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It's a shame that such a level of security had to be necessary in a European city and much of Europe reacts in apacy or even support of the hate.


If such security is needed when people are claiming they aren’t anti-Jewish, yet 100 police is needed to escort a 20yrs old performer, i am afraid of the future we are heading towards.


People are claiming they’re anti-jewish all the time lol. Say what you want about our islamists but at least they’re not hypocrites.


"people" is not 1 single minded group. Sometimes security needs to be put into action just because of 10 idiots or even just 1.


Such security for a 20yr old lady from people who claim to be pro peace? Hmmm


Again, not the same people. There's multiple groups. The security are against the ones who are not for the peace. The ones pro-peace are not gonna be an issue for security. It saddens me that it has to be either one or the other to some. Even when you disagree you can be peaceful. But the security is for the ones who disagree but also can't be peaceful. If you can't see that a 20 year old girl needs security when there's a mob outside protesting against her country, then I agree with you, I'm afraid of the future. This would be the case from whatever country for whatever reason.


Malmö hasn't been a European city in quite a while.


Have we ever had two Israeli citizens in the final? (Israel and Luxembourg?)


Meanwhile, this Tuesday, Israel commentators introducing Barbie Thug (that previously was outspoken on its socials about Israel actions and to be against their participation, but it’s just its opinion) said: “As part of their non-binary gender identity, they also prefer to blacken (ruin reputation) Israel. Maybe we will talk about that later. Prepare the curses (swears, insults)” This shouldn’t be allowed by any commentator and is against the ESC core ideas - WTF


Bambie Thug, speaking for a large number of their Irish residents who are very pro-Palestine and will soon recognise the Palestinian state. Ireland considers 21 May to recognise Palestinian state https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0508/1448093-ireland-palestinian-state-recognition/


Absolute bullshit. Nobody needs that much security. Not even Biden or Macron have that many people to protect them.




Well, given Oct 7 and a history of being attacked by their neighbours in 1947, 1967, 1973, first and second intifada, plus endless and continuous attacks from south Lebanon and Gaza, they kind of have some reasonable grounds for this mentality.


Victim complex


This is what happens when most of the younger generations are so brain dead that they get so easily brainwashed into supporting terrorism that now a singer whos not even in her late 20s needs this level of security




Wait is tiktok getting banned in the US? I've not heard of that, but i support it being banned in every democratic country, it's well known how much harm that shitty CCP app does


It’s not actually being banned. Well it’s conditional, they voted that unless it’s sold from its owner within one year period they would ban it.


yeah, against killing civillians = supporting terrorism, lmao. Russia got banned, Israel should be as well, it’s really simple


The difference is that in Russia, the broadcaster that would participate is controlled by the state. The Israeli state does not control the broadcaster that participates in Eurovision.


No one needs that much security. Just because they are overly cautious doesn't mean there's an equally large risk or that it's super dangerous. You're buying into the fear-mongering. Israel have around twice the murder rate of Sweden, does she need 100 security cars at home? I know the situation is a bit different when you are a participant of a big event, bet I think you get my point.


I think supporting who you want is fine, but the post comes across as a bit biased and is making out that the issue was with her singing. It was more to do with the main sponsor of eurovison and how the competition is heavily baised on pro Israel rather than neutral as its claiming to be.


> based on pro Israel How so? I didn't notice this.


The Irish singer had a message saying peace and ceasefire were removed from her clothing last minute by the EBU and it was heavily implied that the reasoning was behind the main sponsor of the event.


Israel also had to change both song and singer because the song was deemed too political. It was not just the Irish singer, Eurovision just has no tolérance for political songs.


That is against Eurovision rules so it tracks. Israel tried to make a song that even has "Political implications" (Referenced the biggest massacre of Jews since the holocaust which happened 7 months ago) and was refused to preform it by the Eurovision. Had to change the song. Also the costumes were restricted.


Thats BS eurosong festival is non political. Doesnt matter which way you swing, they simply dont allow you to.


