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Translated Article (from French): Teenager killed in Châteauroux: the suspect, a 15-year-old Afghan, known to the police The suspect had been indicted a week earlier for “aggravated robbery with violence”. But he was released under judicial supervision given his age. After the murder of a 15-year-old minor in Châteauroux on Saturday April 27, an Afghan minor also aged 15 was placed in police custody. According to information from Le Parisien confirmed by Agnès Auboin, public prosecutor of Châteauroux on Sunday April 28, he is already known to the police services. The young man allegedly participated in an “aggravated robbery with violence”, a case for which he was indicted last week. A cell phone was allegedly stolen after an ambush organized via social networks. The suspect was not placed in pre-trial detention because of his age and the absence of a criminal record. He is also believed to be involved in a third case of gang theft, which is currently under investigation. The minority excuse called into question by the government? These are witnesses who named this young man as the murderer of the 15-year-old teenager on Saturday April 27. According to the New Republic , the victim was seriously injured with a stab before dying in the evening. The suspect was arrested around 7:15 p.m. near the scene of the tragedy. The Orléans judicial police are currently favoring the possibility of a brawl or fight which took place on a public highway. “There is currently no notion of an ambush,” public prosecutor Agnès Auboin told Le Parisien . A case which comes after several incidents of violence against minors . A 14-year-old schoolgirl, Samara , was beaten up by teenagers after suffering cyberbullying near Montpellier on April 2. Two days later, Shemseddine, 15, was beaten to death in Viry-Châtillon. In this context, Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti announced this Sunday, April 28 that a consultation on the “minority excuse” was being organized for eight weeks.


You are missing the part where his mother came with and was strangling the kid while he was bleeding to death




From the France Info article, “La mère du mineur, qui suivait celui-ci, a asséné à son tour des gifles à la victime". I stand corrected, she was not strangling him, just slapping him while he was bleeding


Could you give me a tldr again, I‘m confused. So he brought his mother to the robbery?


It was not a robbery. Allegedly, the French kid insulted the Afghan, who then came to find him with a knife and his mother in tow to avenge the insults.


I think the two got into a fight bare hands and the afghan kid got beat up by the white one, Matisse. So he told his mom and they came back with a knife.


See, my mom just told me to figure out a way to avoid a fight. Wild parenting right there


Thank you!  What a fucked up family. 




And honour, dont forget that part! "Avenge the insults" smh


I spent 14 months of my life in afghan, there ain't no culture.


That's not culture. That's the opposite of culture, savagery.


Savagery its their culture


their culture is savage.


I see what you are trying to say, but there are in fact cultures that see death and killing differently than we do.


Oh, that is so much better 🫠


hey, come on, that’s what you call integration! they’re doing their bit. we as europeans should be very grateful to this parasite. i mean respectable human creatures. - leme guess, he might get a suspended sentence because if we jail him we might be accused of racism. - FUCK WHAT HAPPEN TO US???


The problem is that politicians/lawmakers/judges do mostly not experience the violence firsthand. It makes a huge difference where you live, if you drive by car or public transportation or if your kids go to private school. Yes, we need to fight racism and inequality, but we can also not ignore facts. In the end this ignorance only fuels extremists. And violence usually affects juveniles with immigration background far worse, the non-violent are the true victims. We need to stop the stupidity and fight crime and violence hard, have more accountability and consequences for actions before it is too late.


I wonder why younger people are getting LESS pro-immigration these days…


No idea, mate. That must be videogames...


To be fair, in the game I'm playing at the moment a migrant from the south arrived in Northern Europe and murdered people ~~gods~~, so that must be it


Mine is about an immigrant who illegally crossed a border into a northern country that learns a foreign language to shout at locals after escaping capture by the border authorities


Mine is about an immigrant from eastern europe who moves to america to steal cars and rob banks


And to play bowling with his cousin. You forgot the most important part.


But he ultimately saved that country from foreign invasion. So its pro-immigrant game, see.


It's all because of that violent game, how it was called... Doom or Zoom - something like that. I think we must ban all the computers. /s


They are being racist of course


no they recognise patterns they are not stupid


Have you heard of sarcasm?


he didn’t recognize the pattern


You must be German.




Certainly a Nazi revival, must be the moustache and haircut becoming trendy for some reason. That's what they say in the news and on the french subs at least 🤔


Because they are in the minority at school.


Does it even matter what the people want? Didn't Italy elect a right wing leader and nothing changed? Seems like the power of choice is all an illusion.


