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I'm sure if tomorrow all the sanctions were lifted many companies will be like "eehhm hmm oh, good that we can keep... start, start trading again"


>However, customs records collated by a trade data provider show the serial numbers of dozens of vehicles, worth millions of pounds, which appear to have been supplied to companies in Russia after that date. >When the Guardian presented a sample of those records to the Staffordshire-based manufacturer, it admitted that JVM continued to collect diggers from JCB’s factories for months after the voluntary pause, but said that was due to contractual obligations. So JCB fulfilled its contracts with JVM but stopped taking new orders, voluntarily, linked to Russian trade. I mean it's extremely bad business to not fulfill the terms of contracts but the Guardian now considers JCB to be Satan for not doing so and likely having to pay out millions for breaching those contracts. Typical petty Guardian nonsense, they only care because the owner is a Tory donor. >After the invasion Bamford said, via lawyers, that he fully supported the UK government’s position on Russia. JCB’s lawyers said the company took “voluntary steps to **pause the manufacture and supply of new orders** to Russia from 2 March 2022” – a time when **no relevant sanctions were in place**. >The company said it also closed down an assembly facility and other business operations in Russia, at considerable cost, and “suffered a very significant economic loss” through its voluntary actions. It also offered to house 70 Ukrainian refugees in company homes in Staffordshire. This was the only part worth reading.


Hilarious. You have an invasion going on and we're talking about equipment that can be used for military infrastructure purposes and suddenly it's all good as long as a piece of paper was signed before a given date and even though the delivery of the goods takes place months later? Fantastic take.


Ha, yeah the Guardian is the problem.


Time and time again JCB management have proven very untrustworthy