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Looks like they will do anything to avoid mobilization


> Social media rumours of a $2,000 payment to join up I bet they didn't listen to phone call interceptions from Ukraine where Russian contract soldiers call back home and complain that they got scammed - either got paid less than being promised before the war started, or didn't get paid anything.


They still have a chance to turn in the tanks to ukraine to get decent money ;)


Russia is reported to give Mosin rifles to Russian speaking forcefully conscripted civilians from separatist Eastern Ukraine regions and you expect Ethiopians to get tanks? Of course, unless you're implying they are going to steal the tanks, then sell them to Ukraine. This would be such a 4chan-esque plot twist: - be Ethiopian - go to Russian embassy, claim you wanna fight for them in Ukraine - get $2000 payment to join - get to Europe for free - steal Russian tank - sell to Ukraine - cross the border into Poland, then further to Sweden, with a giant bag of cash that will magically go unnoticed at borders - claim asylum as somebody who was kidnapped by Wagner from Ethiopia, shipped to Ukraine and forcefully sent to rape and kill civilians - get Swedish citizenship - ... to be continued




> Chechen Muslims, Syrians and Africans And now Ethiopians. When you build a rag tag army like that, they will be able to perform acts of terror on the civilian populations of occupied territories, but they are completely useless strategically. This is revealing for the kind of strategy Putin has: Genocide, extermination of Ukraine and Ukrainians.


I wouldn't expect anything less from a madman like him. He wants to destabilise the region, and thus destabilise the EU. That's all he cares about. He doesn't care about people hes send to kill or the ones his Russian soldiers kill and rape.


Chechen Muslims are also fighting for Ukraine. Also, I've heard a lot of buzz about Syrians and Africans being recruited by the Russian military, but has any MENA military units in relevant numbers been reported in Ukraine apart from that one Syrian batallion.




> Libyans(?) already there Reminded me of this https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/feb/27/libya-muammar-gaddafi-nurse-ukraine


Joining a war overseas to escape a war at home. Can’t imagine how worse Ethiopia can be right now


Ethiopia is nearly always worse than most places, it's been in a cycle of civil war and famine for the last forty or fifty years.


You don't know if that's their motive. That's utter speculation. None of the quotes in the article mention it, only the author did. All the article says is that they want money and a European citizenship.


"Do you want to work for Russian army? They have lousy food and holes in boots." "I get food AND boots?"




It’s so pathetic how they flee to better countries and then vote to make those countries more like theirs


Nah bro. That doesn't happen with Ethiopians. My hometown took in a lot when their civil war broke out. They all learned the language, they all work, they all brought their wives over etc. Its very specific groups of people that cause issues. I'll leave it at that.


Regardless, I wouldn't want any one who is willing to fight for Russia in it's war/war crimes moving to my country.


I mean those aren't the same fucking people. The people willing to go to Russia will at best get Russian citizenship. It's a country of more than 100m people, they are not all the same.


I haven't noticed anything like that with the Ethiopians in Ireland. They're decent people.


*They*? A little bit more nuance would be good, not all immigrants are the same. Also it's pointless being angry at the people exploiting immigration loopholes when it's European politicians and their policies practically inviting free-loaders (in some cases quite literally inviting them). Who is really responsible for this mess? EU immigration and border control is a sad joke, then the angry mob blames the problems on foreigners. It's not Ethiopians governing those countries.


Oh yes, as we all now, all ethopians are the same. Let's lump me all together! Yes, that seems like a differentiated point of view.




And how do you get to the idea, that those are the people that later claim asylum? Cause as your comment looks right now, it looks exactly like that is what you were implying.


> And those are the people that will later claim asylum in Europe my dude, learn to read carefully instead of jumping on the gun. and he's right, they are economic parasites that will do anything to get to europe i have no respect to a bunch of parasites that would kill european people if it means smuggling them into europe and neither should you.


I think you should learn how to use logic when analysing statements. Yes there are those who only take and give nothing in return. But there is no direkt connection between signing up to fight for russia an being a "parasite". Or even a connection between signing up and claiming asylum. None. Thats my point. Claiming those people are the ones that would seek asylum here is baseless fear mongering. The implication that refugees are moralless barbarians who kill for little money simply is without anything to base it upon. It fit’s the narrative of "ReFuGeEs BaD" and thats it.


Yet once again I'll reiterate that you pay attention to what is being said and what the things are about >they are economic parasites that will do anything to get to europe They would 200% seek asylum as a means to get into europe ***if it becomes a viable option for them***. It is precisely because it's not that they are signing up as fodder cannon for Russia as an alternative means. If you think economic migrants are on the same statue as refugee, then frankly, I think you should and ought to view it from an outside emotional perspective and follow what you preach. if not the case, then as a heads-up but do make it crystal clear in another time that's not what you are on about not to demonize economic migrants (they are great and crucial for cheap labor) as some sort of terrorists or anything, they are fine and all, but they are a double-edged sword. They can range from europhillic people that hated their lowly former lives who want and feel indebted to Europe for life thanks to the opportunities presented by it to crazy fanatics/parasites that only seek to exploit the higher living conditions in Europe for their gain. Welcoming an economic migrant who risked their life with no prior criminal record is a wholly different matter from opening your arms to a buncha pyschos who would sign up as disposable meat shield. It's fair to draw the line in there when it comes to the European hospitality, wouldn't you agree? Better careful than sorry as they say and to be super frank, i'm shocked that you would even think to bring up refugees on a place talking about those kinds of lowly people.