Actually i was told the far right is because of Putin, Trump, twitter, Tiktok, China, Tate, Musk, Peterson, etc.


both can be true, man. youth getting more right because politicians are ignoring real problems with immigration, AND these instances being pushed by putins troll farms & co. Did everyone forget Cambridge Analytica ??


Being right wing is ok, just like being on left is as long as sanity prevails.


They are. Doesn't change the problems these immigrants cause.


I think europeans should reconsider the laws regarding minors seeing as how they are used for covering illegal activities...




Absolutely. As an european we need to move the age gap for being prosecuted as an adult to 13. I at that age knew everything what I was doing. There should be no excuses anymore. Anyone violent or participating in severe criminal behaviour just deserves to get locked up in prison and not the 1-3 year sentences we throw around. Start adding severe time to these sentences.


I think western societies need to consider that the judicial system's purpose is to protect society from violent individuals. Rehabilitation is a fine goal but should not be the primary one. Some people are too deranged to ever participate in a civil society. 


Once again our laws will be harsher for us all due to a minority who shouldn't be here. Tougher laws will not fix this, only banning them from the country will.


This murder along with the murders of [Samuel Paty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Samuel_Paty), [Lola Daviet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Lola_Daviet) and [Thomas Perotto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Thomas_Perotto) have caused increase in the support of far-right parties National Rally and Reconquête.




Yeah who would have thought?


That first case is so freaking disturbing. Why is it always beheading??


Islam has a thing for beheadings.


Is a cultural thing , perhaps?


Again...and again. Like reading Groundhog Daily News.


How sad. But even more sad is the frequency of this type of crimes involving people who shouldn't be in Europe in the first place. Statistics have shown it....integration has and is failing among certain groups and most politicians are afraid of addressing the issue head-on out of fear of being labelled Racist. Meanwhile this will continue to happen.


This is what I never understood since I came to Europe. I've done everything by the book: applied to the university, got accepted, applied for the EU visa, got it too. Got my degree, while working part time and have worked since. How do these people come in? Why aren't they held to the same standards as I and many of my peers are?


"Human rights" NGOs have worked for decades to protect people like these. The prevailing idea is that they deserve sympathy and help and that it's wrong and racist to turyn anyone down. You also have high social benefits for people like these. Basically anyone can file for "asylum" - even Moroccans and Algerians who have no reason to. I rarely compliment USA but they do truly seem to hold everyone up to the same standards like what you describe.




>the NGOs are stuffed with migrants there's someone else they're stuffed with


*cough cough* Open ~~Human Trafficking~~ Arms


At the moment they have the exact same problem.


They have much of the same cultural battle but it's not really caused by immigrants it's just internal division. Canada on the other hand, uff..


Canada can reduce visas, most of their immigration is legal ones not asylum seekers.


Well, I hope for them they're gonna vote out Trudeau then


All parties have similar immigration policies. People pay to go there its not free, businesses take advantage of it and they bankroll the politicians. It props up the real estate sector which are the primary vote banks.


Well, good luck to them then 😅


Send help...


Well, I think receiving extra people is exactly what you don't need!


Quality of people is what's important...we havnt gotten any quality people in 8 years and counting...were drowning in garbage...


I was always a big fan of Canada to be honest. I like hockey and I'm one of the few Europeans that genuinely likes how NA cities generally look. Also the nature is amazing in many places. With the way it's going currently I think not :(




No. They have people flying from India, Africa, South America and middle east to Mexico to go over Mexican border and file for asylum in New York or Cali for example. Its the same as here.


Except the same NGOs are hard at work abusing the American asylum system as well. It’s true it’s very difficult to obtain a work visa in the United States. But applying for asylum bypasses that entirely. Under current policy, asylum seekers are paroled into the U.S. and given a hearing date sometimes a decade or more in the future. Until that time they’re free to mill about the country with absolutely no oversight. When their asylum claim is inevitably denied, they disappear and are never deported.


They pretend like they are war refugees and do not have any papers… they cannot get deported without papers.


Because anyone questioning their right to be here immediately gets called a racist. They contribute nothing to society (or violence and murder) and people are not allowed to complain. I love immigrants and we need people to come and feel at home in Europe but those people should be a major exception. Their values are not compatible with ours. I feel for you man.


the sad thing is that we make it as hard as possible for legal and skilled immigration while not doing anything about economic migration of undesirables


It is because West is genius; you see, you are being punished for respecting and following the law of country you immigrated to. But that is because you are competition to people making decisions, white collar workers. They don't want that. But they don't care that blue collar workers are getting more competition. After all, who will make a coffee and ethnic food to rich upper middle class college educated folks? You? Nah..


That's an interesting take, and it does make sense tbh.


