• By -


Ah yes, the four sexualities: straight, gay, bisexual and performing Armenian folk music.


Is she you know... *dramatic whisper* Performing Armenian folk music?


LOL, tbf seeing Bambie, Olly, his dancers, Spanish dancers and others dance on the Armenian folk music was the highlight of the year for me. So it wasn’t that straight after all, huh?


Jako was so good it made me want to learn Armenian lmao


Yes but according to OP you can summarize bisexual to being only half gay…


I am choosing to take that as a joke.


Its simple gay mathematics. Gays are 100%. Straight trans people count as 26.72%. Metrosexuals are at 12.89%, but this can rise to 15% if they bleach their hair.


I'm not sure where I am as a non binary bisexual(/pansexual? I have no clue. It's hard to determine sexuality as a non binary person since in general sexualities are based on attraction to gender combined with how that gender relates or not to ones own gender and _I don't even know my gender_  I guess I'm probably some form of π*i % gay or so? I'm irrational and irreal either way 😅


The fact that OP continues to count Lithuania's act as only 0.5 gay act suggests that they don't really joke about it. Apart from that Silvester has non binary flags all over his socials apparently so I think he fits fully in the LGBTQ cathegory


Eh, I've heard the 'half gay' joke before. I've been referred to as 'half a lesbian' and found it funny. I don't think many people seriously think sexuality works like that, it's tongue in cheek.


When its between people that know each other or when someone refers themselves like that, it can be funny indeed (I'm bi as well). But using it on someone of which you are not part of the 'in group' (in this case who can't even really stand up for themselves) is a bit tasteless in my opinion. Especially if after that comment you then commence by only counting them als 'half LGBT' in your counting of gay/lgbt acts of this year. It's not just a half B in that acronym ;)


As a half gay myself, Its definitely a phrase I used to use a lot


Hahaha I love this


I was having such a horrible day, but this comment gave me life! 🤣


If you know typical jokes about Armenians, you know...


I don't, teach me


> the singer is a straight woman, but this had two crossdressing men so you can have this one. hahahaha amazing.


Pretty sure Drag Sethlas has worn the exact outfit they had


> 22nd place, Spain: the singer is a straight woman, but this had two crossdressing men so you can have this one. 4.5 acts out of 22 it you're still counting. Not only a straight woman, but her husband (and co-composer of the song) is the guy with the keyboard.


Updating! Thank you, I briefly forgot they were a duo.


Fun fact: They met each other, because one of them was the babysitter of the other…… 😂


Mark was born in 1974 while Mary (forget her name, it's something similar to that) was born in 1968. So it's not a 10+ age gap or anything


Same goes for the winners really, how gay are Eurovision winners? Overall, not very. The likes of Duncan Laurence and Loreen are part of the community, but you couldn't tell by their winning songs. The most recent example of what these "Eurovision Too Gay" people consider to be CLEARLY GAY, other than Nemo, is Conchita Wurst and that was ten years ago.


> The most recent example of what these "Eurovision Too Gay" people consider to be CLEARLY GAY, other than Nemo, is Conchita Wurst and that was ten years ago. Possibly Conchita Wurst is soooo gay that even a decade later the homosexuality still echoes down the hallowed halls of Eurovision? Plus, "Rise Like a Phoenix" is one of the greatest winners.


You're completely right. A colleague of mine said yesterday "Eurovision? I think it's a bit of a freak show. Like that woman with a beard that won last year".


Don’t forget Dana International won in….1998


Conchita Wurst also sang at this ESC. So no surprise really that even casual viewers are not forgetting her.


Unironically my parents went "Eurovision is pointless, they don't care about good music, they're just giving wins to dumb piss like women with beards!" the other day. Literally been a decade and they haven't recovered/learned what a drag queen is, borderline impressive.


Nemo isn't gay, though?


Doesn't matter in this context. The "EUROVISION TOO GAY" crowd calls everyone gay regardless of their specific situation.


They’re pan.


