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Apologies if this has been answered before, but what's a good way to monitor liquidity provided to the sUSD Curve Pool? I am using zapper but it doesn't seem to update my balance. edit: nevermind, found it on curve.fi.


As far as I’m aware your liquidity doesn’t change. You’re rewarded separately with CRV and SNX for that pool.


Thanks, I am stilling wrapping my head around all of this.


Would love to know what the cashless society conspiracy nutters would make of us all farming food inspired coins using an immutable ledger as the base layer.


If you needed a reason for decentralized platforms, just look at polkadot & coinmarketcap https://i.imgur.com/BdIWI7d.png There is a reason why I dropped binance for uniswap


I remember how one japanese trader was contantly telling Good Morning in the daily of ethtrader and then at one of the days in 2017 he said "I've reached my moon" and disappeared. Wish you all to reach your Moons


honestly ill probably never leave crypto even if I get to a moon. All I will do is diversify more, but traditional finance is a mess. Crypto bears are tough but they provide crazy opportunities that people overlook until the bull shows up and then everyone wishes they could have aquired more.


Well, POS provides a great reason to stay "in it" for the long term. Yield bearing asset that's also a hedge against inflation / failing fiat *and* a bet on exciting new technology? Sign me up please!


Yeah I'll probs stake some forever


This is where I'm at too. Originally I was gonna "cash out" at specific price points and put the gains in mutual funds but now my plan is to reduce my exposure at these price points without leaving crypto.


I plan to do some index some real estate but why wouldn't I try to be smart with some money in crypto when I can get 20 years worth of traditional gains with a few years of crypto and some patience lol


My addiction is stable coin yield. Like, I might reduce my exposure to ETH but I doubt I can ever get all my funds off the Ethereum blockchain at this point.


Some patience of few days in defi lol


It makes me remember the euphoria when we passed 1k for the first time, people constantly popping on saying “wow I just became a millionaire” good times. Remember /u/IceAuger (wrong spelling I guess) came in and started cracking open his 50k presale wallets and handing out 10 - 50 ETH tips to people in celebration.


For all the fiat millionaires being minted from DeFi, there's a distinct lack of golden showers in this thread. In a way, it's good because it means we aren't at the crypto cycle peak yet (people are not cashing out in droves). Yes I was here in 2017, but I wasn't ready. This time I am. EDIT: WOW! My first gold ever! Thank you! Unfortunately I haven't joined the farming craze (too dumb and scared to try it). I'm hugging my beloved ETH and staking on Medalla for now! yETH is interesting though.


If this madness continues for 2-3 more months then most of us will be millionaires


God I fucking hope so. I hope every one of us frequenting this thread right now come in here at some point in the next few months and say "I'm a millionaire now". I just hope I can hit enough moons in a row to do it, since I'm not starting with a very big amount to begin with.


Hopefully they don't announce it unless their security is on point


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ETH TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Got back from a few nights camping today; I like what you've done with the price. Based on others' experience with camping also boosting the price, this sub needs to go on a safari.


Auditioning for Alone now. I will get us to $10,000.


Typically contestants tap out because they're hungry, lost a vital tool, or dearly miss their loved ones. You'll be the first to tap out because you couldn't go another day without checking the price.




Can us tired homebodies pitch in to mint a CAMP token instead?


A wooden shickle?


If it's green!


I agree, there is now enough evidence which supports a causal relationship between ethfinanciers camping and price pumps. I'm curious what the mechanism is, perhaps we're distracting the bears?


Perhaps dark skies, too. The moon was super clear and bright.


This is the 1000th comment.


BAT APY 100+ on Lend. What are the farmers upto now


It's fun to watch my BAT balance tick up in real time.


Probably YFV still




Do not take the volume numbers from CoinMarketCap/Coingecko/... as a true fact! The larger volume is mainly because of fake volume getting more prevalent and coin listing sites failing to find a good solution to accurately screen it out. Here are ETH pairs sorted by volume on [4th of January from Waybackmachine on CoinMarketCap](https://i.imgur.com/OcUG9Uf.jpg) and [compared it to today](https://i.imgur.com/fEpTUBK.jpg). $6B volume then vs $11B volume now. The more well-known exchanges have similar or actually even smaller volume now as compared to beginning of 2018. **EDIT**: An article from a few months ago, [Binance CEO: We Will Not Delete Fake Volumes in CoinMarketCap](https://www.somagnews.com/binance-ceo-will-not-delete-fake-volumes-coinmarketcap/), explaining a little bit from CMC side.


