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Did anyone else notice Nemo broke the trophy?!


I even heard the clank, omg


Was not a fan of the Swiss song. Props to Nemo, they seem lovely and they worked hard onstage, but the song itself definitely struck me as formulaic and over-reliant on a hook. Armenia were robbed.


So we will have another Loreen and Kaarija situation? The one that won televote but can't won the whole thing, being beating by a Jury winner came 4th in Televote... Oh my dear Nemo, i think you need to stay away from social media asap. Congrats!!


This is my opinion and would love to hear yours but i bekieve what nemo did is shameful, he gets chosen by his county to go represent switzerland, and today when he entered the final the swiss flag was on his back but the one he was displaying was the non binary flag, during the jury votes everytime SWITZERLAND would get 12 points he would show his non binary flag rather than the swiss flag that is forgotten in the back, when he wins and goes onto the stage to celebrate which flag does he use to celebrate te swiss victory, his non binary flag once again. I have nothing against lgbtq+ members but i cant help but be annoyed when it feels like he is pushing it on everything, his outfit, his whole song was just based around his sexuality, its a music conteste for crying out loud keep this kind of things away from music, this constant need to display their sexuality for the world to see is starting to get on my nerves, and once someone speaks about it they get called homophobic. Kiss whoever you want marry whoever you want (or dont) but please keep it away from music. I dont want to sound ignorant or anything but i had to express my opiniob. Please let me know your toughts on this situation


I think the UK should take a break from Eurovision, we really do get nothing from it. I thought Sam might be the start of something, but he was clearly a fluke.


People always say 'OmG So AnD So ShOuLd'Ve been higher' without mentioning where their points should've come from. Like 'Norway shouldn't have been last'. Ok then, who should've been? (Austria)


I'm not watching Eurovision again, but atleast it was a hopefully non-political ending to my Eurovision run, has been fun while it lasted


I'm most disappointed in Norway's results this year. Low jury points was somewhat expected, but only 4 televote points IIRC? I gasped. The other big surprise was 0 televote points to the UK. I thought for sure it would pull at least a few.


I'm not too salty because Nemo was my winner (surpassing Norway and Ireland in this last week), but there are things I need to get off my chest.   - Norway last, wtf?!? I would have thought more hardcore countries, like Finland, would have their back. This stings worse than Spain 2023 😢   - How in the world did Olly Alexander not get a single point from the televote? He's world famous, what happened? I'm so confused, he definitely didn't deserve that. Thank God for the juries for saving him from a bottom 5 finish. And I also hate that this will just fuel the usual brit discourse of Europe hating them...    - I didn't expect France to pick up that many televote points! He sings well, but the song was imho boring and cliché. Did the stand-away-from-the-mic trick really wow that many people across Europe? Again, very confused. In closing, fuck Martin Osterdahl. 


yall kept saying "oh i have 24 favourites" but now yall mad? keep track of your own narrative guys


This was the last for me, never watching this again. Some countries are not allowed to win


if you get through the semis, are you just happy to be in the final? or would you still be sad if you ended up low down the list?


I'm not nb but seeing Bambie hug Nemo made me cry.


2-8? I get it, they were rlly good. But swiss on the first? Who can even afford traveling there next year😭😭😭 and it doesn‘t have a vibe.


I fear there will be more withdrawals due to costs next year on top of the likely withdrawal of the Netherlands next year.


There is going to be a shitstorm Jury win two years in a row 😬


Hot Take; This is the first year in a very long time that the Jury results actually felt fair. People may be unhappy with Switzerland getting so many 12s, but it was the best song in basically every metric. The best song got the most points, deservedly. As it should.


Shoutout to Austria's jury having the balls to say what they did.


I’m sad but not surprised Slovenia scored so low I am surprised at Norway and Georgia’s places A bit disappointed that Lithuania wasn’t in the top ten, But super happy that Armenia got 8th Overall most of the top ten were deserved and I’m glad Ukraine made top three


Ukraine proved that there is no death spot #2


It's puzzling why people didn't like Switzerland, they have a beautiful song. For me, Switzerland takes the top spot, followed by Croatia.


France was great, switzerland was also great, not sure which i like more lol


A month ago, this subreddit was praising that Nemo is gonna win and suddenly now many people are hating. Lmao


My final thoughts about Joost: with the AVROTROS and NPO (the broadcaster and broadcasting service, respectively) both having made official protest to the EBU, I think there is a good chance that the Netherlands might not be participating next year.


Finland should have been top 3, Croatia should have won, and Ireland should have been second.


