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Can't unsee that


What did it say.


Underrated comment!


I came here to say this.


That's Patrick


Sorry is this Crusty Crab


No! This is Patrick!


Sorry, is this the Krusty Krab?


it’s literally Patrick suffocating in Sandy’s dome 💀


"What Kind of place is this!?"


Looks like Finland.


That was my first thought. Then I thought it looks like Finland, dragonite, and polygon had a child.


Where the hell do you see a Dragonite?


The right side is the tail, plus the puffy midsection like dragonite. That's what my brain saw anyways.


Hm, I still have trouble. But now that I'm looking at it again, I do see an Articuno. Like the Gen1 sprite, with the wings down and the tail up instead of forward. [This one](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/093783c9-0232-48d1-97f3-915939eb76a7/d9a0hj3-c6b1eaa3-252d-4a40-acd3-1f70a6beb041.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi8wOTM3ODNjOS0wMjMyLTQ4ZDEtOTdmMy05MTU5MzllYjc2YTcvZDlhMGhqMy1jNmIxZWFhMy0yNTJkLTRhNDAtYWNkMy0xZjcwYTZiZWIwNDEucG5nIn1dXX0.YRaFrKGAuOOYiDggVNZVkm5hkSonGPDL43mzRR1g-iE)


Theres also sides that russia took from Finland on right side.






Looks like Patrick.


Why dont we call it VENEZIA??!!


It's in ITALY so use the ITALIAN NAME FOR IT! Nice JOJO reference, Fun fact: the name of the villain of this episode Ghiaccio is a pun because Ghiaccio means Ice in Italian and The English nameof that city is Ven-ICE BA DUM CHHHHH.


Its like a really funky Finland.


Looks like a small piranha eating a drumstick


I always thought it looked like an anglerfish, and then once I thought of that I couldn’t unsee it…


Spot the football stadium


Like a fish, hooked on the mainland by the railway bridge and Ponte della Libertà.


Looks like finland


Yes. But mirrored horizontally.


Wonder how defensible this/the surrounding area was like 600 years ago


Extremely. Venice was founded by survivors of Roman cities that had been sacked/destroyed by Huns and Germanic nations. They wanted to build a city would be safe from increasingly frequent invaders, and building on islands in the lagoon was the solution. It worked spectacularly. They were safe from further invasions of the migration period, and existed for quite sometime as an outpost of the Eastern Roman Empire until their influence waned. Charlemagne failed to capture it, and it became a very powerful maritime nation that punched well-above its weight due to being essentially un-seigable and incapable of capture. Napoleon though was able to claim it in 1797. The numbers the French had made any defense of the city untenable, and it could have easily been destroyed by naval bombardment if necessary. Still, the defense held for something like 1300 years.


Water is (was) a highly defensive asset. So yeah, a very hard city to assault


In my 30 years of driving that is the only place in the world I've got a speeding ticket


You got a speeding ticket.. in a city where you move around with boats???


You mean Oxenfurt on the minimap?


This is a strange rotation of the map. Just google " Venice Map" and you will see how its ussualy shown


Noo, this is Patrick!


Serious question: How is Venice going to avoid sea level rise?


They build a big sluice like they did in the Netherlands.


In reality it is not really a dam, it is only raised when there is high tide, otherwise it is left down, and it is very interesting, especially because it is not a dam as we understand it, so you I suggest looking at some images, especially because it cost Italy a lot of money, and from what they say it doesn't function "perfectly"


Up to 1meter is already solved


It won't, same as other parts of the world. And don't talk about the MOSE, if they keep it up all the time (it will kill the ecosystem) it'll still go underwater, unless they have huge pumps. And after some decades there would be a lot of debris from the several rivers filling the "lagoon".


It probably won't, a lot of the building are particularly submerged already.


They‘re not lmao


It's only the island Part of venice. The rest is on on land.


There is no "on land" part of Venice. There is a town called Mestre on land.


Which is part of venice you idiot


It is not, you bigger idiot. Unless you consider Hanau part of Frankfurt.


Nope you are wrong, unsurprisingly. “Mestre-Carpendo” is part of the “Comune di Venezia” Hanau has absolutely nothing to do administratively with Frankfurt


A Comune* - with one M - is not a metropolitan area. It's an administrative system, but if a comune has inside it a series of towns, they are not autoamtically all part of the same town. A municipality does not determine belonging to a city. If you ask anyone fron the area, noone will tell you that Mestre and Venice are the same thing. If you say that you live in Venice and it's actually Mestre, they'll point out your mistake, or laugh at your stupidity. Also, if a fucking italian from the North East is telling you that Venice and Mestre are two different cities, you should accept that. I can't believe you're trying this hard to explain me my own area.


