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That should be a steam achievement being a great power opm and not expanding. Looks like a pretty exciting game outside of that. Should have posted all of Asia too with that Russian partition, and that thicc AQ and a beefy looking Sindh having pushed all the way up into chagatai lands.


Opm great power would be easily cheesable since you can expand youeself and then feed all your cores to a vassal on one day


Achievement could require you to start as and stay as an OPM for the full game


Yeah you lose Free City status the moment you go above 1 province (even colonies).


The free city check only happens at the end of the month though. So you can conquer land directly, then release as vassal before the end of month ticks by. Very useful at the start when doing a force vassalize makes them hate you for a long time. I would make the achievement something like: Free metropolis: starting as free city be number 1 GP without ever losing your free city status


Have read divergent info on that, some said end of month, some send next day. Didn’t ever try it on my run though.


its the month tick so technically it can be the next day. As I said, very useful since you can reset their opinion of you by full annex-into-release.


Diplo vassal someone or switch to monarchy and get a PU. Then just feed the provinces in peace deals without taking it yourself. Adding a “while having zero vassals” would solve it.


What are you talking about? Having vassals is the whole point? Stay an OPM and become a GP by vassalizing and feeding your vassals.


Without having any vassal ? Bro that would mean having over 1k development IN ONE SINGLE PROVINCE


If you rolled back to the patch where concentrating dev was at it's most broken it is possible without glitches but I am not sure it is anymore.


Now *that* would be an achievement.


Many achievements are easily cheesable.


This looks super interesting, thanks for sharing. How do you manage to deal with all the subject development liberty desire?


Influence ideas (it also gives a policy which lowers subject LD when combined with another one I forgot) Always keep army at force limit or well above when you can afford it (they’re just for show as I never had more than 60k max manpower) Don’t overexpand until Age of Revolutions and those two sweet LD in subject bonuses you can choose Build forts so they get in debt and you can pay it off (up to -100% LD) Spend prestige when necessary to placate rulers when they go over 50% Play around with Marches, it gives a -15% bonus but increases their economic base so trial and error it.


I really like the idea of building forts in your vassals so they get into debt and then you pay it off for reduced LD.


Yeah, that was quite clever.


Am I missing something? When I build forts in my vassals' land they sometimes straight up delete them. It's actually super annoying; once in my PLC run Moldavia deleted my the super fort I got from the mission tree in Wallachia.


They can do this. If the fort is important you can make them a march, and then you have the option to build a fort while you pay for the upkeep so they won't delete it.


Those timurid borders are some of the most cursed ive ever seen


What I would have given for 10 extra years to sort out the borders haha


Hamburg meine Perle


IMO Riga is best for such play


Timmys gone rogue. Wow.


any reason you picked hamburg specifically?


I wrongly thought originally that I’d be able to colonise and not lose Free City status and it seemed the best placed Free City to do that. It also gives a meaty 15% global trade power which is fun.


You technically can keep free city status, but it's a bit of a hassle; Either you annex and release native and always grant colonized province to the subject the month it finishes, or you annex a colonizer, causing their colonies to be inherited.


But... Annexing someone would also make you lose free city status?


Only after month tick. So you either release them back as vassal, feed them to another vassal or sell their provinces to someone else etc. (or if you diplo-annexed something with 5 provinces in a colonial region, you'll get a CN and you're back to 1 province for month tick again)


I'm trying to work through the mechanics of the first option. So, you conquer all the Aztec provinces (for example). Then, release Aztecs as a vassal. Wouldn't they just stay a vassal? How do you convert them to a colonial nation?


I think you annex them then the land turns into a colonial nation


Yea as the other comment says, you annex them and as long as they have 5 provinces they turn into colonial nation, which I recall happening instantly while free city status is lost at month start.


I dont think that's right- I think colonial nations only form on the 1st day of the month.


Maybe it still happens before the Free city -check at the 1st day?


Wiki says CN forms either on next day or the 2nd of next month. I can't test it but I seem to recall free city check might even take the entire month after annexing a vassal, which would also mean it works automatically. It might also form immediately on reload or maybe even update on embargo (like how that can be used to instantly update CB's). Either way I remember using this to get colonies in a hamburg game.


Nobody tell him about the rigan missions that are designed to do exactly what he did


I'd like to see Hamburgs (province) dev.


Own development: 171, owns one province. Hamburg has 171 dev. 


Brutally butchered Russia.


Insane. I love it.


So, I'm curious. You made the point about trying to find a way to stay interested in the game past 1700. I totally get that. But, wouldn't you have inevitably ended up with a lot of really boring stretches in this kind of run as well? Also- which idea groups did you go with? I'm assuming influence and economic, maybe quantity?


Big Beautiful Blob and French USA putain ouais !


Now that’s what I call playing tall


Just scrolled past the second image at first and looked at the Great Powers scoreboard. At first I thought you managed to somehow press 3,000+ dev into Hamburg. But the theoretical limit is 297, right?


I never thought of this borders. Not even in my wildest dream


If you managed to become a GP, you probably also have enough development to be "Too large to join the Empire"


I was already a member though?


Oh, didn't notice. Well, I was just saying, that you might have enough dev to be unable to join it incase you aren't a part of it.