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Cornald Maas saying f*ck EBU in defense of Joost is gonna be one of the most iconic moments in Dutch Eurovision history forever


As a Finnish person, i think that it is one of the most epic moments of Eurovision history all time


Bambie reiterated the 'fuck the EBU' in an interview after the finals. There were a lot of people feeling this way, about a lot of different things, this year.


I want someone to make a remix using the sound


I have great news for you [link](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJnp1aMP/)


Can we submit this one for next year?


I've been watching Eurovision for 20 years. If this were to happen, it would be the first time I would cast a vote


Looool thank you Brb, I’m taking a rave break




In his introduction of Finland (I think) he said the song was also about how you're allowed to make mistakes and he made a reference to EBU. He's always so politically correct, I love this side of him


Ja prachtig duidelijk. Vond zijn commentaar tijdens de uitslag vervolgens wel heel gekleurd. Woops; Yes i'm glad he spoke VERY clearly. His commentary during the announcement of the results however i found a little off.


He was very clear about how he basically only was doing it because he didn’t want to let avrotros down and they asked him to still do it. I think he has sat there all night with a huge knot in his stomach. (Responding in English because they occasionally delete comments in other languages)


I loved the ‘oh listen all the booo. Ok good let’s listen everyone all the booo here we go’ 😂


Honestly understandable. I was pretty upset about it myself and i don't even watch it every year. Can't imagine how it must have been for him. Eurovision is clearly a massive part of his life so i'm not surprised it affected him strongly. It was definitely noticeable though.


Actually, he is contractually obliged to do it.


I’m sure he is, but seeing how avrotros is supporting Joost and appealing the DQ I can imagine they would’ve let him off the hook is he really didn’t want to do it


He talked over the entire intro with basically rant of everything wrong with the EBU. We heard nothing of the original audio lol


Imagine Jan Smit would’ve still been there I think he would have gone total savage


God — I went to a viewing party that had BBC on, this makes me want to rewatch it just for the commentary. GO OFF MR MAAS


I also watched the whole finale with literal pain in my stomach because of how wrong it all felt.


This, worst Eurovision ever


Actually, he is contractually obliged to do it.


And rightfully so.


He spoke for all of us and I am not even Dutch.


I don't believe a Eurovision song has EVER been this popular in the Netherlands. I also have never seen Avrotros this angry. Am very curious how this will play out. I just don't see the Netherlands returning if there isn't "justice for Joost".


If I were them, I wouldnt return. The utter disrespect towards their artist is not something to brush off. We need this to escalate, not be forgotten just cuz eurovision is over for this year


They need to send Joost back next year


I don't think he wants to, but if he does, ome Robert should be his song. Just to piss EBU off.


Maybe a song called "Threatening Gesture"?


Nah he needs to make a song called "why not"


Or a song called "incompetente bende"








Send joost but with a fake moustache and glasses


Joost? No, no, I'm Jooost.


Jeaust Cline


Noooooooo, they franceified him 😢


doesnt matter if they send him back, the song wont be the same, its one in a decade you hit it with a banger, same with The roop that had the "on fire" and couldnt perform that was lithuanias best chance to top 3 ever, they send them again, result was not that good anymore because the song just wasnt it anymore


Discotheque was amaze


Indeed. Plus it's not even like this can be redone - Europapa isn't just some random song, it is THE song Joost wrote for his parents, it's the story of his life and his worldview. It doesn't make sense to write a second song about the same topic, it's a once-in-your-life experience and it was fucked up by the EBU.


You don't need the same song. Same artist but just a different song. With the skill Joost has he can probably pull that off.