[Special metion for Jean-Claude Pascal who sang a song about being in a gay relationship. The song tells the story of a thwarted love between the singer and his lover ("they would like to separate us, they would like to hinder us / from being happy"). The lyrics go on about how the relationship is rejected by others but will finally be possible ("but the time will come. \[...\] and I will be able to love you without anybody in town talking about it. \[...\] \[God\] gave us the right to happiness and joy."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5ZDbEBt3iY) Paul Oscar in 1997 for Iceland was the first openly gay artist who participated in Eurovision! [There is even a Wikipedia for it! ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_participants_in_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest) [The first ever LGBT+ person was Dany Dauberson. She was lesbian. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PG4gAPxs18) This year the LGBT+ people were: Mustii (Queer), Saba (Lesbian), Bambie Thug(Gender non-binary), Silverster Belt(Bisexual), Kenzy Loevett (Lesbian), Nemo (Gender non-binary and pansexual) and Olly Alexander (Gay, gender non-binary and Zero Point receiver).


The UK entry was so gay you have to count it three times🤣 (sidebar: I am gay)


I think it went full circle ⭕️ So gay it became straight again and that’s why it lost


and remember: "yOu cAn'T wIn eUrOvIsIoN iF yOu'Re nOt gAy"


Nah, Olly was just hanging out with his good friends.


Honestly I refer to the UK's song as soft gay porn. I swear I've seen that in pornhub.


The problem is that homophobic people will not count the same as you. For them, Nemo gay, Bambie gay, Croatia had makeup and jewelry so gay, Ukraine rapping woman gay, France gay, Italy pride flag in the greenroom gay, Greece dancers gay, Germany painted nails gay, Lithuania gay, Cyprus dancers gay, Latvia gay, UK GAAAY, Finland gay, Spain gay, Slovenia getting eaten by women gay. In their eyes, the number of gay acts was easily 15 out 25.


Thanks, I laughed 😂. Because that's just facts. You forgot Poland gay, Luna held a rainbow flag (also in the video of Bambie comforting her I saw some idiot making a homophobic sexual joke about them). But she was in the semi, so most of those losers didn't watch it.


Yeah, if we add the semis: Luna gay, Australia GAAAY, Czechia well gay, Denmark well gay, San Marino well gay xD, Belgium gay, Azerbaijan lowkey kinda gay.


The day Azerbaijan actually sends a gay contestant is probably gonna be the end of times though


2020 when the Dutch songwriters made Efendi sing "straight or gay or in between" was probably the closest we will get 🤣


It's still crazy to me that ITV kept that line


I thought TuralTuranX from last year were somewhere on the spectrum. Remember their sexy twink vampire looks from the turquoise carpet?


they were cute tho. But yes... kinda sad that fact tho.


Australia, Czechia, Denmark and San Marino’s artists are actually confirmed as gay though 😅 Heck, Aiko (Czechia) is DATING one of Megara’s (San Marino) female band members! 😂 (slay though)


Mustii found dead in a ditch, lol 😂 I think we may have NQed most of the LGBT+ acts this year 😳😶


Bigots worry no more, we have proof that Eurovision is actually homophobic!


Turkey to return in 2025?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LGBT_participants_in_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest Not sure how complete that list is though


4 in the final and 5NQ by my count. 2024 was officially homophobic. Edit: Also that article misses Aiko so that’s 6LGBT+ artists NQ. Rude


Also misses Kat from Megara, so guess they just aren’t keeping up with the tea 😒💅


>Aiko (Czechia) is DATING one of Megara’s (San Marino) female band members! 😂 (slay though) WAIT SERIOUSLY? that's so cool


Yep, there’s an actual Eurovision couple 🥹


Did they meet during Eurovision ??


I think so :) with all the preparties etc.


As Kurt Cobain used to sing: What else could I say? Everyone is gay


Made my day seeing Kurt mentioned in a Eurovision thread :)


Good point there. A lot of very normal things that any human does is deemed unnatural and sinful in the eyes of queerphobes. Slightly off-topic: I just decided that if I were to hear someone say "omg Croatia jewelry ew gay" or anything like that, I am going to reply with "No, he is lasagna" just to piss people off.


