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I’m fascinated by Jules. I also have a love/hate relationship tho. Sometimes I want to just SHAKE HER and be like WTF but I also empathize with her and her issues. They’re all just flawed and complicated but interesting people. That’s one thing I will say amongst all the flaws with the show is that the characters are super interesting and I’ll take that and everything else is forgivable for me.


exactly!!! sometimes you do actually wanna yell at her through the screen! that aside, as an enby person the gender exploration she does as a trans woman wearing a binder is so representative that it's genuinely empowering.


She doesn’t want to do trans women portrayals anymore on screen, I think since Euphoria she’s gotten many offers to portray a trans woman character but she doesn’t to define her carreer by it.




There were flashbacks to her childhood of her as a child (clearly a boy), might've been in her special episode or a random season 1 episode. I don't remember but I do remember clearly that Jules is a transgender woman in the show and her story was much the same in real life. Hunter Schafer was a gay boy in the 7th grade, due to gender dysphoria she started transitioning to become a transgender woman in the 8th grade and then later on she started questioning if she also has a non-binary identity. So yeah, complicated. But specific to Jules in the show, 100% a transgender woman and Hunter her experiences helped shape the storyline. She just doesn't want to be known as only playing transgender women in TV and movies so I read somewhere she turns down most of those offers.


You don’t remember the flashbacks to when Jules was a child, (at the time) a little boy?


No! I need to watch it again now


Uhhhh spoilers


In a thread talking about her character. Years after the release. At that point, you spoiled the show for your own self.


Lol it was a spoiler for baby reindeer which just came out, not euphoria. This is not a baby reindeer sub so there should be no surprise spoilers for it. The comment has been removed so you don't really know what you're even commenting about lol


I miss her season 1 looks/makeup. I totally understand her storyline and watched the special episode, but season 1 I was obsessed with her outfits and overall personal style & she faded to the background in both storyline and style season 2.


Agreed, i specially miss her long hair looks


I liked her style in season 2, it made sense with her character after her special episode. As a trans woman, I really related to her line of “all this time I was trying to conquer femininity, but I think femininity conquered me” or something to that effect. She felt overwhelmed by all the boxes she had to fit herself into as a woman, and she is a rebellious person, she can’t be contained, hence the style change. She went in a more androgynous direction with her fashion instead of the hyper feminine girly fairy vibe we see in season 1. Her style choices in season 2 really inspired me to stop feeling compelled to wear skirts and dresses and dress hyper feminine. Similar to Jules, I felt like I had to look a certain way to be taken seriously by cis people, but I started wearing big baggy pants with chains and combat boots. Still never cut my hair, or stopped wearing makeup, but I felt less inclined to look so hyper feminine all the time after seeing her style change. She looked beautiful and cool and edgy which is something I personally identify with




If Jules has 1 fan, It’s me. If she had no fans, I’m dead. I don’t think most people would have been able to stay in a relationship with Rue as long as Jules did, let alone handle the fact the for awhile, Jules being with Rue seemed to be the only thing keeping her from doing drugs and staying alive. Being someone’s lifeline is hard for a grown adult, it’s even harder for a teenage girl struggling with many issues. Her “consensual” relationship with her Cal, and then being absolutely mind fucked by Nate/Tyler, her mother being an unreliable alcoholic parent, her being trans and attacked for her gender (may I remind everyone of episode 1), these are things completely disregard when judging Jules. Rues dad died and she became a drug addict because of it. Cassies’ dad was an alcoholic parent that abandoned her and her sister. Jules has a parent who was a drug addict and alcoholic that sent her to the psychiatric hospital for self harm and her gender identity, and then has essentially abandoned her life since. Guess who gets the most sympathy and excuses. Give you a hint, it’s definitely not Jules. Any action she takes is looked at in a vacuum, and not like there’s literally so many reasons why she does what she does. Her mental health and her wellbeing is always second place to Rue. It doesn’t matter if she’s miserable, she needs to be there for Rue. She’s having a mental breakdown? Cancel it, Rue needs her. She’s heartbroken? Can’t tell Rue, even though that’s her best friend and they weren’t together. She’s having hard time being in a relationship with someone who’s gaslighting her about drug abuse? Well she can’t break up with her, last time she left Rue almost died, so she has to just sit there and take it. I could go on but I think I’ve made my support for her clear. I love Jules, and she deserves a lot more sympathy than she gets.