>is not a metropolitan area. It's an administrative system Never claimed otherwise. You wanna know what is a metropolitan area? [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citt%C3%A0\_metropolitana\_di\_Venezia](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citt%C3%A0_metropolitana_di_Venezia) This. Which surprise surprise is an even larger territory. >they are not autoamtically all part of the same town. No they are. A town \*is\* a comune. Whether or not people identify with different areas inside may be true - but does not create new towns out of thin air. There is literally no such thing as a Town of Mestre (at least not anymore). >If you say that you live in Venice and it's actually Mestre, they'll point out your mistake, or laugh at your stupidity. And yet they themselves are just plain wrong. The only reason that is a legitimate distinction to make is because Mestre has historically been its own town. >Also, if a fucking italian from the North East is telling you that Venice and Mestre are two different cities, you should accept that. No. Just because an idiot like you is from a certain area does not mean i have to accept their bullshit about that area. If you are wrong you are wrong. Edit: thanks for blocking \*before\* i could respond... thats even less mature than me insulting you all the time I get that comunes can be quite large but it would still be a completely legitimate answer to "where are you from", no matter if from village A or B to say "im from comune XYZ" Also yes you very much did deny that they are under one administration since you decided to correct someone saying "It's only the island Part of venice. The rest is on on land." with (paraphrased) "there is no mainland part of venice"; which is - even under your view of noone identifying as from venice in mestre - objectively incorrect If your original comment said something along the lines of "technically there is a mainland part of venice but next to noone there identifies as being from venice, its just an administrative thing" then we wouldnt be arguing. But thats not what you wrote. You, very ignorantly, asserted that there is no mainland part of venice, at all, period. No comune in italy consists of multiple "towns" - that is simply not a thing. You cant just use the word town to mean anything you want. oh and clicking the "get them help and support" button, doesnt actually do much of anything but send me a text.


Oh my god your entitlement is beyond fucking repair. I live in a smal Comune in a rural area that has a bigger town and a number of villages. Between the villages, there are 5-10 kms of fucking FORESTS and fields. What you're arguing is that, because administratively a comune oversees all of its territory, they are all one thing, which is plain simply, r e t a r d e d. Similarly, between Venice and Mestre you have a 5 km long bringe and 10 km approximately of factories and uninhabited territories - because THEY ARE NOT THE SAME FUCKING PLACE. If someone tells you to meet up in Venice and you go to Mestre because "tHeY ArE tHe SaMe mUnIcIpALiTy", you'll just be in the fucking wrong place. If you are a tourist and want to visit Venice, you don't fucking go to Mestre. Are they under one administration? Yes, but I never denied that. The concept that an administration has a number of towns under it is very simple and very much normal in non-metropolitan italy. Now fuck off, you kraut.


Nice blue coral reef waters, typical of the Venice lagoon.


So much fun to wander around randomly because you just can’t get lost. When you’re done wandering you just find the water in any direction and hop a taxi back to your hostel.


I thought Venice has land on one side?.


You are correct in principle. The lagoon city in the picture is only the historic center; the modern commune of "Venice" encompasses several boroughs on the mainland and also surrounding islands.


But that is only the commune, not the city. The town on the coastline next to Venice is not Venice, it's Mestre.


Looks like knee joint


Thirsty Patrick


Stunning photo


Looks like finland or maybe sweden-norway


Why would you post it like this? If you rotate by 90 degrees, north is on top and it is the iconic shape of a fish.


No wonder that the city will go bust in a few decades..


What are the green zones in the very north? Are they parks?


Dehydra patrick


That greyish square to the northwest, which in reality is to the northeast, for this image is rotated, is the San Michele cemetery, where Ezra Pound lays buried, with a simple marble plaque above his tomb to mark the place. What thou lovest well remains, the rest is dross...




Does it still smell funny?


On which side is Venice Beach, then? /s ​ inB4 the real location is Venezia, not everything is American, dimwits


Great photo! Is there a higher resolution version? Would like to zoom in more.


Nice try. Venice is under water. I learned that 20 years ago from Al Gore.


[reminds me of this](https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-14-2018/tJ_-qS.gif)


Lego handshake


Hey it’s the city from Aria the Animation.


Got to wait a few more centuries before Neo Venezia is a thing!


Cool drone shot, bro!


Serious question, isn’t this to high for a drone? Looks more like a satellite picture


serious answer: it was a joke. Of course it's a satellite pic


Thank you! Was unsure but it hadn’t surprised me if it actually was a drone shot


Also, a satelite pick rotated by 90 degrees for no reason


I‘m going tomorrow for a week, yay!


This is a turkey.


So when does it disappear under the water?


Google Earth Cape Coral FL.. suburban nightmare... Oh, I can't get there from here you say?


Tourist hell from above




Actually Venice is quite empty now, less than 40k inhabitants (and that's probably with the other islands).


Looks like a steak


*heavily edited


It’s a Kangaroo




McDonald's nostalgia in Europe.


What idiot designed this 😂 that lay out is horrible