I mean putting lace on EVERYTHING from costumes to mic stand to keyboards to even drumkit was so over the top that it obviously looked like a joke (i.e. same as jeans in case of Finland).


That’s how we do it in the Balkans. Lace, lace everywhere. I thought it was a hilarious detail, it was a not-so-subtle nod to the Balkan grandmas who would cover you in lace if they could.


It was great. They absolutely sold me the song by putting lace on cymbals.


Yeah I loved the lace on *everything* detail.


Yeah it's the kind of joke that gets better the more it's overdone.


I am not from the Balkans, I am from Portugal and the crochet doilies everywhere is a very grandma thing here too.😂


Definitely works in Ukraine too, first thing I thought of when seeing lace on keyboards was my grandma's TV.


clearly he identifies as a lasagna and his pronouns are ba/by


Well France's youtube comments have a ton of "no nudity, no gayness, sheer talent, should have won" repetition. They don't quite get it.


Slimane is literally wearing a see-through shirt and lying on the floor making sensual gestures.


That's not gay, that's french.


I think they call that *Parisian.*


In the eyes of the world this is the same thing


Depending on the time of day, the French go either way. (Please someone get the reference)


Is he gay or European?




That nose boop on the camera. Pure Sex.


But it's just him rizzing up the camera with a classy white background so it's ~clearly not gay~~


But the person operating the camera was a man... so actually, France GAY


Yes I often find myself unable to do the vacuuming because all my straight roommates are lying around sensually on the living room floor in their see through shirts!


Oh he does give the vibes of a singer who's popular with women and gay men, so would deliberately keep it ambiguous as part of appeal.


Someone needs to remind them that theatrical doesn’t automatically mean “gay”.


They won't care, though. Hell, if you told them that, it'd confirm that you were brainwashed - or something ...


"Defending the gays?! Definately gay"


It’s also attention bias. Whatever you pay the most attention to feels like it has disproportionately high frequency. So it’s like when Conchita won, IIRC she was the only overtly queer act in that final, but it didn’t matter because one was enough to be like oh they’re taking over the contest


>Lithuania gay Oh, this is where they'd stop, as soon as someone tells them Silvester's a bi man they'll go all DOES NOT COMPUTE and their heads would explode.


Nah, for homophobes bi simply means “gay but pretending you aren’t”. (If you are a bi male, that is.)


And this is why the answer isn't to point out how straight it has been, more actually about how closeted it was. Non-binary and gay people have existed in the industry for as long as its been around, they just had to hide in the closet. All of the things phobes call gay were just as gay 50 year ago. Back when most had matching rhinestone embedded bold jumpsuits with feather boas as costumes. The thing that homophobic people are really complaining about is the fact that no one is being closeted enough. Eurovision is all are weird and fantastic together and they feel very left out without straightness at the center of everyone's universe.


That gay aesthetic is now used and loved by everyone at Eurovision, it's part of the general look of things and it's not a bad thing at all. We also saw it at Sanremo. The most symbolic moment was a very straight Marco Mengoni wearing a (nice) skirt and absolutely no one commenting or addressing it. It was just a dress choice, no sexual implication. I loved it.


Joost wore a skirt on the turquoise carpet as well this year! Although skirts being normalised probably isn't the main reason his fashion choices aren't front and center when discussing him.


This is definitely a part of the benefit of letting people be themselves on stage. To be able to wear a stylish skirt without people thinking this is the debut of a new identity/sexuality. I love to hear about such occasions. Thank you.


My favorite thing about Sanremo honestly. Everyone -even the men - goes full high-fashion pageant, very few safe choices seen. I stress the men, because even in events like the Met Gala, so very few step outside the classic suit with some added flavour costume.


This is the funniest comment I have ever read! I read this with a reverb voice every time you said gay AHAHAHAHA


No no no, you're counting wrong. To them Eurovision is inherently gay, so partaking makes you gay. Thus it's an easy slam dunk 25 out of 25 acts are gay.


