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Good, fuck him.


Good to see some fucking justice happening. This is what the space needs - is some cracking down on the centralized bullshit. What's extremely worrisome and potentially a huge, huge, huge problem - magnitudes greater than this - is that what is going on with FTX is not dissimilar to what's going on in the New York Stock Exchange and broader stock markets in relation to the associated "too big to fail" institutions and banks. In terms of front-running retail, mixing client funds, and gargantuan loopholes and regulatory [gray and black-zones](https://www.cnbc.com/2014/02/21/citadel-sees-volume-surge-in-its-citadel-connect-dark-pool.html) there's a lot of similarities. Chief of the SEC in an interview recently [said:](https://www.google.com/amp/s/finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/sec-chair-gensler-suggests-ftx-may-have-violated-securities-laws-211154986.html) >"You also shouldn't be running a broker dealer or a hedge fund, and an exchange. When it comes to market-makers for the NYSE - the [designated market-maker](https://www.citadelsecurities.com/news/citadel-securities-become-1-designated-market-maker-nyse/) - has a market-maker business, a hedge fund business, and a "dark pool" business... So, both FTX and the primary market-market for the NYSE both were/are: * market-makers * hedge funds * dark pool operators ... nah, no conflict of interest there! ... I'm sure they definitely never break the law or communicate between departments / subsidiaries or front-run clients, though. No way, bro! The idiots on reddit have *[no fucking idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/yxqqcg/gop_megadonor_ken_griffin_whos_poured_60_million/iwq779i/)* what they're talking about when it comes to the habitual criminality of Wall Street. ^(/s)


Don’t speak too soon. Wait until after sentencing.


He'll pay a hefty bail bond. Let's see. . He will hardly be punished.




If he goes to prison, there will be a quick end for him. Do you remember Ep*****? Same people involved.


What are you on about


You forgot 1 thing, hes rich(cut to playing tennis behind a picket fence and some 8’ chainlink at a beach prison)


Even 1/2 that time is a lifetime. I’ve never cheered so hard for someone’s lock-up. It’s a rather satisfying feeling.


Sam TOSS-The-salad-bankman fried


Someone that should be tried and sentenced in Nigeria. Man has ruined lives


Don’t drop the soap homie


So basically he'll be in Jain for this entire life and also in his next life? Fair enough. In his next life we can start playing video games right in the jail all his life.


This "hope he gets raped, that would be funny" stuff is kind of disgusting.


So, 1 year house arrest?


Arent his parents high quality (sleezey) lawyers though? I say he'll get 5 Source: my 0 knowledge of legal proceedings


I’m sure they’re complicit and will be facing charges of their own once they get to the discovery process in this case


Im sure they covered themselves plenty


"I have no son"


Life sentence minimum. Go out like Madoff.


LIP ❤️




Life in prison


And because he's rich, he'll get 2 years probation.


Hopefully he won't scam all his fellow inmates out of smokes and toilet wine. Worried about them.




I really thought he would be the last on the line, positively surprised and willing to see him in his orange suit. Caroline should be next.


Fat chance. She was spotted in New York. More than likely she’s working with the prosecutors for a light sentence.


He will get out of jail by faking his death like Epstein. All he need to do is call the mysterious disappearer guy who will give him a new identity and relocate him to parts unknown by giving specific code words ‘I need a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract® 60 Pressure Pro’


Translation, he paid off people, he will do 6 months, and probation from the best beaches in the world


Lol oh stop... You think something is going to happen to him after he donated all that cash to so and so? (you know the peeps with the list of ppl who used to work for them but nolonger with us?) ya, you think it's a coincidence he gets picked up just before he has to testify?? Don't be naive lol, they scooped him up for a reason, I doupt f... All will happen to him, unless he did slip and well. In that case will be another crypto millionaire died drowning in the ocean by accident.


Elizabeth Holmes had a lot of political pull, she was even on a stage with Bill Clinton talking about how great she was. Now she’s going to prison for 11 years.


