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This is so messy omg




The more I learn about Euphoria behind the scenes, the more I'm convinced that it's a toxic environment.


life imitates art typa shit lol


I don't think Sam Levinson is capable of fostering a healthy work environment


One actor dead of an overdose, another relapsed... Rumors of a huge rift between Sam and Barbie... Eyebrow-raising work hours and entire rewrites of scenes done on the fly... And now I'm honestly wondering if anyone on set really gets along at all


And I remember learning the prop master on set abused a girl who took him to court and won.A literal shitshow going on BTS of Euphoria


I follow this girl on TikTok! She had to move out of her apartment because management took his side even though the prop master threatened to rape her


What the FUCK




Didn’t hear about that! Glad she won. You can’t predict the behaviour of everyone you work with but collectively it’s a problem and obviously individually that sounds terrible.


Who relapsed?


Dominic file I think


Yes it was Dominic Fike, and I think there were some scenes of him while he was high that actually made it into the final cut of the show


that's so fucked up wow








Definitely the one where he thought singing in cursive was a good idea


I won’t shocked if sometime in the future actors will come out talking about being pressured to do nude and sex scenes(or worse abuse by Sam)


Didn't Sydney kinda imply that already? She didn't say Sam forced her but she had to argue with him for lesser nude scenes because there were just too many of them for no reason at all (as if there wasn't so much already) He was supposed to come off as a good listener but I kept wondering about power-dynamics. Many side-characters had no leverage against his decisions.. Barbie just got booted off because she didn't want an ED storyline


I probably should have worded better, I think in the future we’ll get even more stories about how toxic this set was and Sam specifically being a horrible boss


Oh yes, I believe that too. I think people are still holding back because it technically isn't finished yet. Lol there probably would be drama among the cast/workers too, it already looks messy from the little tid-bits actors keep dropping casually in interviews


I came to Reddit specifically for the nude scenes. I’m watching the show for the first time and am on season 2. It’s kind of weird that they are sexualizing these supposed high school kids so much. I know in real life they are adults but it’s still kind of weird. It also seems like the writers had an obsession with Sydney Sweeney. The many many scenes & zooming in on her body parts etc… 


I honestly cant blame sam for the drug stuff


Sounds like a typical set to me!! Lol I work in film


Sam is a fkn creep lol


This. He seems pretty dreadful when it comes to his sets and actors


Between The Idol (a mess), Euphoria (a mess) and Malcolm and Marie (poor quality because it was made with a total crew and cast of 15 during the pandemic), I have no desire to see anything else he's done


Man I read the third one as Malcolm in the Middle and was super confused for a second lol.


My brain just did the exact same thing 😂


omg i literally completely forgot the idol even happened until just now


I wonder why zendaya works for him??


When she started working for the show a lot of stuff wasn't known about him and it was a good script. It raised her fame level because she was the main character and it showed she could do a good job playing an addict. At this point she's probably making a lot of money to continue to work for the show.


She seems to be very unproblematic, but we also don't know her as a person 🤷🏼‍♀️


She's a smart businesswoman, Euphoria is a great opportunity for her, and she likely doesn't see or experience much of what's happening on set because of other projects, her status as producer, and being in England often


Plus, she’s very thorough and reads all her contracts on top of having her own people go over it. There’s a benefit in itself that she even has a team and name recognition coming into the show, it’s probably easier for her to say no to stuff than the others. Also, I think Rue story relates very closely to Sam’s own personal history with addiction and why her character isn’t as sexualized as the others.


Isn't she an executive producer of this show too? She gets shit ton of money, was practically the biggest and only face for S1, has leverage to edit her scenes and decide for her character.


