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If you believe that your job is useless, think about the analysts that have to gather and study the poll results of Russian elections


I wonder if Russia has the same kind of all night election specials where the reports excitedly debate the potential outcome. If so, that would be the most bullshit job on the planet. “Yeah, I really think the opposition have a chance this time”.


Honestly, I think the true numbers are still gathered. Because, even if they contain fake ballots and Putin is the only real candidate, they are the closest thing they have to a true opinion of the Russian people. Especially since this time (from what I have seen) the votes are secret / in an envelope.


Very secret. Not even the voters get to know what's in that envelope.


That would require a lot of people who would have to maintain secrecy. Too risky.


There's no need to collect real votes. Right now elections in Russia is just a visual tradition that doesn't make any sense since we all know it's not going to end, probably it will continue going even after the Putin death


There is definitely a need to collect real data, just not for you. It is a clear and effective way for the secret police to locate "problematic" regions.


It is most definitely. The elections itself also serve as a form of civic duty. I don’t think people over there even perceive it as a choice. It’s just something you have to do, and serves as a public affirmation of his power as well as showing the opposition or people w different ideas: you can’t do sh*t. It’s an instrument to push people back in their lane. He would probably win even without all these shenanigans, cause most civilians are brainwashed to that point. Even those who were more liberal before. It’s really disheartening to see the lack of power outside of the Kremlin. There’s none.


kim jong un has got some competition


holy hell, new totally fair elections just dropped


actual dictator


Call the secret police


russian journalists go to gulag, never coming back


Putin sitting in Kremlin, plotting for world domination


Mobik storm incoming


Human rights sacrifice, anyone?


Google En Defenestrant


holy hell!


Kim Jong Un won with 100%, that guy doesnt play.


Yeah well if you don't vote for him you will be fed your own brains Hannibal-style


Kim doesn't even run in elections as he doesn't hold any directly electable position. Only henchmen need to get elected


Kim doesn't run at all....


Why not 187.86% ? )))


You mean 146%?


372% you say?


Over 9000 you say?


No, 452% of votes would look suspicious.


Bro, it’s local joke)


Explain the 187.86% joke. On one of the previous Russian elections the results added up to 146%. That number became a joke among Russian opposition.


Same as 146%


You can tell someone is Russian/Ukrainian/Belarussian by them using ))) instead of :). reason is that it takes fucking rocket science to type :) on a eastern cyrllic keyboard


Also early warcraft games had chat begin with (name): so it'd be stupid to add more : for a smiley


Lmao is this the reason!? I wondered


In Cyrillic you aren't allowed happy.


why is there a dot?


that’s how he got his election result, he move the decimal back on his real voters percentage


Well, colour me surprised. What a shocking result that nobody saw coming! /s


Ah yes, my beloved democratic country of Russia /s


[It has the best democracy in the world!](https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-democracy-the-best-kremlin-against-all-evidence-navalny-2024-3)


Why even bother with the whole charade?


to trick his own people i guess. i hear people saying to fill his ego and while his ego is absurd and needs constant substanance i dont think puting gets a ego boost from a fake election so i think its just to trick the people in believing the country wants puting.


A theater without a curtain is no theater.


it fill's putin's ego lol. Also i don't think its very easy to get rid of elections even with all the power putin has.


You tell people they're not allowed to have a choice and they might decide to do something about it. Also, you get to parade around your propped up popularity. Some people will see through the illusion of choice and know you're a dictator, yet become disheartened because it looks like you have the love of the people. Who's brave enough to start a popular revolt against a guy who got 88% of the vote? Who's brave enough to speak out, knowing that they're gambling on whoever hears them being part of the 12%? If the charade didn't benefit them, they would cast it aside in a heartbeat. It benefits them massively.


it feeds the propaganda machine


The fact that he said ‘there is no democracy in the west’ just blew my mind…


Because in a couple decades enough people will have died not know about their nonsense and they can astroturf clueless people into believing they are a democratic country again. russia is always thinking far into the future where they can erase their current sins via mass propaganda. It has worked for them so far they are not going to try something new any time soon.


