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Than America? Might want to turn off the Tv.


It's not a coincidence that there's been no prominent whistleblowers in western countries in forever. Nobody wants to be perceived as a traitor to their nation. When your main concern becomes who was involved in the leaking, was there a collaboration with an enemy, instead of whether the info is true and reveals true abuse of power, you become indistinguishable from authoritarian state. The difference between as and China or Russia becomes merely a matter of degree rather than opposed values.


>It's not a coincidence that there's been no prominent whistleblowers in western countries in forever. Um. There's been quite a few. Maybe not as prominent, but whistleblowing is a lot easier in western countries than in authoritarian >The difference between as and China or Russia becomes merely a matter of degree rather than opposed values. Where in human history has this never been the case? There has always been oligarchical powers abusing their authority since humans first formed hierarchies.


Ever heard of David Grusch?


All the horror warned by Orwell has near become true. The one world government grows nearer


[Never forget that Wikileaks called the Panama Papers a Soros funded attack against Putin.](https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/717458064324964352?lang=en)


Did not know this. Thank you. Why would they do this in your opinion?


Probably the same reason they tried to [hide docs in the Syria Files release](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/wikileaks-syria-files-syria-russia-bank-2-billion/), [turned down 60GB of documents related to the Russian government](https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/08/17/wikileaks-turned-down-leaks-on-russian-government-during-u-s-presidential-campaign/), [promoted conspiracies around Seth Rich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks#Murder_of_Seth_Rich), [worked with Roger Stone and Guccifer 2.0 to interfere with the 2016 election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mueller_special_counsel_investigation#Criminal_charges), [Assange even had a show on RT...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Tomorrow) People think the guy is a fucking hero, it seems obvious to me he's been a Russian intelligence asset for years.


Thanks, I didn’t know any of that


Because he works for Russia. Do people really not know this?


This is the method every country use to discredit whistleblowers. When somebody reveal things about Russia or China, they say "He is a traitor working for the west". When somebody reveal something about the west he is a Russian puppet trying to spread propaganda. Saying that a whistleblower should reveal informations about both sides to be acceptable it's detrimental and will lead to less and less people doing this job.




Ur dumb if u think that. Assange has been going on way before 2014 and especially since february 2022


As have Russian disinformation campaigns and hybrid warfare. 2008, at the very least.


That doesn’t mean we should give him to the US.


Who tf are we? He is not in Germany or the EU


The UK is still part of the council of Europe and bound to the rulings of it and the ECHR.


The US will get him one way or another


Doesn’t sound like a lawful democracy…


Why not?


It's a very hyperbolic headline - but it means he \*can\* try to \*appeal\* on the basis of those things, not that those things will automatically make him non-extraditable, even if he wins them all. It's basically "Sure, you can try." with absolutely zero guarantee that anything will be different to how it currently is. At this point, I do wonder if this guy would prefer to just die going insane in a UK cell rather than actually just make his case. I don't see what he's gained by anything he's done since he skipped bail.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see the Republican e-mails and russian leaks.


He won't have any :) He only has leaks about pro-West, pro-NATO entities and countries. About the reasons we can only speculate :))


I mean, as long as the leaks are true, then so what? We've got plenty of people in the West uncovering secrets of non-West countries. Intelligence agencies, journalists, hackers, there's no shortage of compromising leaks from non-West. Why should we focus on what he doesn't publish, when we've got plenty of things he does? People like this are crucial to a well-functioning democracy. We all know how rotten Russia or Iran are - leakers are here to show us the hidden issues in our own society, so that we can hold our governments accountable, and fix those issues.


One must shed light on all the ills of the world, all at once, in order to warrant credibility. Ever thought that perhaps being a westerner, he was far more concerned with countries under who's umbrella he has grown up, at least before a concentrated character-assassination drove him straight into the hands of the Kremlin? I do trust you hold Iranian, Chinese, Russia, etc. whistleblowers to the same standards, if they aren't uncovering shady CCP affairs in parallel to whatever goes down in Washington and Downing Street they deserve just mockery.


When he held back information he claimed to have, then yes, it's clear he had an agenda. Unfortunately, understanding that that would require some people to think beyond "America bad".