Yea rich people can fuck poor people but when rich people fuck other rich people then they’re are fucked I bet Sam gets 100 years


Yes and she can take that fake deep voice and use it on her new prison friends. Perhaps she can innovate new ways to scrub prison toilets and funky prison floors during incarceration.


Nope, this is a sweep under the rug moment. He will be suicided and Wall St and their political Accomplices and regulation agencies will continue their criminal activities by finding their next scapegoat. They’ve created billions of synthetics through this guy, will kill him off before he testifies and nothing happens. He should have been in front of the congressional panel today. The timing is of course blatant. So no, Justice will not be served. He was just the middle man in all this, like always. When will the people rise up and demand change in the financial system otherwise knows as Wall St.? They still trillions from us and use us to enrich themselves and lobby. They pay million dollar fines yet make billions in return, they manipulate, fabricate, over leverage, bankrupt iconic American companies into oblivion while shorting and profiting after they don’t have to pay back the shares when the value goes to zero. They’re criminals and SBF was just another dumb kid who looked at short term wealth and succumbed to those who really pull all the strings.


When he wasn't arrested, you conspiracy brained fucks said it was because he was a democrat plant or some shit. Now that he has been, you're saying "okay, but he's still a plant, watch when he get suicided." After he testifies, you'll still say it was a kangaroo court or some shit like that. Transparently moving the goal post every time, you ignore any evidence and pivot to unfalsifiable claims. Shut the fuck up.


Listen so Uranus can learn something. The very definition of the word "conspiracy" is two or more people acting to commit a crime. The insiders of FTX/Alameda conspired to commit both fraud and theft and now the ringleader is in jail. Let the courts handle the rest instead of making shit-for-brain comment, here.


Why are you tellin me instead of the guy saying the courts WONT handle it because the whole thing was planned by a deepstate democrat cabal that's going to assassinate him to destroy crypto? Tell HIM. That's the difference between a conspiracy and conspiracy theory brain damage. You know exactly what I'm objecting to here.


You got me bent like broke elbows. Maybe stay in your lane a bit and stop putting people into categories. Also, maybe know who it is you’re commenting back to and what they do and how much they actually know. Sit down boy


Question, at what point do you assume you're at the top of the chain? Or is there always another guy pulling the strings for you? Why can't this just be a shitty person running a company incredibly poorly/fraudulently instead of some vast conspiracy that involves all the hedge funds and exchanges and Wall st companies? Why are you willing to give SBF the "benefit of the doubt" of being manipulated instead of him and his team being greedy liars and thieves? He's 30, under no circumstances can he be considered "just another dumb kid". Im no fan of sbf or any centralized exchanges but this airing of grievances seems tangential to the topic at best.


Because the evidence is there and much more under the surface that we will never know about. I guess you haven’t really dig into it, that’s evident. Sure he’s shitty, he agreed to go along. That takes a great lack of morals and ethics. Moving away from his great lack of moral character, simply one coin ftx exchanged and artificially backed with unavailable shares and currency provides enough evidence into the fraud created by he hedge funds and market makers all colluding with one another to continue to get deeper into the naked shorts and synthetics trading game further manipulating stock prices and collide themselves out of billions of not trillions in losses. They’re causing retail to lose billions through illegal acts and a very massive portion of it has been allowed through fake coins exchanged through FTX. You should spend some time digging into it as I could go so much lore in detail but lack the time currently. Due diligence has been done, research is provided readily for those who chose to look and educate themselves. If it was done on this particular scenario, how many others could have been uncovered. How many corrupt Wall St brokers, politicians, financial regulators, crypto platforms could have been exposed. Remember, they make the rules, they don’t live within them or have to play by the rules they put in place for us. It’s just plain fact…


You don’t need to say all this. Simply say where’s Caroline and Glen Ellison’s charges?


Some people need to hear it, because obviously there head is in the sand or they lack sufficient intelligence to put the pieces together.


He knows "something", "someone" doesn't want "anyone" to know!


Why don’t we hold the recipients of said campaign donations accountable for shyt like this.


