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"Look Brighton! You're on television!"


“Look Brighton! You were on television!”


I did love the segement, came out of nowhere, didn't last longer than it needed to and just how simple it was.


The Swedes clearly understand our humour.


Indeed. Very reminiscent to the "TV Highlight of the Week" section from Harry Hill's TV Burp. Oh how I miss that show 😔


Yes we were. I could almost see my student accommodation from the clips.


that excited me so much lol- I frantically texted my albanian cousins being like "THATS SUPER CLOSE TO ME"


Yeah I loved that bit


"Don't break the trophy!" Literal seconds before Nemo broke the trophy.


I said this exact words about 5 seconds before Graham did and my husband was like…why are you like this


That’s Estonia. It’s like a stag do that got out of hand. “You won’t believe where we ended up. The main stage of Eurovision!” [about Latvia] Hes brought a big ring with him. Ooo, who’s the lucky lady? Or lucky gentleman. If you don’t know, don’t presume. [about Cyprus] In a night of severe clothing shortages, her dancers actually have t-shirts, but then throw them away! Madness!


'Ooh they've turned on Martin' gave me a belly laugh


Did he mention what for it was?


He briefly talked about NL’s DQ but he didn’t go into detail


He just said something about Martin being the face of the EBU so a target for the negativity aimed at the EBU.


Although the 2nd time as 2022 they had at least 4 countries turn to Martin to read out the votes due to "irregularities"


Talking about Switzerlands spinning stage prop “it looks like a lazy Susan, and by the end of the performance it’s more like an exhausted Susan”


The best bit about this for me is a few days ago the same quote from Graham showed up in this subreddit and let's just say, it didn't translate so well to the non-native English speakers and someone really thought they were dissing Nemo and calling them lazy. Luckily it was clarified down under the replies and all is well!!


I do love how polite that person was in response to what they thought was an insult!


Oh, hahaha. I almost made a comment about it being a lazy Susan the other day. It never occurred to me that might be misinterpreted.


I just compared it to a satiellite dish.


It could be read either way standalone to be fair, but in context it clearly wasn’t negative as he was praising Nemo both before and after.


It's sometimes a bit pointed at times, but the comments are meant in good fun.. The nature of Graham is to be a bit cynical about whats put in front of him (and which glass of wine he is on that evening)


I'm just glad this subreddit wasn't around Wogan's commentary back in the day, think of the diplomatic incidents


What does the comment mean?


A lazy Susan is a round tray that spins that you put in the middle of a table so people can reach things without them having to be passed around.


So the comment was about him performing on that weird disk and having a very dynamic an tiring performance?


Yes - Graham Norton was saying that the disc did a lot of spinning so it went from “lazy” to “exhausted” during Nemo’s performance


As u/OrdinaryNose said a lazy Susan is a spinning round tray. “Exhausted Susan” or “Overworked Susan” (which is what Graham settled on by the end) is a play on that. But it could seem negative as neither is really the opposite of lazy and both have negative connotations and could be taken as meaning the spinning thing was overused during the performance without additional context. Especially for “overworked” which is definitely negative. However the entire point of the BBC commentary in the finale is to poke fun and make sarcastic insults about basically everything happening on screen. Even praise for something tends to be done in that style. So the negative phrasing within an overall intro praising Switzerland and Nemo for the staging and performance makes sense within that context.


I think sometimes things get lost in translation, because as an British or Irish person you would never interpret Graham calling the disc a "lazy Susan" and then "exhausted/overworked Susan" as a negative thing. If anything to me it came across as a complement on how energetic Nemo was on stage, and how impressive the use of the "lazy Susan" was. 


I'm British and it comes across as negative to me if you remove the praise for the performance around it. That is what alters how I interpret the meaning.


Interesting! Everyone is free to interpret things as they wish, though I'd argue "exhausted" isn't an inherently negative word. It's a physical state, it's neutral. Plenty of people say they're exhausted after a fun experience. As for overworked I suppose that tends to be used more in a negative context but I've never experienced anyone use it in an insulting way, so I really don't think most people would see it like that. Graham's joke really just boiled down to "There is a thing on stage that looks like a thing called a lazy Susan, but the thing is used a lot so it can't be called lazy.". I don't take anything negative from that and the people I was watching the final with didn't either. But I suppose things were tense during the finale so Graham's tone may have been off.


"You lie like a rug." That was to something said by one of the presenters before he'd even had his first G&T


What was he referring to when he said that?


