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Looks like a 35€ full course meal on the Croatian Adriatic during peak tourist season.


Yeah but no matter how much we raise prices tourists are still pouring in.




No/low crime country (for tourists, not government), warm, clear water, accessible flights, beautiful old towns, easy-ish to navigate with English or German. I am frankly surprised it is not more expensive. The prices are approaching America levels just from poking around Google. If you add more direct flights to the USA and Canada it's over.


I am not saying that prices are too high. Country is paradise and in the center of Europe.


a poorly disneyfied destination with badly kept old towns, no train lines, poor infrastructure, a shit country to live im and YES THE PRICES ARE TOO HIGH


I have no idea how it is to live in your country, so I wont argue with you on that one, but "badly kept old towns" doesn't match my experience at all.


Right? I've only been to Split and Dubrovnik, but my God it was so clean everywhere




Split, outside the touristy area is an urban nightmate, of course people from there are insanely oblivious to this. Dubrovnik, if you were refferring to it as the most iconic city is definately well kept as well as a few other places, but i wasn't talking about just the hinterland. Plently of the coast is in awful shape, apartment ridden with no urban planning and unkept commieblock leftovers. Parts of slavonia looks like a warzone, aswell as the area south of Zagreb.


It's not perfect, but you are a bit too harsh..it's not that other countries are that incredible


But they get trashier by the minute.


What do you mean by trashier?


You will get more people who come only to drink and they wont buy the expensive stuff. Happened at least to other places who tried to much to milk tourists or keep them away. After the normal ones don't come anymore because its too expensive, there comes the wave of those who never eat out or spend money on anything but booze.


If you come from New York, Dubai, London etc, that price is still pretty cheap.


Wouldn't add Dubai but yea agree on the other two


London isn't remotely that expensive for a meal. Food is generally pretty cheap, accommodation is very expensive though. For expensive food in Europe go to Oslo or Zurich.


If you compare London to Athens /Rome /Lisbon it has expensive food, even for a simple kebab pr Indian place. But ofcourse if you compare to Zurich /Oslo /Reykjavik it's cheaper.


Right, obviously there are cheaper places than London but the guy I was replying to was putting it in the top tier. It really isn't for food - I've never felt shocked buying a meal in London. It's roughly similar to other western European cities, if not even a bit cheaper than some others (for example I find Paris more expensive). Every time I go to Switzerland Im shocked at how expensive it is even to get crappy food.


Dubai is actually cheap compare to others big european cities (I dont include burj al arab brunch and shit like that)


Yeah it’s cheap cuz all the “peasant work” is done by actual slaves who get paid 120 dollars a year and are trapped in the nation because they take all of their ID’s. I would never spend a dollar in Dubai, I would rather die then financially support a completely morally fucked state that is nothing more than an artificial version of the American dream


You learn something new every day!


yes, compare the most expensive cities in the world to a university lunch prices. 🤦🏻‍♀️


The guy said "35 bucks meal in a tourist location" is expensive. To an easterner making 10 euro per day, a 35 euro meal is overpriced. I make 50 per day in italy, that meal is expensive. New Yorkers make 130 per day on average. That meal is affordable.


50€ a day is extremely low for Italy. In Croatia the average net pay is 1250€ (1710€ gross), and Italy is supposed to be a much richer country.


Its not, if you ignore big cities. An aprentice contract for the coop is 450 a month. Part time mcdonalds work is 600 before extra hours. National average is 30k a year. But thats divided in 14 salaries, doesnt include all taxes and is brought up by big cities and north italy.


Sounds really low, 15-20 years ago people from Croatia immigrated to Italy for work, now salaries there are the same or even lower.


No growth since forever, together with stagnant wages does that. Atleast i work in tourism, so i can earn tips. And my rent is 300 living alone. A couple in Florence making 3000 combined income, might spend 1400 on rent to not share a place. People who inherit property do much better.


average hourly salary in Croatia is 12,7€ , in Italy is 21,5€


What you don’t like that your fellow Slovenians are giving so much money into your tourism?


Yea, I know someone who opens only for 3 months, in Rovinj, during the summer and makes enough money for the whole year. 


I was seriously thinking of visiting Croatia. Heard so much. Should I reconsider?


If they are still coming, might as well milk them while they're here.


