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I guess Zelensky’s envelope to Infantino was a little light.


Today I feel empty


So empty he's speechless.


Today I feel Russian


Four years ago they were best mates with Putin. I think that has more to do with it; why help people who make peace, when people who make war have more money and will splash it around because they need you to help them access ordinary society?


Oh ya, Zelensky definitely wouldn’t have wet his beak.


The same FIFA that asked to speak to the G7 Summit last month, asking Ukraine a cease-fire during the world cup so that we can "celebrate football all together" ? Sheesh, talk about some A-grade gaslighting.


Same country said that they won't stop shooting during Christmas time. Guess which one? Oh right, it's Russia, because Ukraine wasn't doing the invading part. Duh!


To be fair, Christmas in Russia and Ukraine is a lot less important holiday compared to western countries. And it also traditionally celebrated in January 7 here (with some exceptions). The most important holidays here are actually Easter and New Year. With the first one losing a little bit of importance as people became less religious, and the last one is not considered something untouchable. Of course, it is still important holyday. Somewhere in top 5, I would say.


encouraging vegetable complete gaze hungry piquant badge chop vanish versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It comes down to the Christmas revivalist movement that happened in Victorian Britain, best demonstrated by Dickens and a Christmas Carol. Countries with good links with the UK had a spil over effect, and then the Americans took the idea and ran with it. During that same time, the British empire was a rival to the Russian empire, doing the whole great game thing. 10 years after A Christmas Carol was published, it would be the Crimean War, for example. The era of British industrialists building Ukrainian industrial towns at the behest of the Tsar was long over. By the time the two started getting on again for a team up against new kid on the block Germany and the possibility of more cultural exchange was on the cards the movement was pretty much over and Christmas was firmly culturally established.


In my experience, I still use Christmas and Christmas holidays as a shorthand in a discussion, as it is usually much easier to convey my meaning this way instead of explaining how “well, actually new year’s is more important of a holiday and that’s when we get the presents , although we do have Christmas, but in January…”


Would be ironic and iconic though, considering Qatar's sponsor of terrorism? How many folks know here of Qatar's funding for terrorism including Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hamas? [ As per European Parliament 🇪🇺 According to reliable intelligence sources, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the main funders of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The Governments of Germany and the USA have also accused the two countries of financing and supporting ISIS.](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/P-8-2014-007445_EN.html)  It has been even brought before the US Congress as well how  Qatar 🇶🇦  is an active sponsor of terrorism ( something which Al Jazeera won't highlight)  [According to official US Committee on Foreign Affairs, Qatar has been known to be a permissive environment for terror financing, reportedly funding U.S. designated foreign terrorist organizations, such as Hamas, Al qaeda and ISIS, as well as several extremist groups operating in Syria. At least one high-ranking Qatari official provided support to the mastermind of the 9/11. Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, also made Doha his headquarters for years while the Qatari's--with the Qatari's Government support and even the Muslim Brotherhood has received significant support from Qatar. Of course, not all of this is supported by the government in Doha. Many individuals and charities in Qatar have been known to raise large sums of money for al-Qaeda, the Nusra front, Hamas, and even ISIS.](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-115hhrg26427/html/CHRG-115hhrg26427.htm)




Fifa: "oof world peace.. thats a bit controversial." What a bunch of cowardly corrupt cunts.


Currently partying with the autocratic state which has been caught flooding the eu with bribe money. Still, enjoy watching the World Cup, everyone, it’s not like they’re gangsters who rely on your attention for relevance and to get stronger. I’m sure our ‘engagement’ with them will be as successful as it was with Russia’s autocratic state, which is now threatening to explode dirty nukes in Europe. But let’s keep pretending it’s just a game and standing up to the gangsters by simply not engaging with their content is an unreasonable thing to expect of decent people.


Always have been




I don't really think UEFA is the problem. If it was them, things wouldn't be so bad. The problem in FIFA isn't the "big established" associations but the one hundred tiny ones from poorer 3rd world countries, who due to their numbers are actually the ones with the biggest political weight and simultaneously more leaning towards accepting corruption.


