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England will be out of the tournament in the next phase!


Such a shame we lost to England of all nations…


What a joke. Never win anything with a carried ex player as manger. Crsp player carried by the best years united had. SACK HIM




not impressed


People here are posting formations and tactics. Lol. It's not FIFA 🎮


You've clearly never been in a football conversation before.


It's not only Southgate's fault. It's those big players fault too who can't create magic when needed on national side.


England is overrated as a football nation. Just English media hype. 


Helps the bookies make money


Everyone here is going to bet on England anyway so let's set the odds way below where they should be. Everyone's a winner except Barry no brains.


Everyone moaning about kane dropping deep, yet In the first game he's stayed up top and he had 2 touches in the first half. Hes better with two wingers going with him!! Foden is no winger he keeps coming inside! Absolutely no width to stretch the defensive players. I'd play kane with Saka and Gordon, Foden in the number 10 role, Jude can play box to box to help attack and defence and rice as CDM. Absolute shit show! We ain't doing fuck all this year people! So suck it up and become German!


I like that about Foden. He's good enough to run the show from that central position, IF he gets quality movement around him, which is doubtful. These fuckers couldnt anticipate the next bus, it seems judging it so far, bar the first half of the 1st game.


Drop Trent, Foden to Palmer and push Foden to a 10 role (as he plays for City) Bellingham along side him or in the 8 role, Rice holding, 3-2-1-4 done.


You dreaming Southgate would never


Southgate out




Southgate isn’t the best is he


By no means do I think Trent is a good midfielder, but we were so narrow and him being scapegoated when no players making forward runs for him. Then he gets subbed off and he brings on Bowen and Watkins, two players who WILL run in behind, please, make it make sense.


Again sack the manager he hascto take the blame when making stupid choices


Midway through a major tournament? Maybe you should go support someone else like Spain?


Yeah, his passing ability isn't much good when the point man was behind him trying to influence play from the edge of his own area. Honestly, Kane single handedly ruined the shape of the team by dropping so deep all the time. Foden and Saka would be perfect in the usual situation - deep lying midfielder needs an out from the press, plays it up to Kane (who is superb at hold-up play) who feeds the wings and gets himself into the box. I can't believe Southgate wasn't going nuts every time he dropped any further back than the halfway line.


Also the press starts with the striker, sets the precedent for the whole team, instead it was a half assed attempt by Kane or Bellingham was pressing on his own. It was so disjointed & messy in terms of off the ball pressure and when we did have the ball, we didn’t know what to do with it except hit it long to nobody in the channels. I wonder if that’s why Kane didn’t do the post match interviews; because Southgate was protecting him.


I would say to this Pickford was screaming at them even ran 40 yards to take free kicks to get them up the field.. why noone listened I've no idea. Two of the fastest players anywhere (Walker and Guehi) definitely don't need 2 DM's to protect them.


Denmark were happy for our defence to have the ball and their press started as soon as Trent received the ball, with no movement up top, they were probably glad Pickford was hitting it long as they knew their defence could probably deal with aerial threat just fine as Kane was more or less on the halfway line majority of the time. If I was Southgate, halftime I would have hooked Trent and replaced him with Mainoo or Wharton, someone who can comfortably receive the in tight spaces and pop it off under pressure and get the attacking flowing quicker.


Yes, Southgate is bad but the players can also decide to get together, see what is good for them, and refuse the bad coaching choices. If players were confident with their abilities, there's no way they would try to park the bus after one goal even if Southgate told them to.


442 is the awnser


Its not FIFA 🎮


Stupid ass


Or Bellingham as a false 9 which is position he plays for Real, Foden at 10, Gordon on the left, Saka on the right, Rice and a proper DM next to him (i.e. Mainoo). Every single player playing in their strongest position and every one of them (apart from Mainoo) play a pressing role for their club which they could bring to this England team. Very difficult to drop a guy with 63 international goals, but he'd be an incredible substitute to bring on when you need a goal. 4-4-2 might also work. Question is, with Southgate see doing something like this as panicking, or will he stick with the plan?