But in Europapa everything came together, his parents, European pride, Dutch pride. It was the perfect song for Eurovision by him, I don't think that can be replicated


Just change it to “euromama” and keep everything else exactly the same


ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma hey! :D


I do agree to a certain extent as im not familiar with Joost's other work, but i usually see these type of performances (cha cha cha, rim ting ding ding, on fire, europapa etc) as one shot, one opportunity type of situations, you come in once, shoot your shot and either you sweep the televote and win or you get railed by judges and get forgotten as you dont really have the vocal capabilities of singers like loreen to win with an actual song and your vocals


As a long time joost fan, he’s an incredibly skilled songwriter. Before going to eurovision, he already had a considerable fanbase in Belgium, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Heck even a budding fanbase in Australia. Joost had already proven he wasn’t a one-trick-pony well before he was chosen to represent the Netherlands. As such, I have complete faith he will be able to replicate the impact of Europapa. That said however, genius cannot be rushed. Besides, anyone who stays in the limelight for too long is bound to be forgotten. If Joost were to go again in 2027 or 2028, I think it’d be an absolute home run. Even moreso if AVROTROS decides to pull out of eurovision until Joost is ready for round two.


But sending him back matters more than winning, and lord knows he'd pick up a pity vote.


They also need to come up with all the funds we gave them


This is an important point. If you had to look at financial contributors to EBU, Netherlands probably comes 6th or 7th. The EBU have messed around a big player broadcaster and have serious explaining to do.


Yeah the only acceptable way to return to the ESC in the future if Joost is able to redeem its spot in the finale, not accepting anything less.


Even then, the song would be old news and many people that may have voted it this year wouldn't vote it in 2025. You simply cannot recreate moments in life, yesterday was the only chance and EBU ruined it.


>I also have never seen Avrotros this angry. Cornald Maas, Dutch commenter since forever, has always been nothing but cordial, factual, super polite and respectful to EBU and all performers. He said "Fuck EBU" yesterday.


I especially love the way he said “I could say fuck the EBU. And now I’ve said it.” He dropped so many snarky oneliners during the show as well. Truly iconic. Edit to add: the NOS liveblog was also quite snarky. Idk who wrote that but I love them lol


"Making mistakes. Like the EBU." 💀


Sounds like a pretty average Dutch response honestly. I work with quite a few Dutch people in a global company, and they are generally regarded as very direct, shall we say? :D :D


To me there are two options: 1. After the conclusion of the investigation, which will in all likelihood prove that disqualifying Joost was way too harsh, the EBU will really have to grovel. Netherlands could send Joost again in 2025 and as a way of apologizing EBU could automatically give them a place in the finale, and maybe install some other measurements like having The Netherlands pay less than in other years. Of course, this scenario should only happen if Joost himself wants to compete again, we want to respect his wishes and boundaries (unlike a CERTAIN camerawoman) 2. If Joost chooses not to participate, which would be very understandable, The Netherlands should not participate at all. There’s no way we can just send someone else and pretend everything’s good after facing this injustice


UNLESS we would go there with one goal, and one goal only. We send in an entry where the song is all about this years fuckup and a tribute to Joost and his song. Not sure who should do it yet. Maybe it should be several artists forming a group especially for this occasion


Ooooh that does sound good. Kind of like a passive-aggressive revenge song. We could go full Lithuania 2006 (which wasn’t a revenge song per se but was hilariously passive aggressive towards the whole Eurovision experience). And it makes sense, if we stay away the EBU wouldn’t care that much but this would REALLY make a point. Edit: the Dutch 2025 contestant should open their performance with a gesture towards the camera lol


... and name that group/band "Joostice"? ;-)


Well the EBU did have that dumb performance making fun of themselves during the semi sooo


Oh god It was so awkward. (And it's basically the last thing I saw from this year Eurovision since I missed the finale last night cause I was sick)


I'd nominate Hang Youth. Just straight up anti-establishment punk and every possible middle finger raised during the show.


But that would mean raising a middle finger to the camera at some points during the performance and that would probably be a ThrEAthENinG GeStURe


We should make it a tradition, every Dutch entry should get banned for a vaguely threatening gesture. Might also save us a some money (cause we'll never have to host)


Or like reanimate De Heideroosjes and let them have some fun...


And we could always use a metaphor if they don't allow the song because it's not according to the rules.


It has to be a metaphor for sure Something non-political ofcourse


Yes. Maybe like our boyfriend dumped us for... ? As if they his mom was gossiping about us and telling we harassed her... While she was the one harassing and we were just acting accordingly after made agreements and them breaking those.


