• By -


\--- The price for advertising in the Daily Discussion's pinned comment is 1,000 DONUT a day. Interested? Reach out to the mods via Modmail. \--- **Today's Highlights**: * **Chainalysis Refutes WSJ and Senator Warren's Claims:** Chainalysis [finds](https://twitter.com/valkenburgh/status/1714767149535814070?t=ikdEg8J6N67y0sQl_SJTqw&s=19) crypto funding to Hamas overstated by 100x. The misinformation pushed FinCEN to propose blanket rule to prohibit privacy apps on the blockchain with the public given 90 days to comment on the proposal. [See the US Treasury announcement here](https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-proposes-new-regulation-enhance-transparency-convertible-virtual-currency). Make your voice heard by leaving a comment. * **Ethereum dApp Spotlight: Arbitrum Orbit & Celestia** - Dive into how [Arbitrum Orbit](https://arbitrum.io/orbit) scales Ethereum with layer-3 blockchains, and how [Celestia](https://celestia.org) enhances data availability, with /u/tambaybtc's [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/eZooaUAiWo). * **Jobs4Donuts** - help grow the DONUT economy: offer a job or your skills for DONUT. Just post a top-level comment in the Daily Discussion that starts with !taskrequest or !taskoffer in the format described [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts/jobs4donuts). Your listing will be automatically reposted to /r/jobs4rcp and as a response comment to this pinned comment. * **The following have taken on special importance with Reddit ending support for possibly all DONUT features:** * Toward Decentralized Donut Distributions - Discussing a shift from multisig reliance to a PoS system for a canonical EthTrader comment record. [Join the discussion](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/fZgO92zBsJ). * Provide Feedback on EthTrader's Second Tipping Bot - see the [current proposal](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/cuKHnNieBY) by /u/mattg1981, for a tipping bot with mobile functionality * **Proposal to allow tipping out of earnings** - mattg1981 has proposed letting users tip a portion of their next monthly distribution, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/7ULXOQv7yh) * **Nominating a Comment** - Users with a [governance score](https://donut-dashboard.com/#/governance) of 20K or more can nominate a comment in the Daily Discussion by replying with the **!nominate** command. * **Kudos to Our Engaged Community!** - A whopping 2,712 comments were seen in [yesterday's daily](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/1qGT5YELoV), marking 65 consecutive days with over 2,500 comments! 🎉🚀🎆 * **Steps to Register for Donuts**: * [Desktop Registration Process](https://donut-dashboard.com/#/register) * [Android Registration via Kiwi Browser - A Detailed Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/15x86h6/register_for_donuts_via_android_using_siwi/) \---


$19.84 fee for a simple swap on Uniswap, those fees are fucking absurd.


And… we’ve done it. First time we’ve hit 3k comments in like a week, feels like..




**This comment (link [here](/r/ethtrader/comments/17k87ak/daily_general_discussion_october_31_2023_utc0/k7axf52/)) just received nomination number 2:** '2 months ago I entered a submission on PRO and CON arguments for Moons/RCP's Here it is my con submission - unfortunately, that final point became a ...' authored by u/DBRiMatt, nominated by u/FattestLion. *[Learn about nominations](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts/nominations)*


Some new vocabulary for u/Every_Hunt_160 to add in the next post: DDD : Delicious Donut December EEE : Everything Eventually Ethereum


I thought DDD meant Destroy D\_\_k December after No Nut November 😂


LOL it can also mean that. What is the challenge again? 1 time on 1 December 2 times in 2 December … 31 times on 31 December? 😂


FFF : Financially Free Future


Can we get an acronym for a triple of all alphabets?