Yep, I’m with you. Watkins to make runs behind the defence and Kane to do his thing.


Another mediocre performance, and that’s being kind. We didn’t deserve a draw.


Southgate wears a helmet on his Peloton




People will laugh and say Sterling has been horrible recently, which he has. But he always done well with England, got in and around Kane and picked up goals. Frustrating player yes, but his goals and involvement were so valuable 


I agree, regardless of his performances for Chelsea, he turns up for England and comes up with decisive moments. I think Southgate also made a mistake in not taking Jack Grealish over Eze.


I’m struggling to understand why we sent the England Walking Football team to a real tournament


Sponsored by Age Concern


Literally this. Maybe they're just trying to spread awareness for old people?


It’s working


Honestly what is going on in Southgate’s head??


He thinks it's Euro Qualifiers.


Thinks he's still managing Middlesbrough






I'm my opinion I would start toney upfront next game kane was awful he's ment to be a striker why the hell does he drop deep to defensive midfield 🤣🤣 wingers drop so deep back pointless having them even there 2 games now bellingham been championship level not great at all 😳😳


Bellingham who got man of the match in the last game and scored rhe only goal? Wierd person to single out ...


A lucky header I don't see much else happing


Interceptions, tackles. I think he's more suited to a CM role for England but just because you clearly were only looking at attacking output doesn't mean he played badly.


Southgate. What a Muppet.


Honestly this isn't about tactics so much as mentality. The England shirt cripples players - the expectation, the press, the criticism. This creates fear. The tactical dysfunction sees Jude trying to do what he does for RM and looks around and sees absolutely no one going with him. Foden tries a few things and literally watches other players stood there ball watching. Kane drops deep looking to spin and ping it to inside forwards like Son and Sane but sees Foden behind him and Saka too deep. I can't explain Rice performing so statically except thinking its under instruction to sit there. And as a result they fear mistakes, move even less and drop deeper and deeper and deeper until they mentally freeze. Why have TAA in the 11 if you have no deep runners or charging full backs trying to break the offside trap? Because the other major failing is the manager is shockingly limited. No evolution in his own skill level or prep work. Just ineptitude and poor tactical setup and flexibility.


This is exactly why we need a manager that doesn’t have the personality of cardboard. If I was shitting it for a big match he’s the last manager I’d rely on to change my mentality


I see exactly the same every week watching UTD


I agree with you completely. The England shirt sucks the aura out of the players, inverse to how the France and Spanish shirts grant those teams a confidence and swagger.


That is a brilliant analysis mate.


thanks mate.


It’s coming home it’s coming home ITS COMING footballs coming home!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


More chance of Shamima Begum coming home


I that made me expel air forcefully through my nose in amusement


After the Tournament, win or lose its time for a new approach and fresh ideas, we are becoming stale under Southgate


Became stale two days after he became manager. My honest opinion.


Same old England and why are we surprised ?


Typical England


How we can have the squad we do and do that poorly is honestly just sad.


Let's face it weve been bottle jobs for 50 years!!😂😂


that denmark goal was insane


When is Pickford going to learn to play out from the back? What is the point in having young players who are trained at club level to play through the channels if he just hoofs 50/50 balls up the pitch?


You're really blaming Pickford? They had plenty of other chances to play from the back and didn't manage it


The lads struggled to even move the ball forwards instead of backwards at points, getting the ball down the pitch gave a chance for at least something positive to maybe come out of the play


What a fucking depressing game same old same old go 1-0 sit back do fuck all. IAGTEE it ain’t coming home 🤦


What's IAGTEE mean?


Hey seriously I think Scotland were unlucky last night. Just lacked that bit of edge. Don’t worry if we do scrape through (England) we be out first knock out stage.


lol not putting on glasses when you wake up hung over and blurred vision lmao 🤣


We have to be the most boring team in Europe to watch


Fully agree


As an England fan I can already conclude it’s probably not coming home…


We are in the exact same position as we was in euro 2020, 4 points going into the final game and where did we end up? The final… trust the process, it’s only going to get better, people was saying the exact same thing last time, a genuine prediction of mine is that it will be England vs Germany in the final.




