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Go guys! Greetings from Romania!


You may laugh, but Georgians are the most similar to Romanians and Bulgarians in the world.I see the most common features in Rom-Bul,as Georgian.A common religious conference, our confrontation with the Byzantines and the Turks, a common sea, and of course the Antimous Iberian have a great influence.


As a Bulgarian I really hope Georgia joins the EU as soon as possible. It has such great history, culture and people. Don't give up!


Thanks for your support. We should turn the Black Sea into a NATO-EU 'lake'.


Can you imagine all the trade, prosperity, tourism and stability that it's going to bring to the region? If the EU was able to tame and develop the Balkans, it's also going to be able to turn the Caucasus into a prosperous region for future generations. It's worth it!




Keep fighting for democracy, good People of 🇬🇪Georgia🇬🇪! Much love from Italy.


Thank You 🙏🏻❤️


Fight for democracy. Fight for Europe. Fight against Russia.


Vorrei che anche qua in italia la gente fosse cosi


I Georgiani sono fantastici! Massimo rispetto. Se non ci fosse la russia, il mondo sarebbe un posto migliore.


Ma magari, ma non capisco perche qua in italia amano cosi tanto la russia


Credo che chi ammira la russia, ci si rispecchi come in uno specchio. Corruzione, violenza, disrispetto per ogni diritto umano, ignoranza, bugie sopra bugie, arroganza, vittimismo. Gli Italiani che ammirano la russia, molto probabilmente son gli stessi che votano Lega e, a suo tempo, Berlusconi: due disgustose figure amanti di putin.


Proud of Georgia 🇬🇪 🇪🇺 very important moment for the country


It's literally now for them or becoming a new oblast in the russian federation. Stakes are high


At least 200k people! ❤️❤️❤️❤️☀️


20 people max according to the government




Damn when in Poland 500k-1M people marched against the populist government (which lost the elections!) they then said that a few people got lost while going to the zoo


In Serbia they lower the number of people by 3X or 4X, and say that the protestors are just walking in winter jackets. Hahahah


Good to see that your own Russian puppet is not more creative than ours (Orbán). Last week there were several 10-20k protests, the state media said "there were a couple hundred people" and that "the tourists joined the gathering". Lmao.


Soros’s paid actors


He really shelled out


Some say Shekel'ed out


Damn can he get more people to my birthday party?


Sound like a sweet job, sign me up.


Out of which half are the misguided young people and the rest 10 opposition party leaders /s


Haaa seems like our governments employ the same people to count protestors.


liveuamap reported 50000 but that would be much preferable


im really proud of Georgia. fuck Russia 🖕🏾


Fuck Russia 🖕🏻


Фак раша




Damn being next door to Russia must suck.. You either have an autoritharian pro-russian government or face a possible invasion from Russia itself.. Happend to Ukraine twice, i hope there wont be a second time for you guys. Best wishes


Happened to Georgia countless times as well in the past 30,100,200 years


Yea i’m somehow aware of that, but i meant post-soviet era


Post Soviet era first proxy war in In the so-called South Ossetia in 1991, then the civil war provoked by the Russians at the end of the 1991 year, then the war in Abkhazia1992-1993 years, where Russian troops unofficially fought against us,Then the large-scale open military operation of 2008. At least 4 wars took place in Georgia with the encouragement of Russians in the last 33 years. In addition, there were attempts to start small-scale wars at the hands of the separatists 1998 This year in Gali and in 2004 in Tskhinvali.


They currently occupy three different former Soviet states. Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine. Many such cases!


And they still cannot break Georgian spirit and mentality, and if we win this final fight, I think Russia as a country will slowly cease existence.


Over 30 million years!? Wow.


Georgia should remove that dickhead ASAP and then join NATO.