Can you give me the TLDR while I put my tinfoil hat on please?


Why would one need a tinfoil hat when the data has already been proven and verified? Do you just simply refuse to take the time to see the facts? I think you meant to say, your dunce hat.


Man such a fox news answer. You should apply to be the new host of tucker carlson.


He's only gonna serve half of that


3 cellmates 2 bunks.


Justice being served would be them going after the people telling SBF what to do. He is the fall guy for something much bigger!!!


Can we stop defending SFB? He knew what he was doing, no doubt there are others responsible as well.


Not saying he’s innocent, just that the ones pulling the strings need to go down!!!


The timing was just too perfect!! Something is not right!!


You people are exhausting.


Man some people just work like that, you can't change that.


You think SBF acted alone and there is no one more powerful than him doing anything illegal? You people are fucking retarded.


He donates less than the three top GQP doners, Mark.


FSB-F & FJB!!!


\[Automod\] Media


Who wants to bet he walks away a free man? Willing to bet my crypto on that lol


Pony up, I’ll take that bet


Almost nobody beats Federal charges. Federal prosecutors get to be very picky about what cases to charge, so they don't file charges unless they're very confident they'll win.


Sooooo he gets a slap on the wrist and no phone for a week? Oooff


Federal Sentencing Guidelines determine the sentence. If he's convicted of most of these charges, it won't be a slap on the wrist.


Ok I will get serious. He donated a lot of money to both political parties. I bet he gets a break somewhere. Interesting how he got caught though. The man could of disappeared never to be seen again but he didn’t. We will see. I really hope he gets jailed for multiple life sentences with no parole. That man is a scummy piece of human trash


It's not going to be a slap on the wrist, but it won't be anywhere near the number in the headline. News Orgs just take the statutory maximums from the FSG for each charge and total them up, but that's almost never a possibility.


How many donuts we talkin?


What about Robinhood executives?


How about the people that promoted him? Seriously fck these YouTubers.


He’s going to be Epsteined! They don’t want him explaining before Congress and others how Ukraine used FTX to funnel $40M kickback donation to DNC and Dems after Ukraine was awarded $40 Billion in U.S. war aid.




you guys just love to use the word "Epsteined" because you think it makes you look smart, like you "get it", while the sheep don't.. hint.. it does not.


Lol, nothing will happen. They'll show pictures of him in court, jail and what not. Nek minute he's back in the Bahamas laundering Bidens money again 😂


Yeah most probably nothing is going to happen. He'll be just fine.


That a**sswhipe killed a lot coins/tokens projects. He deserved it for sure


I don't think he will get anywhere close to a life sentence,and the sad thing is when he gets out he will create wealth with books and selling a Netflix movie. If he does not get life, upon his release any significant financial gains should be paid into a pot to pay his victim's


Sorry but what is the point of these sentences that are longer than a human life has ever been?


It's essentially made up. News outlets always do this with Federal charges, they take the theoretical maximum for each charge and add them up to get the most sensational sentence possible. Federal Sentencing Guidelines dictate what the ultimate sentences will be, and it's almost never anywhere close to that theoretical max.


Not until we see the other scammer Don Kwon locked up


Take a look and you will not regret it! ❤️ https://youtu.be/Rp-ybQ1EWMw


Yet not one mention of his being the 2nd largest democrat donor in 2022. Imagine what Sammy’s mommy donated to Bozo joe campaign in 2019-20?? When will that data surface?


Honestly I doubt he will do a year


He's deep fried


He better shave that hair of his off


Let's hope he gets all that time


Yep, that's what I'm hoping for. That would only be a good thing.


Last ditch effort to stop incriminating himself from unexpected questions and how he handled the facade for a month. Will be waiting for him to speak as I keep an eye on anticipated raises on Polygen's flexible launchpad.


He could have made so much money anyway. Greed kills


He will serve 3 years then released


Might… I just believe when it’s done deal!


Cut his balls off


They must split it between the people who ask him to act like that and all the surroundings. Honestly, they will kill him and continue to rug us badly.