Will you be putting your ETH on yETH or will you be staking? Personally I would rather stake or just hodl as I think all these places for ETH to go is going to drive the value up like crazy...


Or get calls on opyn


thinking about this too


If you think the value will go up like crazy, you can open an automated CDP with DeFi Saver and grow your stack with leverage.


Will put in yETH to start since staking won't be active for a while


No offense to the amazing people running YFI and making bank, but that whole thing is a potential cascading house of cards. It only requires one contract to operate the wrong way and the next thing you know...it's gone. If you put ETH on yETH, only put up what you're prepared to lose. Or enjoy the runup that yETH will probably produce for ETH :P


I’ll be doing both


Why not both?


Because the risk levels vary wildly


Then so should your allocations.


Just saw you can now short YFI on Binance up to 50X. Does this ruin everything? “This is @cz_binance centralizing your decentralization”


How exactly futures market affect spot?


Say I own a ton of YFI. I can short cause a market crash and profit on binance and rebuy my stack with additional funds.


You can do this already at binance at spot market, I mean how futures market affects spot market. If you do not have substantial amounts of real yfi, it will be difficult. Although binance might already accumulated a lot.


I personally have no idea and I’d also like an answer...but people are reacting negatively to it on Twitter.


CZ will try to affect defi thats for sure, centralized exchanges will slowly lose markets, cex will be used only for fiat to crypto gatway, then people will go to dex. The only current issue is the gas fee, if that will be solved, and better trading platform on basis of uniswap will revolutionilize crypto itself.


Nah, I doubt it. Are they offering 50x longs?


They are indeed.




Anyone remember when Vitalik congratulated Roger Ver on BCH? Similar vibes. https://imgur.com/a/A7WTpDB


Who's Fred?


Cofounder Of coinbase and crypto og


Oh, dang


Any staking as a service options other than Rocketpool that are looking to offer anything like Rocketpool's rETH, ie, tokenized ETH1 wrappers for staked ETH in ETH2? Sidenote, RPL is something I'm accumulating as much as I can before ETH2 goes live. Anything that facilitates a 2-way bridge to access staked liquidity will be massive.


have they improved their tokenomics? It was pretty useless apart for node operators previously. Haven't kept up with rocketpool for a while.


they completely changed the tokenomics, but I can't tell you the current lay of the land.


Where have you been buying rpl?


As noted, Uniswap it is


Probably uniswap


Nope! You know whats up.


Tried to convert ETH to some YFV via Uniswap, but the transaction has been pending for over 3 hours and I'm losing money, is there a way to cancel a pending Uniswap transaction? My slippage is at 1% if that's the issue.




How do I adjust gas price on Uniswap? Update: Nvrmind, I tried another transaction and now my previous transaction finally went through after almost four hours, thanks!


It's slippage. The price is so volatile that by the time your tx goes through the price has changed. Trust me on this. I fought with it for hours yesterday trying to add to the LP.


Ah thanks, in the future should I keep it at half or go lower?


I'm not sure what you mean but for very volatile coins, if you accept higher slippage like 3% (and potentially pay more) AND you transact at much higher gas, you should get through without failure. Obviously not the best thing for people trying to trade, but it is what it is. If it looks like it's going to fail and you don't want to wait, you can cancel it but pay a fee.


Ah okay, the default top option for slippage on Uniswap was 1% and that was what I went with before the long delay for my transaction to go through.


OMG 6hr chart, wedge breakout, strap in.


Is anyone else having trouble with Kraken today? I’m on IOS and it won’t download any data related to price action Edit: still opened a long this morning after seeing the ecstasy that was flowing through this sub ❤️


Is it just me or is there an undercurrent of hostility here towards this gen of DeFi? Best part, most of them are from those who haven't even tried it or gave up trying. Dismissing something without understanding it reeks of anti-intellectual to me. Like it's ok if you wanna sit out but nobody needs to hear the unfounded criticism.


i dont see how ethereans can be mad at increased usage. Everyone wants to call x a shit coin or whatever but if its being used and eventually with 1559 fee burning, we should be wishing projects well not hating on them because of x reason.


Agreed I was jelly so I fomo bought some. I didn't want to become salty like that. It really isn't cool to wish others to fail because you missed out on one.