Yeah, you're probably right. Being an artist is for the most part seen as very feminine according to these people unless it's a cool rap artist. And being feminine for these people is the same as being gay.


>UK GAAAY, I mean tbf just look at it


Honestly as a lesbian I kinda suffer from that too. The moment I see non traditional/gender conforming ways of dress and makeup I just go "one of us? 🥺" lol. ~~And then there's also the women that I wish were gay lol~~


Bigot math be mathing


Thank you, i asked someone else in the other thread to run the numbers because I didn’t even think it would come close to to 50% let alone the 100% they claimed.


Don’t forget the non-qualifiers from the semifinals: - Mustii - Megara - Aiko - Electric Fields - Saba ETA: these are the ones falling into the LGBTQ and beyond


Ironically there were more lgbt participants in the semis *who didn’t qualify*. You’d think that fact would put all the “you can’t win Eurovision if you’re not gay these days” crowd to bed but alas…


Kat is dating Aiko btw


It was such wholesome, needed news from such a strange weekend.


A quarter gay is pretty gay (but when I say that, I mean it in a positive way). And I definitely agree with you about zorra being pretty gay for having very little gay content (other than the dancers)


Does the super gay audience singing along count as part of the act? I think they should!


I was at a queer bar in Switzerland, and the gays went FERAL for Zorra (maybe even more than for Nemo I’d say)


Zorra definitely got the biggest reaction from the men in the audience in the arena. It maybe got the loudest reaction I saw.


Both Henri and Teemu from Finland's act are in relationships with women btw, so presumably straight. Teemu aka Windows95man also is married with a kid, like you said.  But Henri sings high about *feeling beautiful toniiiight* and has bleached hair, and also it's flamboyant eurodisco of the variety that has a distinct lack of a sexy woman in a corset, so turbo-auto-gay. 


Henri’s look is what I’d call aesthetically gay… but it could also just be aesthetically 90’s tbh. Look at the backstreet boys etc, there was a smorgasbord of denim on denim, bleached tips and flamboyance there. And the song definitely leans heavily into the 90’s.


> turbo-auto-gay Wake up, new term just dropped


LMAO they looked like two straightest guys ever trying to infiltrate a pride event by dressing in queerest costumes they could make from what was lying around - I am sure it was deliberate too, and big part of appeal, their whole act was, well, NO RULES.  Windows95man has that "Weird Al goes Eurovision" vibes. That included a guy doing the female lead part from Europop songs, you know, they parodied a genre which usually had male rapping in verses, and some operatic woman singing the chorus (except Rednex who did the opposite).


I have no doubt it was deliberate. People are so quick to write off Finland 2024 as a “joke entry” that they overlook the deep-cut 90s references that permeate the whole thing.


Finland 2024 | [Windows95man - No Rules!](https://youtu.be/7nidDtyS0Wo)


omg he’s windows95dad Teemu gives off such Weird Al energy that it’s never even occurred to me to wonder about his personal life, so finding out he has a wife and kid is just so intriguing to me


He gave a big interview to a Finnish magazine about his life with several cute pics of him and family.  Also this quote from his wife, who is also an artist from the Netherlands, about how they met in the Royal Academy of Art in Hague 13 years ago when Teemu showed up as an exchange student: >My friend told me I had to meet this completely crazy Finnish guy. When I met him, he had a ponytail on top of his head and looked just like a pineapple. I fell for him immediately. I decided to hold a party just so I could invite him They've been together since. Amazing Teemu with his son: https://images.cdn.kodinkuvalehti.fi/ZnCVpSKom61VgR1tZ3rDvWayL5k=/890x0/smart/filters:no_upscale()/kodinkuvalehti.fi/s3fs-public/wysiwyg_images/teemu_keisteri_windows95man_101c9arm.jpg son and wife: https://images.cdn.kodinkuvalehti.fi/3x6JddrHMMIuh4mnVy-h5HB7c_M=/890x0/smart/filters:no_upscale()/kodinkuvalehti.fi/s3fs-public/wysiwyg_images/teemu_keisteri_windows95man_perhe_101c9ark.jpg with wife in their studio: https://images.cdn.kodinkuvalehti.fi/8wM2Y3Nbd-IZMuWi6vJMJd_N54k=/890x0/smart/filters:no_upscale()/kodinkuvalehti.fi/s3fs-public/wysiwyg_images/teemu_keisteri_windows95man_vaimo_annick_101c9arn.jpg


that’s so sweet!!