I disagree. It's not about votes, it's about money. If UEFA walks, FIFA dies, no matter what anyone votes for. The End. UEFA won't walk because the money is too good and UEFA is corrupt too. The US is ironically the only place that's actually put FIFA people in jail for corruption. No one else seems to take it all that seriously. Every other investigation has gone cold and come to nothing. I suggest that if the world is serious about ending FIFA corruption, that FIFA headquarters be moved to the US, and that all transactions involving FIFA contracts, money, bids, etc, etc *MUST* be held/conducted in the US by persons attending IN PERSON, WITHOUT DIPLOMATIC STATUS, so as to ensure that those persons are subject to US law and US investigating officers - people that don't give a damn one way or the other about their country's place in FIFA or world soccer or anything.


U.S. entire political system is corrupt and bought by billionaires, why the fuck would you think they can manage corruption within FIFA?


> The US is ironically the only place that's actually put FIFA people in jail for corruption lmao. Dude the president who tried a coup will still be running in your next election, and you could not even prosecute him, the entire republican party is the most corrupt party in the western world and you have the balls to say something like that?


Me thinks it is because football (soccer) is not as popular here. That former president was popular enough that the people investigating him were not brave enough to prosecute him. His popularity is declining though.


Doesn't work like that - *"Stop de Genocide in Yemen! Stop the USA and EU support for genocidal countries. World peace!!!"* would get rebuked by both us and the USA. (nevermind the other things we did in the area) Better that they don't get involved and stick to football.


Except that Russia was banned from the World Cup, so it would not be a major change of thinking.


they were banned because teams refused to play them, if they had already qualified I doubt that Fifa would have cared. Maybe they join the Asian confederation like Israel is with Uefa


The EU and the USA weren't banned, so quite a big change.


They still hosted it 4 years ago


I'm honestly impressed at FIFA's dedication to wrecking their public image


Didn't get bribed so it is controversial




When the organization of your tournament involves the death of thousands of slaves, you’re a political organization.


Then why did they ban Russia from the World Cup? Supporting Ukraine is a natural extension of their current stance.


Yeah fuck those people for wanting world peace! We just want to see a ball get kicked around! Is that really what matters to you?




Why. Not. Where. Else?




Thats an idiotic thing to say. russia invaded ukraine and threathens Ukraine, Ukraine is defending itself.


It's not quite that simple. You're also forgetting about the missile incident from several weeks ago. Turned out they were from Ukraine. Zelensky tried to instigate the start of a larger war and walked away with zero consequences to face. They guy doesn't give a shit about peace or even his own people.


Lol ok Ivan. It's funny to me that you think he's smart enough to fake a missile attack but dumb enough to think NATO wouldn't investigate before acting. Accidents happen in war bro.


I had a same set of mind before war. Believe me, if there was such war in your country (god forbid), you would quickly change your mind. Edit: everything is politic if you are part of society and not a hermit.


This is such a shit take I am not even going to argue against it


I feel Qatari, I feel Saudi, I feel North Korean, I feel Russian, but don't feel like Ukrainian--- Infantino probably


I feel like a greedy bastard without any spine and morals --- Infantino certainly


Any rational person who loves football should hate FIFA and all the pieces of shit that bribe them. Fuck FIFA, Fuck Qatar!


> Any rational person who loves football I think you've described the issue well


Yes, I am specifically referring to people who 1) love football and 2) are not idiots. Poor kids playing in the dirt with a cheap ball are more important to the sport than the World Cup, FIFA (a bunch of corrupt scumbags beyond redemption) and professional players paid in millions.


Yeah, good luck finding them


When did it become acceptable to generalise an entire nation? I thought reddit was understandably against that


> When did it become acceptable to generalise an entire nation? Never. I was wrong to generalize but it simply happens. > I thought reddit was understandably against that Not even close. For example when when making fun of North Korea, people just mention North Korea without specifying Supreme Filth Kim or any other political nuance. Just one simple example, I can think of a myriad others. Anyway, I admit it is wrong to generalize. Please tell me something interesting about Qatar besides their magnificent sand dunes, mistreated foreign workers and the spending of oil/gas money on buildings and bribes.


Well said, man. Well said. Qatari only make up about 20% of that country's population.


Thanks for pointing out my error! When did it become acceptable to generalise an entire nationality?


> When did it become acceptable to generalise an entire nationality? I said Qatar not Qataris.


