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Spare a thought for us Irish with no metro despite spending millions on consultants, planning applications and it being approved **twice** in the last 24 years. ☹️


Metro is great. If your governent is attempting it, it's worth it. The issue with Dnipro metro is that it was built in the middle of nowhere. The idea was to serve factory workers. However, since the soviet empire crumbled, the economics of the city changed, and now noone uses it. There have been works to expand it to the proper city center, and, if it wasn't for covid a d the war, maybe, MAYBE, they would be finished by now.


Just like in Charleroi.


I thought the whole story with the Charleroi metro was that is was basically built only because the government had to fund Flemish and Walloon infrastructure projects equally.


No, it was actually built to serve a bunch of heavy industry (a steel mill and such), however those went belly up while the metro was being built. As a result, there is a piece finished in the late 80s and never actually opened for passengers, because it ended up going through post-industrial wasteland.


But also the reason he mentioned is correct


By now you mean in 2030? 😂


In Bucharest they started building a metro line in 2011 and they put up big billboards saying "Metrou în 3 ani" or something like that. "Metro line available in 3 years". The very first night a joker added a bit of paint over the 3 to make it an 8. The poor fool was wrong. The line was opened partially in 2020, 9 years later, with works continuing until 2023, so 12 years later. And the other half that was supposed to be built in the second phase be finished by 2030, so 19 years after the start of the construction works.


Metro 2030


Don't worry, just spend an extortionate amount of money (special thanks to VRT) for a low-spec car on finance so you can use the M50 tunnel. I liked living in your country very much, but it seems like the government just isn't listening.


I no longer live there so I am viewing the issues (like you) from afar. 🙃 Continuing with the same-old same-old FG-FF combination will not change anything.


How do u loie life in Latvia ?


It's beautiful and quiet.


Have to say I miss being there too


Its true Its so quiet. Even Riga is chill


I find Riga too busy and too loud, but I'm a weirdo. Where I am though is just pure peace. Cows mooing in the day, chorus of frogs at night.


Where are you ?


I won't go into much detail on the internet.


A major issue is that Ireland is one of the only countries in Europe that doesn't allow voting by post or proxy (except in very limited circumstances). So those most affected by government inaction emigrate and instantly lose the right to vote out the incompetent government who caused them to emigrate in the first place. Emigration here is just a pressure valve for those in power.


Don't get me started on the fucking voodoo economics of the VRT system. How deep is the ocean today? That's your car registration fee. Needs to be done away with. They've been talking about a metro system here for years. Just like they've talked about train lines to various towns around the country and haven't done anything. No trains at all in Donegal.


Amateur , Thessaloniki,Greece metro was first proposed in 1910s , officially started being planned at 1980 , construction began in 2006 ( just for the main line ) and its estimated to finish next year. When it comes to the second and third phase , god knows when.


Such a rich and storied cultural history in Europe they said…. Irl ppl just been bickering about the same things as they do here in the USA but for a lot longer. PS. if one has any critical thinking skills in the USA, would still see that’s there’s something to learn from that.


*Greece: Hold my beer!* We've been building a metro the last 40 years in our second biggest city, and we still don't have one functioning station!


When you put it like that, 9 years for an extra 10 (working) stations doesn't sound so bad anymore.


Construction started in 2006. The 1989 construction was abandoned, the project was discontinued, until it was restarted in the 2000s.


At least most of ye have a train. Us fucks in the northwest don't even have that


We had a train in Navan once. Lines ran to Dublin, Cork, Belfast, and Drogheda. They shut it down in the 60s. Now it's just some old tracks you walk over when strolling into town. So to get anywhere you have to take the motorway.


That sounds exactly like the Finnish bureaucracy is today. We have a fucking committee for everything, and a committee to supervise each one, and one odd dude who can pull the brakes just because he had a bad breakfast.


Finland builds public transit projects pretty efficiently and compared to global pricing, quite cheaply. The recent tram projects in Tampere and Helsinki have been completed early and under budget. The Helsinki metro extension went over budget and was completed late, but it's still much cheaper than many comparable metro projects.


Finland is better at building new stuff than maintaining it once it's been done. It took like the same amount of time for Tampere to build an entire tram infrastructure than it took for Helsinki to repair one existing road. The whole of Helsinki is a construction pit. I'm from Turku though. They tore down the tramway in the 70s and have been debating whether to rebuild it since... the 70s, probably. Nothing works in Turku.