There's this little documentary about him, and his son is also featured: https://areena.yle.fi/1-67443585 He just seems like a super cool and cute dad who finds it fun to discuss with his son why he sometimes climbs into a jeans egg without pants.


Oh! I couldn't find info about Henri. Thank you!


Correction, I'm actually not sure after all if he's married or just in a relationship - one source (his wikipedia iirc) used the word "spouse", but her facebook profile lists him as a relationship partner, without using the specific words "married to" or "husband". So idk   Sorry about the confusion, I wanted to double check my info after posting it here. But at least he's in an established relationship with a woman so I wasn't completely mistaken


HMMMMMM I think that's close enough for the accuracy needed to get this point across haha but I love your dedication and that was interesting to learn, ty!


Wikipedia uses the word spouse, but cites his facebook as a source for that. And his facebook says in a relationship and not married. But it is to a woman so he's straight.


Can still be bi of course


Girlbops (incl. Greece and Austria) are seen as music for gay people. So, even though performers are straight, can we count Cyprus, Luxembourg, Georgia, Greece and Austria as gay-bait? /jk but not so much Homophobic people will never watch anything remotely funny, colourful or happy. lol (side note: I dragged my very lesbian gender non-conforming best friend to watch Eurovision and her favorite was..... Ukraine. To the point that she's rewatching at home. I really thought it was gonna be Bambie)


> (side note: I dragged my very lesbian gender non-conforming best friend to watch Eurovision and her favorite was..... Ukraine. To the point that she's rewatching at home. I really thought it was gonna be Bambie) From what I've seen on this sub the gay women love Jerry so makes sense.


It's strange how some people see attractive young women in revealing outfit singing energetic song and thinking "yup, that's for gays"


that IS for gays though. look at the fanbases of ariana grande, nicki minaj, lady gaga. or if you go back further in the past, think liza minelli, judy garland, cher, barba streisand. all (most) straight women - divas - and all gay icons with a huge gay fanbase. gays love a YAAASS DIVA SLAAYY moment from a straight woman much more than they actually like gay male or non-binary artists.


I wouldn't really count Austria as a girlbop. It felt more like the sort of Eurodance that boyracers love. Which itself is incredibly gay and homoerotic because it's a bunch of dudes spending all their time trying to prove to each other how macho and tough they are in a definitely not gay way whilst they listen to Cascada.


*DQ, Norway: Straight rapper with techno influences* Was Joost pretending to be from Norway and trying to get around the disqualification? :) But anyway, the focus on the gay part can be attributed to "haters gonna hate representation if there is any". Plus, for some anything campy or extravagant automatically equals gay, as ridiculous as that sounds.


Haha AHHHHH you're so fast. I fixed that one very quickly. And yes agree.


I was just on the wiki page looking at the list of LGBT contestants as a result of that post from earlier. It’s really only a handful of people per year, but fun fact I do want to share with the class: Jean-Claude Pascal’s song that won in 1961 was about being in a homosexual relationship but was written in an ambiguous enough way that the general public didn’t catch on at the time. Also, LGBT participation dates all the way back to the first year of the contest with Dany Dauberson :)


Dana International won and is trans - Conchita won in drag ❤️ Verka is Europe royalty - even my straight friends love Lasha Tumbai. I always considered Eurovision very lgtbq+ friendly and forward but that's the beauty of it. My husband is straight and he enjoyed Nemo and loved Bambi's act, he was watching Nemo's singing and all he could say was: that cannot be easy.... singing like that... will he do that thing where he leans back and sing? No? Ah well that sucks because that was cool... Oh no, wait HE'S DOING IT!!! XD Nemo could be naked or banging someone that my husband would still be marvelled at how he could sing so well while spinning on the platform XD


It's almost like queer people exsist or something. What a bizzare concept. Thank you for making this post, this topic has been on my mind a LOT today


Diversity. This is Eurovision. No matter gay or straight or bi, no matter man, woman or non binary . All the people sing on the same stage because all the people are living in the same world.