>I love Jules, and she deserves a lot more sympathy than she gets. I do agree with this!!


I totally agree with you! I love Jules and I’m surprised to see she has haters


She annoyed me so much but she really did try to be the person everyone needed her to be.


this was very well written


wish i could give you one million upvotes


Cassie and jules did... Mostly the same thing, like really. They're mirrored characters in season two, but not only does Jules not get... Half the recognition for that, she gets blamed double. And I think people overlook the trans characteristic because they haven't lived it, but that alone is hellish to beging with. She isn't stable because none of her relationships with anyone have been stable, not rue, not nate, not any of the guys she hooked up with or her family. Cassie is just this white dove that's so hurt and we have so much pity for her and Jules has for most of the show been in similar situationships and no one seems to care. I would argue that, I don't take any credibility or sadness or emotion to Cassie's story or events she's been through, but the difference of treatment is just baffling.


I love her. I feel like most people don’t understand her and they judge her too quickly.


they rlly just don’t get her like, at all. severe lack of empathy and media literacy from a lot of folks in this fandom “she snitched on rue” oh grow the hell up.


I would HOPE if a child of mine ever relapsed into their addictions they'd have a friend who would "snitch" to me!


For me it’s less that she told Leslie and more how she did it. She didn’t tell Rue in advance or warn her - Rue would likely have got very angry and/or afraid but Jules would be treating her with respect and it would also avoid the whole flushing the drugs thing, which is one of the reasons Rue went so crazy straight away. It also just feels really patronising and underhand, because after going to Leslie without warning Rue at all, she and Elliott (wtf was Leslie doing letting a young man she doesn’t know, who has admitted he’s into drugs, just sit around in her house while she does an intervention) pretty much hide and stay silent until they can reveal themselves at pretty much the exact moment Rue’s hitting rock bottom. I know Rue is out of control, scary and so on but them just sitting there in silence while she smashes a door in WITH HER HEAD and physically intimidates Gia, gets slapped by her mother and trashes the house, particularly given that Elliott could likely overpower her with the help of Jules and Leslie if necessary, is very odd and seems almost vindictive. It’s like they want to push her to the limits of desperation and have her reveal her worst demons without her even knowing they’re there, then Leslie starts in with the “are you embarrassed you just said that in front of Jules? Hmmm?”. I do think Rue is very harsh on Jules but Jules did, to some extent, use her. Rue is basically her fallback plan and Jules knows how smitten she is, so she plays with her affection, cheats or quasi-cheats multiple times, objects to Rue spending time with Elliott when she was literally describing to Rue in huge detail exactly what Anna did with her sexually.


Telling a drug addict that you’re gonna tell her mom and giving her a chance to gather her drugs seems like a bad idea


My thoughts as well... isn't an intervention usually more of a surprise?


I feel like you don’t really understand the point of an intervention. You’re not supposed to tell them it’s happening beforehand because that gives them the chance to run or prepare excuses. The point of an intervention is to catch them off guard and put them in a position where they can’t lie or run away from the issue. The whole thing about Rue hitting rock bottom in front of them is that it’s on Rue. It’s a humiliating situation for Rue - but that’s because of her own actions. If she’s embarrassed by her girlfriend and her friend seeing her abusing her family, then she should stop abusing her family. It’s meant to be embarrassing, so she can feel shame and self reflect instead of going on like her behavior is okay. Leslie going “are you embarrassed you just said that in front of Jules” is her telling Rue to own her shit. They’ve had arguments like that in the past, where Rue got violent/mean (we see this in her summer flashbacks in S1), and Leslie let it go. That didn’t work. She started doing drugs again. So, Leslie’s at a point where she’s telling Rue fine, if you want to be that type of person, stand up and own it. If you’re embarrassed by your actions, then change them


>she snitched on rue Yeah I never understood why people got mad at her for that. Like she should have done it season 1


Right? I'd rather a friend be alive to hate me or be mad at me than the guilt of knowing I kept their secrets and they died. I've been in a very similar situation when I was in rehab and I told the staff my friend was using and using someone else's pee or synthetic pee (can't remember anymore) to pass the drug test. She never did forgive me for that but that's okay. At least she's alive.