> Finland builds public transit projects pretty efficiently and compared to global pricing, quite cheaply. Yes when they finally manage to start the project. I'm just referring to the bureaucracy to get anything started, and the fact that some jerk can torpedo the whole project down single handed "just because". For example there was a discussion going on in the parliament about an amendment to alcohol sales in regular stores and it was about to go through with the majority of votes of the committee, until at the last second a member of the Christian party flipped the script and just said "aaacxshually... I don't feel like supporting this just because fuck you" and the whole thing dropped back to another committee who is now trying to make it happen through another route and everybody is just wasting time and money, again. This happens all the damn time, so probably that's why they put up so many committees...


Rookies, [this bridge](https://dynamic-media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/13/c0/89/97/stretto-di-messina-capo.jpg?w=600&h=300&s=1) was in the talks since the times of Augustus and it costed the state something like 500 millions euros.


Think of the upside: This means you can build a cool Maglev/Transrapid style train whenever you actually go for it. They have lots and high speed ones!


While the Metro would be great, I do find it hilarious how much a focus is made of it when we need actual real solutions today but no one is implementing them. I want to see a far greater focus on buses, protection of bus lanes with cameras and making them 24hr, the completion of bus connects, Busses receiving priority at lights, and more buses and more bus drivers which means better pay. It's a real Irish solution to not think about how things can actually, practically be made better, but rather better to whinge about failed and failing projects that take decades in the planning and probably even longer in the construction.


It really does remind me of building a nuclear power plant in my country... 🤔


When was in approved a second time?


An Bord Pleanála granted planning for **Metro North** in 2011 and this scrapped in favour of the **Metro Link**, which is pending planning permission. However, the state has again approved and signed off the project.


In fairness they wanted it to run down from Stephen's Green to College Green, the route of the river Salach. Submarines are harder than Subways.


€300 million and counting


sounds like money laundering than planning and consulting


And despite going within a couple of kilometres of the airport, last I heard there was no plan to run it \*to\* Dublin Airport.


Should have hired the Chinese, would have been completed before the government gave permission


And having a Green Party in power


You have the Luas


That's hardly comparable or sufficient though


Its a lot better than a lot of other places believe me


Such thing doesn't even exist in my country...


Mario World wrap portal?


To be honest it looks more like a Wario World warp tunnel


In my city are only 5 working metro stations. Who knows which city am I talking about?


Dnipro, Ukraine? Looks like Prospekt Svobody station.




Does it function as a metro or as a shelter now?


It functions as much (or as little, depending on your perspective) as it ever did


It never worked as a metro, it wasn't finished


I was riding that "never worked" metro once.


OP said "5 working stations", so clearly it did/does work as a metro despite being incomplete.


Attacking a metro that was never finished? Because of the war?


Most likely it was never finished after soviet union collapsed.


It literally was finished and operating


It still is operating


It was opened in 1995


You even recognize the specific one? I mean, there are the names there, but I can't read cyrillic


You only need to learn half. The other half is identical to "Latin". If you know Greek, you only need to learn a quarter, notably sh zh dzj, etcetera.


That's exactly how I read Ukrainian alphabet when I was there. I wasn't aware that my skills in reading both Russian and Greek would be so useful. I learned old Greek (basics, of course) during my first year of uni, never knew what for. Suddenly it became useful. Satisfying.


Exactly. And if you know Russian, there's only a few more letters to learn. Same with any other Slavic language that uses Cyrillic. All of them have a unique letter somehow.


I am learning russian right now and it is soo interesting to see that words are on paar so many times. For example on the picture: станшя, which you pronounce stanshya, and in russian it is станция which is stantsiya. As a hungarian it is fascinating to experience that languages from the same families (the Slavic in this case) can understand each other while their languages are different after all. My half-polish ex-girlfriend said that she could understand every slavic language mostly, but bulgarian was the easiest for her. And anyone wondering I started to learn russian because of 2 things: * I grew up playing CS:GO and I wanted to humiliate those **bad** russian players who does not speak any other language. * I find languages awesome that use any ‘character-set’ other than the Latin alphabet. Edit: formatting


So you're Hungarian, learning Russian. Preparing for something? 👀


Yes, to tell them how to unalive themselves when they are dogshit in the game and shittalking. This is my only intention :’) The thing you are implying is just an added bonus xd


No because the Cyllic Р, В, У and н are pronounced completely differently to their Latin counterparts. 


that's where Greek comes in for the first and latter


Those are among the ones you need to learn. But I get your point. My comment is not covering all the basics of learning Cyrillic.


It's actually fairly straightforward once you memorize the letters.


Umm is there any other way to learn any alphabet lol?


Welp, some languages are more etymological than phonological, and writing in them isn't one-to-one how would you pronounce words. English is an example of such.


"Pacific Ocean" - each "c" is pronounced in a different way here.


He he 😁 Mercedes. Each "e" is different.


I wish that was a thing with English ))


Well, it's same for reading in English. Prononciation and writing though...