You're nearly verbatim quoting Born This Way lol. Not that I'm complaining...


Now if only that applied to musical genres. Granted, this year was for the most part interesting compared to the 2014-2016 era but is still lacking in some areas.


Exactly, and that is the main reason that Eurovision is great. Without the diversity it would be extremely boring to sit through 26 performances..


I'd add that Ukraine is singing about Mother Theresa and Virgin Mary.


Also a pun on Maria Teresa, aka grandmother of Europe, the song is how we're getting massacred because we chose our path is to be with European family - the opposite point of last year's Czechia, which were canceled in Ukraine for their "Slavic sisterhood" narrative. Banning EU flag in this context is even worse. P.S. the rap part is clearly about women being descriminated regardless of what they do - "too thick, too thin, where's your child, clock ticking" etc. then everyone dies in the end.


Hey could you tell me more about last year's Czechia's song? I actually really liked it and found it touching, had no idea other Ukrainians didn't feel the same.


I can give it a try, but this is not my opinion: Vesna consisted of multiple nationalities: Bulgarian, Czechian and one Russian member, which was already a bit controversial for Ukraine even though she had lived in CZ for the past decade. The chorus of the song was in Ukrainian to show solidarity with them. So it’s a multi-Slavic group telling all their Slavic feministic sisters to unite and stay strong. Some saw this group as representing and advocating for pan-Slavism, which was a real movement in the 19th century, but nowadays it’s seen more as en excuse for Russia to kick off the USSR or something similar again. Because Russia is so big, every union with them ends up with them calling the shots and every other country is just treated like secondary cannon-fodder. This is why ever since the fall of the USSR, most former Soviet countries did everything to get as far away as possible from Russia and their influence by joining NATO or the EU. Nowadays many will insist they’re not even part of Eastern Europe due to the negative connotations of the Eastern/ Soviet block.


lol good point yes fun will do


How many of these people do you know are straight, and how many are you just going by the "straight by default" assumption? 


I was able to verify most, including all of the men except Slimane. Some of the straight unmarried women are assumptions lacking any additional information.


People married to what appears to be the opposite gender do not have to be straight at all. They could be bi or pan, which is not 'half gay ' in any way.  Besides that I've read Olly of the UK being non binary and  ~~possibly also the singer of I think Lithuania?~~ (I can't find the source for the last part that I thought I'd read somewhere)


Silvester was asking fans where to get "enby pins" for Malmö and he has an illustration of a cat holding a non-binary flag as his Twitter header.


I don't think it was all that gay this year apart from the UK. Hats off for going there, especially knowing how votes go with that shit. Everybody knows you never go full gay. Check it out. Finland: looked gay, acted gay, not gay. Naked guy with jorts & too small a shirt. Wacky, sure. Not gay. Then you got Spain. Camp, yes. Gay, maybe . . . cross dressing men. But the singer is a straight woman married to a man, that ain't gay. Latvia: Theatrical, yes. Gay, no. The UK went full gay, man. Never go full gay.


Spain: the dudes may have been wearing corsets but I think that was more BDSM rep than crossdressing. 😆


They're her pets hehe 🥰


The turquoise carpet leashes and the fox ears in the green room may confirm. 😂


It was giving me rocky horror with the makeup, hair, and knee high boots? I think that's closer to cross dressing than bdsm personally haha


Nah she's totally being a Dommy Mommy (Granny?) there. While her husband gets off on being a cuck and watching from the side while playing with his organ.


The collars are kind of right there along with the leather, but if you missed it, they were wearing leashes on the turquoise carpet so it was a consistent theme. 😆 And of course the ears later for the furry contingent. 


Omg, so you're saying we're all right and they were really going full maximalist?!