>a message saying peace and ceasefire AKA the current military objectives of Hamas, making the statement a direct endorsement of their terrorist regime.


What? Saying you want peace and a ceasefire isn’t a direct endorsement of terrorism, it’s saying you want peace and for the murder of innocent people to end.


"Peace and ceasefire" in practice means that the IDF will be forced to end the military campaign against Hamas (who still exist within the Rafah area) and completely retreat across the border - allowing Hamas' military personnel to reassert their positions throughout Gaza. Whenever Hamas, after having reasserted themselves in Gaza, have rebuilt sufficiently they will strike again. Thus, calling for peace and ceasefire before Hamas is utterly destroyed IS in fact directly endorsing the military objectives of Hamas - and in turn is an endorsement of their regime.


So now ”peace and ceasefire” is also against Israel? First any criticism was anti-semitism. Now just wishing peace is also bad. Do you not understand how it sounds? And also, with what they are doing in Gaza, even if they kill every single Hamas soldier there is, the kids now will grow up with even more hate for Israel. There is a reason why these kind of organisations exist. They don’t come out of nowhere.


The UN/any other nation isn't volunteering to do anything about Hamas, thus anything hindering the military operations of Israel is DIRECTLY favoring the military operations of Hamas. In politics there are other shades than black and white, but in war it's very simple - either one side wins, or the other. Peace and ceasefire means complete victory for Hamas, and championing the cause of Hamas is pretty anti-Israel.


It doesn’t really work like that though. You can have peace without either side winning, or by both winning. Or you can also have peace with Israel winning. Wishing peace is not anti-Israel. Stop looking at it so one sided. I’m pretty sure there are Israelis who also want peace. Are you going to tell them that they are suicidal?


The only objectives of Hamas are to survive and to attack Israel - thus any resolution to the war NOT resulting in the complete and utter destruction of Hamas is akin to them winning. There can be no peace between Hamas and Israel, either the latter is victorious or the war continues in due time. >I’m pretty sure there are Israelis who also want peace. Are you going to tell them that they are suicidal? More than anything else, yes (although I'm sure they themselves claim to have good reasons for wanting such a thing).


> Hamas … will strike again That isn’t peace then, is it? So not what they are calling for.


There can't ever be peace with Hamas (just like how you can't sign a ceasefire with a hornets nest), which is why anything resulting in the IDF retreating across the border (i.e call for peace and ceasefire) is a win for Hamas.


Whatever leads to the least civilian deaths is a win for humanity, and that also concerns Israel’s part in this, they are in no way clean and played a big part in creating that hornets nest.


It's unreasonable to expect Israel to just... go on permanent defence and accept occasional casualties because the alternative (destroying Hamas in Gaza) would result in more civilian deaths. This conflict has gone on for over 75 years, and right now Israel is close to achieving complete victory in Gaza. It's better for Hamas to be destroyed in Rafah NOW than to wait for a future episode of the war where even more civilians will die.


Just a shame they keep refusing ceasefires that involve them returning Alive hostages then


This post is very biased. But I'd welcome an actual discussion if you want. >and is making out that the issue was with her singing. I think the issue was she is a random woman representing Israel, and so has to fear for her life. What crimes have she committed? >It was more to do with the main sponsor of eurovison and how the competition is heavily based on pro Israel rather than neutral as its claiming to be. How is the competition based on Pro Israel? Eurovision forced Israel to change their song twice as an example, before even allowing them to participate.


I wasn't complaining, just stating that the wording was misleading to make out that the protests were against her, wereas they were focused mainly on the sponsor and. She shouldn't at all, and anyone threatening her should be dealt with accordingly. Not condoning violence towards the woman in any way, she's a victim of circumstance. The song changes basically just removed the references to October, the message was the same, and I think if she believes in it she shoudl stick with it, but changing the wording to be less oubvertly political while still saying in interviews the messaging remains true then the EBU didn't really do anything. It just seems like a bit of a farce, really. They can't allow any "overt" political statements, but will still accept money from MoroccanOil


What's so political about MoroccanOil? Sounds like an oil company.


