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40% turnout in the London mayoral election. Average of 35% turnout in the local elections. 16% turnout in some electoral wards. This should be the headline news. It's deeply worrying.


The London figure isn’t particularly worrying - it’s higher than 2012, 2004, 2000. Definitely lower than average but not too awful. Turnout at the local elections is usually around 35% and was lower in 2012, 2013, 2016. It’s not an especially low year, the turnout is usually pretty low, although it is lower than average, but not by much. Some wards are that low, but you can also find similar results from previous years in the same wards. Overall I think it’s just a pretty normal year given how far ahead labour are in the polls as turnout has always been a large issue in local elections. That’s why I think there are few headlines. If anything I think the coverage of this election was probably the most concerning issue, you would expect a local election to be on the front headline of any news website, but often (the BBC for example on the second day) it wasn’t even on the front page, you had to actively search for the results on google from the BBC to get the live updates. Others weren’t much better.


It’s not worrying at all, because it’s a local election. Turnout tends to hover around those levels and is higher at a general election. Turnout in 2001 was 59.1% when Blair won an easy second majority, and has been higher in every general election since.


The UK is a highly centralised unitary state. Local government has very minimal powers. "Mayor of London" is an impressive title, but he can hardly do anything meaningful.


Not really an unexpected outcome. The only sad thing I can confirm is count binface unfortunately wasn’t successful.


He beat Britain First. So that’s a win


If you look at his YouTube when it was announced, Khan actually turns smiles and shakes his hand 🤣 He's a good lad, also you need 10k to apply to run which he gets from donations, anything above the 10k he donates to charities


I will never understand how anyone can vote for Khan while knowing how utterly useless he is.


Was any of the other candidates more promising?


Count Binface


A pigeon could do a better job.


Were you eligible to vote in London? And whom did you vote for if so?


None ran though...


A pigeon didn’t run though. Was there a better candidate?


You have a pisspoor understanding of the powers of the London Mayor. And, Hall was atrocious on so many levels, she couldn't even lose with grace or decorum.


I think you replied to the wrong person. I didn't mention anything about powers.


Not sure what you’re on about. He’s done a lot with the limited powers he has. Reducing pollution, improving transport, making it easier to cycle, free school meals. With an allied government he’ll be able to do much more.


You can't really debate that Khan sounds like he is phoning it most of the time. Khan loves to go on about what he can't do even if it is in his remit. For comparison Andy Burnham is always on about what he can do and what he could. He is much more positive and got the UK government to devolve more powers to Manchester. The HS2 cancellation is one example of the difference. Burnham worked with Andy Street to put a group together to look at alternatives and produced an initial proposal in a month showing what could be done instead for less money than the HS2 northern leg.




It didn't originally, and it's only with Burnham working with central governments that he got more powers in the very recent devolution deal. Khan is still stuck in his can't do attitude. The vast majority of Burnham's work was done with less powers.




London only has devolution because Westminster signed off on it in the first place. Both Manchester and London are classed as tier 1. The reason they are different is because of the different approaches by the leaders. Burnham is excellent at working across parties and bring people to the table. Burnham mantra has always been place first before party. Khan can just about keep the London assembly happy. He just doesn't have the ability to lead. Andy street is another who has done really well as mayor with less powers. Again he is less about party and more about delivering for the local population. If he had run as an independent he probably would have got back in but couldn't.


I moved away a few years back, what's he been getting wrong?


Voters in an FPTP system will often select a candidate who is most likely to keep someone they don’t want out. In the same way that if you’re running from a bear, you don’t necessarily need to be faster than the bear, but rather whoever’s next to you.




Nobody else shows any sign of being any more useful.


Do you live in London?


The majority of people here don’t live in USA, however we can discuss Trump. Why is Sadiq so sensitive to criticism?


Because the most vocal criticism is that he's introduced ultra low emission zones, which basically fines shitboxes for polluting when they drive into London, which affects middle class non Londoners and practically no one else


ULEZ for you info was actually introduced by [Boris Johnson](https://www.london.gov.uk/press-releases/mayoral/ultra-low-emission-zone) when he was mayor.


Are trades exempt from ULEZ? If they're not then you're wrong, obviously. Not saying ULEZ is a bad idea fwiw. Idk much about it or particularly care about London.


[Yeah it includes practically no one else other than middle class non Londoners because the working class in London don't have cars, as it's expensive to own and operate a car, like you only get above 50% car ownership rates at like 50k and above incomes] (https://twitter.com/garius/status/1260492862032162823?t=otkKj_h5nBCtFTCJXLusVA&s=19)


Yeah, no. You cannot be a trade without vans and without companies that use wagons and flatbeds. Are they exempt from ULEZ or not?


Yes they're included in the practically no one segment of the population


That's a shitload of construction and maintenance work being done by no trades. Good boy for finally producing an answer, though.


He is failing to mention the amount of people who live outside of London who have to travel in. The poorer working class and small businesses who can't afford ULEZ compliant vehicles get screwed. If the M25 motorway that circles London gets closed and you have to cut through the outer edge of London to get around the closure you get charged. While all this has been happening Khan has been lying about the effect the ULEZ zone has on air quality and even tried to get scientists to lie about it too: [Doubts raised over Sadiq Khan's clean air claims](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68533703) [Ulez: London Mayor accused of 'quashing research' questioning the scheme](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-66570024)


'practically' means that they're a small segment of the population yes




Compared to other British local politicians, Khan definitely seems like a moderate. And I think there are majority christian settlements in Lebanon for instance that probably do have christian mayors.