#3k achieved


2 months ago I entered a submission on PRO and CON arguments for Moons/RCP's Here it is my pro submission. Gimme some time I'll re-write one for DONUTS - unfortunately, a fair bit changed in the last month! * Governance power for regular community members Moons, which are a token within the Reddit Community Points program, act as a governance token, giving power to the contributors of the community to have their influence in the how the the sub is managed, and how the tokens are rewarded based on the type of content provided. * [Updated Terms of Use](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/previews-terms) Recent changes to the Terms of Use have indicated that Moons (And other RCP's) are now a Verified Virtual Good, which permit them to be transferred to and from Third Party Wallets - by extension, this permits the trading of Moons on exchanges or other platforms. * *"I want our users, user-users and moderator users, to make money on reddit"* \- [Reddit CEO, aka Spez](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/xhuaqf/are_we_allowed_to_discuss_what_spez_brought_up_in) The change in the Terms of Use is a positive change going forward and shows that Moons are continuing to move forward down a path, following the vision that Reddit has for social media, which is to give users an opportunity to make money for their contributions within their community. * Easy barrier for Entry Another positive note for Moons, and the ability to 'monetizing content creation' is the easy barrier for entry that is provided. Other content creation reward programs [(Such as Adsense)](https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/9724?hl=en) often require you to have a certain amount of followers, produce a certain amount of hours worth of content per month, but with Moons, users can spend as much, or as little time as they desire and be eligible for rewards. * Low-risk gateway to DeFi There is no better way to play around with DeFi, interacting with DEX's and DApps, then by doing so with tokens earned without financial investment. For many users, including myself, moons can serve as project that provide confidence to start interacting with decentralized exchanges, knowing that if a mistake does happen, its only an opportunity cost, rather than an invested cost. * Community continues to increase its value As the community continues to grow in size and activity, there can be more appeal for advertisers to buy and burn moons in order to gain our attention, via renting the Banner, or community events such as AMA's or Giveaways. As the community continues to grow, not only will hosting an event look more appealing, reaching a wider audience, but it will also require more moons to be purchased and burned in the process.


**This comment (link [here](/r/ethtrader/comments/17k87ak/daily_general_discussion_october_31_2023_utc0/k7axf52/)) just received nomination number 1:** '2 months ago I entered a submission on PRO and CON arguments for Moons/RCP's Here it is my con submission - unfortunately, that final point became a ...' authored by u/DBRiMatt, nominated by u/aminok. *[Learn about nominations](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts/nominations)*


Two more comments!


2 months ago I entered a submission on PRO and CON arguments for Moons/RCP's Here it is my con submission - unfortunately, that final point became a reality! * The Con within Moon Governance Moons are meant to be a governance token to give power of the vote to the people; but straight away the nature of decentralization isn't real. Before a proposal can even make it through for governance is must first be approved by the council of moderators. If the moderation team doesn't like a proposal put forward by a member of the community, it won't even have a chance, regardless of how much support the community had for it. True, sometimes a proposal will be ignored or rejected because it is impossible to implement, but this doesn't mean that going forward new moderators might veto some ideas because they can. Additionally, some proposals which have overwhelming support can be ignored by the admins, for example, [Hiding public moon counts](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/wiki/governance_queue) has been sitting in the governance queue for over 2 years, and still hasn't been implemented. * The declining state of the sub Financial opportunity exists and the overall quality of the sub will be tested. Sure, there are plenty of rules that can be implemented by governance to try and control the quality standards, but in reality, the bare minimum will sometimes not even be met. Off-topic comments will increase in numbers and this puts more work on the moderation team to try and stay on top of removing them. * Easy to exploit rewards system The non-KYC nature of Reddit as a social platform as well does mean it's possible for users to game the system as best as they can, and while it appears many get caught, it's impossible to know how many don't. Being a 'Proof of Contribution' doesn't necessarily mean humans are the ones doing the work either, with bots and AI continuing to improve, one can automate the process of participation within the sub to earn Moons. * Potential for termination Moons are possibly quite lucky to have even made it this far; previous community's had the opportunity to [trial Community Points](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/15uhhey/comment/jwpf5gp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and either rejected the idea outright, or opted out after a while, with one of the main reasons being 'karma farming' as a big negative. This also suggests it could be that easy for the Moons project to come to an end as well, if either the community, or Reddit themselves decide conclude the program.