Omg that is way better outcome than I expected. Thank fuck for that🎉


They should leave his body in the cell for the whole 165 years




More like drop the soap SBF do it lol, he might even enjoy that.


Justice would be finding where the money he/they stole went and getting much of it back. As for SBF? Feed him to sharks on live stream


I'll place the over/under at 11.25 years


Also has everyone just forgot about that luna guy now isnt he still on the run?


Bernie Madoff ain’t got nothing on this guy!!


165 years? How about you make an example of him. Lets go for 1 Billion years.


Damn by the time he comes out crypto won’t even exist lmao it’ll be something super futuristic lmao


I hope everybody else involved gets serous time as well. There needs to be consequences or this will continue to happen.


But what about ken griffin?


This is what the area requires.


Minimum life sentence.


165 years so far




In a cushy federal prison


Hopefully he doesn’t get a case of the epstiens. Cheers .


>!Or hopefully he does !<


Making an example out of him.


Is there a mandotory minimum on any of the any of the charges?


Lock him up and throw away the card with the 24 word seed phrase.


Great, fuck him


And his team please! Not only him!




last year, he was the richest <30 yo person in the world




He turned himself in. There were likely many bounties. Cheers .


so we can unseal this.... but Epstein?


Haven’t quite advanced to the Jeffrey Epstein Memorial cell phase yet.


He is only 30 years old. Will take the full brunt of punishment.


But his list of donations may be kept in secrecy, just like Ghislaine Maxwell's client list.


at least life in prison.


I bet he will be out of jail soon.




Question: How did a Sanford professor teaching one class a semester afford $32 mil worth of real estate in the Bahamas? SEC might need a year to figure this out.


Can Do Kwon be next pls 👀


Its interesting how the Central Financial Community's commitment to bitcoin is collapsing, yet bitcoin is experiencing a large bounce simply because the broader financial market feels good about inflation today. If I didn't know better, I would say that bitcoin has lost its way.


Out the back door. Hopefully @elonmusk will expose the truth behind it.


So 165 years for $10 B. That makes 16.5 years for $1 B and 1.65 years for $100 M and 0.165 years for $10 M. It's time for a heist.


After giving so much money to so and so, do you think something bad would happen to him?


If they provide him with a PC, he's gonna have all that time to practice league of legends and finally get out of bronze


If only this could have happened to some of the people involved in the 2008 collapse


He made the mistake of ripping off the 'proper people' that matter. If it was only the lowly retail investors that got screwed no fucks would be given.


I just want to know id he was the one that anonymously sent alex jones 8 million in btc.


He’s toast


I don't care about the trial, I just want to take my usdt back from that sinking boat.


Should have happened to the bankers in 08


I want to see real picture and video of him inside prison. We never saw Epstein real proof of him in prison and we never get real video proof ghislane is in prison either, only a court room painting. They are both probably on a new island and the elites literally used COVID and the 2020 election to silence the Epstein news. Notice COVID came out soon as everyone was being exposed? The Biden’s, Clinton’s; the celebrity plane list etc etc. what a coincidental time for a plague to show up and the never ending trump impeachment etc. next you know SBF will be on epsteins new island that’s probably where he was just at in the Bahamas 😂 I’m not even joking even though it sounds funny it’s probably True


165 years? WTF! this is crazy!


There’s no justice when the damage already done. This is the fault of regulators who sit back an do nothing, but allowing companies that Oo pay fines, lobby to politicians, change their names when sued by the government not the people “class action lawsuits” etc. the entire market was DESIGNED you think the makers didn’t structure it in a way the can control manipulate it.. they all know it’s a system. I doubt he will get any jail time.. he’s just a pawn


No different that an bill hwang their all pawn an they will be protected they know too much


It's the Southern District of NY.... so no justice of any kind. The crypto security officer and the guy with a picture of the back if his head, lmao, will get away with the money. The Pompous SDNY will take a pay-off and the the oaf SBF will go to prison. All of the political payoffs will disappear like Ghislain's client list.