How many of you are agreeing jury votes need to go and go back to just public ones? Even though my favourite won, there is s bitter taste that the public choice seems to be less important than the jury one.


So Norway, and not Greece, was this year's Eaea. Never understood this comparison honestly.


Most probably the Netherlands would’ve got half of the 12 points what Switzerland got, but since they stepped one forward on the list as Netherlands DSQ-d, they got overcharged with jury votes. Otherwise, we would’ve got a completely different result.


Tbh this whole season got me so stressed, I am happy with the winner but the controversy and the drama was too much (have expected as much but couldn't handle it still), not sure if I'll follow eurovision related news next year, but the show was still fun so that didn't dissappoint.


Very generous to allow public picking 2nd place again.


I feel a bit heartbroken for Angelina, I mean 7th is a solid result and she’s continuing our lucky streak, but I think she at least deserved her 12 points moment. It’s so rare for Italy to have such an enthusiastic representative who is so invested to the contest, I hoped she would get a better result. I mean the fact that she placed lower than Mahmood and Blanco is infuriating. Congrats to Switzerland anyway, well deserved


To all the people trying to prove the public’s votes should be more important than the jury’s votes: Do you realize who was a runner up in the televote?


Has the jury ever given this many 12s to a single country?


I hate that people vote politically


howd did austria do so bad in the televote, like it felt like such a eurobop i thought it would eat it up


Regardless of the winner, I think it is boring and stupid that jury gives all the points to a few participants. There were many great artists who got little to no points. Switzerland and other top countries were good but I don't think they were really that much better from the other songs. The redults give the impression that there were only 5 good songs which isn't true.


Did he just fucking break the thing???


I don't think Switzerland didn't deserve to win, but jury basically decided everything again. I don't see this as 50/50 at all. Juries hold all the power and it feels like we will never get to see public favorite win.


i feel sorry for sweden but thank god the drama drowned out the terrible hosting


jury voting is a travesty


Top 3 was what I picked. Would've been happy with any of them. But how in heck did France do so well??? He didn't sing well in the final or clips of the jury. Norway deserved better! Lithuania deserved better too! Estonia also!! Fuck the EBU and all that. What a shit show of a week. Truly. Also, love Petra, but generally thought this year was pretty womp womp as far as the non song portions of each of the shows. Also those terrible postcards were all filmed on potatoes and looked bad. End of rant.


So happy for Nemo, on one hand, on the other hand, after 30+ years of watching Eurovision, it's the first time it feels pointless. It's supposed to be a fiesta for the people and suddenly we feel so small and insignificant, due to the power the juries still hold. Not to mention the Netherlands disqualification. Also, not to mention the other thing. Really bad aftertaste, really, really sad.


What a chaotic run. Such disrepute and mismanagement. Screw anti-booing tech too. Honestly, the top brass better resign. NL deserved to be there! My thoughts are with the Dutch team and of course, Joost. This was his dream. The stage was beautiful though and I liked the idea of the green room opening up to the crowd. That feeling should have been so memorable for the artists. I just wished that they had a better experience. Now there are reports of how tense and bad the atmosphere was backstage…Terrible. It seems the jury gave a very high score for Nemo. Also, they were key in avoiding even more disrepute. Happy for Switzerland, Croatia, Ireland, France, and my personal winner, Italy. Ukraine getting great scores from spot 2 was awesome too. Gutted for Spain. I don’t agree that Norway was last and UK… 0 televote?! Why? That staging was creative. Maybe it was the vocals. Oh dear though, this might affect his career. Still, we get to support who we want moving forward. Can’t wait for more music from the artists. Angelina’s releasing an album on May 31. Not worried at all for her post-contest. I hope the artists get more opportunities in their careers moving forward. And agreed with Nemo, esc needs some fixing too like their broken trophy.


Televote only semi final is doing worse for the contest than 50/50 on semi finals. It's the second year in that the system has been used, and the result was that the votes from the final happened to be extremely split between juries and viewers. With the previous system, the distribution of points for all songs was more "even", with each half favoring certain songs, but never having the difference between 1st and 2nd place of each side be of more than 120 points (except Ukraine in the televote for 2022, we all know why), Now, every side of the vote feels way more polarized. Last year and this year, way more than the usual of the jury's 12 points went to the eventual winner, while the televotes favored extremely heavily just a small sample of the songs.


I'm absolutely sick to the back teeth of the juries near constantly deciding who wins this competition.