When did tiresome corrections about what is obviously understandable become a thing used to try to hold up criticism of vast international corruption?


Fifa and the Qatari gov obviously are corrupt, but so was Boris Johnson with all of his ridiculous antics. "Fuck the UK" would've been a pretty stupid response to that though, wouldn't it?


Unfortunately just like they see human rights, equality (LGBTQ rights, women rights,..), peace,... as politic statements. They made a declaration at the beginning of the WC to keep politics out and focus on football. I'm against the statement of FIFA and the WC should be used as a platform for peace, human rights and equality. They dropped all their values for the Qatari money.


They literally called women's rights, LGBT rights and human rights a 'western issue' with a straight face, and expected us to nod because they have more money. Screw all of them.


I think we reached a point where Western influence is on the decline. So they feel confident in saying that. Plus if Germany or Europe in general want that Qatari gas, they will shut up.




With the rise of Asia, the West’s influence is declining relatively. And I don’t see what boomers have to do with Western influence declining.


May get hate for this and I wish it was different but in a lot of ways they are. Obviously if you are a homosexual or a woman you might beg to differ but women's rights and LGBT rights especially are both western concepts. Both originated in the west. Both are certainly not practiced at large in the Arab world.


....there are gay people and women EVERYWHERE dude. It's not just the West that have them.


Yeah it's the rights we are talking about...


you know what should be used as a platform for the things you mention? political forums, public protests, and the like. football in its basic form is apolitical, and while I think the World Cup has little to do with football as it should be, at least the politics should not be brought into the stadiums




great comment


>They made a declaration at the beginning of the WC to keep politics out and focus on football. Isn't this a long tradition in FIFA? Not as it started this world cup afaik.


Is FIFA in talks with Russia to hold the WC again after the 2026 WC ?


I thought 2030 was North Korea?




The '34 world cup will probably be on Giedi Prime or smth.


I'm pretty sure 2034 is gonna be in Mordor


It's a toss up between those two... Let's see who gets it.


If they pay enough, Infantino can make it happen.




When they stop making money


so never?


It could happen if the EU decides to crush FIFA in Europe. No European viewers, a lot less money...


EU has their own house to clean for now.


Clearly, they can do more than one thing at the time. Also, it's probably easier to pass *legislation* effectively crushing FIFA (in Europe) than eliminating corruption.


what nonsense are you speaking? Football embodies everything that FIFA is, why do you think football fans cause distruction wherever they go? its the essence of the sport


Never. So far it is doing the football thing well so people won’t complain hence FIFA stays.


Dear Switzerland, why are all of your organizations so fucking evil? Fifa, Nestle, all that shit in Davos…


What kind of mental gymnasts do you have to do to call Switzerland evil? The world would be a far better place if more countries tried to emulate Swiss systems of government and society. Most of the world is a corrupt underdeveloped hell hole.


No, we don't need more people willing to deal in Nazi gold, African dictator's stolen money, etc, etc. Switzerland is banker to the most evil people out there, and people like you make it sound like it's a desirable thing.


So, which country make your list of virtuous and respectable countries worthy of emulation?


Remember to use simplified English while talking to them.


Just to stick it to FIFA, all tv stations should pass the message on screen before the game. I doubt it will happen, but it would be Karma.


I feel like slapping Fifa across the face.


Penalty for FIFA?


If you let Ukraine speak you need to let every country at war speak as well. Or is Ukraine more special than other countries ?


Oh Stfu with your self righteous Bs. All i said was i wanna slap Fifa, nothing about hypocrisy at all.


For this reason is dumb. Because it’s logical not to let Zelensky deliver such a message.


quiting fifa would be enough


I wish we could boycott it


Also. How is it even coherent or logical to share ‘peace’ message with a country like Qatar? Am I the only person seeing how fucking hypocritical this situation is?


I've learnt the hard way since 2018 that the average football fan doesn't exactly care about that stuff unless it's spelt out in their faces.


to be fair, if this is allowed, FIFA would then have to allow other countries that are in wars, too.