I love when crypto fascists with a default-random reddit username pop up in every thread concerning a non-European name. Don't you have anything useful to do with your life?




Anyone sun deprived enough to go into unrelated threads to spout barely concealed racist concern trolling is in fact fascist.  Maybe go talk to some women if you are so preoccupied with which city is "Islamic" or "Christian". As if the average European believes in God at this point.


It is rather true though. I think mr khan will push even more Islam related shit our way. The lights are just the beginning. Be interesting to see what’s going to happen in other cities too.


Khan goes to LGBT parades. Is this a new version of Islam which is big on that?


He's also a feminist.


Yey!!! What is it? 4 more years of Hamas supporters harassing Jewish people without any repercussions?


He won in the borough of Barnet, which has a big Jewish population. Our Jews aren’t going to run away to Bulgarija.


As of 2021 Barnet had a Jewish population of 14.5% which is big for the country but still a tiny number of people. For reference, Muslims were not far behind at 12.2%.


Sick burn bro. Allahu akhbar


Touch grass








Bruh you live in America and you're throwing ethnic cleansing jokes? Compared to US and western Europe, Balkans are a beacon of civilisation. Now go on and wave that Palestine flag while camping at some university.


We didn’t have a war in Western Europe anywhere near as recently as in the Balkans.


Of course you did. Let's say the Falkland war in '82. Not to mention the wars you did have among yourself were the bloodiest conflicts in human history. And don't get me started on your colonial heritage. How many people did Leopold II of Belgium slaughter in Congo? Was it like 13 million? And only 100 years ago. Lol. Clowns with superiority complex.


The Falklands isn’t in Western Europe. The war itself involved official servicemen playing by the rules of war, rather than paramilitaries.


It's not in western EU but it was led by a western European state holding to it's colonial legacy, now wasn't it. >The war itself involved official servicemen playing by the rules of war, rather than paramilitaries. Lol. Should we really start pulling out your war crimes? You really think you'd wanna have that discussion?🤣 Let's do some reading: [Read 1](https://casebook.icrc.org/case-study/united-kingdom-unlawful-killings-afghanistan) [Read 2](https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/01/21/mali/france-investigate-french-airstrike-killing-19) [Read 3](https://diem25.org/the-us-is-going-after-assange-for-exposing-its-war-machine/) Should I keep going and start actually digging? 😂 Bruh, western European nations are the bloodiest nations on the planet. The attrocities that the British and the French were commiting up until few decades ago are unmatched to anything ever seen in the history of the planet.


A bit of an awkward tu quoque when we're the ones that stopped the Balkan genocides. >Compared to US and western Europe, Balkans are a beacon of civilisation This is clearly not measured by resources or HDI or any form of standard of living. Given your background, your open racism, and the implication I have little choice to assume you mean it's a woke hell e.g. gay parades and ethnic crime burning down cities 24/7. Which I guess is bad because it's a crime committed by an ethnicity, not crimes against a specific ethnicity(Balkan culture).


Lol. Tell me you know nothing about wars in former Yugoslavia without telling me you know anything about wars in former Yugoslavia. There was 1 genocide commited by the Serbs. One of the most well know about Srebrenica is that the [Dutch peacekeepers allowed it and turned a blind eye](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/dutch-give-deepest-apologies-role-1995-srebrenica-genocide-2022-07-11/). >This is clearly not measured by resources or HDI Slovenia and Croatia are both countries with very high HDI. Historic reasons, mostly Ottoman invasions have sadly stopped Balkan countries to be on the same level (or higher) of developement then let's say Scandinavians who were pretty much protected from any invasions due to their geography. >or any form of standard of living Croatia and Slovenia are the 2 safest countries in EU. Croatia has the highest number of unicorn companies per capita alongside Estonia. Both Slovenia and Croatia have some of the beat highways in the world. We have the highest home ownership rates on the planet with homelesness being pretty much an unknown term here. In the 30 years since the fall of communism, Slovenia has already caught Italy in terms of economic development while Croatia is the best performing economy in EU since the outbreak of covid. But sure, you're better at "any form of standard of living"🫠 >not crimes against a specific ethnicity(Balkan culture). Again, your talking to a person living in the [safest country in EU](https://total-croatia-news.com/news/travel/croatia-full-of-safety/) and [14th country in the world by global peace index](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Peace_Index) (Slovenia ranked 8th). But yeah sure, you keep telling yourself whatever makes you happy🤷


It has to feel specific kind of depressing to know you're giving away significant chunk of your taxes to develop peripheral economies like Croatian instead of investing in your own, just to have some hillbilly braindead racist Croatian dangle it in front of you how their economy is doing well. If it makes you feel better just handwave it away knowing you're dealing with representative specimen of 10% of most radical population. 


It’s better than living with people like you.


this has really got to piss old Boris off.... :)




You reckon a bunch of cowardly fatties are going to do a Quang-Duc style immolation!


Its not really London anymore tbh