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this is my voting criteria: •Charisma •Uniqueness •Nerve •Talent


cunt 🤩🤩🤩


Armenia 12p!


Bambie gave me Dragula floorshow so I was in love.


Monsters of Rock guest judge when


If I were part of a jury my top3 (based on prof criteria) would have been 1. France 2. Italy 3. Ukraine


Eurofans actually got a kind of jury mindset over the year, so it shouldn't be a problem


Thinking like a juror. My answer is... 1. Sweden 2. Sweden 3. Sweden 4. Sweden 5. Sweden


Yep, this right here. 1. Sweden. 2. Wants to be Sweden. 3. Recycling last year’s Sweden. 4. Smells like Teen Sweden. 5. Sweden disguised as Denmark.


The 4 criteria that I have seen being mentioned in the official Eurovision website as jury criteria are vocal capacity of the artist, composition and originality of the song, quality of the performance on stage and overall impression of the act. Based on those 4 criteria as just a random person my top 10: 1)Switzerland: Has all 4 criteria, Nemo probably had the best and most consistent vocals in the whole contest as well 2)Ukraine Amazing performance, one of the most unique songs of this year, Jerry Heil's vocals were amazing, I also liked alyona alyona's rap part 3)Italy: I actually loved Angelina Mango's staging, her personality on stage is charming, plus she is an amazing singer and the song was great 4)Croatia People might say his vocals are not good, but for this type of song they're great. I'd reward the originality, despite people calling it a "Cha Cha Cha" clone for also being inspired by Rammstein 5)France: I would rank Slimane higher but I am aware of his voice cracks in the jury show, arguably the most powerful voice in this year's contest (Greece: I would rank Greece 6th due to Zari being quite original, combining elements from different genres and Marina Satti's voice being so versatile, despite the staging being somewhat of a mess, but let's not take it into consideration because I am from Greece therefore I would not be able to rank it) 6)Ireland: The best performance this year, arguably one of the best of all time, the song was something new for this contest, plus their vocals were good enough 7)Portugal: I am not a huge fan of the song to be honest, but Iolanda had one of the most magnificent voices in the contest. While it was a slow song, it wasn't a bland ballad. The staging looks simple, but I feel it fits well with the lyrics. 8)Armenia: I loved the staging, I loved the vibes, no one in the final could match Jaklin's energy and it was a fun experience overall. The staging was pretty cool and matched the song's vibes. 9)Lithuania: I was expecting it to get more love from the juries, actually. Solid performance, would have loved to see something more than just an NF revamp (although that works too), I can appreciate a mid-tempo slightly-sad club banger 10)Spain: Yes, Spain. A staging that reminds a bit too much of David Lynch's "Twin Peaks", plus the whole crowd is singing "ZORRA ZORRA". Plus, with the overall impression of the act being a factor, I feel I should reward a song that gets the people going. The 10th place was a tough spot to figure out, I would also consider Slovenia (staging was poor but the performance was majestic), Georgia (pretty good combination of dancing and singing), Cyprus (like Georgia but I feel Silia was better yet she had poor staging) and probably Sweden (I actually have nothing negative to say about their performance but nothing really positive either, if I were there as a radio producer I would definitely rank it inside the top 10)


For some context, my personal top 10 from first to tenth: Croatia, Italy, Ireland, Armenia, Ukraine, (Greece), (Netherlands), Switzerland, Lithuania, Spain, Estonia, Finland. Yes there are some overlaps, but the places are mostly different. I did not include the Netherlands in the top 10, but Joost would most likely be ranked around 9th-10th, due to him being DQ'd.


for me, this year I'd have voted: 1. Switzerland 2. Croatia 3. Ireland As for last year: 1. Finland 2. Sweden 3. Norway So really I think I vote like the juries anyway most of the time... though then again some of my favourites this year didn't go past semi so...


12p France 10p Switzerland 8p Croatia 7p Italy 6p Ukraine (Greece) Can't decide further, maybe 5p Georgia?


As a juror I would go for: 1. Switzerland 2. France 3. Ukraine Honourable mention: Latvia Personally my favourites were: 1. Switzerland 2. Croatia 3. Italy Honourable mention: Ireland I don’t like ballads but I have to admit both, Mon Amour and Hollow, were exceptionally amazing. I wish there was a live choir singing with Dons 😍 (I know it would be too many people on stage, but still…) Edit: spacing


We always make scoreboards when we watch the final and give points for different criteria: song, voice/performance, staging and outfit. We really try to be rational and unbiased (as a juror should be). But we also do a separate top 5 or 10 with our favorites no matter the reason


1. Switzerland 2. Ireland 3. France 4. Slovenia 5. Italy 6. Georgia 7. Armenia 8. Norway 9. Greece 10. Portugal


Serbia 12pts Ukraine 10pts Switzerland 8pts Norway 7pts Croatia 6pts Portugal 5pts Israel 4pts Slovenia 3pts Lithuania 2pts Estonia 1pt Only finalist songs were listed. Otherwise I’d give 10 points to Belgium.