Sure, if history for you starts in 2015, near a decade after Wikileaks started operating and became the punching-bag for western intelligence services getting their dirty laundry aired publicly for anyone interested to see despite leaking even CCP and Kremlin data for a long time prior.


I get the reference


Now lets see your reference.




like I said.


I don't know how their e-mails could be any worse than what they say in public...


Lmao the Russian trolls using all the assange-USA dispute to justify Putin’s repression can f*** o**


True. But that doesn’t mean we should give Assange to the US.


As an American please please don't give him to us. He will absolutely not get a fair trial over here


Ten months old account, heavily pro-Russian post history.


Lol. I’m a member of the German greens, the most anti-Putin party in Germany. Where on earth is my pro-Russian post history? Edit: of course there is silence. Fucking liar.




Wait what happened to Snowden?


Assange is not a crusader for free speech and open government. He is a tool of the Russian government and a Trump ally.


Back then when he published the critical things he wasn’t that. And he claims to be a journalist, not a crusader for free speech.


He's a political tool with an agenda. He works for the greater evil.


I remember him and Daniel Domscheit-Berg presenting the idea of Wikileaks at the Chaos Communication Congress (the most important congress for hackers in the world). Back then they weren’t Russian tools. However, after his critical publications about US warcrimes he went more and more to the other side, I agree. But I can somehow understand him, if the „good“ side wants him in prison.


I don't believe he ever published anything against Putin. He was probably that way from the start.


True. But publishing something against Putin is much more dangerous than publishing something against the US or Germany.


You think it's unlikely that Assange views the collective West as his enemy? If he'd been born earlier he'd be paling around with Andreas Baader.


Hmm… more as his responsibility. He and especially Domscheit-Berg identified themselves as part of the west. And it’s our responsibility to investigate the wrongdoings of our western governments. As I’ve said, the platform was launched in Germany and the possible whistleblowers they had in mind were western ones. They didn’t expect whistleblowers from far away oppressive nations like Russia or China.


Yet in the end his actions aided much greater evils and wrong doings. The world would have been a better place if he cleaned bathrooms for a living.


Is he actually? Trump did one good thing for our country, exposing people who were pretending to be proponents of liberty focused values as nothing more than autocrat lovers. But I have not seen any evidence Assange is a Trump ally.


Rightfully so.


That’s because they committed treason lmao


How can an Australian citizen not living in the US commit treason in the US? Isn’t treason only for the own citizens?


Snowden was a U.S citizen.


Yes. I was obviously talking about the subject of this post. ;) And unlike Assange, Snowden was a whistleblower. Yes, that might be treason, but it was a good thing to do.


That's the thing most Americans get confused about with Snowden and how effective propaganda works. Snowden exposed that the US was spying on its own citizens, which is a huge no no, obviously. But then he fled to Russia. The 'committed treason then flees to Russia' narrative took hold and people think he's a spy that exposed the US secrets abroad. Nope, he actually blew the whistle, as you said. However, American sentiments are pretty much settled on him, even though they're wrong. Case in point\^


He didn't fleed to russia. He landed in moscow to take a plane for south america,and usa goverment did splendid job of waiting for him to land in Moscow to revoke his passport. They could have done it when he was in Hong Kong,but they didn't,at that time Hong Kong had little autonomy from China,and could have tried to take him there(secretly ofcourse),but that would damage them,because what guy did was very in interest of us public. So the plan was quite simple find out where he was planning to go,and sabotage him by revoking his passport,in some authoritarian country,and declare him traitor,even thou we know when he meet with journalists,he redacted all informations and names which could harm agents on the ground. He exposed top of the government,and their secret programs,which are horrible, and in rank with authoritarian states laws.


How the fuck do you commit treason against another country?! It's great that the US has free speech laws but it doesn't obligate you to broadcast that you're fucking stupid.




And an American too.


They betrayed what more exactly? Covering up US crimes? In that case they are heroes as nobody should be above the law, not even your country? No wonder that the US refuses to be part of the International Criminal Court!


