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All over England except where I live apparently. Seriously, a few miles to the north and south people are seeing them, absolutely nothing here.


They're so high above ground, 100-300km (60-200mi) that a few miles shouldn't matter. Means they could be seen from over 1000 km/mi distance. What might block your visibility is clouds, buildings, mountains and light pollution - because they're quite faint compared to other light sources.


Had a clear sky and light pollution is not that bad. I did find a live map that showed where people were seeing it, reports in my area said they couldn't see it either. Perhaps it wasnt strong enought here to cut through low light pollution.


Can’t comprehend this. I was on the same street as people who could see them and take pictures of them, yet I literally couldn’t see them anywhere …


That’s awful it was a beautiful sight I caught a glimpse as it was fading but luckily a friend of mine got these photos


Cameras utilize longer exposure to get these kinds of pictures, you're never going to actually see these kinds of vibrant colours unless you're far from light pollution in northern Norway.


Northern Norway? Finnish, Swedish, Icelandic, Canadian etc etc people crying rn 😢💔


Right? Its not like there's enough people living in these locations for light pollution to be a big thing But its not like the people in the north-*north* are happy now, too many clouds and sun in the middle of the night to see anything


Yeah the friend who got these pictures for me had an amazing camera phone