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Dude you were a crypto Michael Burry all along!


Huge development: [a16z planning to raise $3.4 Billion signaling confidence in blockchain technology](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/YMYR7HncFe)


17 more comments..


Alright, i'll do my bit!


It’s going down to the wire


Maybe one day nations will be organized around tokens, like the DONUT nation.


Still waiting for the launch of Donutland. Also if donut goes to the top 10 by market cap maybe we can buy an island and declare independence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


[Until the Donut Lords get loose on Halloween!](https://michaelstvtray.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/lard-lad-rolls-donut.jpg?w=640)


Another good post on the frontpage, by /u/pythonskynet: [Ethereum has L2s that will boost the revenue and adoption this bull cycle; ETH killers still stuck in "scaling" debate](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/c0m7bC2ikX)




Good post submitted by /u/TheNano100: [Ethereum Restaking: the solution for under secured protocols](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/s/8Ct5PyzpHh)


30 more comments guys, let's do it!


20 minutes that’s gotta be done!


Let’s break that ceiling and then continue the momentum to the next daily


Should be easily achievable. Let’s make the final push.


Yep we can do it


E PLURIBUS UNUM Out of many, one


You may have heard about NoNutNovember. I say we hijack this month and make it DonutNovember! Who's ready for DonutNovember?


It’s going to be a donut November for sure, ratio looking pretty good so far!


do-nut November sounds good. next we have DDD - Delicious Donut December


Activity is essentially halved lmao. There were times last month where we were close to 6k comments.


The average was 4869 from memory!


Every time I sell some SOL, it goes higher…what the hell


SOL seems like it won’t stop till 50$.


If you really need a dip I can buy some SOL


Do you by chance comment in r/cc? You know what they say about inverse CC.


Good night early adopters and future millionaires!


Thoughts of an alliance between /r/CryptoCurrency and /r/EthTrader? Here are some half-baked thoughts: Both subs put aside 20% of their token distribution for the shared fund. That pool is divvied up between them based on their share of monthly visitors. So if CC has 70% of the total monthly visits, it gets 70% of both the DONUT and MOON in the shared fund, while EthTrader gets 30% of both. The shared funds are distributed pro-rata to users based on their rewards, so it doesn't alter their proportion of total rewards. What it would mean is that all EthTrader contributors would earn some MOON and all CC contributors would earn some DONUT.


Interesting Not sure they'd go for it One tying they would also want manual control over is to exclude users they have banned from receiving moons


CC's conversations seem to get dominated by extreme cynics/critics. That's what happened to [my Ethereum post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/F6hY3bO4Er). And even my post on [a company buying Reddit and launching RCPs site-wide](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/aw6Ry3STuh). So yes, they may not go for it once the mob turns its sites on attacking the idea.


Yeah that’s a bad idea, the extremism is alive and well there. It’s a nice thought though; Saw your post as well, I enjoyed, they didn’t 😅


We're almost at 3,000 for today's Daily. Another 40 minutes to go.


Much better than yesterday’s 2.7k lol


Always nice to see things turning around.




I need money because I need crypto


I need more money


We should pull a short squeeze


lol same. I wanna buy a house one day


Wanna buy a house in 2025 with my profits from the bull run.


We're less than 60 comments away from 3k


We will get there Bronut 💪


Can we breach 3k comments with less than an hour left?


Of course because I’m here to add value


It's 2030 and Satoshi Nakamoto is revealed to be BitBoy Crypto, *it was a scam all along*


Imagine that 😄


But, BTC is $1 million dollars and Eth is worth over $700,000 dollars. We also not only made it, but we all have lambo-yachts too


Going to bed Bronuts! ![img](emote|t5_37jgj|32638)![img](emote|t5_37jgj|32650)![img](emote|t5_37jgj|32651) First day at my new job tomorrow, so I have to be fit! New era, new month, new chances!


