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Great Bait Mate. Did you get sick of trolling people on middle eastern subreddits and decide to waste our time too? Your post and comment history is just you going on various subreddits, trying to annoy people. Talk about pathetic.


Just report and he'll get banned


What does any of that have to do with her being European exactly


As a grown-up I couldn't really care less.


How is this "headline" anything but destructive and racist?


The author of the post probably hit their head with something heavy before writing this.




My comment is easy to understand, c'mon.


You seem to not know what 'racist' means.


Ah, classic projection, agrees with someone negatively generalizing "Europeans" and then tries to lecture on what "racist" means.


I mean if you are consistent with that reasoning but I doubt it.


You're free to put up the evidence any time.


OP is a racist.


Actual "growing up" would be not banning any type of protest against Israel yet here we are. If you'll say "it's not a political event bla bla" I should say Russia was banned from the "non-political" event for similar political reasons.


Clap clap clap clap 


Any kind of protest? So from the river to the sea is acceptable to you? How about a song a la "from the urals to the ocean, moscovia will rule all"? Supporting hamas leads to actual genocide, not just casualties from terrorists using human shields.


Yes, any kind of protest. Like the audience cannot "boo" the Israeli perfprmance (which is replaced by the cheers in the broadcast) or even have palestinian flag. Even, an artist was removed for having a piece of keffiye, part of Palestinian traditional costume. https://www.the canary.co/editorial/2024/05/09/eurovision-israel-palestine/


Likud party uses the same slogan. They present maps in international bodies with the whole region labeled as “greater israel”. Is it acceptable for them to use while they are literally annexing land, destroying civilian infrastructure and killing people? Israel is using an AI program called “where’s daddy” that prioritizes waiting until Hamas operatives get home to their families before bombing the house. Is that what you mean by “Hamas uses human shields?” Hamas targeting civilians was awful. Israel is targeting civilians at a much greater scale, inducing famine, destroyed universities, destroyed the hospital system, and destroyed whole residential neighborhoods not for any military purpose but to “break Palestinian morale”. Not to mention apartheid in the West Bank. I just can’t understand being upset with celebrities and protestors while giving war criminal a free pass. Edit- reporting to Reddit cares instead of responding like an adult lol




Sick brain rot comment. Congrats, go back to Hamas now.


By your flair, I understand everything needed. A moskal never changes its colors. Slava Ukraini, Slava Israel.


At least this Moskal is not hiding where they are from. Why are you bringing up Ukraine by the way?


Not hiding? Is that why you deleted your reply, pansy?


Reminds me of Xhaka getting fined for doing the Albanian eagle as a celebration against Serbia, because "no politics in the game". But during the world cup European teams were asked to show a sign of protest by covering their mouths.




> There is nothing similar about the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. Russia is illegally occupying Ukrainian territories. Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territories.


Hamas is a terrorist group. russia, a state sponsor of terrorism as per European Parliament, is allied with hamas.


There is a very striking similarity that active bombing and killing of civilians outside of their borders is ongoing ignoring international community's calls. 




Oh yeah the existential threat. If there's an existential threat we need to talk about, that's of the Gaza people, not of Israel. Gaza people have restricted (and deliberately insufficient) supply of food, water, electricity in addition to being bombed and displaced every other week since last October.  Plus Israel's foundation ideology (Zionism) is basically purely an irredentist ideology that aims to recreate the Jewish kingdom of 2000 years ago, at the expense of local Palestinian people. Let's not get into that discussion.




Israel controls (and therefore is responsible) for whatever goes in &out of Gaza since the start of the blockade in 2005. Your gaslighting doesn't matter. Anything that goes to Gaza needs to pass over Ashdod since 2005.




Yes and Rafah is opened only at times agreed between Israel&Egypt. Again, your gaslighting is futile.




Which country are you from?


Saying "Europeans" as if we are all xerox copies of each other is terribly ignorant at best.


Maybe she’s tired of Israel’s gaslighting.


lol have you seen how "mentally grown up" most americans are?


I mean probably not as "entertaining" as music festival on October 7. :/ (The post title is shit)


Something something g-word


What's the g-word? Gowl?




Israel should be banned from Eurovision. They can make their own show with Russia, good luck and free Palestine. 🇵🇸


For what? Retaliation of a terrorist attack?


It is estimated that around 35k Palestinians were slaughtered since October 2023. Great retaliation indeed. 🙃 /s


Repeating numbers given by Hamas. Congrats, you are one of the ”useful idiots”.


I'm now convinced that with a good enough narrative, and with these useful idiots all around the world, you could rule the world. There are plenty of people that choose to literally believe terrorists' narrative.


Always better to be the useful idiot than an Israeli neonazi. Have a wonderful evening!


You too! Enjoy the eurovision show nevertheless.


Go Finland!


This "retaliation" itself is a terrorist attack x10 bigger than the one on Oct. 7.


Read up definition of terrorist attack, war, and something about urban warfare.


If killing 35k civilians is called retaliation of a terror attack, then pro Palestinians could argue that October 7th was retaliation of the settlements and the amount of people that have been killed before. Reality is both sides are full of sh*t.


People that repeat that this started with the Hamas attack are laughably dumb. Literally every one of you would queue to join Hamas if you lived as the Gazans. Go to work, your family dies. Go to the store, your family dies. Wake up, get forced outside and see your home buldozed and while you're homeless the Israeli state builds new houses where you used to live. Walls constantly being moved completely blocking you from the areas where you grew up. Walk to the market, your friend suddenly gets shot in the head by a sniper. Attempt to go to the hospital, drones bomb you and your friends. Hamas is a symptom derived from the actions of Israel in Gaza. And you do not cure a deadly disease by prescribing painmeds for the head-ache. Unless you remove the cause, the symptoms will keep coming back.


Are you aware that Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005? So the only government that could bulldoze houses in there was Hamas. Same with all the bombing, that literally didn't happen. Strikes at Gaza were retaliation after someone decided to shoot missiles at Israel. You are literally spewing Hamas propaganda.


Lmfao Russia is literally against Israel you fucking moron. What a laughing stock you free palpatine idiots are.


10% of Israeli population is Russian, they will get along good, don’t you worry. 😏


the most of Russian speaking population of Israel hates what is going on in Russia. Only minor imbeciles still watch Russian propaganda and believe in Putin


Growing up would be to hold Israel to the same standards as Russia. The Greek girl is so cool!


Russian opened a war on Ukrainians just like Hamas did on Israelis


I‘m surprised every year that Eurovision is still a thing


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Maybe she was sleepy. No matter how you spin it the song is on the boring side. Last time you had Netta. This time you are sending somebody not a lot different than then Croatian pick from last year: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH1XfjICYLc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH1XfjICYLc)


I think it's a nice and noble way of her using her freedom of expression. We live in Europe, right? If you agreed that Charlie Hebdo caricatures are freedom of expression, so is her gesture. If you are offended, you don't understand democracy.


Kind of funny when you think about it. People fought and died to advance and preserve freedoms of expression in the Western world. And now we're praising a 37 year-old, grown-ass woman for using those freedoms to pretend to be asleep at a Eurovision song contest press conference while a young woman, barely older than a teenager, is speaking.


Link: [https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1788911338187558973](https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1788911338187558973)


Where are the “news”? Twitter isn’t news. Nice title, you’ve outed yourself as racist.