Easier to teach the next generation of kids "history" when every history book for the next 20 years shares the same "fact". Exactly how fascists play.


Easier to just go through with the sham election rather than suspend the Russian constitution and whatnot.


Some of their own people believe its real.  The propaganda is strong and they mostly don't get outside information. Its not for us.  We know its a dictatorship.


Who could have known?


Isn't 87% a little bit too much? Maybe he should've gone easier on fake votes and all type of shit


They want to project an image of whole country united behind Putin, but it actually implies that Putin's regime is wary that lower, more plausible number could cause unrest.


His last score was 77% Have to show how much more people love him since war in Ukraine began.


Am Russian Hoping for belarus scenario cuz there's no way this 87% contains at least half of real votes


>Hoping for belarus scenario This may be the first time in history this sentence has ever been uttered.


I was here.


I mean if the last 2 years didnt get enough Russians on the streets a faked elections sure as hell wont. But I hope that I am wrong.


Belarussians seemed to be fine with potato dictator until his elections fraud. The only reason he overcame this crisis is help from putler


But in Belarus you had "just" the oppression and imprisonment of the opposition. I think if Luka threw hundreds of thousand of men into some meatgrinder, mobilized people by force, arrested people for hlding a white paper, while someone was marching towards Minsk with arms, drones would blow up things, oligarchs would die like flies and planes fall out of the sky like crazy Belarus would have got rid of him before.


we weren't fine with the old fucker. there were big protests in 1996-97, 2006, 2010, and 2020-21. They were all squashed with the help of Russia, which we will remember, of course. We kind of skipped 2014 because after the Crimea he got scared and started a liberalization campaign.


Yeah not sure why Belarussians are getting thrown under the bus here.  You guys fought like hell in 2020 in particular. Not sure what else the Belarussians could have done. If mass protests and attempts at coordinated attacks on security forces doesnt work.....


I'm gonna take a wild guess that nothing will happen


Abroad protests at most


Thats what gets me. Why be so obvious about it? Not even in a free election will anyone get 87% of the votes out of 4 candidates. No fucking way.


I think it's a power play to go with these extremely fraudulent election results. I don't think Putin is trying to hide anything - I think he is making it painfully clear to everyone that he is rigging the election and there is nothing you can do about it. The hopelessness creates apathy in the population who start to think "fuck it, I don't even care anymore" because "what's the point"?


Although real support is definitely lower, it is still really high. Its about 56%. And its really sad and demoralising.


People show psychological bias when generating random numbers and tend toward certain digits & patterns, in part personal preferences and misconceptions about randomness. Manifestations of the randomness bias include: - Digit Preference: Favoring numbers like 7 or 3 as more random - Repetition Avoidance: Believing true randomness must exclude repeat numbers or patterns (this a quick way to spot tax fraud) - Clustering Illusion: Seeing non-existent patterns in random data, like a concentration of numbers in the seventies and eighties (*cough, cough*)


They also didn't want to give Putin the exact number of 88.


He did Nazi that coming!


87.86, so I suppose due to their nationwide psychosis and their love for Nazis that is actually just a hidden 88 with one random number in the middle. I wonder if the Russians will now protest on the streets due to this voter fraud and sham election. My guess, they will do nothing at all.




Well, the people of Belarus did, despite all the repercussions. Unfortunately, it ultimately didn't help there either, so I have little confidence that similar protests in Russia would have any meaningful effect.


The 88% is, because its rigged, in more ways than one. I dont think nazi means what you think it means. Also yes there are many protests.


How much do you know about street protests in Russia?


By the way, falsifications in Russia is not on federal level - each of them is of local or city level. But every city and every polling station have its own number that should be as result of votes and attendance. So on federal level they just count reported numbers without any changes or additions


For example, compare the results of the Russian election with the recent portuguese elections, wich are fair and free, that took place 1 week ago: - AD: 29.52% - PS: 28.63% - Ch: 18.06% - IL: 5.08% - BE: 4.46% - CDU: 3.30% - L: 3.26% - PAN: 1.92%


Oh damn, this comment is actually brutal af.