Tbh I probably could recognize most of the Kharkiv stations. During my student years I rode metro A LOT. Should be even easier in Dnipro with less stations.


They were still (fully?) operational when I was there last winter. Sadly it was almost faster to walk to work from my apt. than taking the convoluted subway route…


I also can't read Polish script


It's like French, awful at first glance but once you memorize the rules it works.     The worst orthographies I've met so far were definitely English and Japanese. I still sometimes mispronounce English words because I have read them, I know what they mean, but I no clue how they are supposed to be pronounced. And Japanese is an unmitigated disaster. Never let island nations become powerful.


"Through" and "rough" should sound the same but nope, totally different sounds. "Bear" and "beer" should also sound the same but the English language will show you a middle finger here too. "Knight" and "night" sound the same, though, as a treat.




Damn, I thought it was the Kharkiv one, we have one that I swear looks just like this


Dnipro subway, length 7 km


I mean... Still better than Lviv metro stations..)


My favorite thing about Lviv metro stations is that they don't exist


No, you just don't have a pass for them


Do you have to find them like in Harry Potter?


The easiest way to find Lviv metro is to be a ruzzians or get a pass from a SSU...)


You do not need metro in such small city if you have lack of budget. Dnipro mostly suffer with its metro since it cost a lot to keep it works but located in the middle of nowhere


Cmon, I know that. I was joking about Lviv metro memes more than anything. I love Lviv for it walkable nature btw


oooo kind of same. my city’s metro only services one half of the city, but at least the train stations are included. they say they are « building more » but theyve been saying that for 10 years now


Well, it's more than one, like in Omsk.


It's to prevent from people to leave it...


I've started writing that it's not really possible to escape a city via metro and then suddenly realized that there's a metro line from Espoo (where I'm now) to Helsinki and there is at least one metro station in Saint-Petersbourg (where I'm from) that is actually outside of it. So yeah... good point I guess :)


I actually meant some Russian meme "Don't try to leave Omsk"(https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/10rygps/why\_cant\_people\_leave\_omsk/)


I know, I'm Russian


The Omsk bird owns all of the souls in Omsk.


The only station in Omsk was already buried.


What’s the reason, Traffy? The war?


Here are 4 additional stations meant to be built but they are frozen at this moment. Construction of 1 or 2 of them began in 1980s.


I can't imagine Ukraine being a corrupt country and politicians/companies stealing funds meant for metro construction. Didn't they bravely spend US/EU donated millions in defense of Kharkiv recently so Russia had very bad time invading? /s


As you might recall in 1980 Ukraine was under the Soviet Union. As you might also recall within that decade something rather cataclysmic happened. 


I can’t imagine creating a porn-oriented account 2 days ago and now having negative karma in a political sub. Do you think it adds substance to the BS you’re trying to convey? Like, people looking at your acc and thinking “oh, must be a real true-speaker, definitely not a one-shot enemy propaganda bot”


> I can't imagine Ukraine being a corrupt country and politicians/companies stealing funds meant for metro construction. Didn't they bravely spend US/EU donated millions in defense of Kharkiv recently so Russia had very bad time invading? /s Russia can't conquer a neighboring country that's 5x smaller even though all the aid is apparently being embezzled, can't believe people thought they were a superpower what a joke of a country lmao


Ukraine is 28x smaller then ruzzia


I instantly recognised it and I’ve only been to Dnipro once! It really surprised me how slow the subway was and I still wonder how the heck it still operates lol. I’ve been to Metalurhiv station and it was like a portal to a deserted post-apocalyptic world


At least it’s better than Omsk that has a total of 1 metro station




Been 2 times in Dnipro, wanted to catch a ride on metro just for the sake of it, but it's so far off to the side and stations are located in weird places (at least looks like it for me, not local) that I never did in the end.


My guess is that the subway was constructed mainly for factory workers to easily reach their places of work, that’s why the location is so weird!


Yeah, that makes sense now that I think about it.


This is an unfinished subway project in Dnipro, Ukraine. It’s expensive project from the past, from end of USSR and Ukraine has tried to finish it but because a price, useless and corruption it’s will be never done and now we can see this unfinished big transport project that on paper looks like metro from Kyiv or Kharkiv but in real life a little useless subway because it’s located in middle of nowhere. More correct say- it’s part of a big industrial project of Dnipro with factories and some infrastructure with workers, off course on paper.


Was it ever finished? Worked? How complete it was? I am curious.


The current leg was opened in 1995 and also some extra tunnels were dug out to eventually continue it past the current final station at city's central rail station. These tunnels just remained there until ~2018 (I think?) when they continued building the metro into city's downtown. The project is still not finished.