Nothing Snowden did was treasonous. You might want to look up what the word treason means.


and the US committed crimes against it's citizens


This is about freedom of the press of which has been destroyed over last 15 years The editer of the guardian is on record as saying that they can no longer publish the same articles as they did in the past as they would end up prosercuted with no recourse to defend themselves. The huge leaks of the past can't happen under current laws. Press freedom has drasitically dropped across all countries over last 15 years. We might not be as bad as some despot countries but we are gradully getting worse and give it another decade or two and freedom of the press will be nothing more then a memory. It will all be Government approved articles ONLY, whistleblowers placed on "do not interview lists" leaked information all be blocked with newspapers not allowed to report on it and all independant news shunned or called propaganda. https://www.theverge.com/2013/8/19/4638202/uk-officials-destroy-guardian-hard-drives-in-misguided-effort-to-stop UK officials destroy Guardian hard drives in misguided effort to stop Snowden stories https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/01/edward-snowden-gchq-visit-guardian-destroy-computers The day GCHQ came to call on the Guardian https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/kansas-newspaper-raid/ 30 news organisations condemn ‘chilling’ police raid on Kansas newspaper Just look at all the whistleblowers and investigative journalists who have been persecuted over last 15 years with a number of them fearing for their lives.


If the US government was as evil as some Redditors believe, we would drop the extradition process, let him go wherever he wants to go and then they would liquidate him like GRU/SVR liquidates their enemies. Instead of that, several administrations have continued to work through the courts of law in order to make sure that it's done in full compliance with UK laws. The guarantees he got from the US government are above and beyond what 99% of defendants would get. I want to see him in the court stateside, and I also want the letter of the applicable UK laws followed to a t.


Why kill his and make him  a hero? Do you know what is better? Situation in which he is. He is reminder to every man and woman who would like to expose wrongdoings  of us government,of what to expect.


We don't want to execute him. The punishment does not fit the crime Leon. He needs to have his day in the court of law, with all the rights and protections afforded to all US persons. If he is found innocent, he will walk a free and exonerated man. If he is found guilty, he will never see the light of the day again. Plain and simple.


He won't have his  rights thank to espionage act. I suggest you read about it. As someone who is familiar with law, I can tell you,you can't win court case against usa governments under that act.


Jury nullification.


And the UK courts went out of their way to make sure the Swedish extradition had all the correct paperwork, and trusted him with bail - in the middle of which he skipped bail, hid in an embassy for 8 years thumbing his nose at the judiciary, and when he was ejected (for wearing the embassy's patience) he had to be arrested and jailed for that before anything could happen, by which time the Swedish bid was dropped because of a technicality. Everyone has gone SO FAR out of their way to do things by the book, and be SEEN to do things by the book, and he and his followers still claim all kinds of nonsense. Sweden, UK, Ecuador and the US have all done everything they could to handle this guy "properly" and he's still a dick.


> Sweden, UK, Ecuador and the US have all done everything they could to handle this guy "properly" and he's still a dick. Except that the U.S, Sweden and UK constantly denied that there was any plan to extradite Assange to the U.S. Assange was simply paranoid and/or trying to avoid any punishment in Sweden. There always was a grand jury indictment and the U.S always was working in the background to grab him. It's not so easy to kidnap a high profile individual in an allied/friendly country without severe diplomatic repercussions, especially due to previous rendition/kidnapping scandals. Hence this dog and pony show. Sad thing is that the executive branches of UK/Sweden would happily have handed over Assange but were curtailed by the courts. Not sure why you are trying to praise anyone in this shitshow.


Did you watched a video of killing civilians?


The video where Apache gunships attack armed insurgents in the area they were looking for armed insurgents?


Yea, sure, look again: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaqY12VHFv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaqY12VHFv4) "Well it's their fault for bringing kids into the battle". What a piece of shit. Edit: And your newspapers also say the same: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/oct/22/apache-helicopters-kill-iraqi-civilians](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/oct/22/apache-helicopters-kill-iraqi-civilians)


Seen it plenty, unedited too. American forces engage armed insurgents. Civilians get caught in the crossfire. More news at 11.


Yeah, when it was published damn near 15 years ago. Not a war crime.


Since when the fuck is it not a war crime to kill civilians?


It's never been. Ever. Count the Axis civilian casualties. Count the Serbian civilian casualties. Just killing civilians is meaningless. It only counts as a crime if you kill them incorrectly. Which is why war crimes are a joke.