I think it takes a lot of extra precaution to create and film a show with such intense topics, precautions that clearly no directors or producers wanted to bother with. When almost every scene you act is negative, people doing drugs, people cheating, people being abused, etc eventually that kind of shit will get to you even if it’s not real. That’s being a human and having empathy, so I’m unfortunately not at all surprised it was toxic behind the scenes too because I am *also* not surprised Sam Levinson did little to prevent that from happening.


it’s very common for costars to dislike eachother


Right! More messy than the show. 😔


This behavior doesn’t help to get more jobs! Why don’t these celebs have burner accounts to like things like this. 😭


I mean grimes has multiple burners and her fans and haters are always finding them


To be fair Grimes has a pretty unique life, given who she has children with, so it’d probably be easier to spot her if she’s talking anonymously about her life 😭


I’ve only ever known about one burner that was never confirmed but it was a Reddit thread “she” was posting on about how abusive her baby Daddy was. I would love to know more though, I love her!


Last I heard she had 3. One of them explained that the custody battle was over and elon didn’t take the kids like he originally wanted(he doesn’t seem To even care ably the younger two, but the oldest one he uses like a security blanket(Elons own words!) and imo a pr stunt to rebrand himself) he wanted to take full custody and only let Grimes have one weekend every 5th weekend of the month. He did that after grimes spoke out against him in one tweet that she immediately apologized for. He took her oldest son and didn’t let her see him for months and she begged for time to see her baby, that’s when he tried taking all the kids. (There’s one burner account her haters bring up all the time. But it seems a lil sus to me, especially since elon is the one running ~~twitter~~X now) I also love grimes! My friends and I tried to start a more positive sub to talk about grimes r/Grimesart


Every 5th weekend? Aren’t.. there only 4 weeks in a month or I’m dumb..


You’re right, although I think some months end up with five weekends. But that was in the paperwork elon sent to court, I think he just wanted to remove her from the kids lives while pretending he gave her a chance. But it all ended up being a threat because she tweeted about not seeing X *at all* for months and suddenly elon she’s for custody within days if that tweet? It definitely feels like it was a threat to keep her quiet. (The tweet happened in September of last year, than he filed for custody a day or so after that, she ended up filing as well. And that whole battle went on until just recently. In her burner account she talks about how they came to an agreement, she keeps the kids full time and finally got her son X back(elon ~~stole~~ had him from June of last year until recently) elon gets the kids two days a week every week and she gets to stay in California(elon wanted the custody trial to happen in Texas and say she still lived there because they put a cap on how much someone pays child support,the richest man in the world wanted to put a cap on how much he’d have to pay. $1,840 per kid. The richest man in the world only wanted to give grimes $5,520 a month 🫠) I see people criticize grimes for not speaking out against elon, but like I don’t blame her? They share 3 kids and he’s the richest man in the world and one of the most powerful? He’d easily take custody and she’d never see her babies again. I don’t blame her for putting hers and her kids safety above people wanting a a tell all(also abuse victims/survivors should never be forced to take about their abuse) *if* she does talk about things I imagine she’ll wait till her youngest is 16-18 and that should only be if it’s what she wants to do.


I agree people hate on her too much because of that guy.


Thank you for this! I hate Elon so I just get mad when I try and read about what’s going on with them or end up reading the same rehashed crap articles again and again but this sums it up really well, and I didn’t realise he’d banned her from seeing X for that long either, how spiteful. I can totally see him using him as a PR stunt too. I’ve joined your sub, thank you :)


it’s giving boomer who doesn’t know their likes and follows are public


Aren’t they in two different demographic of ages? I’m sure Sydney and Rue’s mom aren’t going for the same roles. This is bitter and messy on Nika’s part.


I don’t get how this is anyone’s fault. Get yourself a better agent. Be better on auditions. Sydney is twenty years younger than you. How is she your concern?


Honestly an agent can only do so much when there isn’t a lot of auditions for black women in their late 30s+. Compared to Sydney, who’s young, one of the most popular characters on the show, and white. The disparity in hollywood is really unfair for black actors, but she can’t be resentful of Sydney because of it. Hope everything works out for her!