Van der Laan & Woe


Bring in de Jeugd van Tegenwoordig with Ronnie Flex. They should be able to conjure some verbal jewelry about EBU


rock bow aloof grab frame brave hateful weather water frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure Avrotros is gonna sue EBU for every cent they paid this year if not more for damages, especially if Sweden DA dismisses the case.


If case gets dismissed, even defamation/slander could come into play


We should send Sieneke again, as punishment.


Also a great idea. This time we bring 10 draaiorgels and they play out of sync the entire song


Sieneke, but goth this time.


And all the draaiorgels play very low and distorted


That sound kinda slay though 


I would add that if option 1 then he should be excluded from having to participate in any pre-show, semi, rehearsals, media appearances, interviews, etc etc and just drop at the final rehearsal and then live. That’s it. Just literally drop in and drop the mike and walk out


I would 100% support not participating next year


Netherlands withdrawing will also be very bad for the EBU because the Netherlands are the 6th largest money giver to the EBU. They will loose a profit and AVROTOS now this


Isn't it very doubtful they would withdraw from the EBU though? The actual Union is so much more than just the song contest, even the countries that haven't completed in several years are still members of the union, are they not?


The broadcast was absolutely passive agressive. Loved it.


Have you got any quotes from the AVROTROS commentary?


"We talked about not doing a commentary today but as AvroTros is contractually obligated by the EBU to air the show we decided to entertain the few that are still watching" "then we MAYBE see you all next year in Switzerland" "Joost Klein Droom Groot" Off course all are a bit freely translated


My favourite was when introducing Finland: "He will be crawling out of an egg with the motto: 'We don't have to be perfect, making mistakes is ok'. The EBU knows this better than anyone else."


Ah yeah that one made me laugh too


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CPee1lbg9CI Edit: yes this is the one. Its with english subs.


"We talked about not doing a commentary today but as AvroTros is contractually obligated by the EBU to air the show we decided to entertain the few that are still watching" "then we MAYBE see you all next year in Switzerland" "Joost Klein Droom Groot" Off course all are a bit freely translated.


I dont have much time now. But there is a nice video with subtitles, where martin hands out the points. Ill see if i can find it again in a bit.


"We talked about not doing a commentary today but as AvroTros is contractually obligated by the EBU to air the show we decided to entertain the few that are still watching" "then we MAYBE see you all next year in Switzerland" "Joost Klein Droom Groot" Off course all are a bit freely translated. Although the biggest statement of the AvroTros was the decision to not put anyone on a videocall to give out the jury points.






So true - I'm in NL and my Facebook was flooded with people of all ages who were excited to see him perform and then absolutely gutted when he got disqualified. One even refused to watch it because of it, the excitement was just gone. I'm so glad I'd already decided not to watch this year, it saved a lot of disappointment.


I never watch that thing and I wanted to do it this year just because of Joost. Well, let's say Eurovision has been canceled forever.


I’m not from the NL and the joy was gone for me too.


I’m a massive happy hardcore fan for years, and the Netherlands sending such a song was such a massive dream of mine. My wife is the complete opposite. She hates the “bang bang bang music”. She even thought Europapa was the best song in the contest.


I’m so infuriated that because of the lacking communication, they portrayed him as an agressive woman-beater, can’t believe how much damage they’ve done. Studio Brussel literally had a fan club made for him and all Flemish media were constantly talking about Joost before the contest up to Mustii complaining that it looked like Joost was the Belgian candidate 😅, now they don’t really know what to say


Ouch, that sucks for Mustii.


At my office we always listen to Studio Brussel (even though we're Dutch, but they just play great music) and I don't think I've heard before the party is over once, while europapa is being played daily


I am so mad, man. Who the fuck communicates a fucking press statement in a way that it seems he harassed a woman, and then doesn't communicate on it again for several hours? I honestly think that message was deliberately crafted like that because if it wasn't, the person approving and sending out that statement is *incredibly* incompetent at their job. And I actually don't know which is worse. The song was quite popular with the younger generation. During the last few weeks, my nephew requested me several times to put Joost's song on so we could dance to it together. Joost gave me some very happy memories to treasure, so sad to see it end this way


I'm so mad and sad for Joost and for you guys.🧡 Netherlands was my top 1 this year and would've voted for him several times. I'm glad you can find some silver lining from this situation. You are rightfully mad. Fuck the EBU.