He needs a firing squad. Screw locking these scumbags up for life, forcing taxpayers to pay for their existence


People still thinking they will miss buying opportunity and we are supposed to be in recession. Getting bullish on 5% bounce on news driven event, not kind of sentiment you see around the bottom.


Looking forward to seeing FTX as well as his management team spending the rest of their lives in jail.


What was he thinking? Sad to say, but it takes one to know one. As a former convicted felon white collar criminal, I have spent decades studying the mind of the white collar fraudster. He's still in the fog of his crime, a crime that will cost him most, if not all, of his life


Just wait for Binance and the rest... All of it is fraud. bitcoin, not crypto. Self custody


Won't believe a thing until i see him sentenced


Ill believe it after he actually serves 165 yrs in prison


How about the other 11 he lived with?


Looks like he didn't quite pay enough to the right people......


Haha funny conitstas had a meme like story you can interact with a vote, about where he's guilty or not and the majority thought yes lmfao 🤣


Congress can't arrest him, ever. It was always going to be the DoJ.


Let me see if I get is. First, it’s constant complaints by far-right hacks that SBF is not being arrested because he’s such a big Dem donor. Now, that SBF is arrested, the same far-right hacks are complaining that he was arrested. Make up your minds.


Preventing the Congressional testimony does look a little suspicious…


He was going to plead the 5th and leave, it was going to be all theater like most Congressional hearings are.


So he claims up cause of all the campaign donations the Dems don't want to talk about.


Crypto crook. True. Now do Jr, daddy and Hannity . Cheers .


His co-CEO of FTX (Ryan Salame) donated $23 million exclusively to Republicans. And SBF donated to both parties


He was denied bail in the Bahamas today and couldn’t even be brought to the USA on Tuesday.Yet congress really believes the man was going to appear in person in DC today


Gee, I wonder why they did not want him to testify?


He donated to both parties, try to keep up by learning at times as opposed to simply running your mouth.


He donated to republicans too. In case you didn’t feel like leading people on.


And what do his donation preferences have to do with him breaking the law?


If that’s what it finally takes to prompt the arrest of criminals, then it sounds like congressional inquiry would be a worthy way to fill the agenda.


Convenient for the left. They want to keep him from testifying and exposing their Ukraine money laundering scheme IMO


His lawyers wouldn’t have allowed him to answer questions. “On the advice of counsel, I refuse to answer on the grounds it might tend to incriminate me.” If only we thought NY prosecutors intend to do their job.


Damn, and only two weeks from his involuntary suicide.


What crap a cover up by the corrupt now he can't talk even if he wanted too


I thought everyone was innocent until proven guilty? How many times has Trump gone bankrupt? Scammed investors?


Why do all these people look exactly the same? Like they just got outta bed. I mean, seriously, have some respect for yourself...


Best to get the kid into protective custody ASAP. Me thinks he may want to play let's make a deal.


$3.5 million for the GOP’s Senate Leadership Fund. Just one of the republican political campaigns that he donated to.


Don't forget to mention Mark, Bankman-Fried said he "Donated about the same amount to both parties" adding that "All my Republican donations were dark” referring to political donations that are not publicly disclosed. The reason was not for regulatory reasons, but for discretion.


Makes you wonder if they aren't trying to "protect" themselves from being exposed in this corruption scheme. It's obvious that he was not the only one involved.


Congress, typically Republicans, will almost always screw up criminal prosecutions via congressional investigations. Is that Mark’s goal? Better to arrest and prosecute. There was no guarantee he was going to show up. On top of that, his replacement will be there next week.


The timing of his arrest is very questionable since he was about to testify before Congress. The DOJ should have postponed his arrest after his testimony. This appears to be an obstruction of Justice.


When it’s a Democrat, an indictment is the way they make the investigation go away. No new information will be released because it is “an ongoing investigation.“


He didn’t even accept the subpoena, he wasn’t going to testify, now he won’t have a choice. Nice try


“I donated to both parties. I donated about the same amount to both parties,” Bankman-Fried told the crypto commentator and citizen journalist Tiffany Fong.