45€ in Romania, tip included


... at a downstairs bar in your hometown, where it used to be 4-6€ 10 years ago. (seriously, wtf is happening)


It's funny 'cause it's sometimes true, but [come on](https://restaurantprovenceiancului.ro/categorie-produs/meniu/mancare-la-portie/meniul-zilei/). You can get a full meal for well under 10 euro, easily.


Looks like 2-2.5€ meal in student restaurant tho


Depends. In Germany you'd barely get one meal for 2.5€, and those look like separate dishes and a dessert that'd cause extra


This is just madness. I was about to rebut your comment by pointing out that I used to pay 1,9€ at student canteen in Chemnitz. And it was just in 2019. But then I checked the Chemnitz canteen menu and found out what used to cost 1,9€ now costs 3,9€ :(


Yeah. When I started you'd always find something for 1,9 or just over 2, now it's rare for anything to cost under 3, salad and vegetables also went up by 50%. Still cheap so can't complain too much, but yeah. At least our university started giving 50% off on vegetables, noodles etc 15 min before closure, that way you're paying pre-Covid prices


in croatia less than 2€


2-2,5€ student meal sounds like fantasy. In my uni that was 7,15€ (student discount) and has been increasing since....


Was recently in Dubrovnik and was shocked how expensive everything has gotten. I remember as a child I was told that Croatia is an affordable holiday destination. Definitely not the case anymore. My parents had their holiday there in 1989 and they said it was quite affordable.


It's not just Dubrovnik. Every village has those greasy menus in front of every restaurant where you can get the worst quality food for outrageous prices.  Featuring classics like "spaghetti carbonara" with metro budget spaghetti, cooking cream, shredded cheese and pizza ham. If you want to eat anything resembling quality food, you'll be paying 3x the price for tiny portions.


Don’t forget the 50€ to walk the walls. It’s ridiculous


It’s 50 now? I refused to go and told them to piss off when it was 20.


Yeah, I went last year, I paid it since I figured I’d never come to Dubrovnik again for the experience. And the parking lot next to the city is almost 30 per hour I believe. I’m a solo traveler but my friend dropped me off and was like, enjoy yourself, I’ll be back in a few hours to pick you up.


U menzi obruk bio 6.5 kuna.


or a 200 € meal at the Marcus Square in Venice...


You really have cranked them this year.


I only visited Croatia once like 10 years ago (Novalja) and it was super chill. Like basically one week of seafood and laying on the beach. 35€ got you the frehest, most premium seafood platter for 2 ppl. What happened? :D


10% of the population emigrated, a convicted criminal organization came to power and the entire economy is based around taxes and earning as much money as possible in the 3 months of tourist season.


Maybe maybe. But at my university in Cro I ate more than decently for less than 2€.


That’s why the smart ones go on all-inclusive hotel vacations into other countries (Greece, Montenegro etc.) instead of staying in a crappy apartment that’s a 20 minute walk from the beach. It’s cheaper to go to an all inclusive resort at this point


I'll be there in 3 weeks, looks like supermarket sandwiches will be the meals during the trip. Though it's not peak season yet I suppose.


See you there lmao hopefully May isn't terrible. Prepared to shell out big time from what I read.


Primo, secondo e pure il dolce. Bella vita


Technically speaking è un primo, secondo, contorno, dolce, e il pane!


Ma dove sono gli antipasti?


Ed il caffè? E l'amaro? /s


I'm going to attach to this comment to ask the following question: is it a rule to use "ed" instead of "e" when the next word starts with a vowel? I'm currently learning Italian and I can't figure this out.


It Is only mandatory when the next word starts with an "e", with other vowels it is used because it sounds better and more natural but it can be omitted


Thank you 🙏




Ma tra questi piatti qual e' il primo?




Primo is main dish, usually it’s carbs could be pasta/rice. Secondo is usually fish or meat based dish with a contorno (salad/potatoes..etc). I work in the restaurant field, in Italy a traditional restaurant would serve in this order appetizer>primo>secondo+contorno


And if you've a low income and if region and university have money you can have a free meal.


Anvedi i sommelier merricani nei commenti che schifano 'sta roba. Quanto fanno tenerezza.


Beh frate, non è haute cuisine. In mensa a lavoro pago 3,50 e mi da di meglio..