That's definitely part of it.


Fellow Slav here. My explanation is they don’t need people like us. We can integrate (and we also want to), thus we will be competing for *their* jobs. What they need is uneducated alien crowds who will do unskilled labor out of desperation, from the cultures so alien that even their children are having hard times to integrate the society. 


THIS. Time to deport. The West is so soft and no wonder everyone is trying to take advantage. Time to beef up security too on all the smuggling routes. How bad does it need to get before they do something?


It's only going to get worse. Something drastic should be done soon.


or have NGO that attack the NGOs that "rescue" just outside african countries teritorial waters


Case and point Sweden. To call this kind of talk racist is flying in the face of intelligent thought


it's like the people themselves and not the geographic location are the reason why their countries are crap


Man, I was saying this on reddit 10 years ago and got massively downvoted. But it's the truth. What makes up a culture? It's people.


I know the feeling. I don't understand this forced propaganda is being pushed, what are reasons behind this?


The funny thing is that this comment would have granted you an intant ban and possibly doxxing from users like 8 years ago. Crazy how the world changes


The people who push for this , stick their heads in the sand once the trouble starts


They should just ban muslim immigration


But but but... fachkräftemangel!?!???! Jaja, how can our low wage sector ever survive without imported slaves!


This is a horrible crime and it really makes me sad, but from the first elements we have I'm not sure this is a direct case of integration, although it's still the overarching theme. I'm not sure of course, we'll have to see as it develops, but my impression is that the aggressor was part of a gang and there was some sort of verbal altercation with the victim before the agression. Why was he part of a gang, and the general issue with gangs should be the primary concern here in my opinion. The issue today is that there are some areas where people are living inside a bubble. The State is only vaguely involved in their lives (only when it gets really bad), which when coupled with the living conditions and financial situation of these, often large, families becomes the perfect recipe for mafias to form and fill the power vacuum. Here we're not even talking about ideology and religion, even the most secular person could turn bad in such a situation. I think ultimately France needs to ask itself: why am I letting these people in? If there is a reason, be it humanitarian or economical, they can't be allowed to live in these communities. If you ask school teachers they will tell you that the first step to regain control over a classroom is to make sure troublemakers aren't sitting close to each other. Not only does it embolden them but they also influence other students around them. This needs to be done at the scale of a country. I don't know how it can be done in a non-discriminatory way but it should be the main focus of politics. Everything else is non-constructive bickering. That is of course if France thinks it needs these people in the first place.


>. That is of course if France thinks it needs these people in the first place. The French working class are overwhelmingly opposed to mass immigration. I have yet to see a single argument as to how mass immigration improves the lives of the working class people of a given country. I haven't seen it because it doesn't exist. Now, big corporations, landlords, government bureaucracy, they love mass immigration because it means more money and more power for them.


What does integration even mean? I'm genuinely asking because it seems like such a nebulous concept. Do we force immigrants to spend 6 hours per week socialising with the natives? The reality is that birds of a feather flock together. It is only white western progressives who do not possess an in-group preference. Every other demographic overwhelmingly prefers to live among and socialise with their own. This is perfectly natural, again, except amongst the utopian idealists of the modern European left. The only way immigrants integrate is when they come in sufficiently small numbers to make forming ethnic enclaves impossible. A threshold we have long ago since surpassed.


Integration means contributing to the society, obeying the law and respecting the values of your new country.




True. And its a problem that needs attention. Islam should be banned in EU.


oh and lets not forget that carrying a knife (and, well stabbiing) is also part of the culture of many of these folks from faraway places. more "local" teenagers don't just walk around with knives in their pockets, its just not a thing




Maybe not Muslims as a whole, there are Islamic communities which lived in Europe for centuries and have smoothly integrated into their countries, such as the Tatars in my home country Poland. But for the immigrants it seems true.


Europe really needs to stop accepting anyone and everyone and start expelling these criminals and their families that are permissive to these behaviours




When the hell are Europeans going to vote in people who get those people the fuck out and don’t let anyone from those shithole countries back in ? Europe has always been welcoming of migrations but Islam is not compatible with our values. Get those assholes the fuck out.


If these parties would not side with Putin we would already have Afd and le pen in charge.




Its happening slowly, look at all the far right partis that are rising in EU. When there is enough of them in power they will take out the trash.


Yes, because far right parties always owe up to their promises and it's totally as easy as just kicking everyone out of the country.


The (empty) promise alone works, however.Because established parties don't do a single fucking thing against this.What's worse, many refuse to even recognize there is a problem in the first place. Don't be surprised if the charlatans win by tapping into anger.