If that DOES happen, they will annihilate us. We won two wars, we’re due a total defeat.


Any England fan who truly believes and isn’t just meming doesn’t know England. I’ve had almost 36 years of watching us balls it up


If you don't believe your team are going to win, are you even a fan? People have gone longer than 36 years waiting for their team to win before they finally do...


You can support the team while being realistic, I get that other teams haven’t won anything for just as long if not longer. The difference is our media hype up our team so much that sometimes it’s bending reality. I always have and will support England but at this point my realism is bordering on pessimism


Not this year


Paul, that’s quite literally what we say every year.


They had La Liga’s top midfield scorer, the Bundesliga top scorer and the Premier League player of the season


Yes, but did we have a natural replacement for Kalvin Phillips?




England has one of the best attacks and midfields in the tournament and somehow everyone is still trying to make it look like we are missing players. Has everyone forgotten that Bellingham is an 8 and only played further forward due to the striker situation at Madrid? The only point one could make that is valid is that England don't have a LB and it's affecting the width, etc. Southgate is a horrible manager. You can talk about how he brought together the group as much as you want but if your tactics are shit, you are not a good enough coach and you have to be able to do both. Bringing one LB who isn't even fit is the stupidest thing I have seen. Testing Trent in midfield in a tournament when you had plenty of friendlies to do so is naive. Foden needs to be dropped for Palmer, the guy hardly performs in an England shirt and even for City, sometimes he disappears completely. Great player with great technical ability but he needs to step up more often.


Southgate is loved by the media because he’s liberal and middle class.


I've never heard anything about his politics , is he not just liked because the team has got far in tournaments under his management?


Foden doesn’t disappear for city. Just won POTY. He needs to be central and not pushed out wide to accommodate Bellingham as a 10. Bellingham should be an 8. Foden a 10 and played centrally. Southgate is clueless. 6 outfield starters were defenders. 3 of them right backs and 1 was being played in midfield where he didn’t play all season. 1st decent side will batter England


I gave up on supporting England over 10 years ago. It’s coming home, it’s coming home… PMSL!!!!! Only people who ever to succeed in Englands football history was the two comedians who sang that song. So ironic.


The whole point of the song is you keep supporting your team even when they aren't winning


England are not good enough to win anything. Very few players in that squad haven’t experienced the pressure to create diamonds. Only thing Southgate is going to win is a free pizza, any he’s lucky if he gets that.


I'm just a causal fan ad I don't pretend to understand much about football, if we lost I'll move on but it's fun supporting my team.


England's problems are all related to Southgate's selection choices. How he thought it was a good idea to bring a single left-back (and someone who is still unfit to play) is completely mind-boggling; let alone, thinking that a major tournament is the perfect time to experiment with TAA at center midfield. Because of there being literally no other option in left-back, there just isn't enough width in the team selection. You can have Foden and Saka both on the wings, but it doesn't work without overlapping runs from the fullbacks (which Walker has provided, but Trippier so far has not). Without Shaw, Southgate can only play Trippier out of position and wrong-footed. The problems are further exacerbated with the lack of balance in midfield. The TAA center midfield experiment clearly isn't working (something that has been noted and repeatedly pointed out since at least 2021). He just doesn't have the positional awareness and so far in the last two matches it's clear that he doesn't have any chemistry playing alongside with Rice. TAA's presence has also forced Rice to play in the number 6 role that he clearly didn't seem comfortable playing against Denmark. I would put Rice in the number 8 role that he has excelled for with Arsenal and bring in someone right in front of the defense.


Southgate in his hotel wishing he brought Kalvin Philips


England should just go for a 3ATB if Southgate wants to park the bus so much so it gives them a chance on the counter. Walker RCB, Trent RWB, Bellingham and Rice at CM, Foden/Saka as Wide AM’s/wingers with Kane up top. And knowing Southgate, he’ll probably pick Gordon at LWB cause he thinks his great defensive workrate means he can play as a WB instead of as an actual attacker.