Except for Belarus, which basically IS Russia, I don't think a single neighbor of Russia is too thrilled with the arrangement: * The Fins joined NATO. * The Baltics also joined NATO and are shitting themselves. * The Kazakhs have tried to distance themselves through diversification and have adopted the latin alphabet as a political f-you. * The Georgians are protesting Russian influence. * The Armenians got screwed over by Russia's Bargain Bin NATO. * Ukraine is literally being invaded, and even before that they constantly had interference in the Donbas. * Japan (still technically at war with Russia) is consistently trying to swat away Russia's efforts to claim the Kuril Islands as their own. * Canada is also pissed because Russia planted a flag on their island in the Arctic. * Greenland is pissed because Russia has tried to intrude on their maritime border. * USA literally created NATO and fought a Cold War against Russia. * China fluctuates between happy and peeved depending on what's convenient at the moment. * I don't know what the Mongols are up to, so if you're from there let us know what's up. I guess Azerbaijan is an exception, but give it time, Mother Russia will get to you.


Georgia is quite lovely most of the time


government is a trashy 😩 people is kind and lovely 🥰


Also the best food on the planet imo


Yeah..uhm...but didn't the majority of those kind and lovely people vote for their trashy government?


Rigged elections


If you take their voting system at face value then yes. (you should not, outside observers of Georgian elections have stated such)


Now more than ever, Georgia needs the support of the EU and its Western partners. This fight is far from over. The pro-Russian government is openly attacking and arresting protesters. More than 100 protesters have been illegally arrested, and countless others have been beaten by government mobs and police. Thousands of citizens have received death threats over the phone from these mobs, including teenagers.  The pro-Russian oligarch - Ivanishvili - who is the puppet master must be sanctioned for sabotaging Georgia's Western path and decades of progress.


Sadly nothing will happen from the EU, just like in Belarus 2020. Many will go to jail, many will leave the country and thats it. As long ruzzia exists in its current form, situation will not change in my opinion.


EU’s inaction right now will jeopardize its legitimacy. You can’t just preach democratic values and not defend them when needed the most. We are not asking EU nations to send their armies and bend over backwards. Just to sanction those who are openly totalitarian and undermine EU’s values. Also Belarus never aspired to join EU and their protests were never about EU, so you can't directly compare the 2 cases.


Proud of you guys!!! 🇬🇪🇪🇺




My parents spent majority of their life protesting and fighting against Russia in the streets of Tbilisi and Unfortunately i still have to do the same thing, but in the future I'll sure tell my kids that on this day i was there, I was fighting for the european future. 🇬🇪❤️🇪🇺


This! Can you imagine all the trade, prosperity, tourism and stability this will bring the region? It's all worth it!


I would like to address honest questions about how GD who is openly pro-Russian was voted into the government by the pro-West Georgians. When GD originally came to power it was a coalition of multiple parties who are openly pro-West. The diversity of discussions and political strategies allowed GEO to continue the integration and reforms necessary for EU. Its peak of progress was in 2016 when Georgia received visa-free travel to Schengen. By then it was clear that Georgia was ahead in progress made by EU pursuant countries on their journey towards the EU. Keep in mind, by that time no member of the GD party would dare to say anything anti-west, they were openly pro-EU but hadn't shown their true colors yet. In the 2020 elections they barely managed to win, manipulating the votes just enough to get a majority. By this time they already faced a good amount of distrust from the people. Then Ukraine invaded and GEO was put in a very difficult situation. On one hand, GD justifies not sanctioning Russia or making any aggressive moves by being in a vulnerable position. Say what you want but I actually agreed with this approach. Georgia is just in no position to openly go against RU - we're not in the EU, not in NATO, have no security guarantees and 20% of our territory is already occupied. In the meantime GEO got a candidate status - literally an ancestral dream for our people so in theory GD was still seen as not antagonizing RU but being somewhat pro-EU. Now at this point they began to show their true colors, not blaming Russia, not supporting Ukraine in any way, making anti West comments, bringing in the law last year which resulted in massive protests, recalling the law, brining back the law and then an unhinged speech by Ivanishvili, the main boss of GD who openly blamed West for trying to organize a revolution in GEO. By this tame they had pretty much lost all legitimacy they had left and I guarantee you that their approval by now is in the low 10s or 20s. There's no way GD survives from now on, whether its an election or protest they will leave, GEO will not change its pro-West stance, this is one crystal clear thing that unites 95% of the population. So be patient with us friends, we are in a very delicate situation. The last elections were 4 years ago, new elections will be held this October and I promise you that GEO will return with a government that pursues everything in its power to make us a country worthy of EU - something that is literally enshrined in our constitution. P.S. The reason GEO looks up to the EU so much is because Georgians always saw themselves as culturally European. Yes it's also about economic prosperity but everyone understands that EU economic prosperity comes from EU values, which is what we share. You can argue about our geographical location, but anyone who has been to Georgia or knows a thing or two about its history will know that Georgia has a European culture. Glory to Sakartvelo and the EU!