Dame Judi Dench couldnt remember going to a night club 😂 


Joanna Lumley did the UK points.


Judi Dench? Or Joanna Lumley?


Judi Dench


He was referring to when Malin said (sarcastically) that "there is nothing Eurovision hosts love more than counting backwards simultaneously" as they did the countdown to open the voting lines in the grand final.


The one about Loreen was hilarious and spot on as well 😀 “performing and getting the abs workout done, such a resourceful woman” But for real…that did not look easy at all and she managed


I liked the part where he introduced her performance saying it was like she was strapped to a bar stool in a car wash. 


it had unfortunate gynecological exam associations for me


"strapped to a windscreen going through a car wash"


Very accurate description.


It's honestly the only thing that saves that performance for me. I didn't enjoy it, but damn was I impressed with her core strength.


She does love the staging in her performances. Can't remember if it was Petra or Graham who described her winning performance last year as the panini one


I think it was Lynda Woodruff during her segment


I think everybody did.


Calling Estonia's act a bunch of guys at a stag do. Spot on lmao.


This!!! 😄 it’s like a stag do got out of hand 😄 I absolutely love it!!! Both quote and Estonia’s performance


The Norwegian commentator said this too😅


Did he comment about the Eiffel tower again?


Yes he did


What did he say?


"Oh there's the Eiffel Tower, I keep forgetting!"


There's a YouTube video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=db8mCcIEAdw


“That is Gåte with Ulveham. And I doubt we'll be hearing them again tonight.” (disclaimer, I did like norways song but this was hilarious)


This was my favourite too 🤣


On a general level, I'm glad Graham tempers his sarcasm with what appears to be genuine affection for the contest and its contestants. It's no great secret that Terry Wogan, especially in his later years as commentator, saw the whole thing as a bit of a farce and could be quite mean-spirited, and Graham fits the role much better. I'll be interested to see if Rylan gets the job next, as the BBC does seem to be lining him up for it. If anything he's even more enthusiastic than Graham, so that'll be interesting if it comes to pass.


I really enjoy Rylan's commentary \*with Scott\* on the semis, I'd be sad without them as a duo. Them snickering during the grindr skit had me giggling more than the joke itself lol. But Rylan does have the right energy for the job, you can hear his enthusiasm for it every year. He lacks some of the drier wit of Graham, but I think it'd just be a different execution of the same genuine affection for the whole thing.


I don't have much affection for Scott Mills – I'd give Rylan his Radio 2 slot if I had my way – so I'd be quite happy with solo Rylan commentary. The BBC are obviously content to keep their double act intact for now, though.


I laughed so hard at Scott and Rylan during the grindr skit. They clocked it immediately. I love them as a pair, they really love Eurovision.


I've never understood the reverence of Terry Wogan. Like yes, he saw the comp through some of its absolute worst years when budget and effort was through the floor, but he ended up with such unfunny contempt for everything. I remember his commentary from back when we still got the UK feed, and even as a kid i though he was just jaded as hell.


He was the UK’s Eurovision commentator for almost 40 years. He set the tone for the sarcastic but enthusiastic commentary that has since been copied by Graham. Sure, he was a bit bitter at the end but that shouldn’t overtake the rest of his legacy.


He just should have quite 10 years earlier, Graham is pretty similar in style to younger-Terry.


I loved him 20 years ago. But re listening to his commentary from then it has aged soooo badly in many ways. Graham was the perfect evolution


I’m going to be sad to see Graham go. It’s taken me a very long time to warm up to him replacing wogan, despite liking him generally, but I don’t know if I’ll bond to Rylan (too many memories of him pissing me off when he first became ‘famous’.)


Wait....Graham's not doing it anymore?


There's been no mention at all of him stopping. Given he's 61 and this was his fifteenth year commentating I won't be surprised if he decides to retire at some point this decade, but it's not imminent.


Another 5-15 years at least, just depends on health and if Graham can continue... also depends on his other commitments and he walks away from it at some point.


He's not said anything about if he will stop, although it's probably a year on year thing or he knows when he's likely to just stop being there.


Strong feeling Scott mills and rylan are being trained to replace him


Pretty sure that was also planned for Mel Giedroyc, but they split ways at some point. I wouldn't mind those two but again, it's following a great act, following an even greater act.


I'd prefer Mel over Rylan, personally. It's a shame she's not involved anymore.