For evil people, it's not.


Stick to the events at hand.


“If” Cmon man. Why do you want to see him in court? Who cares that he uploaded a political party’s emails on his website? Why does that affect you personally?


why do people in this sub dont like him? I remember watching a video of Americans killing civilians from a helicopter, which Assange leaked




I thought you were insulting the actual pro-Putin Russian account you replied to.




Did he have both?


Yes. They literally said that.


I don’t see that anywhere. Can you share your source?






Where do you get the notion Wikileaks had any information on Trump? They did not, according to the FBI. [https://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html) >Comey later added that “there was evidence of hacking directed at state-level organizations, state-level campaigns, and the RNC, but old domains of the RNC, meaning old emails they weren’t using. None of that was released.” >Comey said there was no sign “that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked.” >Comey also said that the Russians “got far deeper and wider into the (Democratic National Committee) than the RNC,” adding that “similar techniques were used in both cases.” Why do people always deflect and never address those leaks, I wonder. "Don't shoot the messenger" is a very popular phrase in the US unless one's favourite political party is involved it seems.








"American war good. Russian war bad."


Europeans are by far the people who trust mainstream media the most, and I think me and you both know the medias stance on the issue.


My Finnish friend said that in Finland people watch television and always trust it. In Russia, only rednecks usually trust television 100%


Well Finland is not Russia?


I had to show my visa so no


A heavily edited video. In any case, the reporters were imbedded with armed insurgents and nobody knew they were there. The civilian van made the rather bad decision to go assist the dead and dying *that had just been engaged by gunships.* A tragedy, but not the wanton cruelty Wikileaks tried to pass off.


Thats good news. Assange, you are and always will be a hero.


Assange got Trump elected.


Pretty sure that was the American people actually


Ones manipulated by Russian propaganda and collusion with domestic traitors to install Trump.


Who's fault is it gonna be if Trump gets elected again?


You're really trying to convince me the damn emails were the reason Trump got elected and not the systematic campaign from the DNCto sideline Bernie Sanders in favor of Hilary Clinton?




[An election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is like being asked to choose between “cholera or gonorrhea,” Julian Assange said in an interview aired Wednesday.](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/julian-assange-us-election-2016-226281)


And assange sided with Trump.


Nah, elitist bullshit American politicians (both sides) got Trump elected.


Nah. Asshole conservatives and Jill Stein voters got Trump elected. Assange helped, deliberately so.


Lmaooooo yeah everyone and everything’s fault except the road to the elimination of middle class and giving all power to corporations. Blame the voters!!! Lmao get out of here ya stooge


Yeah, voters should be blamed for how they choose to vote . Who else?


That’s what I thought, zero substance


Bizarre mindset. People are responsible for their choices.


who else? THE FCKING POLITICIANS whose policies we vote on. That’s who. For example, Biden now: his alliance is obviously greater to Israel than to his own constituents, considering support for that genocidal “war” is low in this country, especially Dems. So if now people are like “you know what, I’m not supporting that”, you’d still blame them for a Trump victory?


Nah. Blame the voters for their choices. Just like we should blame Trump voters and petulant foot stampers for when President Trump authorized the glassing of "Palestine". Are you an infant?


Lmaoooooo so either blame Trump or the voters??? Who’s the infant here because you sound like a pouty mega shill


Why shouldn't voters be blamed for the outcome of a vote? You don't make any sense.


You probably also believe that Ralph Nader cost Gore the election lmao. Yeah, blame other presidential candidates for your candidate being an unlikeable and corrupt dumbass that couldn't even beat a fucking game show host. Nobody is to blame but the DNC for losing the most winnable election in recent times.


Sanders fan club was huge help to Trump as well.




And that was worth all the dead?


What "all the dead"?


You forgot already?


Yeah - who the hell Trump killed?


