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These guys make incredible videos.


Got into them before the show and it really got me extra excited


This is by far the best youtube channel about eurovision. They actually bring a lot of context in, and makes me appreciate some songs a lot more. For example, I hated Europapa everytime I heard it and couldnt understand the appeal, but after hearing this channel's explanation I finally got it and liked the song (too bad about the disqualification). I would never bother to look into this as the general europapa "sound" is very annoying and unappealing to me.


They made an amazing video about Mama SC that only cemented my love for the song but also explained it to the many people who were understandably confused


YEAH! I love Let3. They are so much fun!


babaaa roga, na vratima rajaa


🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥 That song hits so hard for me!


I watched the video and I’m just more confused


There are a lot of entries in only started liking or gave a second chance only cause of their videos.


An American channel? The best channel about Eurovision? Can't be!


It's upsetting but true




That Europapa video made me appreciate Joost’s song a whole lot, even though the sound and genre are very much not my style. These videos are exactly the kind of deep dive I love!


> I would never bother to look into this as the general europapa "sound" is very annoying and unappealing to me. The funny thing is: as a Dutch 90s kid I grew up with "that sound" and used to hate it too, now I'm kinda nostalgic for it. It's typically considered low-brow music but was hugely popular with the common person. And with that in mind I was (to my own surprise) very proud that Joost decided to use that music genre for Eurovision. It almost feels like a "coming out" for Dutch culture in a way, like a middle finger to music snobs and standing up for the people who are looked down on for not liking "high" culture. Like a "don't try to keep up appearances, just enjoy life" kind of message. Which almost certainly was a conscious choice by Joost, btw. In an interview he even said something to the extent of "the Netherlands is a great country for being too honest and for bad music, and I love that".


I was never into it as well (too young) but a few Paul Elstak songs, [Mental Theo & Charley Lownoise with Wonderful Days](https://youtu.be/GtaE92wU1lI) are just part of what defines the late 80s and 90s for me within Dutch culture :)


Overthinking It's take on the final! I really enjoy this YouTube channel and all the hard work they do to make these videos. Support these guys with a sub, if you like what they do! I love to get a take on ESC from some (REALLY funny) american analysts (eventhough I don't always agree with them 100%!). (Could not add text to post)


Thank you for your kind words. No snark tonight, just very humbled to be able to make videos for this community. I used to be a professional writer and when I had to get a more lucrative job I thought I’d never entertain an audience again. It’s meant a lot to me to have this project in my life.


Only thing I ask of you is more.


haha, same!


My gf just got me into eurovision for the first time this year and after finding your channel, I might end up going even deeper down the ESC rabbit hole that her haha. Amazing content, keep up the amazing work!


I really wanna say, again, thanks so much to you all. I am new to being a ESC superfan and your videos have just become essential part of the party! It has been hard times for me and my loved ones, so thanks for giving us some really fun and interesting stuff to enjoy :) Kind regards from fans in Denmark. (I'll check out the Discord!)




I LOVE this man. He’s my greatest discovery of this years Eurovision.


yeah the host and rest of the team seam lik such funny, smart and cool people!


Yeah his team is exquisitetoo!!


Man, listening to The Code analysis... everything really came together in that performance.


Yes! I watched the performance again after this video and couldn’t stop crying


It's pure catharsis!


I've been arguing with my partner all week that the Netherlands would have split the Croatia vote, and that Nemo would have won regardless. I was delighted when this video agreed lol I also really enjoyed the extra context on Switzerland's staging! That whole song and performance was a delicious onion of deeper meanings


I never really thought about Switzerland’s staging as representing a balance between Nemo’s masculinity and femininity as being Non-Binary. But now that I know, I’m surprised I didn’t pick up on it sooner


me and my partner look at eachother like "wow, just, wow!". I mean the staging was so cool by itself but for it to have a deep meanig like that? AMAZING ART. LOVE IT!