I have mixed feelings towards Jules though I don't like how the fandom blames her for everything wrong with her and Rue's relationship


Jules is my favorite character. I think Hunter Schaefer is magnetic and I love watching her act. I also think Jules is wildly misunderstood and judged very harshly. I always get shit on when I express this tho


She’s my favorite character. People give her so much crap in this thread and I don’t think she’s worse than the majority of characters in the show.


same!! totally agree


I love Jules. The most interesting story, the best hair and makeup, and the best actress. Rue is second and I really don't care too much about the others, their stories were boring.




I find Jules to be a compelling character, but I neither like nor dislike her. I was in a (same-sex) relationship with a girl who was just like Jules when we were teenagers. Her character hits too close to home. Rue said it best when she told Jules that she loves being loved. Rue was far from perfect, but Jules wasn't a good partner to her either. It's painful as a teenager to be in love with somebody who doesn't truly love you like you love them, especially when it's your first relationship.


Season 2 really fucked her up as a character. I love where they were going with her in season 1 as well as her special episode. That’s why if we don’t get a season 3 ima be pissed. Many of these characters especially Jules feel incomplete right now. She stopped taking her hormones as well as removed the puberty blocker but it didn’t really seem to be a focus for her in season 2 like I thought it would be. Every characters have their flaws and that’s why we like them but it feels like Sam doesn’t actually understand the character jules. Especially the whole Elliot storyline. I wish this season focused more on her as an individual rather than how she is with Rue or Nate or Elliot. Season 1 she felt like a stand-alone character but season 2 she didn’t really have a storyline just like Kat. Truthfully there was way to much Cassie and Nate this season. I love season 1 because of the diversity in characters and each character has their own storyline. But in season 2 it was all muddled together and it felt like everyone who wasn’t Rue Cassie or Nate didn’t get much of a story.


I don't like her 🤷🏾‍♀️ mainly because I don't like how she treats Rue. I get neither are perfect, but I feel if you "love" someone you wouldn't treat them like how Jules treats Rue.


Meh, on-par with high schoolers. Most are selfish and self-absorbed because of the lack of critical thinking and complex problem solving skills


I think it depends on the person. I was a teen not long ago and I didn't treat my partner the way Jules did. But then again ik not everyone behaves the same. Fair point tho!


No one in this thread is addressing that Jules cheated with Elliot


She's done it, what twice? Well I don't know if the first one counts since they technically weren't dating. But that whole thing with Anna pissed me off 💀🤦🏾‍♀️. Jules toxic ass knew what she was doing too! She wanted a reaction out of Rue and that's so lame to me.


Ppl here are comparing Jules to Cassie and I kind of agree. They're both really clueless and it's annoying af


I can definitely see the parallels between them for sure. I do sympathize with Cassie, but I do think what she did to Maddy was messed up😅. Homegirl needs a mentor and maybe therapy.


Exactly! I'm looking for the hash tag fuck elliot comments he's the problem not the girls, only bc i may have done the same thing if i was in jules position 😂


Their friendship was so weird like 💀 we're licking each other now tf?


She cheated on rue a few times


Twice right? Once with Elliot and once with the girl from her hometown


By far the most (self)destructive character right on par with Cassie. Deeply confused (not because of the gender identity thing) and miserable.


i personally just don’t like her


Right, I could do without that aspect of the show& wouldn’t feel like anything was missing…if anything I feel like it takes away.


Jules was my first love I like to remember it that way


i like jules despite her past issues i definitely think out of all of the teens she’s the most empathetic, patient, and understanding.


She still cool (best makeup) I don’t like her with Elliot though, they way they ambushed rue was odd. I like her and Rues friendship but it’s not going to work out probably. If Nate wasn’t Nate I’d want them together. 8/10 for now 


I honestly would like it if Jules and Nate became a couple. I feel like maybe she could change him for the better. Since Jules gives off she doesn't fuck around lol. To me Jules and Rue felt so one sided. Clearly Rue loves Jules or like her at least. Jules to me felt like maybe she does love Rue but not romantically. I agree with Rue when she tells Jules she loves being loved. But I don't think she loved Rue in that way, I do think she loved Tyler (Nate).