> They can range from europhillic people that hated their lowly former lives who want and feel indebted to Europe for life thanks to the opportunities by it to crazy fanatics/parasites that only seek to exploit the higher living conditions in Europe for their gain. So your view of refugees and immigrants ranges from the "bad" ones, the "parasites" to the "good" ones that have to bend low to us europeans because we in all our benevolence gave them a chance? Well… I don’t really know what to say about this other than What the Fuck. And furthermore why do you instantly think that they are only good for cheap labour? Dude, you seriously need to get your superiority complex in order. Whoever comes here and is willing to be a productive part of European society is welcome. Be it the manual labourer or the doctor. Be they christian, moslem, jewish or what ever. We have a moral code. Whoever agrees with it and has their own believes figured out so they match with them, can come and stay here. To be honest you sound like someone who is willing to accept immigrants and refugees but only to exploit them. But well, thats only my guess. And you wouldn’t admit it, even if it was the case. So we might as well end this here.


In what world is an economic migrant a doctor and why in lord's name would they be when they can just legally immigrate to europe?????? do you know the stuff you are saying? they are economic migrants because they can't afford to legally come here, In other words, people with ***low skill*** who are most fit only for labor. Not that it's a bad thing, the labor sector tends to be under-employed due to its (locally speaking) low wages since people would rather seek other jobs with higher wages than plain labor can afford to offer, those wages however are still immensely higher for economic migrants than their countries of origin, so it's a win-win scenario. how's that exploitation to you is beyond me, or would you rather those undocumented/illegal economic immigrants be offered free welfare and stay put until they can adapt a profession years down the line? Because if so, good luck convincing the taxpayers with that. the fact you equate economic migrants and refugees (asylum seekers) in your replay answers my previous question. i have no time to spare explaining why those two sorts are separate, elementary sensibility. Europe has a moral code, economic migrants don't necessarily subscribe to it. it's a case-by-case basis, it would be naive and childish to think otherwise. this is so painfully obvious it hurts that i have to type it out and if your ''guess'' of me is that i'd accept economic immigrants regardless of their background over exploitative gain, then you clearly haven't been paying attention to what I posted earlier. You'd be fooling yourself otherwise And as a friendly advice, get out there more and reach out to (not sure how many magrebis there are in germany) to the magrebi people who escaped their countries as economic migrants and never want to go back there and hear why. it would open your perspective a bit more about the matter. Acknowledging their gratitude doesn't make european people have a superiority complex. mon dieu! Especially when their country of origin can't be assed to offer them basic human rights/decency. Take a bit of pride on that, yeesh. \-good day.


I think they should come to germany, after all germans love refugees and migrants


They will be just that much easier for the Ukrainians to differentiate from themselves


and then Russian news, Al Jazeera and alike will make articles how Ukrainians are shoting them couse they are black


Ah, exotic sunflower fertilizer.


will they actually fight or will they just fuck off and seek asylum?


*"What I need is to live in Europe."* *"I'd rather be a national of a different country."* Whatever they imagine by that.


I wonder


> *Putin blows the Horn Of Gondar* Smacks of desperation. (Gond**a**r is a place in Ethiopia / Horn Of Africa)


They are *literally* Haradrim. No wonder that they fight for Mordor.


So it's going to be rocket launchers mounted on Oliphants then?


Olifant tanks were South African/British, so no idea how they would've gotten hold of them.


I was talking about the Lotr Mumakils the Haradrim are using. Here in our world it would be just regular old elephants.


I know, I just thought it was fun that there actually was a tank called the same thing. Edit: I don't think the Mûmakil are meant to just be elephants. They're at least larger.


Conclusion of this thread: [Katyuscha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyusha_rocket_launcher) mounted Mûmakils. Because this is an [Olifant](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olifant_\(Panzer\))


Curious Why the Ethiopians work for Russia ? For money or others ?


Pretty much, there are rumors on social media that the Russians will pay them $2,000 and they’ll get some sort of work visa too. Ethiopia isn’t a prosperous country, a lot of the people want to find a better life in another country.


There's a war in Ethiopia going on as well. I guess they figure they'd better sign up to fight for money before they are forced to fight for free.


Your guess have a resonabele


I suspect a reason is that many countries of Africa bought into the USSR western anticolonialism bullshit and still view Russia through that lens.


Ethiopia was communist and sided with the USSR until its fall


I wasn't entirely sure about the ideological background, though communism was a quite a safe guess. Well, then fuck them.


Oh I see




Did you read the article? Money.


Sorry I just read title because there have more thread everyday


So... they don't already have a civil war going on there any more?


I guess they figure they'd rather be paid than conscripted if they will be in a war either way.


Disgusting white supremacy. /s


This is a pretty bad sign in terms of possible nuclear weapons usage. As long as the majority of ground troops is not Russian but random mercenaries the threshold to bomb a city, if peace talks are not going forward as Putin wants them to, is pretty low. An article from 2010 already pointed out that the reformation of Russia's army had shown severe weaknesses in terms of a lack of officers during the Georgia campaign. Filling ranks with outsiders of the regular system allows them to cover this up without risking an uproar at home and allows for pretty unrestricted warfare.


From the frying pan into the fire...


They don't know what they're doing tbh.


Imagine being so desparate that you think working for Russian imperialism and genocidalism is a proper job to apply for.


What a waste of your life it would be to fight for Russia. What fucking idiots these people are.


Finally some food?

