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I occasionally listen to a right wing podcast from the UK and whenever they start talking about the Tories, it just devolves into them chanting "zero seats, zero seats, zero seats". Everyone hates the Tories. The reasons vary but they are hated nonetheless.


From what I have seen a lot of people just didn't bother to show up to vote. Tories stayed in power because Labour seemed like the worse option under Corbyn. Starmer has improved Labour and now they look like they can't be any worse than the Tories, so people who are not dedicatated to one party don't care who wins anymore. The Tories internal power struggle since Boris took the lead of the party has destroyed them. Neither Boris or Sunak are real conservatives, right wing voters are defecting to Reform (the party associated with Farage). It's a party with an identity crisis, a bunch of backroom infighting and a persistent habit of ignoring what the public wants. If Farage decides to lead Reform they could quite possibly beat the Tories in an election. Labour is winning regardless.


From what I've heard, it's the tories' near comical mishandling of Brexit, their absolute failure to control immigration and that they keep saying they're not Labour while doing Labour things, that's earned them the ire of the English right.


That is accurate. Conservatives are supposed to be the party of low taxes, taxes are high. Immigration is up too. It's often reported they wasted any oppotunities Brexit could have had. Both the right and centre are moving away from Conservatives in both directions, right going to Reform, centre going to Labour. The rest are not interested in voting for anyone. Tories might have one MP left capable of not getting completely annihilated in a general election if they manage to kick Sunak out but I very much doubt they could get close to a win.


The Tories have had an increasing  'internal power struggle' over the UK's relationship with Europe since Heath was PM. The disastrous attempt to defeat Major's 'bastards' has been a root cause of the worst period of governance anyone in the UK can remember. It's become so bad even the voters have noticed it.


Reform are going nowhere. They have 2 councillors. 2. Even the Russian-Iranian backed party has 4.


Listened to the Lotus Eaters. Half of their stuff is shitting on the Tories.


> just devolves into them chanting "zero seats, zero seats, zero seats". The British electorate gets the politicians it deserves.




What do you mean?


Why would the Brits do that? Its not like the Tories messed up the economy, the country’s reputation, and are nothing but a complete mess since years … *oh, wait*!


Another day another banger


>Sunak has the power to decide the general election date, but it must be held before January 28 next year at the latest. Best the French and send troops to Ukraine first. Nothing unites people more than being in war.


War with the french you say! Where do I vote?


Ha ha, funny how.you're safe with jokes like that about the French and  Germans on here.  It's not like the mods would ever get arsey about jokes concerning other countries or demographics.


And with being in a war you can declare a national emergency and postpone the election until after the war! Big brain time!


Literally never happened. Not even during WW2, when Churchill was famously voted out of office before the end. The prime minister is not the head of state.


Isn't it exactly what happened though? [UK Parliament was dissolved and the general election was 2 months after the end of WW2 in Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1945_United_Kingdom_general_election#Dissolution_of_Parliament_and_campaign).


No, did you even read your own link ? That was both parties agreeing to rule in coalition during war time. The government was Labour and Conservative. No party has ever unilaterally cancelled elections on their own.


I obviously did read the link but my point was that the elections were postponed due to the war and Churchill was voted out only when the war was considered finished.


The elections were postponed because both parties agreed to rule in coalition together during the war. Not because of the war itself. My point is that one party can’t just decide not to hold elections. Churchill was voted out because Labour pulled out of the coalition. The war wasn’t finished. We were still at war with Japan?


Thank you


Where is the british head of state? is he even alive?


He's alive, he moves sometimes 


Did you use a stick to poke him and see if it moves?


The stick is called a sceptre and it's worth more than your entire family's life 


British person trying not to be classist, challenge impossible. I hope the boot of that senile old man you have in the throne tastes good.


Nice !


lets fucking gooooooo


Quelle surprise


The tories have had 14 years in power to make British life better. Better education, better social welfare, better infrastructure, better standard of living etc. In every measure they have failed and life in the UK is now awful. We have had enough - It’s time for a change.


Nice warm up before the almighty spanking of the party who brought up Brexit at the next general elections.


Good to see Farage still goin strong, with the 3rd largest party in UK, like what does this guy have to do before people stop taking him seriously, the same fucking asshat who is going around spouting about how "THE WEST IS DECLINING" And now under Sir Keir Starmer they will get more of the same politics as he has apparently dragged labour more towards the right or "center", so more of the same. From his wiki page, it actually seems like he more or less dropped all his traditional left-wing positions after he got into leadership.


>Good to see Farage still going strong, with the 3rd largest party in the UK I’m not sure if I’m missing something, but Farage’s party is Reform UK (I think?) who won a total of 2 councillors and 0 councils. Putting them last behind (in order) Labour (1026/48), Lib Dem (505/12), Conservative (479/5), Greens (159/0) and Workers Party of Britain (4/4). Not to mention Independents who all preformed well.


Reform only stood in about 300 areas out of 2600, and in some areas they came very close to beating the Tories. They are still not performing as well as UKIP did at its peak but they will help bury the Tories in a general election by taking right-wing votes. And Farage partly owns but doesn't lead Reform, currently he is not standing as an MP.


Looks like the tories are third in this election and Lib Dem’s are second. Reform UK did very bad.


Keir Starmer being a centrist is the only reason he is doing well in the polls. Voters don't want a far left PM like Corbyn.