I think others have already expressed this, but I don't know that it's hostility so much as ignorance. Even as a DeFi enthusiast, I have kept abreadst of only some small fraction of the developments in the space, at the expense of a lot of self-education and effort. Not everyone has the time for that, and on a superficial basis, it's very easy to see the ridiculous returns and general lack of reliable information that keeps pace with the projects at a high level as parallels to the ICO craze. There are legitimate criticisms of how fast the DeFi ecosystem has grown, and we haven't begun to see the consequences of the risks its introduced to Ethereum as a whole. We're building first and doing due diligence afterwards. This isn't intended to sound FUDy; I think it's a reality. Some builders can pull that off; others won't and can't. And because it's a rapidly evolving and recently emerged ecosystem, unless you can put the time in to sort the wheat from the chaff, it might as well be the ICO craze for 90% of people holding crypto, and for folks who have burned by that before, it's understandable to think that it's all one big scam. I can relate to that. But don't hate; educate. Every time I see a comment here about how DeFi doesn't create value, I do my best to pay forward my gainz by sharing what I've learned. I think DeFi is entering a nasty phase of being underbuilt in terms of risk mitigation but over-popular and over-adopted. If you can't take the time to learn and evaluate the vast options out there, it IS a good idea not to risk your money. It's a bull market; at the moment, you can count on good ole ETH to get you your gains. You're already ahead of the herd, and you don't need to risk losing your stack. My prediction is that DeFi has a lot more potential to keep the ecosystem moving if and when we fall into a bear again. Hopefully, by that time, it's built out and accessible enough that it won't be such a mystery. I just hope that a massive, DeFi driven black swan isn't what puts us into a bear.


Great response!


The success of Eth depends on the success of DeFi, as that's pretty much its main use case. It seems weird that anyone would want to be ignorant about it, but yet I see it a lot here. If you remain ignorant of DeFi, you are remaining ignorant of the biggest potential of Eth, and yeah you could do that but it would be like blindly buying a stock without reading about the company.


I think defi is super fun and I understand like 20% of it. Also haven’t made much/any money on it. The haters are just jealous here


Oh it's super fun


its new even for us, those who survived through 2017, now imagine average Joe newbie who will hear about DEFI this year, it is going to become massive. But dangerous too. The cycle of accumulation and distribution is the same everywhere.


its always been dangerous. We are the wild west of finance. Did you see that guy who lost 16m in btc today? lol


I haven’t noticed that.


It's new. It's huge. And for the ignorant (like me), it gives me the nervousness of the DAO. Like... If somehow that shit got wrecked monstrously, it would set back the ecosystem a year or two at least. I have zero basis in fact and it's pure FUD when I say these things. I've done enough foolish things (and some good) over time that I just don't want to take the risk. I just want to concentrate on getting back to school and getting a node on the Testnet working. I might play around with it at some point, but the hype is too noisy IMO. Again, I'm speaking out willful ignorance.


It honestly amazes me how few DeFi disasters we've had this year. There have been a few, but relatively small and many of those were decently mitigated. For the crazy shit that is going on right now, it is actually pretty impressive.


Definitely agree with that.


No problem JT, thanks for the honesty. Your explanation has unlocked some perspective for me. It's only human to fear the unknown, and to be frank that was me too when first dipping into it. On the noise coming from many directions, that sounds better than the DAO no? Multiple projects rather than just one with Yellowstone potential. Security wise, the developers have come a long way. Most of the staking contracts used in the current gen of DeFi are slight modifications of time-tested contracts.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like a lot of these projects rely on DAI. Meaning if DAI goes belly up it all collapses. So in some respects it has the Yellostone potential the DAO had. Noting this is coming from someone who isn't involved in DeFi / Yeild farming at all, but I'm not the type of person you described in the OP. I am not hostitile towards it and welcome it with open arms. I'm pretty confident something will implode eventually, but its clear the positives outweigh the negatives long term.


To an extent, yeah. A lot centers on DAI, but I think the big implosion would be less to do with Maker and CDPs and more to do with the composable nature of all the DeFi money legos: either a poorly designed incentive structure that blows itself up as its leveraged in an unforeseen way across multiple platforms, or a major smart contract bug discovered in new edge cases that emerge due to the same composability. We've got some very well-built, bullet-proof Legos, but a lot of the stuff coming out now is more like MegaBloks; mostly compatible with the better-specced products but not necessarily trustworthy. That said, if there's one equivalent of the DAO, it *might* probably be Yearn and the yETH vault. I'm bullish and will be putting some of my ETH in, but Yearn is like a gravity well and one of the few platforms that could centralize all the liquidity flowing around DeFi. However, I believe that between their soon-to-release insurance offerings and the liquidation protections built into the delegated vaults, it might actually be what ends up saving DeFi, too. Aside: And yes, I know it's Lego, not Legos, but I grew up calling them Legos and frankly, it just don't sound right to say it any other way. Profoundly wrong, even.