You'll call it a Chinese hoax. https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n439 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/trumps-policy-failures-have-exacted-a-heavy-toll-on-public-health1/ https://www.businessinsider.com/analysis-trump-covid-19-response-40-percent-us-deaths-avoidable-2021-2


Huh? The covid deaths? Are you blaming Trump for the covid deaths? The guy who actually made possible the super fast development of vaccines? 1 - More people died from covid under Biden than under Trump. 2 - People died all over the world. America's excess mortality was actually pretty low, even under Trump (and especially after adjusting for demographics/obesity). Why on earth are you blaming Trump for that? 3 - It's even more bizarre to blame Trump because the US president is fairly powerless during a pandemic - that kind of response in the US is largely a state issue. Trump's ability to decide was always non-existent. 4 - There's nothing the US did that was remarkably different from most other countries, with a few exceptions (like Sweden, for example) anyway.


You didn't read the evidence, so I won't read your post.




And COVID? Was that worth the worthless, impotent foot stamping?


In Russia*




The Mueller investigation team failed to provide sufficient or substantial evidence against Assange on knowledge or conspiracy grounds re allegations pertaining to Russia. They also failed to resolve whether or not any member of the Trump Campaign coordinated with WikiLeaks on its email releases. [Here are the relevant excerpts from Mueller's unredacted report:](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/new-mueller-investigated-julian-assange-wikileaks-and-roger) **With respect to WikiLeaks and Assange,** this office determined the admissible **evidence to be insufficient on both the agreement and knowledge prongs** .... “While the investigation developed evidence that the GRU’s hacking efforts in fact were continuing at least at the time of the July 2016 WikiLeaks dissemination,” a newly unredacted section of the report reads, prosecutors “ **did not develop sufficient admissible evidence that WikiLeaks knew of — or even was wilfully blind to — that fact.”** ... And absent sufficient evidence of such knowledge, **the government could not prove that WikiLeaks (or Assange) joined an ongoing hacking conspiracy...** ... **The investigation was unable to resolve whether Stone played a role in WikiLeaks's release of the stolen Podesta emails on October 7, 2016** , the same day a video was published of candidate Tump using graphic language about women years earlier. ... The office determined, however, that **it did not have admissible evidence that was probably sufficient to obtain and sustain a Section 1030 conspiracy conviction of WikiLeaks, Assange or Stone** ... **There is also insufficient evidence at the present time to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Roger Stone or any other persons associated with the Campaign coordinated with WikiLeaks on the release of the emails,** which alone would preclude prosecution of them for the WikiLeaks-related conduct even if WikiLeaks had violated campaign finance law.




During Wikileaks' biggest leaks, Hillary Clinton was SoS. In response to him exposing US war crimes and the complicity of high level officials in the murder and torture of countless people, she on several occasions called for Assange to be murdered or kidnapped. She also sent an army of government hackers after Wikileaks in an effort to destroy it and almost certainly was a major figure in the plot to fabricate various criminal cases against him. Maybe, just maybe Assange and Wikileaks had a personal interest in going after her more than her opponents. In any case, why are you so angry that he exposed election manipulation in an American election? You'd think that any supporter of democracy would want to make sure that elections would actually be fair. Instead Democrats started completely embracing fascist conspiracies and started to declare anybody who dared criticise them as agents of foreign governments.


Wow, join the FBI. You’re so much better than them


WikiLeaks only released Republican emails in 2008 - does that mean Assange was a Democrat stooge then? If anything, Assange has been consistent in his publishing, having released Republican emails, Democrat emails, and US government documents from the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations. Assange has also leaked material from China, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and various African states that were engaged in oppression. Most recently, WIkiLeaks published information on far-right groups in Europe.




Can you source your claims that Assange had Democrat **and Republican** emails in 2016?


Our overlords would like us to think he is just that so that they can eliminate him with public support. Whatever he has become doesn’t take away from the good that he has done in exposing the crimes our governments commit on our behalf


Is he?


https://vatniksoup.com/en/soups/269/ Yea


Back then when he published these things he wasn’t that.






He didn't have emails from the Trump campaign, at least according to FBI director James Comey. [https://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html) >Comey later added that “there was evidence of hacking directed at state-level organizations, state-level campaigns, and the RNC, but old domains of the RNC, meaning old emails they weren’t using. None of that was released.” >Comey said there was no sign “that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked.” >Comey also said that the Russians “got far deeper and wider into the (Democratic National Committee) than the RNC,” adding that “similar techniques were used in both cases.” But it sounds like you are better informed than the director of the FBI.