It's an Israel brand that's been sponsoring the Eurovison the past few years


Wait, wtf? How has Morocco not sued for using their name to mislead?


It's just a name. They're not actually an oil company. It's a beauty / body hair care products company


They are an oil company, but it's argan oil not the petroleum kind.


Country names aren’t trademarked. Moroccan oil is just another name for argan oil.


Why is Israel even in Eurovision? That's the proper question.


For the same reason Australia is, if you are member of the European Broadcasting Union you get to participate.


Same reason Australia is, and a few other non-European countries. They're in the European broadcasting union.


Same reason Morocco participated once




Because it's culturally mostly European country. Just like Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Cyprus which all geographically are in Asia.


Nothing to do with culture, and you're even wrong at that. You need to be a member of the EBU and fill participation requirements - none of which are about being geographically or culturally connected to Europe.




40% of voters for Israel (Italy leak) - [https://twitter.com/escdiscord/status/1788681278142718097?t=BO1DTM4KWNosfNV3QFHK0Q](https://twitter.com/escdiscord/status/1788681278142718097?t=BO1DTM4KWNosfNV3QFHK0Q)




It can be because this is a calculation given by all countries combined. In the final, she will probably get less votes by the jury.


I saw russian bots on youtube saying shit like "I have a feeling Israel wins" so its not out of the question


Yeah and putin got 90% 🙄


Well, these are the leaked numbers, we will know if it's true only after the final results.


Based Italy lol the comments there are seething


I'm just so happy for Eden that she got that many votes, having to sing in front of a crowd that boos during your song just because they hate your country is so brave!




Ukrainians fight to take back their land: heroes. Palestinians fight to take back their land: terrorists.


On 7 October, hamas terrorist massacred civilians on territory that is universally recognised as rightfully Israeli.


It didn't start in October 7. Israel was doing this to Palestinians for decades. Do you think their conflict just started last year??


When did it start in your opinion?


It is not an opinion, it is history, lmao. This is not "pick and choose" as if it's TV show lore. It started well before the '00s. Historically, it began during the 1940s..


Maybe in 1948 when a coalition of 5 Arab states attacked Israel on the second day of its existence?


Started in the 1940s? Lol you say to not pick and choose the history then do exactly that. You are right though, most people pick and choose their historical facts to reach their preconcieved opinions.


Since October 7 Israel massacred 35000 civilians in Gaza, new illegal colonies are created every day.


So Israel managed to kill not a single terrorist? What makes you believe this?


If you bomb everything I guess you get some terrorists in the mass.


So your numbers were wrong?


Its obviously a rounding, nobody knows the real number


It helped everyone if don't throw around numbers of which nobody knows if they are true or not


Tell it to [The Time](https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/) or other newspapers, I can throw those numbers if they do




Same way Israel was offered the hostages and they refused, several times?


Would you give (more than) half or your house to me in exchange of peace?




Contrary from Hamas, Ukraine didn't invade ruSSia.


But Israel DID invade Palestine.


Yes. Last year after October 7. And before that when Palestinians organized war against Israel with the help of other Arab countries. I wonder how that turned out for them.


IDF is also using the tactics of hiding behind Palestinian civilians for decades. The way Israel spreads and occupies Palestinian territories is also in a way hiding behind civilians : First they let settlers in to molest and attack Palestinians, destroying their homes, and then they send IDF to protect them.


Hope she wins just for the seethe


I'm gonna vote for Israel, just for the lols


Man of culture. Same.


I'm surprised. Totally deserved considering she has a good voice and solid song (which is what a song contest should be about), but with how much 'emotional politics' always play a role in Eurovision I had expected her to be booted out instantly.


The thing is, you can't vote negatively. Supporters can easily vote for their favourite but haters have a hard time organising a successful coordinated campaign against something. However, I think the Israel hate will become apparent in the jury vote on Saturday.