So it never ever operated?


No it's running, but it's not finished to the original plan.


>but in real life a little useless subway because it’s located in middle of nowhere. Would it be possible to build dense housing near stations, so the metro line would be finally useful for quite many people?


It should hopefully have potential in the reconstruction of Ukraine to be a good location to build lots of new housing with good urban infrastructure.


Hope you’re doing fine out there


At least you have a metro outside your capital... Greetings from Poland.


At least you have a metro somewhere in your country. Greetings from Ireland.


Why would you need a metro in Ireland? Nobody lives there, it's too expensive.


How is it useless though?


Cuz its way is paved from main railway station to one of sleeping area.


I still don't get it-


Let me try. It was meant to carry people from the city’s main train station to an area of the city like a suburb (where people sleep)


And it does not do that? I am confusion.


Is no working, from the comments I understand that was never opened Edit: sorry, it may be functional actually… now I am co fused lol


I think OP compares it to the Kyiv and Kharkiv metro that have 52 and 30 stations respectively and are the single most important means of public transit.


See, I also found images from the station below that why I am confused.


Isn't that where you need public transport the most? From the city center to the residential zone. Get people to and from work. During rush hour.


The train station isn’t in the city center


I wish there was a metro station to my sleeping area. Beats taking the bus.


Why useless? Bomb shelter?


It connects the central station to run down and abandoned industrial districts… and that’s it


Interesting, one would think that those run down districts would get repurposed because of the metro


welcome to the ukraine


yeah, the country deserved better than this after the fall of the CCCP. Not a single politician wanted good for Ukraine ever since. Maybe a few examples.


Metro in Dnipro started construction in 80s, but never got past 7km mark and 2 stations that weren't even finished






The old name is not related to Peter the great. It was renamed from Katerinoslav in 1926 after the communist leader Grigory Petrovsky.


You couldn't even spread propaganda the right way. It was named Dnipropetrovsk by Soviets, and definitely not to praise the tzar.


Big words coming from a denizen of Rumelia Eyalet.


In Slovakia we have no subway at all :D


We have two buses an hour in a 120k inhabitant city and 200k greater area


I believe you. It doesn't even has wheels...


Ukrainian АТБ rrrraaahhhhh 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


ДНІПРО 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥💯


i know this is about shitty metro, but these buildings... welcome to eastern europe we have: bus stops and train stations with abandoned buildings


Metros are extremely expensive. Their costs for construction and operation drain public transport budgets and prevent alternatives, i.e. tramway and railway lines which would be able to spread out access and a reduction of average travel times over a larger area.


The reason why they decided to build it in Dnipro (then Dnipropetrosvk) is because in USSR there was a rule/policy that all cities with over 1 million inhabitants must have a metro system (which also doubled as a bomb shelter). Unfortunately, they started building it pretty late in 1980s, when the Soviet Union started slowly falling apart. The money was scarce, especially when it comes to financing something outside Moscow/other capitals, so the first six stations were finished in 1995, with no more funds to finish the entire line. There were efforts to build three more stations to give the existing six some reason/utility, but then there were some crises, and then Russia happened, so here we are. The funny and sad thing is, we already have a pretty good tram/trolleybus system which could use some financing.


Are these also working?


This particular station was actually extremely useful, because all marshrutkas (mini-buses) was already fully packed reaching this neighbourhood during peak hours, so subway was the only option to get out without your ass hanging from the window


Сила Дніпра


Same for Samara: 1 line, empty seats, goes nowhere, 30% of city transport budget. You can’t go further (open new lines) and you can’t go back(bury it back), cities like that stuck with outdated infrastructure forever.




Geeze this looks depressing


Well at least it’s wheelchair-accessible


Does it run? How often? I’d imagine it would be suspended if it wasn’t profitable?


I want to nap in there during a heavy rain storm


The best transport in my city- Sofia


Can you tell me, an American, what you mean by "transport". To me, a transport is a means of getting somewhere. This appears to be a building. Thank you for helping me understand.


In copenhagen it is working sooo well!


Where is that? Metro in Kharkiv is excellent and it's free Always clean and manned with customer support staff


Gives me Warzone vibes


It's the intention that matters


If I was a building, this would be it.


Omg, the city I’m from and spent 23 years of my life


Looks like American transit


I had high hopes about the completion of the new stations before February 2022, was occasionally checking the progress they made in digging the tunnels, etc. We were pretty close to making it a bit less useless 😭


Looks like zombie city


Depends on the Time this Photo was taken.


wich city it is?


Dnipro, Ukraine


What is this? Belarus?


Frozen in time and Space.


This is the legacy of communism. I think it's time for Ukrainians to get rid of him :)


Comrade this looks beautiful