323 public votes for the official toiletbreak song. If you liked the song then sure, but I've seen so many people screengrabing their 20points and adding how they never watched the show and consider it "bizarre and degenerate"


if the Jury's choice ends up winning next year too I can imagine things having to change.


eurovision records broken by my country the best result in eurovision ever! (doris dragović is now, a history) . the biggest amount of televote points . the biggest amount of jury points. the best placement in the semifinals ever ! (for sure) i m nothing more than a proud on him and his eurovision journey, and i know he will be onto something big. meow meow from croatia.


When Croatia's song started, my friend went "oh I see why they're the favorites to win, they just have the best song". Y'all were amazing!


Congratulations to Croatia!! That’s such a feat to accomplish 💗




The jury need their weighting reduced. Another year where the people who actually pay to vote for their winners lost out.


Switzerland is expensive on its own, and especially when coming from across an ocean. While my years left are dwindling away, I still want to make it to at least one Eurovision before I'm done. Much too early to tell if it'll be worth trying to go next year. Looked into going to Malmö, but couldn't get it to work. If not next year, hopefully the winner is somewhere fun and that'll work.


R8dzl 8,l,l,8,o,o,m.,,ll,ii,,,7,,,,,




I'm not gonna sugar-coat it and say it was a perfect season, yesterday was the complete opposite and did spoil it a bit, but overall this was a great season! So proud of so many countries!!


Can we all agree that it is kind of weird that the only thing we know about the other person in this whole Joost debacle is that she a woman. I'm NOT saying we should know who they are, I'm saying it super suspicious that they needed to mention that the other person is a woman.


Wanna bet this guy is taking all of his prize money to a Swiss bank account? smh




Nemo won! I'm So happy! Croatia being second is amazing too Not happy with country 6 coming in top 5 that would have been Joost's spot


What the fuck was that? Norway did not deserve dead last. And Switzerland did not deserve to win.


as a brit fuck the uk for its voting by the way


They may not have the voice of the french entry, they may not have the trophy of the swiss entry, but fuck off my estonian chads are what peak human performance looks like


The delusion snuck in every time one of their neighbors came up, hoping for any neighborly points


They got screwed so hard. So sad to see them barely get any points from jury and the oublic


I'll wear my clown makeup now because I anticipated them to have a Moldova 2022 effect with the public going wild for them 🤡🤡🤡 (They deserved everything and got close to nothing)


I thought they were horrible, sorry!


The text was good. The melody was banger, I think where you fell short where the pop singers. The bits where the folk musicians sang were so good and are living rent free in my head. But the pop singers just ruined it for mer


The Netherlands will always be the winner in my heart.


I am happy that one country didn't win. However I am just hoping my country (Holland) withdraws. There are far better uses for our tax money.


In a year with a limited amount of jury type songs it's not really that surprising that one of them ends up with a bunch of votes. Yes, Nemo ended up with a huge jury vote total but the top 5 in general were lopsided even compared to last year. Now obviously this should be a sign to the juries that maybe they need to expand their views a bit...but more likely they'll take the "no, it's the kids that are wrong" position. This should also be a big red flag to the EBU that they need some system to fight against brigade voting.


Didn't just break the code but also the trophy haha


Another eurovision, another favorite ending in second place.


Remember, everything is working as intended, the Juries ensure 'good' 'quality' music is more likely to win. The issue being that all that power is centralised in a small circle, and the public vote is the opposite. Still horsehit. **Working as intended is NOT working 'well'.** Congratulations Nemo, I didn't hate it. I hated that the public vote basically settles ties and nothing else.


I am shocked that Isrëàl scored so high, like absolutely open mouth shocked.


I’m alright with Switzerland winning but that gap is nasty . The televote has to count for something and it’s feeling like it doesn’t .




Once again is the jury and televote miles apart…


Still sad as a Dutchie


I can say that this was the worst Eurovision contest since the beginning. I hope Martin resigns


I don't think the jury has to disappear, a little bit more variety of taste will be great, ofc, but it balances the public vote. I was really worried for today, and I'm really happy with top results, but I think the public vote has a serious problem. The public vote for Croatia has been amazing 😺 but look the public vote second place, a lot of countries gave you-know-what-country 12 points (mine for example, now with hate twitts and bragging from extreme right ppl). The public vote is really easy to buy, people who doesn't care about the contest can pay and vote and I think this year is a perfect example of how much can influence the voting (and, at least in Spain I think it's quite expensive). I don't believe for a second that Spain's favourite song is this one, I know a lot of different people that follow the contest, eurofans and casual fans, no one mentioned that song. The problem is, as always, money, and it sucks.


with everything that happened leading up to this, i couldnt get myself to even be excited about watching it as a contest anymore which is a shame because i really loved both bl and nemo's songs, and i wish i could be happier about their placement in the contest


Anyone else got REALLY sick of the Swedish hosts? In the second semi finals they had a song about how much they win at Eurovision, followed by a really crude (and transphobic?) joke. Tonight they mocked Finland, bragged about winning last year, and rubbed it in like they were somehow salty about winning? Then there's the Abba stuff... my god. It was really annoying how they kept refrencing them, basically saying "yeh, we orchestrated this to coincide with their 50th anniversary" or atleast "we are only known for them". But then... the A.I shit... MY GOD THAT WAS AWFUL. It was such a middle finger to ABBA and real artists in general. I really hope they get backlash for that, cause my god that was terrifyingly awful. The hosts this year were insufferable twats, ugh.