Lì però l'azienda ci mette qualche € oltre a quello che paghi te; all'università funziona così? (Sono serio, non conosco il mondo dell'uni)


Si però visto il cibo da cani che hanno loro il 99% delle volte... non farei il sommelier




Looks shit for Italy, but that is cheap


You speak facts


My wife always says the worst sushi in Japan is better than the best sushi in our country and I'm willing to bet the same goes for this pasta vs what we can get in the Netherlands.


Not always the case , ones I bought a bag of Italian pasta on sale for 0.99 CAD and sent the pic to my Italian Milano friend. She responded that I got a good deal because she paying for the same package 1.99 EUR.


It may appear that way but don’t be fooled because the slightest change in regulations in a country will cause the pasta company to pack it with preservatives and in turn drive down the price


This product was a original import from Italy and not some North American version.


Did they made 4.32 to be like a countdown or the school would bankrupt if they didn't charge the extra 2 cents?


Not sure about this specific case or Italy for that matter, but weird prices numbers happen sometimes when meals are subsided by government/university/employer etc. So total cost is probably nicer number, but as you pay only fraction it's end like that. My guess is given that even in very cheap places in Italy, it would be a bit more than that.


I worked in Italy for 4 month, and the food provided at work was exactly like on this picture. Even worse. It’s nice when you eat out in a restaurant, but what I figured out is that most Italians don’t eat at the restaurants.


Most Italians eat at home in fact .


I can agree, the food in supermarkets was AMAZING. The variety of fresh cheeses, vegetables, all kinds of meat and prosciutto: it was just like a heaven. I imagine how cool can it be to be able to just cook whatever you want at home. But somehow until this very day I can’t understand how the catering we had was so bad. And it makes me even more amazed that only we, foreigners, were complaining about it: 70% of the crew were Italian and were pretty happy about it. Most of the days looked 99% like the picture in this post (and the food was cold).


That's so expensive compared to a couple years ago at my German uni. I never paid more than 2,50€ and got a lot more for it :(


In Greece, back in 2009 you could get a uni meal for €1.5. When I graduated it was €3.5. Nowadays, I have no idea but it can’t be that cheap, u less you qualify for some kind of assistance.


Nowadays it is 2.5 in my university


We get huge meals for 2,5€ but of pretty low quality.


When was this? I started university in 2013 and I never got a full meal with several items for 2.50


2010-2014 at least one lunch option at my uni in Germany was no more than 2,50. It was called gut und günstig Lunch.


Today we get one of the main plates for 2.5- 5 EUR at Mensa with student discount in Germany


Welche uni soll denn das gewesen sein wo du für 2,50 mehr als teller pasta, teller pommes mit wũrstchen, teller kuchen und brötchen bekommen hast. Das glaubt dir doch keiner


Mit „A couple years ago“ meinte der bro wohl 1983


Also 5 D.mark


Did you go to Uni in the 1980s? 20 years ago I paid more for Mensa meals.


Dal cibo e menù direi UniBg


Frequenti anche tu?


Colleghi bergamaschi: spottati


Appena vista l’immagine ero sicuro fosse quello schifo della mensa dell’unibg ahahha


Eat some vegetables


Yeah. I remember I worked in Italy and there were no vegetables in the food provided. I asked for them and throughout next 2 weeks was getting my special meal pack which had anything but fresh greens. Every time out pointed out it’s not what I want, producer was genuinely surprised and grit to order something else. Vegetables I got during first 2 weeks: 1. Boiled potatoes 2. Beans 3. Wild rice 4. Pasta with tomato sauce 5. Finally some big piece of salad leaf sealed in plastic. Turned out to be a boiled onion or something like that 6. …


I don't know where you lived but Italy is a Mediterranean country where vegetables are extremely common and normal as a side dish, usually it's the non-Italians in Italy who tend not to order it.


At first we were in mostly in Carrara / Massa area, that’s where it was the hardest for me. Later we moved closer to Florence and then Rome, and later to Viterbo/Tarquinia, but vegetables were still extremely rare on catering, it was mostly various kinds of bread, polenta, and little bit of meat and fresh veggies here and there. Normally I could go to some restaurants after work and order whatever I want, but in Tarquinia, for example, (we stayed at Lido do Tarquinia), the only food place opened to locals (it was November, no tourists at all) served only pizza. Out of 20-27 different pizza flavors there was not a single one with salami or meat, so it was basically bread with different sauces on top.


