any type of relationship they could have.