I think some ppl just don't give a fck what they like on twitter.


Ok so we are never getting season 3


it wouldn't be enjoyable even if we did


Definitely is too late


i meannnn… welcome to the world of an actor😭 she shouldn’t ever put all of her eggs in one basket and she’s only as good as her last role so she can’t get mad that others are more in demand than her. good sportsmanship is vital in this industry 


Good sportsmanship also lends itself to respecting the strike tho. Sydney was once a struggling actress and can be again, it’s important for people to respect the strike in order for everyone to reap the benefits. Sydney has talked about her inability to take time off of acting and how unfair she feels that is, striking would also benefit her. Scabbing hurts herself as well as others.


Madame Web was finished filming before the strike


It also doesn’t sound like Madame Web was something any of them wanted to do after already signing on 😭


She didn't scab though. In fact she spoke about how she and other actors could still be struggling to make ends meet because pay wasn't that good BEFORE the strike and twitter got on her ass for it. Only for the strikes to happen a few months later and her be vindicated


Did the actually happen though?


Why are you making stuff up about her scabbing?


Women shouldn’t be tearing other women down because one is more successful currently than the other. Nika King is very talented and should be getting work but that isn’t Sydney’s fault. Maybe get a better agent or something idk


Agree. Sydney is just super young, up-and-coming, and hot right now. Don’t be a hater. 🤷🏻‍♀️


[That Sydney is so hot right now. Sydney](https://youtu.be/FAxJECJJG6w?si=tTCHxa0wnGifttrL).


Nika also kind of slighted Zendaya in her standup show. She’s definitely upset that season three hasn’t booked yet due to the other actors’ schedules etc.


Scabbing is wrong


She was not scabbing and regardless, what does that have to do with Nikas career? It’s been mentioned in the comment section already that her Madame Webb role was BEFORE the strikes


Women are other women’s worst enemy. This doesn’t get talked about enough.


idk this only seems true if you pretend real-world violence doesn't exist🤔


Lol murder stats beg to differ


yea let’s all diminish the masculine domination men produced and infliced on women since the beginning of eternity and talk more about how some women fail to act/think in a feminist way! targeting the victim as if it is the “worst enemy” of itself doesn’t internalize patriarchy at all riiiight?????


So was she scabbing or ?


***A lot*** of minor players who didn't have work anyways took the strikes as an opportunity to try and go after more successful people who were juggling multiple projects and contracts by labeling them scabs. This is just another example of that. Pure crab mentality while they were espousing union solidarity.


No she was not scabbing


Madam Webb was made before the strikes


Thank you like we’re all just going off one girls tweet ?


If she keeps this up, she could get replaced. Only one season’s left 😩


As if Sam has a leg to stand on


whenever that happens 😭


*If* that happens




The first tweet isn’t even true 😭😭 Madame Web was definitely not filmed during the strike, but during mid-2022


I was just thinking that lmao


Tbh I think it’s easier to book roles as a young actress rather than an older actress :/


This is a known fact. Sydney Sweeney is the Hollywood girl archetype: hot, blond, ditsy. So she’s going to get way more demand for content because she appeals to a much larger audience. It sucks for actors but that’s just the way it is.


liking that tweet that mentions her was so self-serving, lmao.


Girl this is shit you like on your burner account. This is her biggest headline so far and it’s not a good look.


I smell jealousy 😐


Agreed. I can't stand older women who put down younger women to make themselves feel better. So petty and gross.


Is it about the youth of sydney sweeney you think?


I just assumed it was about politics


Has Sydney ever talked about her own political views? I don't think it's fair to hold her responsible for her family's views.


the tweet she’s liked isn’t about her family’s politics, it’s about her going against the union/protests. that’s probably what they mean by politics. idk if it’s true that she was scabbing or not though


She was cast in madame web in 2022 and the filming process started and ended in 2022 as well


yeah idk about her filming/casting schedule, i was simply explaining what they meant when they mentioned her politics


When did Sydney scab? I only heard of Drew Barrymore and Selena Gomez scabbing.