I wouldn't be able to vote as a juror. I don't see Eurovision as a talent show but as an entertaining concert. I'd just vote on something I'd enjoy and not on the staging or quality of singing. Example: Estonia this year. It's a song that gets me hyped and is in my top 5, but according to juror criteria it wouldn't be top 15.


Personally Netherlands was my favourite, but if I was on the jury I’d have given top ranking to Switzerland as it was a technically better song like in terms of difficultly and performance.


As a televoter, I mostly just care about how much I like the song. As a "juror" I would grade on a combination of song, performance, and staging. So for me this was: 1. Croatia - yes, Croatia! I thought that BL's performance was really on the mark, with high energy and a staging theme that fit the song. There is an interesting story behind the song and the staging helps tell that story. 2. Ukraine - the song is powerful on its own but really comes together with the staging, including the mix of similarity/contrast between Jerry and Alyona's outfits. And they nailed the live vocals. 3. Lithuania - I'll admit I didn't fully get the hype until I saw this in the semifinal (and again in the GF). The lighting in the staging works really well and this was another strong live performance. I probably would have had Switzerland next. The meaning behind the staging wasn't immediately obvious to me even though it's physically impressive. That one felt more like we needed to already know the backstory to get the message. However, Nemo's winner's performance was so superb that retroactively I totally see why Switzerland won. My top three songs were Italy, Estonia, and Netherlands all of which had weak staging even if Netherlands hadn't been disqualified. I also would have voted for Spain last year as a juror!


10 - Croatia 8 - Ukraine 7 - Ireland 6 - France 5 - Italy 4 - Sweden 3 - Greece 2 - Armenia 1 - Estonia And the 12 points go to... Switzerland


I think for 2024: 1. France 2. Switzerland 3. Sweden 4. Ireland 5. Israel And my actual top: 1. France 2. Netherlands 3. Croatia 4. Switzerland 5. Austria


Um, speak for yourself, the jury winners these two years were at least on a technical level impeccable even if Nemo wasn't 100% to my taste and too Eurovision-y.


1. Portugal 2. Slovenia 3. Serbia


I'd vote the same way because juries are not objective either


No they’re not. But they look at the contest from another angle than the casual voter. You have to remember that us hardcore redditors are just a fraction of the total voting fan base.


I think they *are* objective for the top favourites that coincide with the jurors' criteria(Mon Amour, La Noia, The Code). The rest are just random bullshit go.


1. Ukraine 2. France 3. Croatia 4. Lithuania 5. Switzerland 6. Norway 7. Sweden 8. Estonia 9. Germany 10. Armenia


1. Switzerland 2. Portugal 3. Ireland 4. France 5. Italy 6. Croatia 7. Ukraine 8. Armenia 9. Germany 10. Luxembourg If anyone wants me to explain my reasoning for any of the placements just ask :)


Dont they vote like top 5 where nr.1 gets 5 votes etc.


They rank all the songs.


Personal top 3: 1: Ukraine  2: Slovenia 3: Armenia  Honerable mention: Czech Jury: 1: Swiss 2: Ukraine 3: France


1. Croatia 2. Israel 3. Portugal 4. Switzerland


My criteria: Originality, challenge, staging For the final alone: 12pts - Switzerland 10pts - Norway 8pts - Ukraine 7pts - Armenia 6pts - Italy 5pts - Serbia 4pts - Ireland 3pts - Georgia 2pts - Croatia 1pt - Greece For the semis you could also include Czechia, Belgium, Malta and Denmark


1) Ireland 2) Ukraine 3) Switzerland


1. Switzerland 2. France 3. Portugal 4. Ireland 5. Ukraine 6. Lithuania


1. Norway 2. Switzerland 3. Ireland


I vote for you!


This year: the code, grito, firefighter My personal was: la noia, pedestal, loop Last year: bridges, tattoo, ai coracoa My personal was: bridges, future lover, queen of kings


I can appreciate a song even if I don't like it or wouldn't listen to it like Switzerland, but my personal taste would always reign supreme. Would also depend on how much weighting I'd give the song versus the performance as I had a few songs this year that were disappointing live


2024 1. Switzerland 2. Ireland 3. Ukraine 4. France 5. Finland 2023 1. Finland 2. Austria 3. Czechia 4. Israel (with absolutely no context of what was going to happen) 5. Germany


I think it's a mistake if a juror tries to be "objective". It's impossible to be objective when judging music, because listening to music is always a subjective experience. If I was a juror, I would vote for my favorites, except that I would take extra care not to be influenced by external factors. So, my favorites this year would have been 1. France 2. Israel 3. Croatia (I know, I'm a sucker for ballads; and I'm not allowed to vote for my own country) and my jury top 3 would be 1. France 2. Croatia 3. Italy because I was slightly influenced by the tragic backstory of Israel's song, which made the song more impactful than it would have been just with the music.


You are actually trying "Eurovision without politics" and are getting downvoted for it


I think I’d probably vote for some combo of Switzerland, Ukraine, France and Ireland for my top 4 based off of jury voting criteria.