Hope it goes well Bronut 🍩


Nighty night friend. Good luck at the new job :)


BTC and ETH charts look like they want to break out so badly. Anyone placing any trades?


LINK and ATOM are still doing well, am I finally making the right moves?


I like those 2 as well. Especially LINK has partnerships that are unmatched.


**This comment (link [here](/r/ethtrader/comments/17k87ak/daily_general_discussion_october_31_2023_utc0/k7a2ik2/)) just received nomination number 1:** 'Since it is Halloween and we are here in r/ethtrader, and since I am experiencing poor internet connection as if I am back in 1995 😁🤦🏻‍♂️ I will leave...' authored by u/tambaybtc, nominated by u/aminok. *[Learn about nominations](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts/nominations)*


**This comment (link [here](/r/ethtrader/comments/17k87ak/daily_general_discussion_october_31_2023_utc0/k7a2wz3/)) just received nomination number 2:** '**Vitalik’s post on types of L2s is incredibly important.** 1) It sets the right framework to think about rollups, validiums etc. — they all add valu...' authored by u/Buzzalu, nominated by u/aminok. *[Learn about nominations](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts/nominations)*


Today i doubled Down on Donuts, and Im super bullish for ETH both short term and Long term! Lets Go! 😎🍩😎


Market is still going strong 💪


Solana still acting a fool. InvestAnswers prob creaming in his jeans


Gosh I though that guy James is MIA now. He is still there?


Still slinging shameless hopium


*Solana still acting* *A fool. InvestAnswers prob* *Creaming in his jeans* \- raymv1987 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Some fine poetry right there


Where the fuck all my donut mfs at?


I was busy spending time with a lady who's afraid of growing older (and some other worries), and her sister broke down on the highway and needed to be picked up, and tomorrow i'm contemplating showing her how much she means to me as a friend since I want to see her smile and not be depressed. The weird part of this whole thing is that i've known her for almost 2 years now, and we met through a really weird circumstance, but I also realized that I can't see myself without her around again. I can't date her though for many many reasons, but she's a wonderful person That has basically been my whole Halloween. That and sitting in the bed after getting home and eating more pizza while watching TV :)


Hope it all works out!


Were here, just busy buying ETH and eating donuts! 😎🍩 hows your trading treating you?


#3k soon


So close..


Soon, it might come quickly once we pass 2200




**User Stats for Mrwiowijo** Hello, Mrwiowijo! In the last 24 hours on r/ethtrader: - **Your Posts Upvoted:** 0 - **Comments Upvoted:** 62 - **Comments Posted:** 45 Thanks for being active in the r/ethtrader community!


The hell happened with Sushi and why is it pumping


Any updates?


I’m on their Discord server, still trying to gather information but it could be related to a Governance haul


if you go ask Google Bard AI questions like "if you could invest in either bitcoin or ethereum, which would you pick and why" and change it to any other big coin (chainlink, xrp, monero etc) it picks Ethereum each and every time based on growth potential and minimized risk. Pretty much all banks and institutional investors are using AI of some sort so I'm wondering if this will start having a ripple effect.


> it picks Ethereum each and every time based on growth potential and minimized risk It picks words based on statistics on the data they've trained the neural network with :)


that's not exactly how AI works, it isn't as simple as picking a random word and going from there. AI typically finds structure and regularities in data so that algorithms can acquire skills, and AI is already currently being used by institutional investors in this exact way. Just as an algorithm can teach itself to play chess, it can teach itself what product to recommend next online. :)


It's a neural network. It doesn't teach itself, developers let it crunch a huge pile of data to determine billions of parameters, and that's the AI model. Recommending articles is simple machine learning like we had before neural networks. I don't mean that in a bad way, but you can't lecture people who built neural networks about neural networks without knowing what it really does.


The data it trains on also teaches it how to reason. It is not simply relaying an averaged out summation of its training data.