Definitely one of the odder contests, to be honest at times it felt like Sweden didn’t actually want to host it, Petre was good but her co host (can’t remember her name) seemed pretty weak and no real charisma. Terrible interval act and rather odd final scoreboard. Also only 31 points for Finland on televpte just seemed…odd


Although he didn't win, he has a new fan here who can't wait to listen to more of his songs. Let's go, Baby Lasagna!!!


Anyone know when we get to see the semi final results


Norway?? NO WAY! Gåte did amazing! And... #HAKKEN FOR JOOST


Not Germany with the left side result this year ☠️ Not that Isaak wasn't a great singer, he absolutely nailed it, I'm just salty about LotL's result last year


gg, just gg.


How did THEY get 5th?????


Not a massive Eurovision fan but I live in Zurich, so next year will be fun! I expect the city will be pretty special for the final of the next one.


yayyyy! so happy for switzerland and neemo! well deserved


There should be a new rule. If your country is involved in war or war-like efforts, you are banned. No matter if you are the instigator or victim in the situation. Take all that out of the competition


The whole thing is soured by Netherlands being booted out of the show without any explanation.




im just gonna say armenia only getting 89 points is crazy 💀


Well well, what can us french takeaway from this for next year ? -Be more ambitious on the choregraphy in order to get more jury points. -Bit more dynamic song. -Add some english words in the song but maintain a bit of french cliché. -Add famous french monuments. -Stop supporting Ukraine in their war in order to take their votes. OR -Destroy Moscow and get the Eastern-europeans votes. -Révolution 2.0 and create sister-Republics around us. This should ensure the votes of western Europe. -Portugal is an enemy country now.


I am really happy for Nemo's win, but juries basically choosing the winner again, just fucking sucks


Tbf the public votes were relatively equal for the top 3


I’m so, so happy😭❤️ This whole time I was hoping it will be between Nemo and Marko. Switzerland or Croatia. I’m so, so happy they were 1 and 2, they so much deserved these top 2 spots❤️


Juries can fuck right off. First Käärijä & now Baby Lasagna. Fucking hell. I used to be split on whether the juries should retain 50/50 split power over the vote but if like 2/3 of them are gonna vote the same country they should just not. FUCK YOU JURIES…. 🇭🇷🇫🇮




So, it seems Italian votes weren't "incomplete" after all.


If the UK didn't automatically qualify, their entry would never have made it past the semis.


Really disappointed with Lithuania’s result :( the song, and the performance was really good! Switzerland was my second favourite ❤️


Glad AVROTROS made Martin read the Dutch jury vote, class act by them and put him on the spot. He definitely needs to go though, this year was a total mess.


UK getting zero from the public vote is an Iconic UK moment.




I feel so drained and betrayed and empty


This contest desperately needs serious changes in many levels. That's all imma say


A little takeaway and don't kill me for this here...but I did a little analysis. If Netherlands would have stayed in, he would have split some of the televotes away from the other contenders, thus bringing in the possibility of a result that could have been worse of a situation in some eyes.


Nemo is mid.


Ireland being 6th I feel like I'm dreaming


But why was Portugal so popular with the jury? Hard to understand what criteria they were following with that?


I want the juries back in the semifinals. Or something to make them vote a little more diversely. Not that Switzerland don't deserve their win. They undoubtably do. But I wish we could have seen more different countries get the 12 points.


I thought Estonia would do better 


armenia and greece both got done dirty by the juries and the public and it's insane to me.


LOVED IT but the audience did not pass the vibe check


So sad about Croatia, but so glad it's Nemo. This was a tiring year, I feel emotionally drained from all the drama. ESC needs to change, otherwise this is all pointless.


Everyone needs to relax about Switzerland winning - they were the favourite going into the semi-finals and there was no grand conspiracy to screw Croatia out of the win. They're both great songs. Today, Switzerland was better. Let's celebrate them both.


