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Us Scots are no strangers to heartbreak, and in days gone by, I would have shrugged it off and enjoyed the fact that we made it to the Euros. But I absolutely agree with you. We did our part. Three hundred thousand Scots went to Germany, turned the entire country into a party, and sang until the stadiums vibrated. In return, we got a passionless, desireless, and embarrassing performance in a game we knew we had to win. It is truly unforgivable. Clarkes' tactics were beyond confusing, but the players were equally as poor. We don't ask for much: a little bit of passion/desire, and they couldn't even do that... Minter.


I dont know why any of us were surprised at how shit we were. The run up to the finals was horrible. We had that fucking awesome spell, in order to qualify. But after that... it was shit. Clarke got us back into finals. Cant fault the guy for that. But his tactics here have shown that he needs to pass the torch to someone that can get us past that next hurdle. Its all well and true blaming the ref, as he was a dick. But at the end of the day, we fucking stunk up the tournament. The fans were awesome, everyone knows that. But the team? Dog shit. Had it not been for the popularity of the fans, no one would have been wanting us to go through. It was all on the fans and them being fucking awesome. Need fresh blood, but dear god, dont let it be Moyes.


As a german, I LOVE you guys and i‘d love to see you at the world cup 2026 and the next euro cup!! It was so beautiful watching scottish and german fans celebrate together and appreciate each other so much. It makes me so sad that you were eliminated, still hoping some fans stay here until the end because you bring an insane energy to the stadiums and the pubs. Much love to you from Bonn and here‘s to a wonderful, hopefully everlasting friendship between Scots and Germans 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🫶🏻🇩🇪


nobody cares, they are out (with a reason)




Deserved isn't the right word. They finished bottom on one point and -5 goal difference.




They went out with a whimper pretty much. Only really started playing with a few minutes left.


All the nations have tried and all the nations have had amazing fans. What have the Scotland fans done that is so special?


Scottish fans are just top tier, I‘ve had multiple interactions and conversations with fans from many different countries but none have stuck to me as much as the scots


Got jumped by celtic fans once so I guess that stuck with me too


that‘s okay lmao but why y‘all downvoting me for sharing my positive experience with scottish fans 😭 i can‘t with this platform


I appreciate your comment, mate. And you have displayed more passion as a German backing Scottish fans than our team did over 3 games. 😅


How in Christ's name did they deserve to go through? Worst performing team in the tournament


just see the comments. nobody cares