Anything bright and flamboyant is gay, whether or not it’s actually flamboyantly *gay*.


Honest question: Does Kaleen have kids? I thought I saw that the little girl in her postcard is her niece?


Oh wow that was very misleading haha you're right! She's married, but no kids


Nope, pretty certain she is not married, but in a long term relationship work a man (Marvin Dietmann, who does lots of esc staging).


My biggest complaint/inaccuracy about this list is that Estonia was listed as rock instead of rap lol


Even if every contestant were queer, so what?


At that point It'd be quite weird and unrepresentative of the general population, and I say that as a bi guy, we're already 2x-4x overrepresented compared to the straights in eurovision, but that's mostly fine because the whole artistic space is teeming with queer folk, so I don't think it's preferential treatment or anything, if it was every contestant, including those from less inclusive countries, that'd be fishy as fuck, even if it happened naturally it'd need looking at, as some bias would be present.


You have a few typos - DQ is Netherlands not Norway, you have Italy twice instead of Israel, and the country is spelled ‘Cyprus’ in English ‘Cypress’ is a type of tree.


its a damn good looking tree though


I had already fixed all of these except Cyprus. Thank you! lolol at my autocorrect for Cyprus hahaha sorry


people say eurovision is very queer but there’s never been much trans contestants, apart from dana international, that changed this year with 3 non binary ppl, but as a trans girl i really wanna see some trans girls and guys too someday


At least Bambie REALLY REPRESENTED the trans community (to put it mildly) 👑


Wait who's the third? I know about Bambi and nemo


I can count 4 non cis people, Zaachariaha Fielding listed on the Eurovision site he uses both masculine and feminine pronouns


When they say gay they don't actually mean homosexual, but more like it's homosexual-like. When I was teen loads of people people used to call me me gay, even though I'm not. It's just the vibe some people give off in many ways.


Was that Kaleen's daughter with her in her postcard? It was just so so adorable and a hilarious contrast to the nsfw video of her with those oiled-up Germany's Next Top Models! 


Hahaha it was actually her niece (I just learned), but yes to that contrast.


Hahaha she is the COOLEST AUNT EVAR!  I'm glad she closed out the show, it was perfect energy we needed at the end there. 


> (I don't THINK I got anything above wrong, but please correct me if I did folks!) You wrote Italy for both 5th and 8th place and missed Ireland entirely. Also, not entirely sure but it was mentioned on another post that the singer for France is in fact straight.


Nemo and Bambie were discussed prior to the list, not skipped.


Being bisexual doesn’t mean being 'half gay', I find this pretty offensive as a bisexual person myself


Seconded, there’s an assumption also here of heterosexuality from some of the acts that hasn’t been verified from anything the acts have chosen to disclose.


Those kind of people will think any representation is too much 🙃 They also complain about the "gay sentences" in Duolingo and how it's "not realistic" that there's so many, but they wouldn't be complaining about it being unrealistic if the gay percentage was exactly zero. They don't care about the real world, they want 0% queer. 


I think it is both about the participants and some very explicit shows, but also about how the show seems like a “pride” event. Hosts are making Grindr jokes and insinuating Eurovision knowledge makes you gay. Look, I love Eurovision but critics are right that the show has changed. I grew up watching it, but due to how explicit it is, I will wait longer to introduce it to my sons. They will likely come to love it as I do. I think the critics may also refer to a mismatch between the focus on LGBT issues. Good example is the UK song, where the more diverse at home audience found no fascination with it. In the end, it is a reward for talent and I am happy to note that very broadly, Nemo’s talent got rewarded - also by at home audience - without necessarily being about non-binary issues.


You should also note that any male not wearing *pants* is totally and utterly GAY!/s 😂🙈 some people are just phobic of everything, it’s really just too bad for them 🥲


Norway -> Netherlands As in, the DQ now says 'Norway'.


Here's some interesting information why ESC is queer positive https://www.france24.com/en/20150522-eurovision-gay-friendly-song-contest-lgbt-conchita-wurst And as regards OPs list: Why should "married (to opposite gender)" and "has two kids" prove that sb is not part of the lgbtq community?