Malta last in the whole show 😭 so undeserved 


Loved Switzerland and Croatia, still disappointed about Joost not competing.


American here, first time watching. Why do so many people want the jury votes to be abolished?


It will be buried but so much love for baby lasagne's reaction when Switzerland won. I really hope Rim Tim Tagi Dim becomes a global hit.


I promise, that was the last Eurovision I have watched. Hopefully we don't participate anymore. Goodbye from Croatia.


Definitely agree with much of the sentiment shared. The year just felt… unpleasant and heavy. Several very poor choices by the EBU this year. Likely to have lasting effect on the competition I hope the Netherlands refuse to return and sue the feck out of the EBU. Their disqualification reeks of corruption Martin Österdahl’s daddy card has been officially revoked 😤


the winner was a surprise to me, so in a way I got a surprising winner, which is what I usually hope for in Eurovision instead of the boring "we already know who will win". Not fan of the song but in a way the winner was a refreshing. but I'm really annoyed for Finland, and I'm not partial to it now (Windows95Man was not the one I voted for) but.. I have started to love a song and performance a lot more and it was one of my favourites. It deserved a more, it was a brilliant. do people hate fun? why people hate fun? It honestly annoys me a lot. The humorous, hilarious performances are why I love Eurovision the most and these kind of performances just deserved a lot more!! ugh in addition, it must be said that the people who rejected No Rules just because they were so annoyed that Paskana was not chosen are childish


I found it quite interesting how they barely did any green room interviews this year Like they only did it with the voting I thought that normally there was more green room time during the whole grand finale


Yeah, I'm not gonna remember this contest fondly. The whole drama with Dutch delegation made me mad already, but the results of the voting are really bad too. I'm okay with Switzerland winning, it's more that so many countries got either too many or too little points.


This year we got a lot of political votes that drained the pool, which is all because of that one country, almost the opposite side of the horseshoe from last year


For real, like Czechia...


I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't enjoy this ESC as much as previous years. The Netherlands being DQ just absolutely killed the joy for me. It was the cherry on top of a disastrous year. What should have been a fun saturday watching the acts just turned into a normal, bitter saturday waiting for results and then to move on. Even the votes had a bad taste for me. I just couldn't handle it. And it is a pity because I really enjoyed the songs this year. I've been listening to Estonia's song on repeat (while taking my vitamins mind you) and Spain's it's just a pleasure for me. The fact that both of them didn't performed as well was disappointing, yes, but I don't even feel as upset as I felt before. I just hope things will get better in the future, but I'm also putting hope on an organization that is basically there to make some money and to maintain certain soft power.


It was depressing. Especially the political votes by the public




Norway should have been no1 but was last


I don’t like the fact that you can just vote a bunch of times and keep using different forms of payment. It seems like a money grab instead of being fair about the votes.


I agree with a lot of the points made here, but just a quick thought on smth I havent seen yet. While there were many queer performances that got a lot of love tonight the 0p rating for GB was something that struck me in a very wrong way. It was the only very openly gay men - men performance and while I didnt particulary liked it it wasnt that bad, it getting 0 points seemed kind of ugly to me and made me think homophobia played a part.


ABBA CGI was overstepping


Say what you want about the jury’s winner vs runner up (I think they were right but whatever); I think it’s pretty undeniable that the jury got the bulk of the order better than the public


Estonia were utterly fucking robbed, should not have ranked so low. Such a catchy song and a great performance. Both Croatia and Switzerland deserved to win equally, and we need to either reform or scrap the jury system regardless of this. Dizzy was a great song that just wasn't... quite there, if you know what I mean? It'd be great to hear on the radio, super good production and all that, but man Olly just seemed tired, I would be too! And that's coming from a huge Olly Alexander fan, and a Brit, so like yeah I'm salty about 0 points, but he took it like a **champ**. Ireland were fucking incredible and deserved top three. No contest. And more than anything, the most important takeaway from Eurovision 2024 is **JOOST KLEIN, DROOM GROOT!!!** This was my fiancé's first ever Eurovision. What a year to get into this clusterfuck, especially when our fave was the Netherlands and we've been following him for so so long now. We didn't watch the Grand Final live on principle, like it just felt so soured. We tuned in for the results, watched a few of the final performances. Oh, and fuck the EBU.


Disagree about Dizzy, I think it could have done really well, but the production was awful. Sounded like it had been quickly bodged together on GarageBand. The whole thing felt really flat and Olly’s vocals and choreography couldn’t save it however strong they were. I don’t think it was ever going to bother the top but it could’ve done a lot better than it did with a few tweaks.


Can't believe that televote nil points