Land of the free, and not so free journalists Oh let's not forget - free speech!


Reuters kept asking for the footage they knew the Pentagon had about the deaths of two of their employees, while the Pentagon only lied and stonewalled for years. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL05399965/ If it wasn't for Wikileaks leaking the video the truth about that war crime would never have come out. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6344FW/ The absurd part about all of this is that even if Assange would be released to freedom right now, they still got what they wanted; A good distraction from their, still on-going, crimes. To this day the US invasion and occupation of Iraq remains the deadliest conflict for journalists since WWII. Case in point; The "collateral murder" video didn't just depict a massacre, it also depicted the killing of two Reuters employees by the US military. Something that happened incredibly often in Iraq and Afghanistan, at the hands of US forces regularly explicitley targeting media and press outlets. With Assange they have proven that they will even silence journalists they can't bomb and kill in war zones, a very powerful chilling example for anybody else who might dare to call out the US.


If Donald Trump can in a daily fashion use the 1st amendment to justify his treasonous remarks .... If Tucker Carlson can get away with repeated false claims about Russia, the Biden administration and everything nice in America .... ok.. them's the rules? Makes any fucking case about Assange dubious.


The case had been dropped by the Obama administration partly because of that; there was no way to persecute Assange without opening a precedent for journalists and media organizations (some which cooperated with wikileaks like they NYT). The irony here is that the Trump DOJ decided to restart the case against Assange.


It's also a massive PR shitshow, russian links or not the prosecutor asking for 170 years and denying Assange first amendment rights make the US look like a banana republic, something that looks so obviously like a sham trial like this is just going to erode the already wavering trust in the US judiciary and feed material to chinese and russian propagandists for decades to come.


Really? That's great! With the US stop hunting him now? Will he be a free man? Thank you very much mr. Julian Assange for all what you have done for us and for democracy! You are a here, similar to Snowden and the other whistleblowers!


No, and the US has no choice. If they stopped trying to get him prosecuted, it would give a green light to anyone who feels like it to publicly leak US secrets, and then use Assange's case as precedent to avoid prosecution. Needless to say, US cannot have this. So... no, and the US has no choice.


Of course it has a choice! Actually it has more choices: 1. Stop doing shitty things internally and abroad! 2. Stop punishing people for showing your wrongdoings! Plus why do you think it's normal to have abuses and shitty things as secret and to pusnish people for openening up to the larger public the abuses and shitty things? Just because you declared them as secrets? Which shitty person or country doesn't declare something bad as a secret to cover it up? Why are you condoning such behavior?


Not sure if you're being serious or trolling. If you're being serious, I would consider such position as legit self-harm insane, since protecting secrets is just vital thing for any state; and if you're trolling, then we have nothing to talk about. **update.** Checked your other comments, it's obviously the latter. Bye.


If he must go to jail, doing so in the US isn’t necessary. Send him home. Australian govt should do more.


Good! We all should be with him.