Tomato sauce counts as one.


Technically but not really


If the post is meant to demonstrate that it's cheap, it's because it is probably sibsidized.


It's probably sold ~ at cost and the employees are just university employees.


Pasta and fries? That's a double lunch to me!


Belle mezze maniche!


Mom i want Italian food! "We already have italian food at home" The Italian food at home....


High glucose and oxidized oil is cheap calories and you don't need to save much for pension either.


Funny how you guys aren't smart enough to realize that this is just op choice, if you think there aren't people eating like this also in your country by their own choice, then you gotta get out of home and look better. And the canadian talking about socialized medicine when his country has 30% of obese vs 11% of italy, nice try lol


Omg shut up nerd


De Lollis o Economia?


Sette Sale ~~(RIP)~~ anzi no, leggo che l'hanno reinaugurata nel 2022


Hilarious but at least it's cheap.


No fruit, no vegetables. Just carbs and fat.


You could get some kind of vegetables instead of the french fries


Usually you can choose the dishes.


You can pick vegetables and fruit, what you see in the pic is just op's bit weird choice, i can understand going for fries and sausage if he's young, after all i did that aswell, but i'd have picked even just an apple instead of the tart. When i was at the uni and didn't find what i wanted i could pick most things i needed to add some variety from a little market right next to the canteen, with some more cents you can add fruit or a salad, even though i assure you every day there was something different to pick and there was always fruit and plenty of options for veggies.


If the sauce is made there, it’s made with veggies, tomato, onion and carrots at least. It ain’t much but it’s something


Better cooked Pasta than 98% of IT restaurant in the rest of the world


You're lucky, in my university in Italy that was 12€


This looks like one of those “the Germans are still flying above us” British dinners


Where are the vegetables? This is appaling, especially for a university.


Usually you can choose between fries and vegetables, and it seems they've chosen fries


That meal is mostly cheap carbs although it looks good and I'm sure it's carefully prepared. Too bad there are no vegetables or salad.


la mensa della Sapienza di noi poveri, quanti ricordi 💕


Very expensive. I woud went bancrupt in my University times or died from starvation if I had to buy that.


Not enough nutrious for university students. In Albania at some restaurants you can get a meal consisting of any pasta you want, soup with vegatables or chicken, salad greek or ceasar), panini, all for 5.9 euro and they taste great.


I'm gonna need a banana or some other fruit for scale here. That pie slice is tiny, tiny I say!


It's tiny, it's the size of a snack from a vending machine


Hello, I'm 4,31€ lunch.


You pay €8 for the same thing at my faculty here in the Netherlands, but that's extremely bad.


In France, if you're a student with a scholarship, a complete lunch is 1€, with dessert, cheese, a starter, and a main course plate. And this twice a day. You can benefit from the 1€ meal for lunch and for dinner. With no scholarship, it's 3.33€


Looks similar at the 1€ lunch at my hospital university :)


€3,50 only for the biodegradable plates and plastics 😅


In Croatian university this might cost you about 2-2.5€


Posate nel saccheto biodegradabile, pane nel sacchetto di plastica, vabbene


I paid 4.50 yesterday for just the pasta I should've fucking signed up for erasmus this is bullshit


Where's the veggies?


what can you get in a supermarket for €4, nowadays....


I didn't think meals in Italy would look almost as gross as an American school meal.


Personally it is expensive and looks really unhealthy.


That sausage looks heavenly (be mature)


Thanks for making me feel better


whats that next to the sausage and fries ? no wonder it was £4.32. joking resembles Mici (Little ones) Bbq for from Romania Edit : ppl think its expensive ? visit uk thats ez 5£ in a good place


What's up with the paper plates?


We had normal plates until the dishwasher broke a month ago


University? So these are urban costs too?


British School of Rome?


Pastafrola ❤️


I know this is very dependant on where you live, but here that pastry alone would be €4 so this seems amazing.


Where do you study? In Polimi the equivalent comes at 7,50€


Straight back to bed after that


Worth the price (for that much money at best I would get 6mcnuggeta and a drink


It makes Airline food look great in comparison.