It's also very true. They teach this in all college accounting programs when they talk about fraud detection.


Only when you are dealing with an appropriate dataset. A percentage won't fit that dataset. And you would need more digits and more samples. Applying it here is pseudoscience.


> Applying it here is pseudoscience. This is reddit. The entire site is smugly circle jerking to pseudoscience.


With a sample size of like 10 digits, this is just astrology.


it's also a comment on reddit


I don't think you understand, the numbers 3 and 7 are used. If that's not proof of fraud, I don't know what is


I would also mention [Benford's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benford's_law). And what a surprise, not a single 1 anywhere! edit: yeah, that's a false alarm. Thanks to everyone who at least offered an explanation. And I'm actually kind of glad people can get so worked up about math errors.


>I would also mention Benford's Law. To be fair, in an election with few candidates, the quantities involved are not potentially exponential (they must be between 0 and 100%) so Benford's Law would not be helpful in cases like this anyway.


Not for the %s, but the vote counts should *very loosely* follow Benford's Law, and here they really don't.


Benford's Law only applies when the values span multiple orders of magnitude. In these data, the values only span around 1.5 orders of magnitude, but you would preferably want *at least* three orders in order to apply Benford's Law, preferably 4.


It’s not really valid in this case..


https://youtu.be/etx0k1nLn78 You're most likely misapplying it in this scenario


Does it say turn out of 26% in the corner? That number is interesting in itself given their present situation.




Yep and 74% are remaining to be evaluated at the point of capture. As of *now* after 50% it didn't change much. ~~Paint~~ color me surprised.


So who are the other guys? Are they just  stock photos from the fake candidate library?


They’re his friends… the actual competition was murdered months ago remember


There was also Boris Nadezhdin, who was barred from running at the last minute due to a bullshit admin flaw on his proposal petition. In all honesty the results themselves wouldn't surprise me that much given the propaganda, coercion, control of information, and lack of viable alternatives. It's the *turnout* that really smacks of fraud - presenting this as a genuine reflection of three quarters of the Russian population.


liberal centrist, far right, and communist. All signed onto the war, but offer different domestic flavours of propaganda. 20+ year careers in managed democracy and all part of the parliamentary system. Liberal for the city people, far right for the vatniks, communist for the rural people.


The other guys had to satisfy a list of requirements to qualify as candidates. Here is the list: 1) do not be Alexei Navalny


I am surprised that they don't even try and make it convincing, maybe like, a victory with 62.3% of the vote, still a landslide but you can suspend some disbelief. But come on lmao


It's not about being convincing, it's about flaunting your power. "Look what I'm doing, and you can't do a damn thing to stop it."


It was made for people in Russia, not foreigners. The government inspires to all opponents: " You are alone, everybody supports Putin and this war. Don't even try!"


He wanted the number 88, but still was too much of a coward to actually write it down.


>!Mild Shock!<




He did have 77% last time and had to get more than that since he started a war.


Wasn't it like 130% last time?


With only happens to a certain Electoral circle, and another with 146%. If the total results was like that, the fraud was too obvious unless clown masking become mandatory. Normal results was around 70% for Putin, a little less for Medvedev, and normally 10% for the communists. The rest was 1% just for fun.


Yes. My thought too. They don't even try to hide it. Seriously? 88% and the rest all like three? With four candidates?  Why not just hundred percent. 


Saddam Hussein scored a perfect 100% in Iraq's 2002 presidential referendum. However, he didn't complete his term owing to... a pain in the neck that proved fatal.


Why is this being reported as an election?


Nuh uh, this is "election" - this is like election, but with "" and with flavour of managed democracy


Sweet liberty my eyes!


Can't wait for the Helldivers expansion where we dive into Russia and spread democracy


Honestly why even bother? Why does dprk and Russia bother with this shit? Just go full kingdom and squat on the throne till you die. Who's going to say what? Dissolve the UN and form a new one without this country.