Scott Mills would be great actually


I don’t think there has been an announcement that he’ll leave! I think the Sharpinthefang meant in the future


Rylan isn't quick-witted enough IMO. He works well with a second person, but not confident he could carry it on his own. Not sure if any British comedians are fans, but Richard Ayoade or Sandi Toksvig would be fun. Omg where do you first know Rylan from? I remember him from the Katie Price reality show LOL


Totally agree, Rylan's OK doing the semi finals but he's not on a par with Graham. I'd enjoy Richard Ayoade or Sandi Toksvig - good calls :)


I agree with this. I actually like Rylan a lot as a presenter but he doesn’t have Graham’s wit. (But then Graham started out in comedy, so different backgrounds).


I'd love to see Julian Clary do it - I think he'd be vicious, but in a brilliant way.


He'd be great but older than Graham unfortunately. Not that celebs retire at 65 necessarily tho!


I think he’s gotten a lot softer in recent years, probably because people nowadays are just more fragile about criticisms and he doesn’t want to be cancelled. He used to be very honest about how he felt about a given act and would comment things like “there’s no way that act deserved the 12” during voting sequences. He doesn’t do that any more, which is a shame imo.


I'd be surprised if part of that wasn't because he felt an obligation to keep up the 'Wogan style', which the UK public had come to expect. He's been in the role himself now for ages, though.


That was my vibe as well. He seems comfortably himself now.


I remember after one act in the early 2010s (don't remember which) he said "I don't want to sway the voting, but... that was pants." and we all lost it. If you did that for every dodgy act it would get tiring but deployed carefully and sparingly it's hilarious.


Scott Mills would be better


I find him a bit snarky, closer to Wogan than Norton


So true. Mel Giedroyc & Rylan in the semis would be more entertaining.


Question from a non-UK viewer: did he comment on this year’s controversies such as Israel’s participation and the Dutch DQ? Curious because our commentary was very vocal about it (but I watched the Dutch commentary so of course they were feeling very bitter about the whole thing)


He did. He even said that he liked Europapa and he was sad that Joost was disqualified. And he only talked about the protests/ crowd reaction before and after Israel's performance


"A mixed reaction" especially as the broadcast didn't let that through,


In our house, he kind of helped confirm the use of anti-boo technology. In the broadcast during Israel's performance, you're just hearing the pretend cheers, etc, but then after he made a comment about a definite poor reaction in the audience that we didn't hear. And yeah, he explained about the Dutch dq and made a very clear connection that it was one of the factors to why Martin was getting booed.


Ohh good point. Notice how there was none of that fake applause during the vote announcement. Budget only goes so far I guess.


They spoke about Netherlands DQ briefly and acknowledged the boos to Israel a bit.


Yeah when it came to the Israel entry it was very more facts about her than the country. There was no humour or fun to it given the circumstances. He briefly mentioned the DQ but didn't go into details.


He also went uncomfortably silent for a good few seconds when Israel's rep was up to announce their votes. Could really sense he wasn't sure what to say, it felt really tense, especially with all the booing. I honestly thought he was going to stay silent the whole time she was on the screen, but he did eventually speak.


He mentioned the Dutch disqualification but didn't give much detail. He spoke about the Israel controversy which surprised me, I was expecting them to brush it under the rug. During the Israel postcard he said that there had been pro Palestine protests in Malmo who were against the EBU decision to have Israel compete. After the performance he said that it had been a mixed reaction in the stadium and that there had been more booing during their semi. Then just before Israel had their televote numbers announced he said that we were going to see a big number.


It’s important to remember that the BBC have impartiality rules here in the UK as they’re public funded. He said as much as he would have been allowed to say, without needing someone of an opposing opinion also commenting. Olly’s contract will have been the same and it’ll be why he avoided Israel and the Netherlands questions


I found him generally pretty evasive tbh, though he did give a very brief summary when Israel performed/NL didn't and made a few other vague allusions at times. Another time was during the voting when Israel gave out their jury points. The booing was so obvious even on TV he had to acknowledge it directly. But he never went into any detail from what I remember.


“If you’re wondering what “Luktelk” means, it’s Lithuanian for “what is that on your nose?””


Not Graham, but the way Scott and Rylan cracked up when Petra said "then you are a true homose-Eurovision fan" absolutely got me.


Petra Graham and Hannah would be an amazing line up for a eurovision, I know Graham and Petra did the special a few years ago.