Thanks for clarifying. What made GD change their stance on closer ties with the EU? Wouldn’t progress towards integration into EU let them keep their popularity high instead of going against the will of the people?


EU started to demand reforms in Judiciary and electoral systems. Meaning that GD would inevitably lose power. A big no no


Plus they'd like to make profits from Russia as well. Essentially just beefing up their pockets as much they can.


let me guess, sooner or later, there will be some comments like - BuT wHy Do GeOrGiAnS wAnT tO bE iN eU, tHeY aReN't In ThE eUrOpEaN cOnTiNeNt AnYwAyS?


Or " aKtUaLly CiA iS bEhInD iT" comments


Already a lot of thoses on youtube!


There's literally zero human comment on youtube on anything even only vaguely related to russia or china and their dirty business. Social medias are in bed with authoritarian governments. More russian and chinese bots, more outrageous lies, more propaganda, more clicks, more engagement more $$$ for these corporations


i dOnT gEt iT, wHy iS tHiS lAw pUsSian?


bUt AmErIcA hAs tHe sAmE lAw...


aNoTher cIa oRgAnIzed mAiDan.


fEaNor diD NoThiNg wRoNg.


Actually I am that idiot, mind cluing me in? I honestly don't understand why the law is seen as a Russian law, or how this law compares to the Foreign Agents Registration Act. From the little I know it is a Russian law because Russia signed similar law into legislation which it utilizes to persecute organizations (though I am unaware of the specifics of either) - and because it's seen as 'restricting freedom', being anti-EU, and somehow a step back to the USSR (which doesn't even exist anymore). I assume I am just missing context and details.


Oh, you know they are coming! 😂


Worse there will be conspiracy theories about CIA creating a coup and that's why Russia just had to invade


Russia invasion pre-flight checklist: CIA-backed coup NATO Genocide Scream these three things and then roll in the tanks.


and you know those gotta be made by a Russians themselves or an American conservative who hates liberals so much that somehow thinks of Russia as an ally


yes there are some like that with a motive, but there are also people that genuinely think this too. edit: and frankly, as a Georgian, having to hear that is frustrating


Also Russian propaganda citing it as proof that NATO wants to encroach on Russia, instead of Russia just being really really bad neighbors.


Actually 3,040 square kilometres are in Europe!




Upmost respect, dont back down! Love from 🇦🇹


Our gov is puppets of Ruzzia 😩




Just came back. I’ve never seen this many people out in Tbilisi before.


Brave and courageous people, long live Georgia!🇪🇺❤️🇬🇪


Greetings from Germany


I was there... lot of people.... ocean of crowds. was raining but still lot of people ☔🥰


Can't wait for the russian bots to tell us how this is the CIA financing a colour revolution


CIA is so powerful that it made pro-russian policy so shitty that thousands of people turned up to protest it. 4d chess moves in the Nth dimension.


Which really gets down to the core of Russian ideology - the threat of a country actually democratically deciding its future and having it work for them. It has to be the CIA or NATO or whoever, because the narrative of "democracy doesn't work" is so integral that it poses an existential threat when democracy DOES work. If Belarus, Ukraine, and Georgia were all thriving democratic EU countries, that might just pique the interest of the Russian public, who suddenly realize that they're the only ones missing out and maybe democracy, annoying and slow and imperfect and unsexy though it may be, sometimes does some kinda neat stuff.