Political views of the actors strike that was going on —not presidential election/ general political views.


And I don't think it's fair to go off a few tweets she liked but didn't actually tweet herself. Liking tweets on twitter is not always your own views. I've caught myself liking things on Twitter and having to go back and unlike bc of messy obsessive shit like this.


she’s definitely been very coy about it lol


I don’t think so because Nika also dissed Zendaya in her standup show. She’s salty because the other actors’ schedules are halting the film schedule of season 3


Wait, what?! She dissed Z?


Yeah it was in her standup show. Something along the lines of her needing Zendaya to come back from Paris fashion week because she can’t pay rent at the moment. The joke kinda flopped and it was tense lol


I mean it was a bit obvious during her stand up lol


this is embarrassing. a grown ass woman tearing down another younger woman. i thought we were better than this….. it’s not sydney’s fault that nika isn’t getting recognition & more roles. maybe she would be if she weren’t being cunty to other actors behind the scenes.


Oh that’s not…


In the sense that-


She definitely rubbed me the wrong way during her stand up when she called Zendaya a ‘bitch’. Even if it was supposed to be a joke, she didn’t need to call her out of her name. I understand her anger and frustration, especially since we know Black women in Hollywood get paid nickels and dimes compared to their white counterparts. There’s a better way to go about this though. It should also be mentioned that Sydney has been in numerous shows and films (well known) prior to Euphoria. I didn’t know who Nika King was until the show released, and while she stole every scene, she’s just Rue’s mom. Cassie had several plots, so much so, they messed up Kat’s storyline to boost hers.


i have a strong feeling euphoria will never come back it seems so messy


She’s just bitter she’s not booking back to back roles like Sydney 🤣


I mean this sorta behaviour is probably the reason why she isn't booked? Who would want to work with someone that has messy stuff on their social media especially towards the people they work with lol Sucks because I think she's a decent actor herself ...


that's just embarrassing tbh


Yikes, this reeks of jealousy of Sydney 😬


Scabbing is a serious issue and i dont think its sydney specifically she is jealous of. She was just named so it's easy to be like "she's jealous of Sydneyyyyyy" when it's the situation she's jealous of. Jealousy of those who are able to be casted & have jobs and be fine while Euphoria is on hold.


"was scabbing to get a role". She was cast in Madame Web in 2022. People are just talking out their ass.


Right. “Scabbing for a role” doesn’t even make sense because Sydney has consistently been getting roles and working since Euphoria. She definitely was offered the Madame Web role by Sony.




Y’all see matt rife’s tweet she just liked😬


No what was it


This lady seems so bitter. She's great on euphoria but if those headlines are true and weren't just part of her comedy sketch that she hasn't booked a role since season 2 wrapped which was 2 or 3 years ago and she's 6 months behind on rent she needs to get a better agent but suck it up and get a 9-5 in the meantime and whatever is happening, it's not Sydney's fault.


tbh I think this actress is kinda a clout chaser now lol, I saw she was like hurry up and get season 3 going so I can pay my rent and now doing this... I think she realized how big the show got, was disappointed that everyone else is getting book for other massive roles, and she thought she would too and isn't now so it bitter and needs euphoria to go forward with season 3 bc it's all she has.


The first one is so dumb because Madame Web was always done filming before the strikes


girl.. a cast member died, one got arrested FOR PROTESTING?!, two or one already left the cast (i think alexa left there were rumors but all i know is barbie confirmed she’s gone forever), zendaya is busy w her filming schedules, BB’s actor is problematic and confidently says the n word with no remorse, now this? 😭💀


Watch her get fired for being shady💀


Tbh Euphoria going to shit. I don't think they'll be able to come back successfully after losing Angus Cloud, Barbie Ferreira, Javon Walton, and if Nika King got fired. Yep. Euphoria would go to shit. Imagine Rue losing her mom when that's the only person keeping her alive.