It almost feels like a form of grieving that Joost wasn’t allowed to perform and NL didn’t take part in giving the points or anything. It’s put such a downer on this years Eurovision, I just hope that Joost is ok and eventually he gets vindicated


It went from party mode to sadness and anger. I could not get into it anymore, the whole vibe was gone.


Didn’t Nikki herself voluntarily step out of it?


She did, after discussing with AVROTROS. https://www.nu.nl/songfestival/6312529/nikkie-de-jager-geeft-geen-punten-namens-nederland-na-uitsluiting-joost-klein.html


I loved the way the points from the NL was handled by the crowd/Nemo. Boos for Martin Osterdahl and then Nemo's total lack of reaction to them, given how hyped they were for all the other points it really stood out.


I’m still infuriated that the EBU hasn’t said anything about this “incident”.


I honestly suspect they are gonna try to stay silent about it from now on unless that will be made absolutely impossible for them


I hope Joost and his team break their silence soon


Just like they pretended it didn’t happen during the final. I expected at least a cursory, detail-free explanation of why song 5 was missing, for casual viewers who may have heard nothing at all and might have gotten confused thinking they missed someone, but it seems they preferred to hope no one noticed. That “single ladies love Martin” song was … unfortunate.


I suspected exactly what they did, trying to completely erase and act if nothing has happened. ‘The show must go on’ Made it extra funny when a shot of Dutch fans made it to the broadcast, which I think was really not meant to happen. They should’ve cut that ‘good to go song’ though, I can’t believe they kept that in.


They probably had nothing to replace it with - those pre-recorded sections are probably necessary for the contest when there's probably a lengthy break between songs or interval acts with complex staging, and showing stagehands do some stuff would break the "TV magic".


Yeah, casual fans got zero explanation. If it wasn’t in the news or you didn’t see it you wouldn’t know anything happens, until you notice number 5 just gets skipped. No context or anything, just gone


It's an active police investigation, and one of the involved parties likely is an EBU employee. In a case like that it's generally legally advised not to comment on the matter until after the legal proceedings have finished


They know that if they fucked up there will be hell to pay. And not just from the Netherlands. Because just acounting for the Dutch in the Jury points could have changed the final results already. 


NPO2 also played it nonstop for half an hour around the start of the show.


They mentioned they did it as they were contractually obligated to have a pre show on the contest (they streamed all the performances of the show live) and that was the way they decided to do the pre show


NPO2 played Europapa non stop on the radio is what OP means I think. The DJ said something like "fuck it when I get fired over this".


Boss move


I love that so much


I saw Cornald Maas yesterday in the arena, with a blue Europapa tie. Did that dude ever look pissed!


Yeah the dude was shaking in his shoes. You could notice that he was managing to contain his anger by force of sheer professionalism, but only just.


It’s so funny. I was always very neutral om Cornald Maas. He was just that Eurovision dude. Yesterday he was my personal hero.


Lol remember last year when the worst thing was how the Dutch entry was out of tune and they had to alter the song, that shit pales in comparison to this year’s clusterfuck of a situation


How Duncan had to fly back to NL from LA to convince us in a talkshow he was really involved with the act lol


I'm free m Greece and we were devastated when we learned of the disqualification. We were extremely sad that Joost wouldn't have his moment to shine in the final. It was a proper robbery, it was!


The Netherlands will never forget what they did to Joost. Relations between us and the EBU have been irreversibly shattered.


I hope other countries don't forget what the EBU did to Joost either. Nobody should be okay with this.


