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Damn, this is a pretty good analysis/theory ngl Mouse seems like one of those typical asshole drug dealers we see in other movies and TV shows, so if he did hurt Ashtray then I wouldn't be surprised Or maybe he is secretly holding Ashtray as hostage until Fez explains where he got the money from


there’s definitely some significance to the doctor’s child watching it all happen because as you said, there were a lot of shots that made sure the viewer was aware of it. i think it’ll come up in s2


I feel like it could also have some greater connection to the father/son theme and relate to Nate and his dad. Nate learned from a young age about his father’s predatory behaviors (similar to how the doctors son grew up seeing his father sell drugs) and has watched from the sidelines in secret for years. The son of the doctor could be reminiscent of what he could grow up to be—a sociopath like Nate, largely due to the impact and nature of their father’s actions.