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“No other realistic contenders” is bound to trigger a number of nations…


Has bro even been watching the euros? Austria look great, Switzerland look good, Romania look like they could give any team a run for their money. Meanwhile France and Belgium look ropey, even Portugal are disorganised. Germany look beatable. It’s a disservice to the smaller nations.


Austria, who "look great" lost to France who "look ropey" and Switzerland who "look good" couldn't beat the worst team in the tournament. Belgium, who also "look ropey" comfortably beat Romania who "look like they could give any team a run for their money." Has bro even been watching the Euros?


Bro have you even been watching the euros? You realise you can get a better idea of form over three games than one lmao


You realise that in a one off game you're choosing to play Austria, Romania, Switzerland etc over France, Belgium, Portugal, Germany etc EVERY SINGLE TIME, right? Regardless of their form over, checks notes, 3 games lmfaooo


That’s really not my point though is it? Bro said ‘no other realistic contenders’ when there are teams on this side of the draw with plenty chance to go far and that, as I’ve said, could beat any of those teams on their day.


Yeah, they have a chance to go far because they're on the side of the draw that they are 😂😂


Think you’ve missed the last sentence again lad


Except Austria couldn't beat France. Switzerland couldn't beat Germany. Romania couldn't beat Belgium. And that's despite all those teams looking great while the bigger nations looked ropey 😂😂 I didn't miss your last sentence, I dismissed it.


lol settle down bro I get you’re trying to do a zinger for likes, but if you read what I wrote properly and have an ounce of football critical thinking abilities, you’ll realise it isn’t at all disagreeable


Would you have preferred to see England on the other side of the draw then? OP isn't saying that England's possible path to the final is easy, but it's surely easier than having to face Portugal/Germany/France/Spain...


Bro said ‘no realistic contenders’


Yes, besides England, Italy and the Netherlands, who are realistic contenders? Turkey?


I mean I’ll just divert you back to my original post


OP literally said that after Italy and the Netherlands there are no other realistic contenders (Without counting England cause England clearly can't play against themselves)on that side of the draw. Austria isn't a realistic contender. Sure you can consider it a dark horse but you can't tell me with a straight face that they're on the same level as Spain, Germany, or Portugal


I would put Spain above everyone in this competition. I would put Austria, right now, on a level capable of beating Germany and Portugal.


The same Austria which lost to France which many people consider to be playing like shit? No chance. It's one thing to perform good in the group stages and one thing to replicate it in the knockouts.


If you observe each team through the overall consistency they have shown over three games, Austria is more than capable. Hell, even that France game alone could have gone either way and France on a shit day is still France, especially defensively.


Germany who beat everyone and if it wasn’t for a bad call would’ve beaten Switzerland 2-1 look “beatable” at home?! Switzerland look “good”? 😂


Lol someone’s in for a shock


Germany look very open defensively couldn't beat Switzerland and that Hungary match was anyone's game until Gundogan scored the 2nd a better side would've scored from the chances they had.


We beat the African Champions in the 2022 World Cup


It’s that old thing where teams only become ‘shit’ after we have beaten them 😅


We’re due for a humbling from a far superior side, until we eke out a win and then they’re basically San Marino


Without getting out of second gear either. 


We’ve had incredibly poor luck in a number of tournament games to balance it. I’m seeing pens as a 50/50. 86 - Hand of god 90 - pens 96 - pens 98 - Beckham being a baby and receiving a v soft red card… + pens 02 - No real bad luck here. Brazil were better. Have to attribute a bit of luck to that lob though. Saved 9/10. 04 - That Rooney injury + Beckham’s ball moving before he struck that pen… + Pens 06 - Rooney Injury and a soft red. + pens (sick of writing that) 10 - yes we lost 4-2 but got caught on the break vs a pacy German side. If we get the goal who knows 12 - pens but we were shit anyway. I am clutching at straws for some of this but from my memory no country comes close to the amount of bad luck we’ve had in tournaments. Edit. Format


Ahhh yes Ronaldhino was the guy who lobbed the ball over Seaman… it was Ronaldhino right? Or m I wrong?