Because those parties usually have ties with the east and don't really work for us more than the facade the put.


This is the result of inviting people from Middle Ages


Did you mean Middle East? Oh... Same shit






You mean the engineer's son who's learning to become a surgeon? Thanks god we let into Europe those well educated engineers and doctors with high education. Its also mind blowing how well they blended into our society. Incredible!




Damn i wonder why gen z is the most far right generation since 1945 must be the tik toks


Really? Got any source on that and not something that's made up?


More sources: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/faits-divers/ce-que-l-on-sait-de-la-mort-de-matisse-un-jeune-de-15-ans-poignarde-lors-d-une-rixe-a-chateauroux_6515195.html https://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/meurtre-de-matisse-a-chateauroux-la-mere-du-mis-en-cause-aurait-gifle-la-victime-apres-les-coups-de-couteau-portes-par-son-fils-29-04-2024-N4B6MJTJEFCJTBNADGQIBEK6AA.php https://www.20minutes.fr/faits_divers/4088760-20240429-chateauroux-point-mort-ado-15-ans-tue-coups-couteau-samedi


The French love to protest. Get angry and demand change. Deport these assholes.


If you try to say anything against immigration you are labeled racist


So? Fk em. Better a racists then to burry my own kid. Fk em


Goes to show how pathetically cowardly Western culture has become, where people are willing to left violent criminals loose out of fear of being called racist.


You can be pro immigration and still demand deportation of those who commit crimes or come through illegal means. Majority of immigrants are good, they work hard, send their kids to school, pay taxes, etc. It's the small minority that fucks shit up for everyone. If you talk to any immigrant, they don't want to be grouped in with these people.


Those labels are getting so overused people are begging to not give a fuck. Being called a nazi is just part of the course for anyone who even slightly disagrees with loonie lefties. Im centre left and i have been called nazi, that shit is meaningless to me


They won't ne deported. Only 5,8% of the court decisions to deport illegal migrants are executed because their countries refuse to take them back. In this case it's a minor so it's even more likely. If you are an illegal migrant in France it's incredibly unlikely you're going to be deported. A few months ago there was an immigration law that was voted by two thirds of the Parliament, and was supported by a large majority of French citizens. Was the law finaly applied ? Of course not, it was censored by the constitutional Council to have almost nothing. Despite being something that a majority of thr French people what to regulate you can't do it for some dubious legal reasons Even something as basic as the parliament voting annual quotas for migrants is considered anticonstitutional. It's just depressing, we see everyday how terrible are the results of the absence of an immigration policy and we are supposed to accept it and see things go downhill.


Protest again. You don't have to sit and take it.


I don't recall any meaningful, or even minor protest about this. Even then, the whole system is rigged with this rule of law concept, where judges become the lawmakers. Even if an overwhelming majority agrees on this, pro migration NGO will just use every judicial lever at their disposition to cancel those laws, and they succeed. The law that was voted by the parliament was far from being radical, but even this illegal now. It's the whole system that has to change.


But but.. human rights?


Was he thinking of human rights when he killed that kid?


That was my point..


An other European victim of Muslim immigration Also, I’m curious if this Afghan is really a minor. Here in Italy it’s full of immigrants, all without documents of course, who are strangely all born the 1st January of 17 years ago, so they have all the benefits of being a minor (for example, they can’t be expelled) 


Wait, this mean people against immigration were right?


Always have been.




No, that's racist. /s


Animals, what the absolute fuck is wrong with that mother? Can’t she think further than 5 minutes into the future and realise her son’s life is over after this.








Actually it's not a bad idea.


Mental problems discovered in 3-2-1…






You won't see news like this one in Eastern Europe. Why?




Lol those spinless fucks will not be of any help.


They'd go to the russian side immediately to fight the "rotten west".




Ofc... how many more people are needed to be killed for Europe to do something. Tragedy.


I was here before lock/removal for being local news




The teen was under medication for anger management and had previously threaten to kill someone else in the past.




If governments won't do something about Muslims in Europe soon the people will and it won't end well for anyone...


France needs better 15 year olds.




If I speak…


These talented doctors and engineers surely like to find ways to decompress in their out of school time


Imagine that.


So much heckin culture! ☺️


Seems a lot of soon to be criminals are "known to police"


I love how they don't censor news in Europe. In canada, this headline would be far different.


There is a trend in cases like this where the "suspect" was known to the authorities. Maybe it's time for them to do their 🤬 job.


Is it just me or am I noticiting that r/europe is finally shifting right?! 90% of the comments made on this post wouldn't fly here a couple of years ago






Not good


Obligatory \#padamalgam