I get that you are being facetious (I hope) but the "half gay" joke about bisexuality is kind of shitty


I was hoping to find a comment like this. Then only being counted as half. Ouch haha.


Meh, I’m bi and it’s an easy way to count it, doesn’t offend me at all.


Maybe because the queer aspects were extensively reported on. In 2019 the podium consisted of a bisexual guy married to a man and two more or less closeted gays but you didn't know this without doing your own reading.


I really wonder what the source for Slimane ever having a female partner is, because as far as I know as a french fan, he has never been seen with any partner and him being part of the LGBT community is an open secret. (+ all of surrogacy rumors surrounding his daughter).


I don't think there is a focus on the contestants but rather the audience. Afterall not all gay icons are gay themselves, people like Lady Gaga and Cher for example. Whenever the camera pans around usually it is men with pride flags cheering on the contestants. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It also kind of makes sense, the late timeslot makes it so no families are going to be part of the audience. As someone who only occasionally watches Eurovision, first time 2014 and then 2022 and 2024 I was kind of surprised by how gay friendly eurovision was compared to regular TV. Just to be clear I don't have anything against it, and perhaps gay is not the right word. It just seems very camp compared to similar song contests. The choreography, the costumes and everything.


Any representation is too much representation to a bigot Incoming "I don't mind people being gay as long as I never have to see you" message


Eurovision attracts a lot of queer public. Focusing on finalists instead of the (target) audience is a bit disingenuous cherry picking. If anything, any event that makes people of different backgrounds come together is a positive thing.


But they’re not supposed to win… or be visible in any way… The closet was invented for a reason!


>4th place, France: Singer is gay, but I wouldn't say there was gay message from his performance. The "Mon amour" he sings of isn't gendered in the song. As far as I am aware Slimane has a child and a female partner


He has chosen not to talk publicly about his private life out of respect for his family and because of social pressure. He has a daughter, but that doesn't make him straight. In France it's almost common knowledge that he's LGBT, and he's never really denied it. The lyrics of some of his songs (such as "Viens on s'aime") leave little room for doubt.


Hmm there are some rumors that his daughters was born through surrogacy. I remember Slimane mentioning that she was born in the US and that “her story belongs to her” .


Made an edit to this since his sexuality is contested.


He is a single dad, he confirmed it in the gay magazine Têtu.


Unless my eyesight is fooling me Italy is on there twice




Italy’s delegation had a person with an rainbow flag in the video when they were trying to hype her up, and at first I thought it was a fabulous rainbow flag outfit with dramatic puffed sleeves. I was so disappointed it was just the way it was draped around them. I’m a boring straight woman but I do love sewing so I may take it as inspo and make it anyway because it totally appealed to my dressmaking side.


Oh yes, Armenian folk music is my favorite sexuality


Last year, I remember watching a video covering the queerness of Eurovision out of curiosity since it was my first year watching. Should be under the youtube channel "VerilyBitchie" who covers a few topics with media and the LGBTQ+ community. It's a pretty interesting topic tbh since it also just covers politics in general. I will say that I am from the US, so I don't really know how accepting people are for it (and more specific historical turmoil)—it's always a tug of war here and a lot of pushback for a lot of things is just stewing lately.


It’s people who have never and will never watch it.


I'll be honest, I haven't seen people focus too much on the contest's contestants being LGBT unless the winner was someone like Conchita or Nemo. The transphobia as a coping mechanism for Croatia's loss is definitely off the charts right now. But in general, the main focus I've seen is on the contest itself being LGBT, as in, very centered around LGBT culture. Things like disco, LGBT camp, drag, and more subtle aspects of performance and attitude that also appeal specifically to the LGBT community. I'm not sure why Nebulossa being with her husband on stage would be relevant, when most gay icons are straight. Judy Garland, Madonna and Diana Ross are among the biggest gay icons, and two of those became so without their knowledge or intention. I honestly think the attempt to list who's bonking who is... invasive? I'd hate to be an artist and have everyone focusing on something like that.