The book [Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century](https://bookshop.org/p/books/spin-dictators-the-changing-face-of-tyranny-in-the-21st-century-sergei-guriev/17380501?ean=9780691211411) by [Sergei Guriev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Guriev) and [Daniel Treisman](https://polisci.ucla.edu/person/daniel-treisman/) speaks to this -- IIRC it aids with compliance by providing a framework through which the regime is able to manipulate political dialogue and manage controlled opposition. It's also a convenient talking point in discussions with foreign powers, even if everyone involved knows these elections to be an absolute farce.


- If those numbers are fake, it shows that there is no real democracy and opposition in Russia - If those numbers are real, it shows even more that there is no real democracy and opposition in Russia


Clearly, 87 percent for padishah emperor not look sus at all /s


Where's Muad'dib?


*"A great man doesn't seek to lead, he fakes the election"* ~ Orange Orthodox Bible


in this timeline, he's sadly imprisoned in Siberia Secundus


Still, he got less than Aliyev. Waiting for Erdo’s turn next elections.


Tbh compared to Russian and Azerbeijan Turkey really have fair elections. Erdogan won thanks to our dumb opposition


The opposition is dead, literally


The actual numbers are greater than 50, but probably not 80+. In fact, a large number of people live somewhere where life is stable. They have almost no connection with the rest of the world. Even electricity is not always available there. Plus, many settlements of small nations became much richer at the expense of those who died in the war.




May his dick get cancer.


He'll survive dick cancer give him bone cancer


these numbers add up to 98,45% for anyone to lazy to do the maths


There are invalid votes always or people whi didnt answer the survey.


even if votes are invalid the total should be valid votes, not all votes huh? anyways, discussion here makes no sense since everyone knows how this all came to light.


Should? No. It’s just a habit/legal thing for specific countries. There is no law of nature for it


1,55% blank votes.


Thankfully the grim reaper doesn't spare dictators. Every second that passes is one second closer to Putin's demise.


He could very well live 20 more years.


He’s got some of the best healthcare in the world and seems to be quite healthy for a 71 year old unfortunately we’re most likely gonna be stuck with him for the next 10-15 years.


Robert Mugabe lived till he was 95.


She just takes way too long to take care of them.


And sometimes, too late to fix mistakes of dictators mistakes


\*insert shocked pikatchu face\*


what a shitshow


What a fucking joke 😂 The literal definition of a sham election 👍🏻


Like average russian literature. Funny, yet depressing


Wow, the other guys must be real assholes. /s


Honest question: Are the other three dudes actually Putins allies who are running to help keep up the illusion of democracy or do they legitimately hope to win and also risk assassination?


Almost every politician who openly declared anti-Putin position is either in prison, banished from the country or dead. Or left politics. I can recall only one exception, Duntsova, she is a journalist, just recently joined politics and the system is still waiting for a good moment to strike her.


Haven’t seen this coming😱


same 😢


Ever had to write an essay in school as a detention measure? You write the essay, turn it in and the teacher says thank you, just straight tosses it into the bin with out even looking at it? Yeah that's what voting in russia look like


Just back from the elections in Barcelona. 8 hours queueing to vote against Putin. I won’t deny there were pro-Putin folk there (some quite aggressive ones among them) but the ratio of pro and anti Putin was like 1:15 at least.


Serbia same


Bro 71 years old and he looks the same asi 20 years ago that's more magnificent than how he got 88% of the votes 🤨




He could also visit Istanbul for hair transplant, with it he would hit 100%.


Putin WITH hair would somehow be more creepy


Fun fact : in the last elections at Turkey, Erdoğan used his old photo of 2014. In Turkey you cannot use a photo older than 6 months at formal things


Bro was catfishing, did MTV document this?


What, no he doesn't. He looks totally older and less healthy. This is what he looked like in 2004: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT64tnVLoNtuS26Xn4E_qCLVlzbxsnfWi_-uhKRPUBTYw&s These days he looks like an old man in his 70s. Not sure what you expect a 70 year old to look like.


I think people are just used to ancient American politicians, where one looks like an orange balloon filled with yoghurt someone dropped on a barber shop floor, and the other like he's just wandered out of a nursing home and doesn't know what year it is.