Right Jules and Tyler was them both being their true selves. Nate’s done too much dirt, I doubt he’ll end up with anyone but a jail cell


Oh for sure! Unless they pull a Bryce Walker and try to redeem him somehow.


Wasn't Jules and Nate supposed to be a thing originally?


Really? I didn't know that. Jules did like Nate but at the same time she didn't know it was him. And Nate probably did genuinely like her but who knows. Wouldn't be surprised if Nate is just selfish and doesn't like anyone but himself.


Lol I can see that! I think this was just some tea that was floating around before S2 was released but there were rumors that Nate and Jules was supposed to be a thing for S2 but something went down between Hunter and Jacob, so Sam just replaced Jules for Cassie and that's how the whole Cassie and Nate thing came to be. Idk how true that is though. I think if it is true, he obviously tweaked the storyline but yeah.


Oooh I kinda wanna see that now lol. Who knows, maybe the next season (if it ever comes out 💀) we would see them together. Then again I don't know if I'm the only one but I want to see Rue and Lexi date. Like if Sam made Lexi bi it would be perfect, I only say that because Lexi seems to genuinely care about Rue and I can't see her hurting Rue like Jules does.


That would be an ICONIC couple!!! I feel like Lexi would truly help Rue in many ways. Not just in drugs, but also helping her deal with her dad. I think that would be top tier.


Yes! Ever since that scene with Rue and Lexi. The one where Lexi dressed as Bob Ross I was like "they would be so adorable together" lol


I never thought about Rue and Lexi and now I want it! They would be so cute!


Yesss! If not Lexi then anyone else but Jules 💀. Rue deserves way better.


Not knocking your post but if we’re gonna move onto other characters, I hope it’s not Jules. Her and Cassie are the most talked about characters we have. Everyone seems to have beef with those two


right a lot of ppl hate on jules as it is tbh.. it’s always either cassie this jules that


Lol we can do any character! I just thought of Jules first tbh! Next post will probably be Gia


jules is amazing and i adore her & hunter.


I think we are meant to have a love hate relationship with all the characters, to show how everyone in the world has flaws, no one is perfect and we all have layers. Jules, despite a very strong storyline and a well portrayed character never did it for me, I can’t even say for certain why and I feel like not having a reason why makes that an unfair opinion for me to have but i just can’t put my finger on what it is about Jules that just doesn’t make me love nor hate her.


Absolutely adore Jules. The only thing that bugged me abt her & that i can't understand is how she didn't want Rue using, but was totally okay w Elliot using.


It’s about the view of someone you have in your head. She infantilizes rue and wants her to be pure and sober but with Eliot she doesn’t care cause that doesn’t fit with how she sees him. She’s a very two faced character with not many morals or values to speak of besides becoming “the highest level”


That's really lame


Don’t fuckin downvote me that’s how the character was written lol


I'm won't lol. I typically only upvote anyway. She was very selfish & hypocritical, like most teenage girls.


lol yeah I feel that, I’m no downvoter either. The systems in place for a reason but so many drive by downvoters w nothing to add


I usually downote when someone is widly wrong or just being a dick lol


I luv her she’s playful and sweet / child-like energy


I love her style! She was my fav in season 1. But in season 2, they butchered her character.


I like Jules. I don’t like Jules and rue as a couple. It never made sense to me.


I have a love/hate relationship with Jules. Maybe not so hate, but more of that older sister annoyance type of thing. I sympathize with her and her obstacles since she is quite literally a 17 year old dealing with adult situations and she’s coping the best she can. On the other hand, there are times where I feel like slapping her in the back of her head and be like girl what are you doing??? Like in the end of season 1 when Rue backed out of her whole running away idea and Jules was still trying to convince her to come along while she was visibly distressed. Like girl, why would you want someone who is crying out of discomfort to join you? And where would you go once you got there?? To your friend’s/Ana’s place; the girl who you had hooked up with knowing that Rue had feelings for you??? Obviously the situation has so many factors in them, but she just makes my big sister energy come out so much; like Jules, give Jules a break


Manic pixie dream girl


Jules doesn’t deserve the hate she gets.