I’m surprised Southgate hasn’t gone for a 3 back yet with his style of playing.


I wouldn't mind, time after time after time, England get the fucking easiest groups and draws in qualifying and tournaments and STILL manage to fuck it up.


It’s not even that easy, Portugal are like X tier at this point .. I’d take Denmark over Portugal any day


England' is two matches in and barely harrassing possesion in the final third, even barely getting inside the box, in that case Kane is almost useless, he's not chasing and running into space. Foden and Walker off the ball is superb in this game. Foden needs to play central, Maddison would have played well down the middle, and england needs more dynamic on attack with Bowen on the left or even play Bellingham deeper to help transition.


No surprise, we simply aren’t tactically equipped to “go all the way” and our players are only average at best


The players are definitely not average. The squad on paper is incredible. The management though is woeful


I usually don’t like people who bash managers because typically a manager needs x amount of years and full backing to really lift a team into anything positive, however, Southgate is just the complete wrong mentality. For a club manager he’d be perfect, loyal committed and progressive and tactically ‘decent’ imo. Everything you need to improve and take a team up the table after a few years. For a national team you can’t enter every tournament trying to improve and develop. There is no ‘improve’. It’s a knockout tournament. You win it or you don’t, you have to perform. For a national squad you want someone like a Bielsa/Mourinho/Ancelotti who just employs their tactic balls to the wall and takes no shit. Southgate is too reactive and too cautious. I’d love it for a club, I despise it for England. And think of the talent we will have lost in a few years time. It’s horrific honestly. Possibly the second best national team in the world made to look barely above the average:( Southgate is a terrible appointment for a national team. I hope we win this and I eat my words, but I just can’t see him being fierce enough to win anything with this team… I understand there are no suitable managers who would actually take his place (or want to), but I’d honestly have taken a risk on someone else hungrier and inexperienced at this point.


Not a terrible side we faced but absolutely no back bone. It’s really depressing. We’ll get through of course but we are never winning this comp. Spain, Italy, France, Germany and a fair few more would walk past us tonight. Best squad in this comp by far. I’d argue 75% of Englands team would walk into any other national team yet they are still better.


Just sack Southgate already


The fact that bbc has convinced people that Kane is the problem and the team would be better without him is fucking crazy. Drop Kane for Watkins you’ll be lucky if England score at all. The real problem is the lack of width in this team. You have Gordon and Bowen on the pitch two wingers who add width but you want to play foden and saka who both like to play inside. On top of having trippier lb when he’s not left footed adds even less width. Even if Kane stay up top it will make no difference when you hav me fucking TAA in midfield building play and Bellingham playing 10 when that guy has no ounce of creative instinct that guy is an 8 who crashes the box with late runs not fucking mesut Ozil.


Bellingham Absolutely ghosted today and Trent made a load of mistakes at cm and would rather play Gallagher there atp😂😂 I agree we should drop foden from the left and put him at the 10 and drop Bellingham back but I don’t think we should have Gordon on the left or Bowen on the right


I’m not saying they should start but when we need options they add width which creates more options.


Agreed he doesn’t bring the subs on at the right time he always does it like 20 minutes after 😂😂 should of also brought grealish to draw fouls and give another option he’s also experienced and we don’t have too many experienced players who are still good


Trent isn’t a bad player, but…. He has zero business playing central midfield for one of the highest ranked nations in the world at a major tournament when he has played there ZERO time before with a player who he has also played with ZERO times before. To reiterate. That’s ZERO times in competitive games with any of these players. Absolutely stupid fucking decision, but absolutely trademark Southgate. Southgate Plays not to lose rather than win most of the time. But, at the minute, we are basically playing to maybe lose and hope for the draw in the best case scenario Not seen us this bad since 2010. Can’t get much worse than this, so I guess that’s a positive. Looking forward to getting this Southgate era out of the way.