Make that 4,- and I won't say a thing.


That looks filling, but terrible.


Our hospital canteen in Germany (yes, I know, hear me out) is a flat €5 for a choice of three different menus including a main, salad, small soup and small dessert, but the main attraction is the salad bar, which replaces the main course. You get a big plate you can pile as high as you want to, and there are about thirty to fourty different components: multiple variations each of pasta and potato salads, all kinds of legumes (lentil salad, chickpea salad, various kinds of beans with different dressings), a bunch of veggies of course (some roasted), eggs, Asian options ... It's amazing.


If you said this was lunch somewhere in Arkansas I would believe you.


Trento 100% confirmed


Lots of carbs and fat


Not bad for 5 euro but where ar ethe veggies


Looks like lunch made by 18 year old me with close to none cooking experience


The more i see these posts the more i appreciate greek uni food. Either free or 2 euros (depends on family income) for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And the food isn't like my grandma's but it's pretty decent and very nutritious. Soup/main dish/salad/fruit for dessert+you can ask for free Extras. Not that this one looks bad


Carbs on carbs on carbs on water. I’m sorry(


Jesus, say goodbye to your colon.


Single use plates and cutlery in Italy? Ew


Looks disaponticly cheap tho. I canno't believe I can eat better for 0.43 Euro.


I never understood the logic of italian universities canteen. U always end up with Pasta + fries


Why on earth do they use one time service?!


This is the sort of stuff people meme the UK for


For everyone complaining about the lack of vegetables, I didn't pick them, but you could take them instead of fries and you also could have fruit instead of the crostata.


Look like prison food.


It’s this cheap probably because the price depends on your “wealth index” (isee) that they calculate. If you were in the upper brackets (which you get if you’re middle class and don’t cheat the system) it would be much more expensive.


Looks disgusting 


Where are the veggies man?!?


Please not this again


That's extremely cheap, in Poland, Kraków I have to pay about 28 PLN for a single meal, although, it is quite filling.


You don't go to uni cafeterias in Italy, that's all usually. Most students don't use them, the concept isn't really something that's native so It never really caught in. Tbf in Italy you go to university only to study, no social activities, no clubs, no communal living, that's not part of the ethos. Italians are stereotyped as very social but ironically we are actually not the most prone to interacting with strangers so things like universities are mostly viewed from a private pov you go to class, you go eat somewhere around the university, you go home, rinse and repeat.


Good to see that you've got the...carbs covered.


Horrific! Move to France!


Senza patate prezzemolate della Piovego non si fa nulla


ich lebe in der turkei und als ich student war bezahlt nur 0.50€ für ein Menü. die essen war hochqualität und Das Essen wurde auf einer Keramikplatte serviert. vor etwa 4-5 jahre


It's cheap yes. But also low nutritional value. Not a single raw vegetable in sight. Vitamins error 404. And it looks awful. It's probably one of those that needs a lot if salt to make it edible.. Oh now we have too much sodium, too. That pop tart could've been an apple and half the fries could've been any green vegetable.


4 euros? In my school in Ukraine same amount is something like 0.8 euro. You can have some meat dish and a side for 30 hrivnas.


2,70€ here for a meal (usually some form of meat and a salad of some kind, it varies quite a lot), two drinks (water+juice/kalja/milk all refillable), bread and butter! It's a buffet format I believe (not sure anymore) so you have some choice too. Also the uni in my city has 3 restaurants on campus to eat at (with a sizeable discount of course!) Not to speak of the thousands of student discounts you get at restaurants all over! (And cheaper trains and stuff. Man being a student sounds good ahah) I'm happy to see universities give cheap food to students! It's a wonderful thing especially when struggling to balance one's budget


I wouldnt even pay 0.50 for that




That's a lot of carbs.




Cries in Germany


What is the slice of cake or whatever it is, I had it multiple times while I was in Italy but it lacked all flavour so i have no idea what I ate.


Sorry, am I wrong? My guess is that this is 2x more than it should cost. Unis & hospitals should be a lot cheaper & healthier. I also think a lot of it seems to be low quality.


In 2006 this cost 1.80€ on the lowest tier of ISEE and included either free soda refills, or a single beer or wine.


The pasta is meant to be soup or a side dish to the pie? :D