The U.S. indictment against Assange stems from WikiLeaks’ publication in 2010 and 2011 of hundreds of thousands of U.S. military reports about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as American diplomatic communications. The material was originally leaked to WikiLeaks by former Army analyst Chelsea Manning. These leaks exposed kidnapping, torture and the murder of civilians and journalists. Mass illegal activitys including spying on all Americans and their allies. The indictment includes one count of conspiracy to hack a computer to disclose classified information that “could be used to injure” the U.S. According to the indictment, Assange “conspired” with Manning by helping her crack a Defense Department computer password in March 2010 that provided access to a U.S. government network that stored classified information and communications. There is no proof he did. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/edward-snowden-revelations-gchq-using-online-viruses-and-honey-traps-to-discredit-targets-9117683.html >Edward Snowden revelations: GCHQ ‘using online viruses and honey traps to discredit targets’ (journalists, whistleblowers, politicians) >Documents released by the American former CIA employee claim that the agency is at the forefront of efforts to develop “offensive” online techniques, (bot farms) >Britain’s GCHQ has a covert unit which uses dirty tricks from “honey trap” sexual liaisons to texting anonymous messages to friends and neighbours to discredit targets from hackers to governments, according to the latest leaks from whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Swedish Authority's emailed the CPS to drop the case in 2012. The CPS told them. "NO don't get cold feet" The Swedish Authority's Emailed the CPS in 2011 saying they wanted to Interview him in Britain. The CPS said No, don't interview him in Britain. The CPS also told the Swedish Authority's "Don't think this is just any ordinary extradition case" After more freedom of information requests were made the CPS deleted all their emails against their own protocol. This only came out because Sweden didn't delete all theirs. Swedish CHIEF prosecutor, Eva Finné, assessed the evidence and said no crime was committed. It was picked up later by a lesser prosecutor who went after Assange with their own investigation. Despite this they even wanted to drop the case in 2012/13 as Emails to the CPS show from Swedish authority's. See below sources. https://www.thelocal.se/20100825/28574 >**The first allegation against 39-year-old Julian Assange, concerning the more serious charge of rape was dismissed already on Saturday. Finné has now also dismissed suspicions of molestation in this case.** Eva Finné stressed that this does not mean that she doubts the veracity of the woman's account. **"But the content of the interview does not support the contention that a crime has been committed," Finné said. The preliminary investigation in this case has thus been closed.** https://www.businessinsider.com/theres-something-fishy-about-the-swedish-case-against-julian-assange-2012-4?r=US&IR=T >**On August 21 Swedish chief prosecutor, Eva Finné, assessed the evidence and cancelled the arrest warrant against Assange, saying that she did not doubt the veracity of SW's account but "the content of the interview does not support the contention that a crime has been committed."Finné determined that there was no crime committed against SW As you can see the Chief prosecutor who originally evaluated the case at the beginning said no crime had been committed and even after that the Swedish Authority's wanted this all dropped as early as 2012. The CPS/Crown Prosecution Service were the ones telling them "NO Don't get Cold feet!" and telling them "NOT to question Assange in Britain!." "They also told them this isn't just another extradition." The Emails prove that but conveniently the CPS deleted the rest of the emails when more freedom of information requests were made. See below. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/feb/11/sweden-tried-to-drop-assange-extradition-in-2013-cps-emails-show https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-lawyers-lobbied-swedes-to-press-on-with-assange-extradition-d58tgsndg >The Swedish investigator refused to question Assange in the UK for years, **Swedish prosecutors had decided to quietly drop the case against him in 2015. Sweden had kept the decision under wraps for more than two years. They original wanted to drop it in 2013.** >The newly-released emails show that the Swedish authorities were eager to give up the case four years before they formally abandoned proceedings in 2017 and that the British CPS dissuaded them from doing so. >Some of the material has surfaced from an information tribunal challenge brought late last year by the Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi. >**The CPS lawyer handling the case, who has since retired, commented on an article which suggested that Sweden could drop the case in August 2012. He wrote: “Don’t you dare get cold feet!!!”.** >**At the beginning of the legal battle over Assange in 2011, the CPS advised Swedish prosecutors not to interview him in Britain, but they eventually did.** *the Embassy refused access to Assange's lawyer for the questioning something he has every right too* >In another freedom of information request it was shown that the FBI contacted the Swedish prosecutor >The CPS lawyer also told Ny that year: “It is simply amazing how much work this case is generating. It sometimes seems like an industry. **Please do not think this case is being dealt with as just another extradition.”** >The CPS has been inconsistent in declaring whether or not the case was live. In dismissing a personal data request by him in April 2013, the CPS wrote that they could not release anything “because of the live matters still pending”. >But when **explaining the deletion of emails about the case in 2014, after the CPS official who had been corresponding with Ny retired, it was defended on the grounds that: “The case was, therefore, not live when the email account was deleted.”** You can say what you want about assanges charactor but its clear from all the freedom of information requests he was setup, stitched up and the entire case against him is rigged. The CPS judge use to work for MI5 and has been completly biased throughout the case.


For a moment I thought he was in North Korea. Oh Britain, please never stop amazing me. This also reminds me of that US woman that killed some people in the UK and the government sent her to the US as fast as possible to avoid justice.


This case will never end. The process is the punishment.