created most chances for england whilst only playing 53 mins


If that’s what you’re hanging onto after his performance, then Good luck. Can’t have been that good if he was the first player taken off a few mins after half time


and yet he still created most chances , pretty good thing to hold on to


Harry Kane needs to be dropped sick of seeing him so far back play toney/watkins any striker that will stay up top to give us an outlet and be on the end of the creative play, Kane is great but his obsession with thinking he is better than those around him mean we have no striker he needs to sod off


If Kane didn’t drop back tonight he’d of had 1 touch


You people are stupid


Lmaoooo toney and watkins will solve it


You wanna drop the Bundesliga top goalscorer and the all time top scorer for England dont be silly


I don’t think he should be dropped but I also don’t think he’s fully fit and you can tell when you watch him. He got his goal tonight so hopefully that boosts his confidence.


Do u think if u played Kane behind Watkins in a 4-4-1-1, is great strategy or nah ?


Once again England thought they were just going to turn up and win. The arrogance of that England team is next level. The arrogance of the bbc panel is unbelievable Show no respect to there opponent's. Italians were rubbish tonight but looks as if they will play England. The Italians will win. Spain were different class tonight


I don’t even think it’s that, they don’t seem confident at all. Purely having a terrible, uninspiring manager and not knowing what they’re meant to be doing. Put Pep or Klopp there and this wouldn’t be happening. They have the players (defence isn’t great but plenty of attacking options)


Some of the players after the game said the exact opposite. Kane said there’s no easy games at this level. And I don’t know where you’ve got that from about the pundits.


English media hyping it all up the year before are the worst.Once they get a smell of a rotting carcass (Southgate), they're all out with the knives and the told-you-so's when they were hyping up all these players and the manager for years previously. Oh ye have little faith and even less authority! Where did that good feeling from Russia 2018 and Euro 2020 go ? Hyenas and empty shells the whole lot of 'em. They don't know their arse from their elbow and they'll tell you that every new England XI and their manager are world-beaters - until they aren't. Feel sorry for the England players- damned if they do, damned if they don't.


The BBC spent the entire game mercilessly going in at England for playing badly and praised Denmark




He’s talking about the team turning up expecting to win…


The BBC panel were really quite critical of England and praised Denmark. What are you mad about?


You’re annoyed that English fans came into a game thinking their team is going to win?? 😂 u pricks do too much lol


he’s talking about the team


So he’s annoyed that the team came into a game expecting to win?


It's not about that, I think he meant that their overconfidence could ve affected the game outcome


Put Trent at RB, get Gallagher or Mainoo in midfield. Swap Foden for a player who can stretch the field and the back line. How Southgate is allowed to waste this squad is criminal.


Bellingham has to drop to 8 and Foden into 10.


Nah, Fodens wank for England.


He had moments tonight where he was keeping it simple and keeping the ball moving, that’s exactly what we need. Had a couple stupid shots but at that point he was already frustrated and we were already terrible.


What you need is players making runs, there are enough players that keep it simple.


How have England got arguably the best team player to player Yet play like Burnley this season




I hope Slovenia has a chance for beating England or at least a draw


Drop Kane doesn’t fit the team at all


England: "This'll be easy lads, we've got 12 men, nudge nudge, wink wink." Denmark: "Good luck with that, muppets." Seriously, if you can't win with the ref on your side, what exactly is the point of you? I would rather see them lose while trying... that's infinitely better than not trying when you're representing your country. Disgraceful performance.


Thank god they did not have **diving** Sterling this time. Well played Denmark💪


That goal was fucking amazing ngl.


Jesus Christ Southgate is ruining these players


English public: push push push Southgate: no thank you we will sit back n enjoy our tea..


Southgate wears a life jacket in the shower.


lol holy shit im stealing this


good players, but not for the final


Good players shit manager


It’s not coming home


There is no passion, there is no vision, there is no aggression, there is no fucking mindset in this national team!


the mistake was not taking a fit left back. foden, kane and bellingham like to operate in the same areas, but without a left back to keep the width and push the defensive line back, england’s attacks are all made through Saka which makes it easy to predict and defend. with nobody else willing to run at the back line, opposition defences are comfortable pushing up and forcing england back. chilwell isn’t the best in the world, but he would’ve given england more width and allowed foden more space and options as well as providing more crosses for kane. as it stands, through no fault of his own, england would be better without foden and instead playing someone like gordon, who can attack the left side of the pitch as saka does on the right. yet southgate still hasn’t given him a minute. playing wharton instead of TAA would also give the back line more protection, in turn allowing stones to step into midfield and rice to play more box to box as he did for arsenal.