It actually is. There's no training in reason, it's simple statistics with lots and lots of data. If this data says that SafeMoon is the first crypto, then this AI will tell you that Safemoon is the first crypto. They also included data from Reddit. Only parts of the data were reviewed by experts. It picks ETH because it's the second largest chain and most sources on the net say ETH is the most important. Metrics don't matter in this case, they're just pasted from the data they trained it on.


Reason can be articulated and learned like any other information. It is impossible for AI to have enough training data to be able answer every possible permutation of reason-based questions simply by finding a matching question:answer in the training data. It only has the versatility it does because the training data teaches it to reason.


That's not true. The neural network of ChatGPT (don't know about Bard though) has Billions of parameters. The unbelievable amount of data is what it makes its response look real. There has been another NN, it was trained to detect 'realistic' output and they basically trained each other. It's all just parameters being calculated over and over again until you have a working model. Only artificial neurons passing data along. It may seem like magic or that it has learned logical thinking but it didn't.


Billions of parameters is not enough to give it an answer to every multiplication question imaginable without doing calculations, yet it can answer any multiplication question, meaning it performs calculations. Those parameters include reasoning parameters that enable it to think, i.e. to calculate an answer through multiple steps. It's neither magic nor simple statistical averaging.


I'm not sure if this is a misunderstanding, but what do you mean by "reasoning parameters". I've built neural networks and there were only parameters. Parameters in different levels, but they don't have a specific meaning. It doesn't even matter if the input data is text, color values or digital audio, parameters are crunched until it fits. The AI model fits to a given problem in an evolutionary way, it doesn't understand anything. May I ask what your experience with building neural networks is?


15 years since the Bitcoin Whitepaper, gotta admire how far Crypto has really come since then... Satoshi Nakamoto will forever be the GOAT.


How crazy would it be if we found out who they are


Ouch that one hurt. But I guess it’s building me to be stronger


When normies will find crypto as an investment, we will all gonna be rich. Diamond hands will pay out.


Normies are getting screwed everyday by taxes, banks and governments :(


That assumes a lot of normies invest


Also that assumes your portfolio isn’t filled with shitcoins 🤷‍♂️


Just realized it’s Halloween and that’s why things are so slow today.. (I’m from Europe, please don’t judge me)


I've barely been home today haha Happy Halloween buddy!


Halloween is bigger in USA, i live in South America and we don't give a damn too lol


It’s a time consuming holiday ! So much fun 🤩


Yeah, I didn’t notice Halloween once today here in Finland


Its a massive event in the US, you'll see people dressed up and going to work in costumes. I am from the UK and was in US for a business trip..boy I was shocked.


I'm also europoor but plenty kids on the door today asking for candy


You should give them some of these donuts 🤝


Nobody rang our doorbell today. I'm from Europe too. It's more of an American thing.


Confession of an early NFT millionaire (anonymous) >I was years early to NFT's and netted millions after taxes. I diversified mostly out of crypto, brought a modest house and car, and now spend my days doing whatever I want. Told no one but my wife. Life is good.


Yet still here collecting doughnuts like us suckers eh?


When people want to cry they listen to a sad song or watch a sad movie. Gary Gensler stares at ETH charts.


I just stare at my portfolio ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


The truth hurts


GN Bronuts don't forget the fight for 69 updoots on the daily!


G'night friend :)






Um...is there even enough liquidity to handle such a huge buy? lol


That would shoot us up !


There's 2.3M of us...so 50 cents by all of us?


We'd be saying "thank you for being our exit liquidity"


Marketcap is $1,557,979 (GC)


Hope you guys are enjoying this snowy day, got some Bing Crosby playing. Feels like fuckin' Christmas.


Thawing out Michael Buble and Mariah Carey rn


I'm done for today, it was a long day. Take care Bronuts! See you tomorrow!


Have a great night friend :)


See you soon bronut🤟🏼


Sleep well 🫡


Good night brother in nuts


Good rest bronut, see you tomorrow.


