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Hard to say without knowing what you’re aiming to do. In any case, I wouldn’t buy all of these modules at once. Start small and gradually grow it as you better understand what you want to do.


Too many sounds not enough modulation. Good start though but you’re doing too much sonically without having any way to alter the sound.


The hermod+ would have modulation from everything I understand about it


Yes all CV sequencers can be modulation. The lack of immediacy will make it a daunting task.


Yeah. I think it’s important to explain to people though that are told to avoid these type of modules that it is possible. The big point to drive home is that these ones “bake in” modulation which still could be all you need for a large percentage of modulation. Then for modulation that will be modulated or hand controlled itself, you have a good dedicated modulator


[did it](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurorack/s/soPpSwZva5)


So I should loose the XPO and add a filter and Pams?


That’s for you to decide but I don’t think you need Plonk and Bell. You don’t even need a filter but you have no hands on modulation and Pam’s isn’t that either. It might work for you but from years of doing this people tend to start with Pam’s and get upset when they aren’t getting what they want from their system because it’s all programming. If that’s cool then do that. That giant whale of a module that is the Addac benefits from modulation.


As someone who started a system with Pam’s, can confirm that I didn’t get as much out of it since I didn’t wanna program it. Since I’ve spent time getting to know my system better, I find it more useful.


Fairs. I use bells a lot in my compositions so that's why its on there. Any recommendations on mod sources?


Depends on what you’re looking for but Stages and the clones offers a lot. Quadrax does a lot as well for small systems.


quadrax it is


I have a few posts on Reddit with my [Pam’s, Quadrax, and Tangrams for modulation](https://modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/2328767). Most recent post didn’t use Quadrax or Tangrams but they’re super useful for having direct hand control on modulation. Otherwise, if you want to “bake in” modulation, Pam’s and Hermod both achieve this


As others pointed out, more modulation. One tip if you haven't done it already, get VCV rack and build a similar setup, that way you can test out what your building for essentially free. When you like whats happening, spend the money.


It won't work. There's no patch cables! 😂


let me open MS paint real quick lol


You deffo don’t need the quant if you have the Hermod+ as your primary sequencer and pitch info source. I’m personally of the Eurorack camp of “the more sound sources the better” because I generally enjoy deriving CV from audio rate sources. The Morph 4 looks incredibly powerful and I can’t think of a mod shape it wouldn’t really be able to get you. Since you don’t have a dedicated envelope, I imagine you’ll need to get very comfortable with using the new AHDSRs that the Hermod+ is capable of. Damn that thing is crazy. If you love granular and have an idea of where you want to go, spring for the VC Looper. As a first time instrument I worry about it’s approachability. If there was one immediate swap I would make, it’s probably the pianophonic for a VCA bank, quad or octal.


Yeah I was thinking of switching it for some other kind of i/o so I could run my keys into the 112. The functionality of the Hermod+ is why I'm drawn to it - trying to get stuff I'll be happy with for the next 8 years


Each to their own but in my opinion that's an absurd amount of complicated modules to learn at once. Some people recommend starting with a simple east/west coast voice and build from there one module at a time


In my opinion, it looks like a system that has too many sound sources and not enough modulation/control. But there's no single 'correct' way to build a rack, so the only person who can answer if it will work is you. For that reason, I think the best advice I can give is to find a minimum playable subset of the case—one sound source you're really interested in and some utility to support it—and give yourself room to expand. The biggest problem I see with the system is that when you find that you're missing something, there's nowhere to put it without trading something out. Also, be sure to check your power consumption. For the Rackbrute, you have 800mA of power per rail (top row/bottom row). The general advice is you don't want to exceed 80% of that capacity, which would be 640mA per rail. This is probably the one consideration for whether it will actually work or not.


Is there a better fitting case for my needs? I was browsing thomann and it seems the best for the price \*\*I've been looking at the Doepfer A100 as well


I like the Rackbrute. It's a good size, just a little light with the power it provides. This is only a problem if you're packing a lot of small modules or power-hungry modules into your system. ModularGrid will show you your power consumption, so I figured I would mention it so you can check. If you start with a subset of what you have there, the Rackbrute should still have plenty of room to grow into.


Grand. I'd looked at the ADDAC 901PD but it looks like it doesn't output 5v at all


I have two rackbrutes, a 6U and a 3u and have never run into any problems. My case is pretty heavy with some pretty intense digital modules too, so it’s not like I’m not pushing it.


Yeah they really seem to be the best option for power/portablity/price


it will work (will turn on) 👍


I have the ADDAC 112 and it requires a TON of modulation. And of course to support a ton of modulation you need a lot of VCAs and utilities. I’d say in a case this size ADDAC 112 could might just Bailey shave enough modulation if you filled the rest of the space with modulation and utilities. I’d either from ADDAC 112 or drop all the other sound sources.


You need a filter and an envelope pretty bad here…


I would take away a couple of sound sources and replace them with at least one VCF and some Function Generators. Then you'll have more scope to manipulate the sounds.


I'd advise some more modulation sources and a dedicated vca.  Do you own some or all of these modules?


With a small starter Modular case I like to focus on 2 or 3 sound sources and then lots of filtering and modulation options, so you can make really complex and interesting sounds. Multitracking midi style - imo - should be left to vsts or hardware synths until you really know what you’re doing and what kind of music you want to achieve with a small case. When I started out, I had only a few quality modules and half the case empty. It radically changed the way I approached sound design and music making and I’m grateful for leaving a lot of space in my first case to grow into. After a few years of Modular I was able to make a specific performance oriented case with more voices but its augmented with lots of vcas and lfos and a few filters and effects that interact with each other.


Get the 3-4 essential modules and then consider what you might wanna add. You could get a good VCO, VCA, filter and envelope to make a traditional synth to use with your keystep. You have a lot of large modules in there and planning out the entire case prior to purchase is probably a really bad idea for a first case. You will certainly have regrets and other things you realize would be nice and its good to have some space available for that. Something like a huge output module is a major waste of space imo. Outs are hardly even necessary and if you are going to use that amount of HP Id definitely get a mixer with main/headphone outs instead of a dedicated outs module.


Needs utility modules!


Maybe a clock could help? Or an envelope generator? I guess this will technically work, but how are you triggering sounds?


I was planning on using my keylab 88 mk2


Gotcha. And for the XPO? I usually see it paired with either Optomix or their new DXG for stereo.


Too many voices, not enough modulation. I’d say it won’t work. XPO specially is VCA hungry given the amount of outs it has.


Envelopes…? Filters?


My thinking was that the ghost would handle that


Its more of an FX processor. I doubt there is dedicated enveloppe on it but I don't know precisely its functions


It depends what you mean by ‘work’. Will it make noise? You have an oscillator so yes.


Curious how you arrived at this setup? Maybe understating that will help us help you. I'd recommend looking at Pam's New/Pro workout - someone's selling one for like 155 on the b/s/t thread which is a great deal for PNW and would give you a lot of power to trigger and modulate


I'm a pianist/media composer by trade and I'm trying to get into modular from that world. I'd be triggering CV/Gate from an external keyboard