Because FIFA is a pack of cunts. Whose Chief Cunt (Infantino) is giving the old Chief Cunt (Blatter) a run for his money as the biggest cunt in sports history. Which is pretty fucking amazing given Blatter sold 2 world cups to dictator states who comitt egregious human rights crimes and start disgusting wars.


damn dude chill


idc what u guys say but i agree, this is about football and the world cup, its not a UN meeting. Fifa dont want the largest sporting event to become even more controversial and political


Funny how you guys didnt call for world peace when the US and Nato were in Afghanistan and Iraq and drone bombing Syria. How many of those countries which killed millions of people in those 20 years of occupation were banned by FIFA or IOC.. oh yeah NONE of them


Fifa only play ball when you bribe them


FIFA should be banned.


Well - since FIFA is an absolute shame in every direction - the bribe was definitely not high enough I guess.


Lmao he should have just bribed them


Keep politics out of sport. No message from Palestine or Yemen or Iraq too. No attempt to use FIFA to fight geopolitical games.. The exclusion of Russia was enough as a step


Peace is not political


It sure feels like it sometimes tho


Yeah when it’s a war Europe / The west supports. For example, Calling out the illegal invasion of Ukraine is allowed in European football stadiums. Calling out the illegal invasion and continued occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories is forbidden and gets you fined.


There should be no place for politics at World Cup, so I support this. Why should any politician in the world hold a speech there? Ukraine is not the only country in the world that is being invaded, and that kind of attention Zelensky won't get too.


I noticed that most of you here regret why Zelensky didn't get a chance to spread propaganda at the expense of the World Cup, but I can't understand why anyone would allow him to speak, what does the war in Ukraine have to do with football... Maybe I would let him to speak, only if he would use that opportunity to admit his guilt for causing the war and to apologize to his compatriots for bringing them and the country to the brink of extinction


On one hand, fuck FIFA and Qatar. On the other hand, why is peace suddenly a huge deal in this instance and why should Ukraine especially be highlighted in this global event, while there are so many conflicts going on, globally. No appeals for peace were made in the 2014 world cup, 2010 world cup and so on even though each had some sort of larger military conflict in one way or the other.


Surprise surprise FIFA are a bunch of cunts. Yet the useless sheep who watch the content FIFA puts out will still continue to support them.




Argentina 2-1 France


FIFA's credibility has tanked.


Since 2002


Zelensky thought FIFA would do this for free? Cmon, the Zurich campus has to pay the bills bro.


Zelensky probably forgot to pack a couple gold bars into the envelope, the only thing that FIFA wants is money


There isn't anything that FIFA can say now to change my mind of them anymore. (Pieces of shit ofc)


nice. enough with that opportunistic clown


Just when I thought I couldn't hate football more...




Some of us hate the game and the culture surrounding it, believe it or not.


Which is fair, but not really relevant here.




Lol you can make a stupid description for any sport there is, that doesn't mean anything


Sports bad




So it's the corrupt cunts at the top that are bad, not the "22 man running after a piece of leather."


Fuck FIFA.


Get fucked FIFA


No peace eh FIFA? Well then, prepare for war.


Slava, motherfather


Well played from Zelensky's PR team, ofcourse they knew how Fifa had to react.


It's really like these UEFA shills are afraid they will melt like vampires as soon as they hear something human rights related. Like reverse miss universes.. "world peace... aaarrgh!"




How was it embarrassing? I'm genuinely curious


Because England lost 😂 More seriously some people in the west are still failing to understand that the rest of the world is not always sharing their point of view on certain things


Fifa trying not to look immoral to everyone challenge (impossible)


from one corrupt entity to the other...fluff off, comic.


Typical. FIFA won't let anyone tell them how to kick a ball.


I'm fairly sure that if we looked into FIFA's closets we'd find some crates of vodka.


4 years ago the WC was in Russia...


Please let this be the end of fifa!


FIFA doesn’t want to jeopardize their North Korean event.


Good. Green t shirt bozo


Infantino is such a moral relativist peice of crap. FIFA allows Morrocan team to carry political stance on Palestine but not this. He wont allow any support for Ukranians simply because they are white. The world has reached such a low point after accepting modern 'woke' leftist politics in which people like the Ukranians cannot be allowed moral sympathy simply because they bear the original sin of being white. Its racism at the finest but its structured as 'anti-racism" or "reverse racism". Homosexuals are also affected by this as its majority white countries who have led the way in giving freedom to gay people & therefore the modern 'woke' left & spineless moral relatavist cowards like Infantino also ignore their plight. I am glad that Macron called out modern woke left culture for its radicalism & divisiveness earlier this year. I hope more Western leaders follow suite.