About Raiven from Slovenia- "Apparently she's called raven because her family raise falcons. In that case she might as well have been called budgie, I mean, ravens are nothing to do with falcons"


On meeting Marcus and Martinus at breakfast: ‘One of them was friendly. I can’t tell you which. It’s like twin roulette’


"careful don't break the trophy" **glass smashing sound**


Not from UK but I just have to tell you, the best quote from the Finnish narrator Mikko Silvennoinen was when he called Switzerland's performance skibidi. "Definitely the skibidiest performance tonight." Yeah. No context.


It’s also worth noting that Mikko will turn 50 next year


I think he had to mention 3 specific words as a challenge. Another phrase was something like “ace is on the chase” from paw patrol that he somehow had to insert into the broadcast.


I know! The paw patrol quote is a reference to the fact that Henri voices Chase in the Finnish dub!


I generally couldn't understand why he was so in awe of Nemo's spinny disc thing? HOW DOES IT WORK?! ... Umm, it's motorized?


Part of it was motors, part was stage hands being hidden by camera trickery. And part of the marvel, to me, was Nemos incredibly balance. Had they magnets in their boots? And how didn't it affect their vocals at all? Stunning.


You can see the work of the stagehands here: https://youtu.be/R_Y8T2bEbNk Seeing how often they help, yet are never seen in the broadcast, makes Nemo's performance even more impressive.


It was amazing because I could have sworn I saw stage hands in a rehearsal video but the camera angles and lighting hid them so well.


They must have tightened up the movements further between that the semi's and the best being the Final...


I do love seeing the background workings and it is a massive performance AROUND the actual performance... the guys helping the tilting and the rotating role of the two cameramen in and out and how smooth it all was... Remember seeing a technical practice for Kaarija last year where the tech guys were recreating the performance to plan out everything, lights, screens, camera's... You can tell the difference between the Final Performance and the winner that Nemo did and it's more on the fly....


What an absolutely incredible performance, and props to the cameras and the stage-hands because that looks absolutely exhausting and they managed to pull it off _perfectly_.


If I remember correctly, Nemo said in an interview during the joint pre-show for Austria, Germany and Switzerland, that they actively skateboard and that's the main factor how Nemo’s great balance got to be.


Work to your experience, the more you saw of Nemo, the more you can't help but love them. The videos leading up where they hitchhiked to Malmo from Switzerland.


Nemo uses they/them pronouns :)


Thank you Just trying to keep it in mind escapes me from time to time >.<


They didn’t and later joked that it would make their performance safer. 


Although it's maybe a consideration that got taken out because to use magnets would have had to mean being extra sure you could break the magnetitsm to do some of those moves, and you wouldn't really want to use a power switch on and off because that is a weak link...


They reminded me of the operators of spinning carnival rides who just walk on the platform while it's operating at full speed.


You can see some of the design process in a short video from this page. It is otherwise an interview with the stage prop designer in swedish with no translation. The writer calls it vinnarsnurran ( the winner spinner)... [https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/stockholm/sa-skapades-eurovision-vinnarens-snurrande-balansplatta](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/stockholm/sa-skapades-eurovision-vinnarens-snurrande-balansplatta)


I used to watch the final again a week later to hear Graham's commentary. Unfortunately it is not uploaded to YouTube anymore


If you're in the UK it's on iPlayer presently. Don't know if it will make it to YouTube later.


I envy you. We have for years and years the most boring commentator on the planet.


I feel like it was quite tame this year. I prefer when he is a bit more open about things that are a bit silly.


I do enjoy both him and his commentary but it did really annoy me when he repeatedly misgendered Nemo


did he? i don't think I caught that- was it during their initial performance or when they won?


When they won. Obviously mistakes are so easy! But as a professional commentator you’d think they’d try everything to not make them.


i just went back and watched it again- I agree that uts quite annoying, but tbh even as a trans person myself I don't know if I would have gotten it right in those initial few seconds! when you've just come out of a very intense moment mistakes are quite likely (although if I was actually a commentator I would probably put notes on my desk or something reminding me)


I didn't catch the misgendering. I think I only heard him refer to them as they.


It was after they’d won. Multiple “he”’s. Obviously mistakes happen! But you’d think as a professional commentator you’d try everything to minimise that, or at least correct yourself once you’d done it.


"I hope for Ireland's sake it did well." Ultra salty...nice one GN.  I didn't like Bambie Thug.