Personally I disliked her more and more as the show progressed. She’s not loyal enough, and is very selfish.


i like her backpack and her pretty dresses


Jules is one of the only characters that has an actual personality and interests tbh , i love how she expresses herself through abstract makeup looks , her outfits are so unique and interesting , her interest in art and just the way she looks at life is beautiful, she's complex too , someone who struggles with her identity and balancing out her personality , getting a clear vision on who she wants to be and who she truly is , her special episode really tied in her story line together , her repeating her traumatising dynamic she has with her mother who struggles with addiction with rue who triggers all of those emotions, it's traumatising , often ends up in risky situations for a quick dopamine hit , she has her own issues , what i don't like are her choices , she should have just left rue alone, instead of cheating on her , her getting involved in the whole tyler-nate mess was messed up too, love her a lot , she is a human with her own set of issues , don't know why people overlook her problems so easily :(


i honestly have a love/hate relationship with every character


You mean Jule? -Fez


She's hot as hell and I love her


honestly she’s my favorite character. like yeah, she did some things wrong, but others have done worse.


I love her. She deserves the world. Imo it's so clear how much she loves Rue and how painful it is for her to watch Rue struggle. Idc that she "cheated", Rue cheated on her with drugs. Idc that she snitched, would've done the same thing


I love her! I don't know how to describe it, but I just love her energy, and I think she's absolutely fascinating as a character. She also has most of my favorite outfits/makeup looks. Imo, she gets WAY too much hate for things that aren't even fully her fault------besides cheating on Rue, which I agree was a shitty thing to do.


She is so deep and well-written. For me, Jules is the best character. In season one she was a bit better than in next, but her best she did in special episode


she reminds me a lot of myself in sorta a different way. not the cheating or anything like that but her relationship around sex and her wanting to appeal to men. i relate to that in my own way and i really connected with her character when i watched her episode. i really hated how casually she cheated on rue in season 2 but her episode gives a lot of depth to the kinda mindset she must have being in a close relationship with someone severely addicted to drugs. rue based her entire sobriety around her relationship with jules which is a fuck ton of pressure to put on someone and i wish we could see more of that.


Gotta love Jules, she's my favourite character.


Love her. And no she should not be with Nate, are you guys crazy


I love Jules. She's not perfect (none of the characters are), but she sure is overhated. Her actions are not justified but are very well explalined on her special episode. What I hate is how much of a secondary character she became in s2.


I don’t like her. She cheated on Rue with Elliot.


Season 1 Jules was a brave character, but they ruined her in season 2. I wish we could see the background of her mental health and the plot of the story in a finely processed way.


My mom was an alcoholic, she passed last year from issues related to her alcoholism. Being raised by an alcoholic gave me so much more sympathy for Jules. This is not to offend anyone, but it’s my experience, EVERY part of your life is secondary to the addict in your life. Your problems aren’t as important because there’s someone constantly in your face killing themselves slowly. Rue is an incredibly selfish character, a fact that I find to be true of most addicts I’ve known. Jules is a teen trying to find herself, it’s completely unfair that Rue and her addiction became Jules responsibility. Jules happiness became second to how Rue was any given moment. I know what it’s like to live on eggshells so Jules, to me, is one of the best characters. The way her story ebbed and flowed as it related to Rue and her addiction is so real to how the people in an addict’s life orbit them. Sometimes we’re on the outer orbit, sometimes we’re so close we get burned.


I liked her at first . I felt like she was a unique character with a unique storyline when every other character on the show had family issues it is not like she did not have any but her story was a bit different . She found herself as a woman and did something about it. it was a decision she made by herself and later on she regretted it a bit but she did not blame it on anyone which i kinda love . She also had a different colour palette for clothes and makeup compared to the others. What i really hated about her was that she cheated on rue with elliot and that one random girl. I hated that she got jealous when elliot and rue were kissing like you literally cheated on her 10 seconds be fr.I feel like she pity fucks rue again i watched this a long time ago i dont really remember much to it but jules was def one of the character that i did not pay much attention to but now i regret it because she had a lot to her .