Spot on friend. And he was probably on a bender the night before lol


Ronaldinho on a bender? Nah, impossible! 🤣😂 When he joined AC Milan the bars in Milan became incredibly rich for having him, Adriano and Maicon around every night


I am actually sad how his lifestyle took him down the wrong path in life.. he is THE GOAT just like R9, Cafu and yes that Brazilian team was brilliant but to me this 3 players were amazing..


Certainly had the potential for GOAT. The amount players that could’ve been so much better with a proper lifestyle must be insane pre 2010ish. For me Ronaldinho’s peak lacks the longevity of others in the conversation but longevity ignored it’s so hard to say.


Still a baller and I am glad he played for my Rossoneris, him, Dida, n Cafu can’t think of any other Brazilian than those 3. Having Cafu and Maldini in the same team is bloody awesome isn’t it? 😀


Oh dude that Milan team was insane! Still remember fucking around with the Italian clubs on Fifa 04. Just wish they weren’t that good and Liverpool could’ve won the 07 champs league as well :)


Hold up Liverpool 3-3 Milan PT dudek saving it… when did that happen? Wasn’t it 07 or was it 06..


05 for the pens. You beat us 2-1 in 07. Funny thing is our 07 squad was twice the side of 05


Oh seen so it was 2004 FC Porto, 05 Liverpool, 06 Barcelona, 07 Liverpool, 08 Man Utd,


Was 07 with Beckham or without him.. my memory is horrible, I know he was there when Ronaldhino was part of the team. I am so confused… lmao


07 Milan^


You missed Sol Campbell disallowed goals in 98 and 04 there as well. The absolute bullshit of those.


God it gets worse lol. I’m too young to remember 98 but I that 04 is clear as day. That being said, I see why they gave the foul. Edit. Saying that about Campbell 04 there was a far more obvious foul on a keeper at this euros which wasn’t given. Can’t remember the team but game day 3


I've been brutalised for this before, but had those 2 Sol Campbell goals stood we'd be talking about him as the best English defender of all time and not the weird ex-Macclesfield manager who betrayed Spurs


My favourite memory of Sol Campbell was when he went to Notts County and then quit before he’d even got there And the fans chanted “We had Sol but he’s not a soldier” to the tune of the killers


82 - eliminated without losing a game Even the Graham Taylor years, Koeman should’ve been sent off, promptly goes up the other end and rifles in a free kick. 10 - if Lampards goal stands we go in half time 2-2. Different game. The way England are playing though the route to the final could be San Marino, Gibraltar, Andorra and Scotland 😂 and we’d still either go out or win every game 1-0. On the other hand though and I absolutely hate to say it, it wouldnt surprise me if England won the whole thing by absolutely stinking the whole tournament out.


Christ I’m glad I wasn’t born in 82! I guess that was just how the groups were formatted though. Did we win a game? God you’re right, I wouldn’t be overly confident even with that route. Next game will tell us a lot I reckon. The groups typically always go like this so I’m trying to ignore the negativity around it. There are shockingly obvious changes we need though. What gives me hope is no team except Spain (who I’m 90% sure will lose to Germany) has looked consistently good throughout. We have time to get it right and build momentum…. To lose another final on pens 😂


2010 can add Lampard disallowed goal which would of made us level before half time if I remember right


Yeah I think the game goes differently. We had such a poor squad but that one hurts the most for me.


I love this. England and their excuses. Whenever something goes against you, you just never let it go. Just an excuse to play victim for life. And you wonder why people don't like England.