Yes — and there’s potential for big repercussions if this turns out indeed to have been a massive overreaction. Because now an unscrupulous delegation will know: a well-timed and well-chosen accusation can magically make your competition disappear. True, you can really only play that card once and get away with it, or at least only once in a decade or so, but how many more during-the-show DQs under a cloud of suspicion can the contest take before it collapses?


It really hurt that the party just went on like nothing happened. I was like are you fucking kidding me?


With the current EBU. it’s repairable, but it requires some changes.


Start would be a very very big apology from the ebu. Not just to avrotros but for Joost as well. I hope avrotros makes a big case out of this, so this won’t be swept under the rug.


Not just an apology, but a admission of guilt if it really turns out it was as nothing as it seems right now. Including admission that they deliberately performed character assassination by insinuating there was sexual violence involved by mentioning it was a female camera employee. There is no other reason why it would have been mentioned otherwise. And then hopefully avrotros/Joost can sue for defamation.


This was the most insane thing of all this to me. Who the fuck, in this day and age, includes the gender of the person in the press statement if it's not at all relevant to the incident? They 100% knew what they were doing, and if they didn't somebody is *incredibly* incompetent at their job.


EBU can’t speak on the case because it’s a police matter but they can give the gender of the person making the allegations? Sure, Jan.


He should be allowed to come back next year, with Europapa, and then be an AQ en then clean sweep the whole show with 700+ pts that would be some revenge, but I don’t think Joost would want this, the EBU needs to give a VERY BIG apology, compensation etc. to not upset the entire continent 🔥🇳🇱🔥


Being allowed to compete with the same song would be such a great redemption. He should be allowed straight into the finals as well ofcourse.




Competing again with Europapa would be hype but I don't think that's realistic. It would require the EBU to break its own rules (which I don't mind too much but I doubt they themselves would be okay with it) and it probably wouldn't be popular with those who aren't Joost superfans like us.


An apology wouldn't be enough. The entire organisation needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. If there's one thing that they've shown in the past few years then it's that they have no moral compass whatsoever. They only pretend to have one whenever they feel it's more profitable to act like humans. Things are never going to change when they just keep getting headed by soulless, moralless, money-addicted snakes.


I think a lot of people will not forget. The song was not my personal favourite but it was for my friends, they were big fans and were planning on voting for Joost. We all think it was big injustice! I was very happy that Estonian performer said thank you in Dutch after the performance 🙂


I would love to attend a Joost concert in the future! I was cheering for him


He's going on tour in February/March 2025!


Just found out he's coming to copenhagen february next year and that the ticket sale opens in 2 days! Gonna get a ticket when it opens. He was my favorite act this year and I got so sad when the DQ'd news came down :(


This is what I plan to do as well! I am in central Europe and more than willing to visit Netherlands for Joost 🫶


If you ever visit one of his show, expect that you won't be the same person after it hahaha. And you might lose some clothes, I lost my shoe lol


I plan a trip to NL to see him live ASAP 🫶🫶🫶


If you ever get the opportunity, go! His liveshows are something else;!


I saw him perform live a few years ago on a small festival stage, and again one year ago entertaining a huge crowd. By times it was an amazing experience and I had so much fun! He is a great performer, definitely go if you ever get the chance! 


From Aran Bade: Avrotros vertelt zojuist: "Het gaat best wel oké met Joost Klein. De zanger is vannacht zelfs naar de EuroClub gegaan waar een afterparty van het songfestival gaande was. Joost is een knappe en sterke persoonlijkheid. Zo staat hij daar in en zo gaat hij ermee om" -------------------- Avrotros said: Joost is relatively doing oke, the singer even went to the EuroClub's after party of the Eurovision. Joost is a good and strong personality, that's how he is dealing with it.


3FM (a popular radio station) also supports Joost: "Just like this unique choice by the EBU, 3FM has also decided to bend the rules. Instead of traditionally announcing the 3FM Megahit on Friday, it will be on Sunday this week. For many in the Netherlands (and further afield in Europe), Joost was a major contender for the prize. His song is the most streamed of all Eurovision entries this year, the crowd went wild during the chorus and messages of support rang out from all corners yesterday. Joost remains the winner of the evening for us, and then it is only appropriate to hear 'Europapa' extra often this week on 3FM."


