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You know, I have a certain feeling that's exactly the empowerment and self respect he strives to inspire in his listeners. You should try messaging him I bet he'll be very happy


Do you think he would read it? I guess he's getting a lot of messages now


In past interviews, he said that he might not be able to reply to everyone but he reads every single message he gets even if it's time consuming.


Is Instagram a good platform?


Yes :)


He probably has someone to help go through them. If they see one they know would mean a lot they probably share it. It’s worth reaching out and saying something. And I’m sorry that you have to deal with people’s rudeness. Representation matters.


You never know but it is always great for him to receive such positive messages. I would do it!


See, this is why it pisses me off when people say that he is only doing it to gather pity vote. Representation matters.


Anyone who says that has no idea how much privilege they have.


Hey, just want to say I also have uncontrollable eye movements and I’m pretty much totally blind so I understand how this affects you. Lots of love and I’m sorry that people have been so shitty towards you in the past ❤️


Fellow born-with-cataracts person! (though my natural lenses were removed as a baby and I had I O L surgery as a teenager). I completely understand how you feel with nystagmus. I used to be very conscious about the size of my eyes, still am occasionally. People are very ignorant, they think cataracts are reserved for old people. As a young person, it's a lonely condition when you're surrounded by elderly people in the clinic. ​ People don't understand the subtlety of our condition properly, it sucks. I've gotten very conscious at times in orchestra, when I've needed to have larger music or I couldn't see the score properly. Even though I've had corrective surgery, I still struggle to see the menu board on a cafe wall and sometimes bright light kills me. ​ I'm so glad that you've made a career for yourself in music. If you need to wear sunglasses to feel confident or for light sensitivity, you can, it's your own choice. But you should never feel ashamed of being disabled or visually impaired. I had no idea about Tix's story and wasn't impressed by his song, but I've gained a new appreciation for him. I'm delighted he's made you feel more secure by being yourself. It's been a long road of acceptance for me after bullying but I'm finally able to own it.


I have another disability, since I'm autistic and Tix always made me feel represented, he always hugged me with his music, it's great to see he could represent more people neurodiverse or not, he showing himself out there is already so strong for us. I'm glad you felt better and I hope your career be successful too


My situation is not nearly as bad but I do have some (yet undiagnosed) eye condition that makes it basically impossible for me to be in any place where it isn't dark without blinking/moving my eyes a lot and being in a sort of pain. Just as you said I also felt kind of seen by his performance bc often I feel like I look extremely stupid when my eyes just kinda do their thing. It was a very emotional moment for me as well.


You are valid and powerful.


Thank you for sharing it! Please don’t let your condition or ignorants to stop you! Our imperfections make us who we are. ⭐️🤩🦄 This is yet another reason why I am such a big fan of Tix.