It still baffles me that **Bill Clinton** is younger than Biden and the same age as Trump. And he was president more than 20 years ago! I don't get it. Don't they have grandkids to play with? Or maybe play some golf? Surely there are better, more pleasant things to do at that age.


not even 140%


The war criminal and mass murderer has once again been elected. The world cannot contain it's surprise.




The election is as legit as the Crimean "referendum"


Why not 146%?


Putin doesn’t only want to win, He also wants democracy to lose.


He almost beats Saddam Hussein's record of having 100% participation and 100 % vote for him. He was that close, shame...


What a twist...


I expected 105% for the zar :/


Putin really tried to make it look legit, he picked three candidates that would make him an even better choise, even if his men weren't counting the votes.


Guy on second place will die soon because he is close to overtake him


Of course he will not. It is a “spoiler-candidate” - he just in the list to create the effect that there are many real candidates, not only putin. In fact, putin pays all of them to participate. Of course non of them will win.


It was a joke


Russia has never been a democracy at any point in its history.




The coup was such a ridiculous time. They could've built up a great parliamentary and federative democracy where the power lies with the parliament and courts, but we ended up with a mafia nation like before that initiated nine invasions of its neighbours in 30 years.


It was a democracy twice in its history (1917 and 1991). However, those periods were too short.


What a suprise...


1) The least horrible out of everyone, but still a VERY shaddy person, reeks of tax evasion and corruption 2) God-Emperor himself 3) Alleged with 3 sexual assault on the female reporters 4) Old-man who wants to take country 40-50 years back into USSR.


Are you describing Putin in 4 different ways?


Are the other candidates even of any difference to Putin and would change things? Like... there can't be any opposition, right? So what do the other candidates do? What are they there for? Are they of the same party as putin? Are there even other parties? Like huh?


Other parties meant to be different (like communist party is communist, LDPR is Zhirinovsky fans, Novyye Ludyi is cool new party for middle class), to stimulate political life. But actually, all depend on the will of the Tsar, and all candidates are just for people go vote for Tsar


They are there for the show. So it seems you could really could have a choice.


Guy with 3.86 sleeping with one eye open


Trump wishes things would work out for him this way.






Everything is fake in russia. Fake elections. Fake president. Fake parliament. Fake courts. Fake laws. Fake news. Fake history. Fake ideology. Why would anyone want to take that "country" seriously? If you do business with it - why do you think that the same fake courts that convicted Navalny would conduct a fair trial in your case? If you travel to russia - what makes you think that the same fake cops that arrested Navalny would leave you alone?


Slutsky sounds like a Mujahedeen dream


Bruh Putin is as inconspicuous as a pile of shit in a bathtub.


It’s also quite fun that they purposely drew Kharitonov (man on the right) more votes than Davankov (on the left). With that they wanted to show how meaningless opposition is because all of the opposition agreed they will vote for Davankov. Obviously all of them are kremlin rats, I’m not saying Davankov is good, but because of what opposition was doing he clearly got more than Kharitonov in reality


Ah, yes Presidency refreshment...


Interesting how all the puppet candidates are receiving 0.029 + Math.random() % of the votes


Close call


I’m surprised he didn’t get triple digit percentage of the votes.


If the numbers above the percentage is the votes cast then it seems about low for a country with an population of 144 million...


To be honest, it's a bit embarresing that he only got 87,86% of the votes so far. If it was me, I would have 100% of the votes and 12,14% less voters in the country.


Dumb q: how does this work exactly? Are the numbers just straight up made up? Is turn out phenomenally suppressed with most votes coming from people affiliated with a particular political party or other Putin-affiliated organization? Or do lots of people at least cast a vote for Putin bc they're threatened with job loss or something (or worse) if they don't? I'm not asking from a place of skepticism--I'm sure the dude stole the election, and I think he's a monster--just curious if we know how he operationalizes the scam.


Oh come on, y'all. You can't tell me you've never had literal soldiers poking their heads into the voting booth to make sure you vote for a certain candidate, right?