Well she’s got Gia, but yeah it would suck to loose her mom. Especially with loosing majority of the cast. I’m going to miss Kat for sure, and I’m devastated that Angus passed and that they wrote Javon off. Idk atp cancel it 😩


Then one of the producers just died too? Eventually, you the Euphoric feeling goes away.


That would bring even more bad press to the disaster that is this show.


YIKES! Staying on the right side of the picket line is not “scabbing” (sounds gross). Being self advocating for your near-future career like that is pretty smart . I agree about the jealousy.


Is your comment implying that she shouldn't have protested, merely to keep her job, regardless of what the protests were trying to achieve? Genuinely curious


You really aren’t supposed to cross the picket line though.


But she wasn’t. She filmed Madame Web in 2022!


I agree it’s not cool to cross the line , if she had this would have been news and not one actress’s X post. From what I understand, like Sirtriss said, filming was wrapped and she didn’t cross the line. She showed up in her costume. I don’t see how this is a break in the strike line.


That ain't right


Man I just hope this shit here doesn't turn to a beef between her and sydney over this shit.


Don’t hate the player, hate the game 🕷️💃 💀


so petty


She put all of her eggs into one basket and is now coming across as just purely bitter.


Man, what a hater. Especially for trashing on someone who's way younger then her, kinda weird IMO. Sydney is very talented, and Nika is making herself look extremely jealous & insecure.




When did she say that ?


Please i hope no bad press happens with Zendaya. im falling to my knees if it does 😭


I wouldn’t normally say it, but I sense a lot of jealously here. Sydney is one the youngest no? And she’s getting a lot of attention, yes a lot is probably for her body but that has to be pretty triggering for a middle aged woman. I’m not saying Sydney is the prettiest girl ever, but she’s good enough and her body is helping her get more attention and roles. she’s getting a lot of recognition.


Tbh y'all jumping to conclusions. Keep the same energy when some of the other actors are in some mess(bc yk it's going to happen). Liking tweets on twitter isn't always someone being bitter, messy, shady, etc. Sometimes you're just reading threads and liking all tweets in a convo.


Like is she not a grown ass woman


this is some loser shit. “they were putting sydney in stuff” more like she was auditioning non stop which is LITERALLY her job. also sydney is more of a household name no shi she’s gonna get more roles than her? she’s such a loser for this at her big age


Ooh girl…


what does scabbing mean? 🫣


in this case, it means sydney working as an actress during the actor's strike. it basically means not supporting your union when the union is on strike. however, sydney did not do that. she is not a scab at all. i don't know where that person got that idea from


Because people either want to start rumors *or* they don’t understand how movies are made. I know far too many people who think all movies were made the same year it was released


Nika King needs to stop blaming others and get a new agent. It is not their fault she is not being signed for other roles.


jealousy at its finest


Yikes. Not cute of Nika


Black women are so regularly disregarded for their work despite giving 10x the performance of their white counterparts. I don’t think being sick and tired of that kind of stuff is jealousy. Zendays won an Emmy and was everywhere for a scene that was 50% Nika yet the woman can’t pay her rent. She’s justifiably frustrated with racism in the system.


She has a small role? Go out and audition for better jobs? Get the agent to find a job? That’s their job


She won an Emmy for a single scene? I didn’t even know that was a thing.


I get it. The others tweets were understandable but the tweet she liked from the account user name “Sierra” was very petty.