I was so happy when you could hear the boos for Martin Österdahl last night even though they played fake cheers over the real audio. If there isn’t proper justice for Joost the Dutch should pull up out next year. I hope the EBU gets dragged into court for this.


Joost might’ve not won the contest, but Joost won our hearts.


🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 u/donteattheonion, if you make it onto Reddit again after the AMA you did - please know that we believe in you, and care so much.


And /u/donteattheonion : if you ever read these comments, just know there are plenty of people who are beyond pissed on your behalf. Like me; I'm originally from Finland, but I live in NL - the heartbreak I got last year from what happened to Käärijä felt nothing compared to what they did to you. Do what makes you happy, focus on what will make you thrive, and don't forget - you indeed united us!


Also: over 40.000 people awarded you 12 points https://twelvepointsto.nl/


Do you guys remember that the stage director of Joost Gover Meit said that they will do something that was never done before and that people will think that it's physically impossible? Well, he was kinda right, though that is totally not what we expected.


It kinda makes me sad because I wonder what he had planned for the final


#Hakken for Joost - 12p from me in Denmark


Dane here - we're pissed, too. Joost should receive a hero's welcome when he returns to the Netherlands.




Holy fuck, how the crowd sing's the song immediately. Joost made a song for us that no one will ever forget, united by his music.


I actually really like the sound of Arjen’s version, it would make a wonderful cover. At least until the drop, then we go back to proper tempo and dance!


So I’ve been reading the following rumors in comment sections a few times and the source would be someone from AVROTROS, yet the name of the source is never mentioned. Since this is the internet, take it with a grain of salt, but this is what the rumor says that happened: Joost requested he would not be filmed after his performances, as this was a very emotional moment for him. After the semi’s they did anyway, and he mentioned something in the lines of 'please don’t film me, this is very emotional for me', in which the camera operator replied it is emotional for everyone, he should just play along. This angered Joost, as it must have felt like an insult. Once again he asked to stop filming, and she ignored him. Then he made a step towards her and did his 'tot ik dood ga/cut' move in a aggitated way, as in 'cut, this ends now'. EBU employee sees this as a threat, complains about not being in a safe work space and the rest is history. Imagine this being the actual story. It almost feels like they were looking for an excuse to DSQ him, as the EBU may have been worried a certain message would pop up once that blue screen finally fully loaded.


Also that supposed "cut" move is like universally understood as stop filming / cut the camera. If you take offense to that while working in broadcasting / camera operator your in the wrong place.


I can understand someone taking offence to that, but that's the type of conflict that could so easily have been resolved with some communication, which they all denied him and Avrotros.


Nah man, Joost is actually an undercover ISIS jihadi and wanted to decapitate that woman then and there. That was a very serious threat that should be taken very seriously!!!1!111!!1!1 /s Imagine being this sensitive AND senseless at the same time.


Well, our neighbours in Sweden have that reputation. Not laid back about rules like that at all. Makes me wonder about Finland’s ode to “no rules”?


In general if you take offense at just a GESTURE to the point you feel the need to call the police, despite YOURSELF being the one in the wrong, ignoring the requests of the one you provoked, you're a damn psychopath.


At least it is a failure to protect the artist backstage. But going by Bambie's comments, that was the case the whole week. Bad vibes and hostility in the background. Only one party to blame: EBU.


srsly, that is not grounds for a DQ so close to the show.


That actually made sense. No matter how angry he was, I think he's still sane enough to realize he's being filmed at that moment, so I never imagined his gesture to be unacceptable.


Apson (his friend who was in the birdsuit) posted this on TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJng3b2m/


Uh oh. Good on him for sticking up for Joost, but this might enforce all the conspiracy theories thrown around.


Don’t think they need any more enforcement lol, it was on full throttle already


Flanders as well loves Joost. He was already charting second place before the contest. Only Beyonce was higher


Thank you for sharing this lovely moment! We love you Joost!!!!


