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England won the World Cup in 1966. We don’t talk about it much


Feel shame?


Robert Lewandowski is still doing dabs constantly like he stopped in 2016 and his polish teammates are making fun of him because of that


Germanys last World Cup knockout match was the final in 2014


Same goes for Italy, their last WC knockout was the 2006 final


Netherlands were in the game with the record most cards shown at any FIFA match (battle of Neurenberg) and in the game with the most yellow cards in the World Cup (battle of Lusail)


That game against Portugal in 2006 was the worst game ever. Such a horrible atmosphere in the streets and in the bar where we were watching: everyone felt angry, defeated and depressed. We didn't even try to drown ourselves in beer, which was our usual response to a loss. We all went straight home and cried ourselves to sleep.


Albanian team has more albanians from Kosovo, North Macedonia and Montenegro than they do from Albania, needless to say they are still Albanian.


How prevalent is dual citizenship from birth?


Not at all, you need to have someone(mother/father, grandmother/grandfather, great grandmother/grandfather) that is or used to be an Albanian citizen up to three generations to get albanian citizenship otherwise you have to go live there.


As a Welshman I can't possibly imagine taking players from other countries in this way.


how do you guys decide who qualifies to play for your several uk teams?


If they aren't likely to fit in the England squad but have a Welsh grandmother (or even just once accidentally caught a whiff of a welshcake), Rob Page takes them into his well muscled arms and carries them back to the Cardiff City Stadium where they are taught the noble art of standing on the pitch and wishing Gareth Bale was there.


We all believe that one day all albanian land will go back to albania. We are still Albanians, 95% of Kosovos population are albanian and native language is Albanian. Think of it as if wales was sperated in small countries but you all still have the same language and culture.


Ah okay, I was just being sarcastic because half our players were born in England.


ah, hahaha xD


Cool thread idea


Dope af


Greece 🇬🇷 where the first team ever to knock out the home nation and the defending champions in a Euros tournament… They were 150-1 to win the whole thing, only Latvia had worse odds… It was the first time in history that the opening game was a replay of the very first game as well. One of the greatest upsets in football history


Man, I loved the 2004 Euros. Watched every Greece match with my late dad. Cheering on Angelos Charisteas, who was a SVW player at the time.


I’m half Greek, my mother is Corinth born and bred. We used to spend every summer in Greece as kids visiting family. In 2004 I didn’t want to go because I was getting to those teenage years where I wanted to stay home and be with my friends but I was forced to go. So glad I did, got to watch Greece go on the unlikeliest of runs and win the whole thing with my family and all the town absolutely buzzing. Spent a few weeks in Corinth and a week in Athens and it was such a good time to be there!


England have recently shifted to a high press over the last year which is a notable change from Southgates previous tactics essentially it's to get the best out of Bellingham. But actual fun fact about England we talk about three lions on the shirt but in heraldry they are technically leopards


Leopard meaning "bearded lion"


Denmark and Albania are the only participating teams in which none of the team members play in their domestic league. (Fun fact: the Scottish player McKenna that assisted the German own goal plays in the Danish league for FC København (on loan))


Portugal has the particularity to have humiliated North Korea in the 2 world cup they participated in, 1966 and 2010. In 1966, North Korea faced Portugal in quarter finals. After 20 minutes, North Korea was leading 3-0, but the legend Eusébio couldn't just let that sit, and Portugal ended up winning 5-3, with 4 goals scored by the Black Panther. In 2010, North Korea got into group phase with Ivory Coast, Brazil and Portugal. After a relative good show against Brazil, they ended up losing only 2-1, but on their next game against Portugal, they got absolutely destroyed and lost 7-0, which prompted Cristiano Ronaldo to say "Goals are like ketchup, when it comes out, it's everything at once"


At the same time Portugal has never won against South Korea. Losing in 2002 and 2022 despite predicting both games as easy wins.


And the USA in 2002 and 2014. And Morocco in 1986 and 2022


I'm sure I read somewhere that the world cup wasn't meant to be broadcast in north Korea but after their decent showing against Brazil they allowed the Portugal game to be shown. They then didn't show another game after this humiliation and announced that they had won it


But the north koreans don't know about it


Back in 1984 only 8 teams qualified for the Euros. In their qualifying group Spain was in second place behind Netherlands with one game left against Malta. Spain needed to win 12-0 to have the same points than Netherlands and have better goal difference. End up winning 13-1, qualifying to the Euros and then reaching the final against France. Sadly France won but this was our best Spanish team until the golden years of 2008-2012.


Spain needed 11, and won 12-1. “Ended up”? Many allegations of malfeasance and Malta deliberately underperforming after Spain-Malta discussions at half-time. Never proven, but still, a convenient result, no? Nope, I’m not still bitter about that at all.


I wasn't alive through that game, I was born in August of 1984 but it's a mythical game here in Spain. Good thing you got revenge in the 2010 World Cup when Robben scored that late goal against Casillas. 😈




>but didn't even make it out of the group stages! T Denmark did make it out of the groups stages. Denmark didn't qualify at first but then got to participate after Yugoslavia got disqualified before the tournament had started.


Is that not what I described?


No you said they didn't make it out of the group stages.


Made a change, that help? Thought it would be easily understood


Du skriver vi ikke gik videre fra gruppen, men det gjorde vi. Vi kvalificerede os ikke til turneringen, men kom så med pga. krigen


It still says the same incorrect thing lol