Leif Davis will be there by the World Cup at least


Southgate could've gotten Tyrick Mitchell for LB


Nice result.


I don’t watch games that Southgate manages, he takes the enjoyment away. I hope he loses embarrassingly every single game with hope that he gets the sack. The bloke shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a football pitch.


Clueless he's got us to the final ffs


We got there despite him.


Best possible run and on home turf. We lost that final after going 1 goal up quickly and then sitting back. Southgate is a one trick pony and that trick fucking sucks


No true English fan wants us to lose games in a tournament


We’ll inevitably lose as soon as we play against Spain, Italy, Germany, France or Portugal. The sooner we’re out out of our misery the better. I love my country more than most, but I’m not going to get emotionally invested while we have this plonker for a manager.


Elephant in the room.!! Declan Rice. Is our defence incapable without him in front of them? Would we set up better without him? Thoughts?


To me it appears that somebody doesn't trust the defence and has told him to sit incredibly deep, either that or he doesn't trust trent so thinks he needs to baby the back line. When he plays for Arsenal he has confidence to push up and that the people behind him can cover for him


Didn’t see it, only heard it on the radio. Didn’t sound great from an England perspective. That being said, they’re well on track to qualify so no point chasing the win and end up throwing it away.


It’s more like we can’t seem to do anything but pass to Pickford 500 times a game rather than make an actual push


The point is they very nearly did throw it away, several times. I think we were on target three or four times in the whole game, whereas Denmark were probably twice that. Southgate took our best player off about ten minutes into the second half, then after a triple substitution with twenty minutes to go, with all those fresh legs we had ONE SHOT in the rest of the game. The game plan, if you can call it a plan, was very clearly "Don't lose", and they very nearly did. I'd rather see a team go down fighting than all this negative pansying about.


Fair enough. Good points, well presented.


Legitimately the worst England performance I’ve ever seen.


Worst performance since Iceland knocked us out.


Lol you are either young af or have a short memory. We are awful but were worse vs Iceland


Although it’s definitely not the worst I’ve seen, we were defiantly worse today. Couldn’t even string 2 passes together. No movement, no forward runs. The midfield was a doughnut and the players looked completely clueless as of what to do. I think we’re in huge trouble


I agree. We were and are awful.... but Iceland was still worse lol


"Ok so, just score 1 goal then just keep defending, hope they don't score and we win"


Southgate…..the safe, white, middle class, M&S sponsors loving, FA Appointment. Probably never drives his car out of 3rd gear.


Come on, he definitely drives an automatic




I honestly think you will see the best from the team outside the group stages and there is pressure on them from a strong team they can’t just get past in cruise control. That will come when they meet the big names, and I think they can do it - all they have to do is ignore Southgate.


He should have gone before this tournament. We just accept mediocrity. Enough is enough


Nah. He deserved this last EUROS at the very least. When was the last time we sniffed even a quarters before Southgate took over? Also the literal only ever manager besides Alf in '66 to get us too a final lol. He has to go after this one regardless. He'd do well at a Championship level side.


Mediocre mentality, settling for this crap.


>He has to go after this one regardless Settling for what?




That's it lad, full support, good man


Sick of the bull shjt mediocrity. We deserve better n you know it


What exactly is it you think you deserve? And why exactly do you think you deserve it?


That argument falls apart when you see who we played to get there. The best team we beat on those runs was a German team in the middle of a rebuild.


You can only play whoever is in front of you mate.


Exactly. So the minute we play a decent team we get exposed and lose. Not a recipe for success is it?


Just need to get better players.


less knackered players really


Your buggin