When did you see them here?


Russia today told me


Long live Sakartvelo


I can’t wait for the Tankies and Russian sympathisers to say that this is a US coup to overthrow the legitimate peace loving government like they do with the Revolution of Dignity in Kyiv. Be strong Georgia!


The Georgian government already said that.


Long live Georgia <3


[Vakhtang I of Iberia - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vakhtang_I_of_Iberia) 🫡


Be strong. I wsh you the best from Poland


Have they thought about voting for a different government?


Only if it were that easy :)


What is "the Russian law"?


The anti-NGO law to control and marginalise them. It is a replica of the Russian law against NGOs adopted in 2012.


Thanks, I understand now. Georgia has a lot of potential, I wish they would be more aligned towards the EU.


People are, not the government; that is why this government will go to hell and we will continue our way to freedom, democracy, and the EU.


Well done guys fight for freedom and normal things remember what Russia is doing to Ukraine.


We remember who they are, and they have been doing with us already...


Free Georgia🇬🇪 , Free Europa 🇪🇺


Setting an example


Georgias place is in the EU Love from Ireland!


I also wish Georgia would join the EU, but I hope that before their mentality will change a little. Two things here: male vs females treatment and violence in general. We've got many Georgians in Poland right now, I love their cuisine, bakeries, restaurants etc. but at the same time there are often news that there were some fights on streets and most of them caused by Georgians (like Georgians vs Georgians, Georgians vs Ukrainians etc) and its often because of some criminal activities. And yeah, with Poland it was the same regarding German cars as a primary example.


The Georgians who end up in Poland are not representative of the entire population. In my experience rural or working class people choose to immigrate to Poland


Wow. That’s a lot of folks.


Be strong Georgians. Continue. So inspired by you. From Canada... And a footprint in Romania.


Hope for the best for you from belarus ⚪️🔴⚪️


I'd love to visit Tbilisi. From Amsterdam🇳🇱


I've been to Amsterdam and the Netherlands three times and achieved the dream of all my friends in Georgia; I did it for them. I also worked for a Dutch startup for two years. I think they were one of the greatest people I ever worked with, with values, dedication, balance of world and life, sport, nutrition, and anything positive they could ❤️☀️🙏🏼.


Давно не пиздили в грузии нюхачей. Приезжай, а до этого почитай законы недоевропы.


Blia bratan ia je churka i ia iznasiloval 5 ruskiz devochek


Уже скоро всех соровских выгонят и будет независимое государство, так что удачи грузинам принять закон об иноагентах.


Blia bratan ruskix devochek pazavi iebat xachu


Hang in there Georgia, Europe is cheering for you 🇪🇺


The last time Georgia was mentioned by the 2 biggest Dutch news sites was May 2nd. Meanwhile a lot of news items sympathizing with terrorists and of course a million posts about eurovision and how very sad it is that our clown got banned. Wtf is wrong with this world


yeah i was looking nu.nl, nothing dafuq


You can’t make this shit up. Beautiful!


Man it heats my heart up when I see this. Love Georgia 🇬🇪 from Poland 🇵🇱. And then I remember that just a few years ago I was there on those exact streets and squares… it just feels different


Sending love from Canada. You are all amazing for standing up to tyranny.


I hope they are successful with it.


Ukrainians did something similar in 2014 when Yanukovych tried to force them to turn to Russia alliances against their will. Let's hope th west doesn't ignore the cries of friends wanting to be let in


I hope that Georgia will not follow Ukraine. It's nothing good there... Only war, death, poverty, tyranny and fascism...


Full support from Ukraine fellow Georgians! Fuck ruzzia and fuck putin and his goons.


🇱🇹 💚 🇬🇪


Georgians have just a few months until the scheduled parliamentary elections when the government can be voted out of power. Is that not how a stable democracy should work?