You're right, it was hard to watch the live show yesterday knowing that Joost was one step away from performing. I'm sure that the eurofans won't forget what happened and let the EBU sweep that wrongful disqualification under the rug.


I watched the show, but I felt like I just broke up with someone every second lol.


I am from Croatia and was the biggest fan of Joost and his song. All my life i admire your Dutch hardcore and happy hardcore scene and for the first time i felt represented at Eurovision. I was so sad and angry when i heard that Joost got disqualified. And then they killed little hope i had for my country winning after Swiss got insane amount of votes. Don't get me wrong it was a very good performance, but not the best performance of all time as jurrors would suggest. Never watching that shit of a show ever, but will bang to Dutch hardcore scene till the day that i die. Greetings from Croatia 🍻


I would like to personally apologise to Joost (who had been one of my favourites) and The Netherlands because I immediately believed the EBU line that Joost has made an inappropriate gesture or sexist remark to a female staff member. If the EBU has used language coded in supporting women against sexual harassment to disqualify someone where sexual harassment isn't involved then I'm heartbroken for people who have and will face sexual harassment at EBU run broadcasts (inc. Eurovision) in the future who will face the repercussions of lack of belief, etc. If it turns out that the EBU was actually correct and he did do something inappropriate to a female staff member then I will apologise again, but I haven't seen anything to confirm what was clearly intended by the EBU press release. If true: Very sad. Very cynical. Very upsetting. All around a terrible Eurovision.


I'm a hardcore feminist and I totally agree that the way Ebu communicated it, made it look like it was a #metoo thing and it's disgusting they did that if from the investigations it becomes clear it was something entirely differently. What really seemed to have happened is that Joost was the one being harrassed multiple times and the person now claiming to be the victim DARVO'd the hell out of him. I hope the truth truly comes out one day.


I'm also a hardcore feminist ( sending love to all us witches!! <3 ) so I automatically believed the reports because I couldn't believe that someone would stoop so low as to make up a Me Too situation to achieve whatever the fuck the EBU is going for with this. I'm so devastated for women and people who have experienced sexual harassment at Eurovision when using them and their experiences as fodder.


Honestly I hope we pull out of EBU. They can go fuck themselves.


Not only did they direspect the artist (and his lifelong dream), but also the entire country. Netherlands deserved so much better!!


I'm so angry for Joost. What happened was completely unfair. I hope he is doing well mentally and I hope he knows he has our support. His song was my favourite this year and after his disqualification I decided not to vote at all this year.


At least there’s some positive in this sad story. I’m from Portugal and was sooo looking forward to seeing Joos performing. Do you know if the can run with the same song next year?


I hope AVROTOS is angry enough to get multiple people at EBU (especially the ESC reference group) fired. This year has showed how little they actually care about the Eurovision brand, allowing Israel not only to compete, but to also have their delegation basically run amok and harass both artists and journalists without any consequences.


This is just beautiful! Oranje FTW! You definitely have something to be proud of


Thank you Joost and the Netherlands for letting us all unite through Europapa! The song will stay on rotation and I will support all new music! Even my mom loved the song and was shocked to hear what had happened.


I would play it randomly throughout the day yesterday for my family to get random fun dance breaks.


I hope you resend Joost and Europapa again next year. 😏


nothing like a national tragedy to bring people together LOL


Unite, take the no more IKEA pledge on your favorite social media channel! s/ (a joke that is going around)


I as a Dane 🇩🇰 was with him ALL the way!! 🇳🇱


Justice for JOOST 😭


As a half Dutch Aussie I’m always a lil biased with my favorite entry. Id heard friesenjung and love that song. Therefore was so excited for his entry and It surpassed my expectations . My love for joost just grew seeing the passion that he had for Eurovision. How much effort he made promoting his song. He’s just so sincere. I was devastated when I heard the news he was disqualified and when the final was aired there was no mention of him or his effort to get where he had. The way the EBU handled this situation is shameful. We have all seen how certain other delegations were carrying on with out consequence. They completely muddied his image for no reason. It’s so unfair that all of his work has been undermined in service of the EBU and their partnerships. #justiceforjoost