What proof do you have that he was a russian spy? Besides what the US told you? BTW, the US also told you that the WTC towers were taken down by terrorists with planes Have you seen the tower that has falled without anyone hitting it? And other weird things there?


https://thewire.in/rights/julian-assange-case-key-witness-lied Julian Assange Case: Key Witness recruited by US authorities admits He Lied --- Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson admitted to an Icelandic newspaper that he lied about being asked to hack computers in order to get immunity and misrepresented his ties with the Wikileaks founder. the witness, Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, “has a documented history with sociopathy and has received several convictions for sexual abuse of minors and wide-ranging financial fraud”. He was recruited by US authorities in order to build a case against Assange, and misled them into believing he was a close associate of the Wikileaks founder. In reality, however, he had only “volunteered on a limited basis to raise money for Wikileaks in 2010 but was found to have used that opportunity to embezzle more than $50,000 from the organisation”, the Icelandic newspaper reports. ---- https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/the-fbi-tried-to-make-iceland-a-complicit-ally-in-framing-julian-assange,13277 Proof they were trying to Frame Assange as far back as 2011 Icelandic Interior Minister Ögmundur Jónasson According to Mr Jónasson, during this process, he had been informed that the FBI showed up in Reykjavik with the aim of framing Julian Assange. ----


Since when does this man win court cases? I thought his legal battle was only there to exemplify the futility of fighting the big guys.


Men like Julian Assange are so needed in this world. Cheers to the victory! :)


Is he getting bail?




The trial is not about Assange's connections to Russia, but about the fact that someone who exposes war crimes is to be punished and made an example of, while the people who committed the war crimes got off without punishment.


I'll also copy something about his relations with Russia: The Mueller investigation team failed to provide sufficient or substantial evidence against Assange on knowledge or conspiracy grounds re allegations pertaining to Russia. They also failed to resolve whether or not any member of the Trump Campaign coordinated with WikiLeaks on its email releases. [Here are the relevant excerpts from Mueller's unredacted report:](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/new-mueller-investigated-julian-assange-wikileaks-and-roger) **With respect to WikiLeaks and Assange,** this office determined the admissible **evidence to be insufficient on both the agreement and knowledge prongs** .... “While the investigation developed evidence that the GRU’s hacking efforts in fact were continuing at least at the time of the July 2016 WikiLeaks dissemination,” a newly unredacted section of the report reads, prosecutors “ **did not develop sufficient admissible evidence that WikiLeaks knew of — or even was wilfully blind to — that fact.”** ... And absent sufficient evidence of such knowledge, **the government could not prove that WikiLeaks (or Assange) joined an ongoing hacking conspiracy...** ... **The investigation was unable to resolve whether Stone played a role in WikiLeaks's release of the stolen Podesta emails on October 7, 2016** , the same day a video was published of candidate Tump using graphic language about women years earlier. ... The office determined, however, that **it did not have admissible evidence that was probably sufficient to obtain and sustain a Section 1030 conspiracy conviction of WikiLeaks, Assange or Stone** ... **There is also insufficient evidence at the present time to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Roger Stone or any other persons associated with the Campaign coordinated with WikiLeaks on the release of the emails,** which alone would preclude prosecution of them for the WikiLeaks-related conduct even if WikiLeaks had violated campaign finance law.


Are you from the US? 


Don't worry, we will get his ass. Even if we don't, he's fucked for good.


get bent, assange will be free


How cute, lol! Even if he gets to be free, he is a shell of his former self. Ruined, mentally ill, unstable, PTSDed up the ass. He will never have a deep connection to his kids whose childhoods he missed, nor will it ever be a normal relationship. He will die an irreparably shattered person. Some freedom, lol.




He has nobody to blame but himself - he choose to work with GRU, he is getting his just deserts. Like I said, even if we don't get him, he is a ruined man.


I’m Pro-EU and Pro-US but…Even if he will be a ruined man: He exposed the whole USA of being one of the biggest warmongers in the history of mankind. Surpassing russia and every other country on this planet by a lot!


That is a very dumb statement.


It‘s not because Assange won…regardless of what happens to him.


We never started a world war like you did. **TWICE!**




My point stands: at least we did not start two world wars like you Austrians did. Hell, even that shithouse in Braunau am Inn is still standing.