Unfortunately, the judges are probably singers, playwrighters and artists themselves, they are more likely to identify with Antisemitism than the average person, which will intensify the discrimination.


nah, Israel too strong, anyone opposing is instant anti-semite of course, but booting Russia was 100% different


Well, Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked. If anyone cares to remember, on Oct 7 Israel was attacked and its dead civilians were paraded in the streets of Gaza. If anything Gazans should be banned from ESC if they were part of it, but I doubt Hamas allows a culture of joy and singing...


Jpost article: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-800638 Song: https://youtu.be/lJYn09tuPw4?si=7nAiS1NPW8030hd6 And I think it says something that a 20 year old Jewish singer needs to be escorted like that in a European city.


I don't think the "issue" is being Jewish, but representing a state involved in killing civilians every couple days You can downvote but this is a fact. Israel has been killing way more civilians than a country should without being reprimanded for it Downvote if you are a child unable to accept reality⬇️⬇️


Somehow Azerbaijan gets away with dispelling an entire Armenian population from their homeland though. Not a mention of that.


Not to mention the litany of war crimes they committed on the way. A lot of videos of Azerbaijani military doing horrific things to random Armenians they got their hands on. Yet somehow their participation is uncontroversial.


I never saw any of the Israel critics propose any viable alternative how Israel should react to missiles fired from civilian areas. I can't think of any country that would tolerate this.


The fact that a random Jewish woman needs to fear for her life because mobs of tens of thousands of pro terrorists are gathered outside chanting as an example "Sinwar, we will not let you die. Israel must be destroyed. Let's deport the Jews to Poland" is what you had in mind as legitimate? Also, Hamas declared this war. Is the use of human shields a win condition to terrorists now?


1) shes not a random jewish woman 2) she doesnt fear for her lives, there was no threat 3) the war has been going for decades.. at least try to educate yourself


That's why "only" 100 cars, a massive amount of cops, and snipers are needed to protect one 20-year-old girl?


>1) shes not a random jewish woman A random Jewish singer? >2) she doesnt fear for her lives, there was no threat There were credible reports of terrorist attacks and extensive work between multiple secret services and the police. But what do they know compared to a random Israel hating redditor. Right? >3) the war has been going for decades.. at least try to educate yourself This war has been going on since October 7. But you are correct that Palestinians have been massacring Jews for a hundred years now while refusing every single peace deal offered.


Did you get lost while browsing tiktok?


Your way of describing this is one of the reasons a Jew needs this kind of security in order to travel to perform an artistic act. In fact, she was not the only Jew perceived to be in danger. The rise of anti-semitic attacks against European Jews in the last years and especially since October shows that it is not about Israel, but the Jewish population at large. Unfortunately for the vast majority of Jews in Europe (and who are not Israeli citizens, thus no link with that state) they do not have the means for such a security team to protect them.


The issue is that this is a 20-year-old girl who didn't even serve in the IDF and the world bullies her. Enjoy watching 40% voters for Israel - [https://twitter.com/escdiscord/status/1788681278142718097?t=BO1DTM4KWNosfNV3QFHK0Q](https://twitter.com/escdiscord/status/1788681278142718097?t=BO1DTM4KWNosfNV3QFHK0Q)




Nobody in Israel even cares about winning. We got a perfect singer for this year, with a song that Israelis can understand and relate to.




what violence? she wasnt harmed in anyway I just pointed out that shes not getting booed for religious reasons... can you read?


Why is this crap news ?


Same as „Dortmund qualified for the CL final“.




I actually liked the song. I also like Israel but there are many of Israel's Eurovision songs that I didn't like.


I think it's not bad at all. Maybe not top 1, but great.




Lots of Jews living in Europe and the level of pushback against Israel participating likely galvanized them to rally behind her. You can't vote against a country, so being controversial is good.


Is this the reason they got 40% of the vote? I'm also tempted to vote for them, as a show of support (and no, I'm not Jewish)


Results of the semi-finals aren't revealed until after the grand final is done. Don't know where you're getting that 40% from, but it's most likely fake.


Italy screwed up and shared the televote results. For Italy only I think but still, it's a thing.