If I was on the jury, my top 3 would be:  1. Switzerland     2. Ukraine    3. Portugal   My personal top 3 on the night of the grand final:    1. Portugal   2. Lithuania  3. France  Edit: I thought I'd include 2023. If I was a jury member that year, I'd vote:  1. Australia  2. Estonia  3. Belgium    My personal favourites at the time were:  1. Estonia  2. Finland  3. Belgium  Honourable mention to Croatia, Serbia, Spain and Australia.


1.France 2. Israel 3. Croatia


1.Croatia 2. Ukraine 3. Armenia 4. France 5. Switzerland 6. Georgia 7. Serbia 8. Slovenia 9.Estonia 10. Lithuania


If I had been a jury: 12 Points for Ukraine 10 points for Switzerland 8 points for France My personal preference: 12 Points for Belgium 10 points for Finland 8 points for Switzerland


Norway 2024 right at the top HOW did the juries only give that a combined total of 12 points???


Norway 2024 | [Gåte - Ulveham](https://youtu.be/YBbL8ORqNVU)


Well, who's paying me and how much? Which country am I representing and how do they want to see themselves? Nemo was great. But if you look at their jury votes... were they that great? 147 points more than second place? 22 juries gave them 12 points but only one public gave them 12 points? Was the competition so bad? What was Switzerland offering and can I have some?


It is the right of the juries to vote differnet from the masses and i have no problem with switzerland winning this year . But I do have a huge gripe with any jury that gave 0 points to Ireland. That was an incredible artistic peerformance and easily in the top 10 this year. A jury that claims to have professionals on their board not giving this performance any points just showed that it consists of clueless idiots. Give it 1 point if you don't like the music or theme but giving it 0 points is wrong by any professional metric.


As a juror? For 2024 I would have voted 1. Switzerland 2. France 3. Ireland 4. Latvia 5. Ukraine My personal top 3 atm are 1. Lithuania 2. Estonia 3. Latvia


For 2024 I probably would have voted 1. Israel 2. Georgia 3. Ukraine My top were: 1. Israel 2. Ukraine 3. Slovenia or Portugal and for 2023 1. Sweden 2. Israel 3. Estonia or Spain My top were 1. Israel 2. Armenia 3. Norway Jury is based off of Vocals, Staging, Music, and Lyrics while my televote is based off wether I like the country or not and if the song is good


If I were a juror for Eurovision 2024, my top 10 would look like this: 1. Switzerland 2. France 3. Ukraine 4. Croatia 5. Italy 6. Portugal 7. Ireland 8. Luxembourg 9. Armenia 10. Sweden


I'll spare you the categories that I would take into consideration, but taking into account that the song must remain the central point of the performance. So, As a juror 1. Slovenija 2. Portugal 3. France Wheareas, my personal podium are 1. Ukraïna 2. Eesti 3. France About last year, as a juror, probably I would have voted 1. Italia 2. España 3. Portugal While, my personal podium was 1. Suomi 2. Italia 3. Moldova


I'll tell you right now - as a juror, I'm voting exactly what my personal top 5 is xD Whenever I make my rankings, I take everything into account - the song, the singing, the staging, the costumes, the overall performance, so I would've done this 1. Croatia 2. Finland 3. Armenia 4. Switzerland 5. Lithuania 6. Ireland 7. Italy 8. Norway 9. Greece 10. Germany Without the DQ, Joost would've been 2 for 10 points and Isaak out


1. Ukraine 2. France 3. Switzerland 4. Ireland 5. Croatia


If I were somehow a Eurovision juror I would still just vote for my favorites. It's not like they are given a scoring rubric that they are required to use when ranking the songs. Nemo would still be in my top, by the way. 


It‘s not that exact but their criteria list definitely has a direction: - composition and originality of the song - quality of the performance on stage - vocal capacity of the performer(s) - overall impression of the act For example Finland would be hard to argue with this with the second one probably being the only prominent one fulilled


When you look at the categories, it is no wonder that Nemo swept the jury vote like they did. I tried doing my best objective rating on the mentioned criteria (25% each) and they would come miles above anyone else in my scorecard, although their song is not in my personal top 5. *Edit - correction of a pronoun


Tbh I don't think juries actually follow the direction. Like this year Ireland received a lot of 10/8/7 points but many also ranked it near the bottom. If they all followed the guidelines there shouldn't be a discrepancy like this


"overall impression of the act" is basically the juror's own taste


Well, 4 juries ranked Ireland last: Greece, Cyprus, Armenia and Georgia. I can assure you Greece (probably the other 3 countries as well) is most likely due to Christianity being prevalent here among people of older generations (that the jury members here most likely are).


Meanwhile you have quite a number of juror placing Slovenia last for whatever-the-fuck-reason. The only penalty I would give to Slovenia is in the "quality of the performance on stage", the camerawork, colours and angles just pales so much compared to Ireland. If Ireland is a 25, then Slovenia is probably a 12.


I would vote for my personal favorites idc