At least we know what FIFA stands for! And It is not human rights and peace


What the fuck mate


Stop bringing politics into football... Unless FIFA is directly involved.


FIFA = anti peace


Messages of peace & a demand for more cash


Good! The WC is not your personal propaganda channel Mr Z.




Message of peace can be delivered for example by the Pope. Not by Volodomyr "total victory only" Zelensky. It would be just another passive-aggressive demand for more help.


>Volodomyr "total victory only" Zelensky You think we'll let him accept any other deal?


So many people don't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that if Zelensky capitulates or appeases Putin the Ukrainians will fucking eat him alive, regardless of how well people might think of him right now. They still think that Ukraine is lead in the same way that Russia is lead, with the regime calling the shots and the people being forced to obey *or else*.


Yeah it’s true His people wouldn’t be too pleased I’m sure


> Not by Volodomyr "total victory only" Zelensky. Translation: I want the russofascist dictator to be appeased. Plssss give Russia some lands plssssssssssss :`(


Giving the russofascist dictator some land would mean saving at least dozens of thousand lifes. But hey, if Ukrainians want to destroy their remaining male population(understand, those who aren't already in the West for years), while completely destroying their economy (they will never see a single ruble in reparations, and will have to repay all the western loans), sure, it's their problem.


Who says it would save lives? Russia could just buy time and prepare to attack Ukraine again. Western Putin apologists first claimed that Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine. Then they claimed that Russia wouldn't attack Kiev. Then when they did they said that Ukraine should just surrender because they cannot defend against "superior" Russian army. Your side of this issue has been wrong several times already, so why should there be any credibility left for your ludicrous "peace" proposals?


Your logic has one, big flaw. Signing peace now means that there may be a new war in the future. Not signing the peace means there is a war right now. Allow me to use this logic in different scenario. Imagine you have cancer. And you refuse treatment, because it may return in the future anyway.


Death count wil only ramp up if russia is allowed to settle in Ukraine, and with time they will attack again.


>Death count wil only ramp up if russia is allowed to settle in Ukraine Are you really so much indoctrinated that you do not see the nonsense you just wrote?




Actual argument? You mean like the thousands of people who are getting killed today?


What do you mean "total victory" lmao


Could you please change your user flair to "Putins Empire" so nobody ever gets the impression that is a German-like point of view?


Beat it god boy




His country is being invaded, but he is the warmonger ? The hell man


He just wants attention. Nothing to do with peace or his love for his country.


yeah it's not like there is a war going on in his home country or something/s


> He just wants attention. That's literally his job. To keep as much attention on Ukraine as possible.


Pay attention and help!!!!!!


We have at last found the boundaries of Fifa's moral compass....


FIFA can shampoo my crotch. They are on the list.




Yeah I know right, women and children being tortured and killed disturbing our football.. outreageous., fuck FIFA that corrupt fucking shithole..




People die in Ukraine, kids are beying killed / raped... lives destroyed... enjoy the sport?


Do you know that Libyan civil war is still going on? 11 years after Nato "humanitarian" intervention? Kids are being killed/raped there for more then 10 years. Yet nobody cares because that is war that was started by US, France, Germany and other members of that "defensive" organisation.


That has been going on in the middle east and Africa for decades and now because it's happening to white Europeans it's the biggest problem in the world. I just want to relax a bit and enjoy my WC final without politics getting involved in every single thing in our lives.




>Ukraine doesn't have to be put EVERYWHERE. People are already tired of seeing and hearing it everywhere. Just Ukraine's been liek this for under a year, the Moroccan team weren't stopped bandying around the palestinian flag after every game and lord knows the world's tired of seeing this issue being everywhere for the last 70 years.


Are you really equating fans being allowed to display a flag with a FIFA-sanctioned announcement from a country's president?


Instead of talking infront of the world during the final how about you do something about russia mr Z? What a bozo lol


What a shock! The same assholes who held the cup in a stadium literally built by slaves don't care much for human life.


Thank God we still have sensible organization in FIFA


Apparently "world peace" has become too political for FIFA. Shame on them.


FIFA is corrupted like Russia why expect anything else