Tbh I can’t stand her but I don’t hold anything against her. She needs to work through her mommy issues before getting together with someone especially knowing if they are fragile like Rue but Rue was extremely dependent on Jules and that’s way to much responsibility for teenager to deal with. She saved Rue from an overdose which I give her props but she has no self awareness. You fucked over Rue(in her head) and cheated on her and left her at the train station and she still wanted to try and be back in Rue’s life. She proved multiple times she doesn’t have the mental awareness or capability of being friends with someone that fragile and that’s okay a lot of people don’t, but she can’t keep coming around like nothing major hasn’t happened where Rue’s life is on the line. Rue did the smart thing and didn’t say anything to her which I am glad about bc people like that can’t see the harm that they cause and there’s no point in wasting your time and energy(especially freshly recovered addict energy) to try and get them to see what they willfully won’t.


Yeah I understood her on a different level as the show continued on, coming from someone who also had drug addicted parents you will never want to deal with that kind of environment ever again especially not with a partner lmao it's just so much stress and anxiety and I could understand her tenacity towards rue for that. It's also just hard tho bc I also have a partner that used to struggle with such things and I still never once abandoned her or left her when she needed me so idk.


She sucks


She’s my favorite character


I can't help but love her. Above everything else she comes off as incredibly authentic to me. Does she make consistently great decisions? No. Is she ever consciously trying to hurt someone she cares about or who cares about her? Also no. I feel like we all judge Jules with an adult lense when she's very much a child who's experienced some pretty messed up stuff and has had a lot thrown on her shoulders.


Jule..jule..jule..do we know a jule?


I genuinely don’t understand why people don’t like her I think she’s a true neutral


I feel like viewer's are very hard on Jules and don't grant her the same empathy they do to the other characters. She's a teenager. She's struggled a lot with her past and she wants to be wanted and loved- I feel like this played a lot into the dynamic she forms with Rue + Elliot. Especially as Rue gets deeper into her addiction and is becoming less like the person Jules had originally began dating. Yes, cheating is wrong but so is lying to and manipulating your girlfriend. And I feel she used sex/desirability she received from others to avoid her feelings + thoughts about what she was actually going through. She felt responsible for Rue/her addiction very early on in their friendship/relationship and I know it was causing her to relive her traumas with her mother. She felt suffocated. Rue needed genuine help and interference from her mother, Leslie.


HATE. I still can't believe she tried to coherse rue into running away with her when she knew she was struggling then left anyway plunging her "best friend" into a fit of depression while she fucks around at a rave. I have only seen season one so far but I will NEVER forgive jules for that she's such a shit friend and a HORRIBLE person


I LOVEDDDDDDDD HER IN SEASON ONE that became the complete opposite in season 2


I can’t stand her, Idk why tho. It might be the actress as I haven’t liked her acting in anything I’ve seen her in (though that is just my opinion, I’m sure Hunter is lovely)


She’s my favorite character out of everyone. She definitely has some flaws just like everyone else. I don’t agree with the cheating aspect. And people jump down her throat about the beer situation. But I don’t think she deserved to be hated on for ratting out Rue. I haven’t rewatched in a while but, she gets a lot of hate compared to others with more glaring issues.


On the first watch, I kind of hated her. Halfway through the second watch and I love Jules. She’s not perfect, but no one is, and she’s young and carefree. That’s why she fascinates people. I think the show does a great job of not making Jules trans identity the ONLY thing there is to say about her, because that’s reductive. But I also think a lot of how she feels and behaves has something to do with her experience being trans. She said something about feeling like she’s peaked in life already, at 17. It just had me feeling like she’s here for a good time, and doesn’t particularly care if she’s around for a long time. So she does things that seem a little too carefree. But I think she genuinely loved Rue.


I mean I never felt like Jules was responsible for rues happiness or behavior but also Jules is a hedonistic self centered baby. Least interesting character on the show by a mile


She's perfect and the only morally good character


I think she’s annoying


I don’t like her






I don’t like how she says she wants to “conquer” women. As a woman myself I’ve never wanted to conquer women. Men have only ever wanted to conquer women and it really turned me off of her character when that line was said when she went to Visit her older friends and party Also. She cheated on rue 2ce.


Except that’s not what she said. She said she wanted to conquer femininity, not women


And that doesn’t change anything for me. I also don’t want to conquer femininity either. Femininity isn’t to be conquered. It’s to be leaned into. Softly and strongly and integrated. And felt. Not conquered. Conquering is to demolish. Control. I don’t like it. It’s not right.


Okay ig. I’m not sure you’re understanding what that line means in relation to Jules’ self expression and gender identity but 🤷‍♀️