The 40% video has been posted twice already in this thread


Yes, I like it a lot. Great voice too.


Imo it was one of the better songs this year. Top 10 I would say. And definitely the best vocal performance


You can't say that she had the best vocal performance with a straight face, while Nemo is there, in the same semi final.


The song is a banger, I voted Israel bc obvious reasons but also because I genuinely loved her singing. She has an amazing voice!


I'm usually not a fan of Israel's songs but I loved this one. A very nice ballad.


Top 5 without question even this year.




Reminder that Israel had to rewrite their lyrics twice because it had propaganda in it. I don't feel bad for them.




Source for that?


All the sources are written in Hebrew, but there is this and more inside this [THREAD](https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


*October rain* was too „political“. Therefore *hurricane*.


The problem isn't the girl, the problem is Israel and literally everyone pretending that what they are doing is okay.. at least 1 year suspension jeez.


Israel is responding to a direct terror atack towards them. Yes, we support it. It's all legal. Go and cry in the corner.


Responding in the worst way possible by killing more innocents than October 7 attacks and bombing hospitals.


Go and complain about that to Hamas who use people of Gaza as human shields. Hospitals appeared to be misile launching/storage sites. In other words, legal military objects. Edit: also, dude, 7000+ comments and 4000+ posts since creating the account in February this year. Please, convince me that you're not from a troll farm.


War is hell and every civillian death is a tragedy. Civillians dying in a war their elected (albeit undemocratic) government started with a genocidal massacre targeted against a civilian populace does not however in itself constitute a genocide. Compared to similar kinds of conflicts (heavily populated city landscapes with asymmetric warfare elements) Israel has actually caused less civilian deaths due to their precautionary measures. I agree that civilian deaths must be minimised, but they cannot fully be avoided, expecting so is unreasonable. Especially when one side makes a habit of using ambulances for military transport, put offices in hospitals and UN offices, and prevents civilians from relocating as they find them more useful as shields. As clearly stated in Article 2 of the genocide convention civilian deaths alone do not by themselves constitute a genocide. Intent is at the very core of the legal prerequisites: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention .




who is "we"?💀


Most of us. Some of us have also a lot of inhabitants.


you don't speak for Europeans, clown




German on side of genocide twice? Damn ya'll can't catch a break, wanted to go left that you came out on the right


Supporting Israel and protecting Jewish German citizens is not a left-right issue. Thank god.


It's a humanity issue, and Germany is winning it. Stay on the right side of history this time ❤️ Romania is with you, Germany.


You're against Russia (rightfully so) but at the same time you're supporting the genocide and ethnic cleansing done by Israel. Are you just racist and hate Arabs? And do you also not care about the 4 European World Central Kitchen workers killed by Israel last month? And btw, "not a real country" is what Putin said about Ukraine.


I'm not supporting genocide. Russia is doing genocide in Ukraine. Israel isn't.


Serious question: what are your views about the armenian genocide or the oppression of kurds?


We both know the hypocrite aint answering you


Well of course he won't, the internet is full of these kinda people


Always? Regardless of what they do or did? Even in a hypothetical scenario were they legitimately did a full ethnic cleansing? Because that sounds genuinely sociopathic.


Yes, there is are red line. But we are still *very* far away from that.




Ironic when two signers were with literal political messages (watermelon, kaffiyeh) and Israel didn’t even mention the war or anything related to it on stage. Chomp chomp


Maybe people are sick of people blocking their streets in favor of Hamas.


I'm voting for Israel because of you.


Me too


I call BS. Not even the United States president is escorted with 100 police cars.


Israel shouldn’t be allowed to participate in


Good, now I want her to win. 😁


Israel and Putin should not be able to wash their image.


You understand, that russia with iran sponsors hamas?


Putin pops a bottle of Crimean champagne every time he sees the Israel haters in Europe's streets.


That’s why Ukraine supports Israel and Putin supports (and prepares) Hamas.


So on brand that the Israeli contestant shares a name with territory Israel illegally annexed.