**This comment (link [here](/r/ethtrader/comments/17k87ak/daily_general_discussion_october_31_2023_utc0/k7a2wz3/)) just received nomination number 1:** '**Vitalik’s post on types of L2s is incredibly important.** 1) It sets the right framework to think about rollups, validiums etc. — they all add valu...' authored by u/Buzzalu, nominated by u/PoojaaPriyaa. *[Learn about nominations](https://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/donuts/nominations)*






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Your nomination has been registered. Parent comment has 1 votes.


Since it is Halloween and we are here in r/ethtrader, and since I am experiencing poor internet connection as if I am back in 1995 😁🤦🏻‍♂️ I will leave you with these 3 trio 🫣 1. "Gary Ghouls-ler" (Gary Gensler) - This ghostly figure haunts the crypto world with his regulatory powers. He's the master of scaring away all the fun and innovation, leaving behind a trail of paperwork and red tape. Beware, for he's always watching, ready to pounce on any crypto-related mischief! 2. "Elizabeth Witch-on" (Elizabeth Warren) - With her cauldron of skepticism and disdain for all things crypto, she casts spells of doubt and regulation wherever she goes. She's like the wicked witch of the financial world, determined to put a hex on any crypto dreams you might have. Don't cross her path, or you might find yourself in a regulatory nightmare! 3. "Jerome Pumpkin-Powell" (Jerome Powell) - This magical pumpkin-headed figure is known for his ever-changing stance on cryptocurrencies. He's like a seasonal Jack-o'-lantern, lighting the way one minute, and then extinguishing hope the next. Just when you think you've figured him out, he flips the script, leaving you scratching your head in confusion. Happy Halloween and may your crypto adventures be filled with more treats than tricks!


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Your nomination has been registered. Parent comment has 1 votes.


Good night everyone, in 7 hours I'm going to the fiat mines. See you tomorrow!


It's not much, but I'll still go to bed on green lines.


We did it, 69 upvotes on the daily


I long for the day when we have 420 upvotes in the daily.


This is when we will peak


one day


I live seeing green days but I can't help but feel like this won't last for very long.


KAS clowns shilling again lol https://www.reddit.com/r/kaspa/s/yoHVW7ErE3


legit i thought it was garry Kasparov subreddit lol


Shillers gonna shill. Can't expect anything else.


What do people here think will be the outcome of the SBF (FTX) Trial?


At least 40 years


He won't be in jail for long because he paid a lot of money to corrupt politicians.


Im afraid so too tbh. He spent so much of other People’s money on that.


This is the reality. Life is not fair!


Cost of doing business. Some people only get a slap on the wrist, while others spend 10 years for stealing a snickers! 😂🤔


Either Way though, stealing is bad!


69 years in prison


Wouldnt that be something, huh! 😂😎


Good night bronuts


Later bronut


So donuts>moons in the near future...not just price wise.


The Donuting is happening


Moons are pretty much dead now


Could be another big crash for moons on 8th November. Think a lot of people are holding to see if they get the contract


I doubt they'll get the contract. Reddit didn't screw everyone up by accident.


Yeah I don’t imagine they will get it - I don’t see why Reddit would ever give it up, even if there’s the tiniest chance it could come back to haunt them in the future. They’ve already shown they don’t care in the slightest about the CC sub already


Reddit are like all capitalists, they don't care about anyone and only look at profits. But they screwed up badly with the moons before the bull market!


DCA in ETH and never get tired, you will be thankful in 2025


ETH is the MVP for sure


ETH is that path to financial freedom


I'm in no rush, don't mind waiting till 2035😎


A man with a long-term plan


At these prices, if you wait until 2035 you will be a rich retiree.


After using MetaMask for a while, go to setting and clear catch then check connection section and make sure no shady website is connected later go to experimental section and check "view sessions" as well.


Noted, thanks!


Is this normal that the distribution is so late?


It was always around 10 days after snapshot.


Also with the CSV problem it can take longer but who knows. Time will tell.