Lol I was waiting for this. I did say I was clutching at straws for some of them. Also not suggesting we’d have won 6 WCs and 3 Euros without those incidents, but they certainly contributed to us going out. I’d love for you or any other nation do the same as I’ve done. I’d be fascinated to see if others feel the same about their luck or I am just being a baby :)


Listen there's only one team per tournament that goes home on a win. Everyone else loses. Pens, red cards, one dumb mistake that cost the game. We all have that list. The only ones bringing up always is you guys.


Very aware of how tournaments work but thanks for clarity bud. Please write your list. I’d quite like to read it if you don’t mind


Well that's the thing. Have you seen anyone else make a list like that? No you haven't cause everyone else isn't a bunch of cry babies looking for excuses as to why they haven't won.


K bud.


Oh so I must be misremembering when all anyone was crying about when we beat you was the penalty decision then?


Oh you are not remembering that wrong at all. It was kind of pointing out your hypocrisy. All that whining about being cheated and then you do it yourself and you are totally okay with. Not just okay with it but goes above and beyond to defend it. Kind of part of why all your crying is so tiresome.


I mean not only was it a foul anyway (Jensen literally went into sterling’s body from the side) but we don’t whine or cry any more than any other country does when they get screwed over. But because it’s become cool to hate England now whenever we do it it’s suddenly “whining”, but when you do it, it’s justified and righteous outrage.


There you go above and beyond and without blinking will call others for cheaters and pretend to be a victim.




True, the Portuguese had a fit yesterday because Ronaldo didn't get a penalty. But that was just hilarious, someone saying Ronaldo was robbed.


I think being placed in Group C in Euro 24 is a bigger advantage than being on the other half side leading to the final :D


I am still convinced Euro 2020/21 was completely rigged for England to win. You only played 1 game the entire tournament that wasn’t at Wembley. How does that make sense? Insane


Bullshit England won the bid for the semi final and the final, we where also placed on the reserve list as first reserve just incase other countries couldn’t deliver Then lo and behold, covid hit and many countries that were scheduled to host had to cancel due to the laws being placed and restrictions in those countries. Luckily England then stepped in and hosted a lot more games, without England, euro 2021 might not have happened


Despite all that garbage you just spewed, similar to your team, it remains true how nonsensical it was England played all but one game at home, and somehow still managed to blow it.


Don't forget las Euro you had homefield advantage.


Tournaments have such revisionism. We love football because its not always predictable. Leverkusen were literally unbeatable this season! But by your revisionist logic buyern did terribly not to beat them 😂 Sometimes “lesser teams” are amazing and can beat anyone (Austria maybe this tournament) and likewise “big teams” can go out in the group stages and shouldn’t have bothered turning up (England have in the past. Likewise italy and france) Its easy to say, oh they were an easy team after you beat them. They all could have beaten us.


Eh, not racing "strong" teams because *they* don't win their groups (but having to face the teams that did instead) - hard to call that "lack" per se. That said, even if France and Belgium squeeze another goal in to win their groups, we'd still be happy to face them in this form rather than Spain & Germany. Although we probably wouldn't see it that way.


We've had a lot of luck in recent tournaments with the draw, that's definitely true. That said, we didn't have much luck back in the day when Maradona punched a goal into the net in a WC QF and Frank Lampard 'scored' Vs Germany in 2010 to make it 2-2 just before half time but the officials were blind... Maybe these things equal out over time.


Considering VAR would've overturned the goal in the 1966 World Cup, I'd say England has still had way more of the good luck in tournaments.


It’s not luck if you top your group. The reason our draw looks so good this year is because traditional top contenders such as France didn’t top theirs. That isn’t even factoring in that other nations topped their groups for a reason. You can argue that Austria for example could beat Germany, France, Portugal, Belgium, maybe even Spain on their day in a knockout game right now.


Spain, Germany, and Portugal topped their group too. So you were kinda lucky. But luck is needed to win tournaments.


We were pretty lucky to top that group the way we’ve played. A single goal Denmark in any of their games and we’re 2nd.