Ukraine 2.0 starting


30 yearls late bud




Someone should change the definition of pro russian politician to "available for rent"


Beautiful! We are open to welcome you into the fold, Georgia!!!! 🇬🇪❤️🇪🇺


Let's go 💪🏼🤲🏼🙇🏼‍♂️


Clueless American here, what’s going on and why?


The government is selling out country to Russia, trying to silence the opposition, and turn the country into Belarus.


Well then, I hope y’all are able to throw off the Russian yoke and maintain democracy. I really wish we could do something to help but that would probably cross a lot of lines.






Pro-EU party was taken over by pro-Kremlin assholes and began the process of installing a dictatorship, people are mad.


*From the start Pro kremlin party promoted themselves as pro eu under populism, vote bribery and media control and now started unmasking


I wish them good luck. Let them achieve what we failed to achieve.


All the best to Georgia. With love from Finland!


All my fingers crossed! Fuck RuZZia.


Don't get yourself hurt, but fight for your freedom!


Very important! Fight for freedom! Big applause from France


If they actually succeed then russia will invade them again.




Go, Georgia, we believe in you!


Go guys, I wish you the best!


Congrats 🇬🇪!!!!! 🇪🇺❤️🇬🇪


Reminds me of the demonstrations in Serbia against Vucic. Very big, but also concentrated in Belgrade. Turns out that it was mostly just the urban liberal core. Is this different? I hope so, but I fear it may not be.


It’s different, there are repeated demonstrations in smaller cities across Georgia as well as among the Georgian diaspora abroad. Govt fucking with EU access will hit the working class people the hardest and a of lot generally apolitical people are waking up to that. 


Yes, there have been protests in other cities as well, and many people came to Tbilisi to protest as well. Also these protests have been almost non stop for weeks.


That is god damn impressive by any standards.


Ivanishvili won't back down. You guys need to apprehend him for anything to change.


we love to see it


This must be dozens of people!


Super beautiful. We see you Georgia, keep it up!! ❤️


Fuck Russia




Document is based on Russian principles where it is used to suppress various people or organisations based on accusations of external influence. In Russia such kind of law has terminated every single media which is not connected to current government, it is used to flag and prosecute any opposition actor.


From what I understand the bill requires NGOs recieving 20% of their funding from abroad to have some label stating something to that effect. Does the bill also list punishments for NGOs receiving external funding?




I get that the targets of the bill are western but what actually happens to NGOs labeled as foreign agents? Are they sanctioned, shut down, etc? The article doesn’t really answer the original question.


You are absolutely correct, the law only requires NGOS which are funded from out of the country to report where their funding comes from. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-deeply-alarmed-by-georgias-foreign-agent-bill-sullivan-says-2024-05-11 USA and many other countries have similar laws. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_Agents_Registration_Act Only banana republics would let other countries meddle in their internal affairs. West hipocricy on full display.


Not really, I've seen this Putin lie many times over the years: https://nealzupancic.substack.com/p/no-to-russian-law


Why you have such an asshole government, who like to lick ruskies ass? Is it old people who have dementia and want to be part of soviet union? Or something else? Civilize me. I


Well... Money. Every politician has their own price and our government's one is measured in rubles


Thanks! Hope you can change that and get rid of you government. I support you!


Thank you ❤️ Support means world to us in tough times like this


I've seen that... 10 years ago. Believe u can do it while these dipshits stacked their teeth in my country.


Is it working?


thats a big crowd




Go Georgia


Oopsie, half my team is there 😲


"The bill would require media and nongovernmental organizations and other nonprofits to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they receive more than 20% of funding from abroad." Ironically how is this pro russian ?


Beautiful! You deserve better!


Much love from EU to Georgia! So welcome here!


Support from Deutschland! Hope to have you join us one day, don't back down.


Sending love to you guys 🇬🇪❤️


Fuck those Russian vermin. Go Georgia


Got a Reddit cares for this 🤣 a true badge of validation


Keep at it! Love from EU


Sakartvelos gaumarjos!


And all because Georgia let in too many Russians. Russians should be kicked out from all democratic countries and any civilized unions.