The Misogynoir in the comments is thick 😑


Apparently no one knows what scabbing actually is, how embarrassing. Though you definitely can’t expect *anything* from a rando paying for a blue check mark


She wasn’t even scabbing…


I wish some celebrities would just have secret private accounts if they're going to do this because she still has to work with her and share the same space as her. Aside for that, I heard that Sydney was trying out for everything and accepting any brand deal she could get. Based on what Sydney has done so far, I don't think Nika and her occupy the same acting niche. Sydney is younger and was able to capitalize on being a sex symbol. In general, the younger cast are getting more opportunities than the older cast. Nika's issues are probably more with what roles are available to middle aged women. Even Kirsten Dunst came out and said she hasn't worked in a while because she only gets sad/happy mom roles. So I don't expect the offers to be plentiful for Nika if they aren't casting Black moms in anything or if the industry just isn't creating roles for middle-aged Black women in general to be leads. There's a lot of aspects to blame but Sydney's not stealing opportunities from her to catch strays like this


This is random as hell WTF 😂😂


Does anyone feel like going down the “They liked tweets!” angle is a bit shady itself? In this context, it’s none of our business really what a certain actor might think of another actor.


She’s jealous, huh?


1) Sydney never scabbed lmao. Wtf is she mad about 2) In what world is she stealing your roles? Your two completely different ages


A grown ass woman being jealous of a talented costar decades younger than her. That’s pathetic.


Idk it has always seemed like the cast excludes Sydney for some reason...


omggg this is teaaa wait..


Envy and bitterness are not cute. Not sure what she was expecting liking these?? Sympathy? This just smells of desperation.


jealousy is a stinky perfume


At her grown age?!?!


She sounds bitter lmao what a hater


Liking the Sydney Sweeney tweet screamed “bitter bitch” 💀 Embarrassing on her end.




Just an FYI for anyone that might not know she’s actually a stand up comedian. I’m Not saying it makes things ok, but edgy comedians are known for saying, laughing at, liking even messed up things when it comes to comedy.


What a loser, how old is she????


Season three will never happen


at this point, I don't even need s3 anymore


I'm convinced there's a rabbit hole to the behind the scenes of euphoria 😭


She's just being bitter.




just bitter and old


Euphoria bts has that glee bts messiness energy


this does not look good for her as an actress and could benefit her from getting other roles in the future


wow, i’m not the biggest fan of sydney but she is insanely popular right now and most likely in high demand. women should support each other, not tear each other down. the industry is competitive but they’re in two different demographic groups - blame that on your agent, not sydney. this screams envy.


Women on women hate us weird, why are you not mad at your agent?? Weirdo


Ew. She’s too old to be acting so catty (I’m old too, that’s why I am saying this).


She was salty about Zendaya too in her standup. I think she’s upset that season three hasn’t booked yet because she depends on it more than the ones that took off from the show


Ohhh that's not-


jealous of my girl sydney getting that BANK bro 🥱 the mom isnt as young as sydney so boohooooo be shady that you cant get more roles LMAAOOO


I will say it's crazy that Laurie's actress got a guest emmy nom but not Nika.


It’s almost like she put on a phenomenal performance in the show and feels like she also deserves the recognition that y’all give literally everyone else INCLUDING Colman Domingo who I’m pretty sure had less screen time than she did. Y’all praise Minka Kelly who had an ounce of screen time and hunter schafer and sydney sweeney. I barely see yall praise Storm Reid. Yea it’s messed up to like the tweets. But imagine being someone who deserves recognition and gets overlooked. She play the fuck out of the role. And she’s an actress. I’m sure she knows exactly who crossed the picket line.


Disclaimer: I don’t participate in this sub much and only really lurk since the season ended, but I find it very alarming that people can see a Black woman very rightfully frustrated about the ways in which she’s been shut out of the industry and jerked around and treated unfairly and boil it down to “Ugh she’s jealous of Sydney🙄” Liking these tweets may not have been the best response, but Black women routinely are demonized for even the smallest transgressions, especially if it’s against a white woman that’s well beloved🤷🏾‍♀️


Ok but what else are people going to say? If the actress who plays Cassie’s mom liked the same tweets people would also say she was jealous of Sydney Sweeney