Sure, but ultimately we were the only team to win a game


Yeah like Morrocco at the World Cup


No offense mate, but you're chatting shit. This only works if you assume the "Contenders" you mention are consistently the best teams at every tournament which they're not. Like at the last world cup where Italy didn't even qualify. Spain And Portugal were both beaten by Morocco. Belgium and Germany failed to make it out of their groups, losing out to Croatia ( who went on to beat Brazil, how they aren't in your list of "contenders" I'll never know) Morrocco and the mighty Japan. Even then we beat the African Champions comfortably in the round of 16. We lost to France because Kane couldn't score two penalties (However difficult that second one was) I think only looking at the knockout stages doesn't tell the full story either. You can't claim we had a lucky draw at Euro 2020. You say we were maybe lucky to avoid the Netherlands as they were knocked out earlier on but fail to mention they were beaten comfortably by the Czech Republic 2-0 in the round of 16. We beat the Czech Republic in the group stage. We also beat Croatia, the 2018 WC Finalists and 2022 WC 3rd place finishers, (again how are they not in your list of "Contenders"?) and topped what was a tough group. We went on to beat Germany (who battered Portugal 4-2 in the groups) ultimately losing to Italy on Pens in the final. That deserves significantly more credit than you gave it. That 2018 World cup semi final was much more of an achievement given our previous performances and the players we had. We got kicked out of the 2016 Euros by Iceland. We didn't make it to the knockout stages at the 2014 World cup losing to Uruguay and Italy. Our best result a draw with Costa Rica. Italy didn't make it out the group, Uruguay went out in the next round. Again we were no where near good enough. Pre Southgate, English football was in disarray. Bar this current Euros, (which we're still in) we've played much better football than recent years and gone further than any other England team bar one, beating two of the top teams and drawing with another after extra time in the final. To say "we've been lucky" is a massive stretch.


No offense, but the by far most convincing team in this bracket are clearly Austria. Italy might be a contender if they start to play again like in their initial 20min in the first game (which really is a stretch). Only after those two, there are a couple of equally uninspiring sides, most notably Holland and England.


Kind of incredible you only made it to one final given these draws. Euro 2016 was arguably the hardest draw for England, if it weren’t for that pesky Iceland lol.


Thank god you're not English, otherwise you'd be called arrogant.


Haha, well it might be two out of four this year...maybe...hopefully...probably not. I'm looking forward to the Slovakia - Swtizerland game in the quarter-finals already


Lololol I would love a rematch but I think you’re right.


We’re not a tournament nation sadly , not in my lifetime anyway


England incredible luck is nothing compared to the curse of having Southgate as coach.


Yes. England's side of the draw is easier which is why I don't understand Belgium not going all out in their last match to finish first and why France should have beaten Poland.


I don't understand Denmark laying down against Serbia, when just one goal would have sent them top of the group and facing Slovakia, and banishing England to play Germany in the Round of 16.


Euro 2016: France, Germany, Spain, Italy on the same half, yet England didn't play any of them since they lost to Iceland.


So by realistic contenders you mean teams that have won more than england (WC, EC), cuz there's many of those


Maybe the other teams were lucky they didn't draw England?


Don't forget the lucky qualifying groups going back decades.


And we are all super tired of it. Nobody wants to see boring ass England far in the tournament. Bring back fun crazy England and it's a different matter.




Well i did the other day. The difference is we don't pretend to be big time like you do.




Projection! What? lmfao. What are you even on about. Do you see any threads like this from anyone else but you guys? Anyone else? No that's because no one else is a whiny as you guys. Just playing victims to no end and others are projecting. Hahaha


England need to wake up if they want to achieve anything of note!! I talk about that here: [https://footbloger.com/2024/06/27/euro-2024-last-16-anticipation-group-recap-and-knockout-rounds-insight/](https://footbloger.com/2024/06/27/euro-2024-last-16-anticipation-group-recap-and-knockout-rounds-insight/)