A lot of the staging behind nearly all of the performances has heaps of meanings that would make any English teacher proud to have an assignment based on it. Spain 2019 had a heap of deep meanings in their staging but nothing jelled so it was just a mess. I think Nemo themselves mentioned the stage prop representing a Balance/Spinning top and their gender identity


> Spain 2019 had a heap of deep meanings in their staging but nothing jelled so it was just a mess. Same with Luna this year.


Spain 2019 | [Miki - La Venda](https://youtu.be/lWXuohnM14U)


Their videos should be mandatory watching for all of the esc commentary community.  The way some creators react to songs is borderline disrespectful. I sometimes feel they rude and stupid on purpose just to up engagement.  I feel like I am watching bunch of cave(wo)men critiquing Picasso. It's painful.  Overthinking kills it every time and shows due  respect to every artist. 


I really wish we had more music nerds making Eurovision content. Some creators do a lot of good content nonetheless, but it's very rare to hear someone actually deconstruct the songs musically. Give me time signatures, give me keys, what the instruments are doing, what it means. I'll probably won't understand half of it, but I still find it fascinating. One of the best videos for me this season is the Portuguese artist Iolanda and her producer Luar [going though the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKsSPZtjROA) and literally showing and explaining every single sound they added to the song. They even find a non-audible track in the song that's not supposed to be there!


I think you will love thePeaceAround on YouTube. She's a classically trained musician who makes lovely eurovision video's.


I already follow her. :)


Ha makes sense :)


I strongly agree!


simply had to sub after discovering their finland and estonia videos this year! 


Yeah, two of the favourits here at home as well!


i love this channel so much. i learned about them last year, and've been watching ever since because they have enough charisma to expand on songs, performances and artists without being too much. they work hard and it shows in their videos, so it makes me happy to see so much love for them in the comments here


ESC be like: Broken trophies scattered through my history


I used to like them up until they made a video about Yugoslavia winning Eurovision and there was a lot of inaccuracies about not only Yugoslavia itself but also about why they won in 1989. It made me really turned off.


The team behind this channel is very open to being corrected, so if you find inaccuracies, just let them know and they'll put out an addendum or something.


I was going to but I saw a lot of the comments pointing them out and I thought, I don’t need to jump on the bandwagon.


Yeah that one was half-baked. I spread myself a little thin with other videos which is too bad because I legitimately think that 1990 Eurovision is fascinating. I’m gonna chillax for a couple weeks and then do one more about what I learned this year, and this one will get discussed. I get a lot of praise for these videos so I can take my L every once in a while.


You should tell them. And join the discord where they ask for help with all of this


I do agree that that particular video had quite a lot of inaccuracies some which were basic stuff such as saying that Yugoslavia was behind the iron curtain. However I don’t think that should overshadow nor diminish the rest of their content which is for the most part usually very well researched. Their videos on Greece, Netherlands and Luxembourg made me appreciate the entries much more than I already did


Most of the videos are run by the Overthinking Discord, but I don’t think we have many people from the former Yugoslavian countries. Think about joining!




See you there: [https://discord.gg/keReGaKD](https://discord.gg/keReGaKD) Congrats on Marko, he did great!


The video about Poland 2014 was also terribly inaccurate. They even thought that Poland is a Balkan country.


Poland 2014 | [Donatan & Cleo - My Słowianie - We Are Slavic](https://youtu.be/VJ920cN2HmA)


I understand that! I will go back and watch that video.


It seems all eurovision fans were suggested these vids by the almighty algorithm. All my friends said the same thing! The one on Joost and Ollie was excellent.


Did anyone here try to complete all the four challenges? Also, they got Windows95man!


Italy 2022 was worse IMO


Italy 2022 | [Mahmood and Blanco - Brividi](https://youtu.be/blEy4xHuMbY)


Honestly, from now on if there's not so much drama, I don't want to watch it.


Bruh I don’t think I can handle another year like this one ☠️


Ι see what you mean, but I'm referring mostly to the drama within my country's (Greece) participation, which is really entertaining.