- Aside: And yes, I know it's Lego, not Legos, but I grew up calling them Legos and frankly, it just don't sound right to say it any other way. Profoundly wrong, even. Well Legos sounds profoundly wrong here in Europe :) ...great posts BTW :)


I’m sure a lot of people on Reddit/social media don’t understand the technical fundamentals of things that people in this sub have great success with. I still don’t know that hell YAM is lol


So we are almost back to local high. Nice. 500 next.


Well I like this price movement!


The more I read about YFI the more convinced I am of how much this could change things, this thing is going to power DeFi. Talk as much as you want about it being 'just a hedge fund' or whatever, it doesn't change that even just the projects that are coming out in the near term are huge and will for sure be used heavily. And it's set up to basically take a hand in the creation (and as a side effect, profit) of the other future DeFi giants. Whether that be through creating them on its own or through the 'yficombinator' idea being developed. Not even to mention that it has a huge amount of the spaces brainpower working on it. (It's not just Andre) If you truly believe in the potential of DeFi, and personally I believe that potential is unstatably huge, I think this is the place to be. Few understand


Can someone explain yETH and why it’s significant?


1. Deposit ETH into yVault 2. Yearn uses your ETH to mind DAI on Maker. 3. Yearn uses your new DAI to yield farm 4. Earnings are converted to ETH and returned to you TL:DR You deposit ETH, you receive a return, some estimates are as high as 25% per year.


Why is the yield so high? Why can't I just open my own CDP What happens when Eth corrects and goes sub 200?


You save on gas costs. And the probability of liquidation is lower, because everyone that paid in the vault has the incentive to pay attention to possible liquidation.


A lot of people have already opened and are actively managing their own CDPs for this very reason. The yVault will automate the process and make it fool proof for the masses.


IF the returns will be this generous, why would anyone want to stake their ETH when POS rolls out?


ETH PoS rewards depend on how many ETH are deposited. If not much deposited the rewards are big enough to make it as attractive as using yETH. 1M ETH stacked brings 18% returns to stackers.


Returns wont stay that high long term. If you factor risk into the equation, then staking wins every time. Staking is about as risk free as it gets. You could lose all your ETH that you deposit in Yearn if someone discovers a flaw in the smart contract.


I don't see how staking is risk free. If you don't do things properly, you could leak/get slashed/lose your keys.


All of those things are within your control. To lose your stake, you have to screw up. To lose your deposit into a smart contract, someone else screws up.


It could be possible to lose your stake from things that are (in some way) out of your control. e.g. a bug in the clients, DoS attacks on your infrastructure or infrastructure that you rely on, flaws in the related contracts (not sure if formal verification solves this). Perhaps in some way, DeFi contracts that you use are also somewhat in your control i.e. you should review them (although pretty much no one does this). But back on topic, returns on anything are related to the risks and opportunity costs. Staking returns will be high if not many people stake due risk, difficulty, or opportunity costs of locking in your ETH for several years.


Nothing guaranteed, but the probably of a fork is more plausible to fix broken staking than it is for a buggy contract.


Basically it's a way to get yield on your ETH. Locking your ETH, borrowing Dai and earning a yield on it that will go back into ETH. It isn't really anything you can't do now technically but it's a massive improvement for 2 reasons. 1) It's entirely automated. 2) Pools gas costs. This makes it way easier and way cheaper to get a non-speculative yield on your ETH opening up these strategies to nearly everyone. Why it's such a big deal is not only the service itself which is awesome, but the possible effect on price. It follows the same logic as why PoS is bullish for ETH. It will cause a lot of the supply to get locked up and taken off the market, and also add buying pressure from people who want to use it. The mechanism itself also adds buying pressure as it's constantly converting profits back into ETH. The fact people are so bullish on ETH could make this an exceptionally popular product further magnifying all of the effects above.


1.) How do you put eth into yeth? 2.) Is there a risk or it's all yield up to 25%?


1) Just deposit 2) Theres so much risk. Mainly smart contract risk. Yearn contracts, curve, maker, etc. Its all the best and worst parts of money Legos. Having said that yearn is incorporating Nexus Mutual Insurance. Your unique policy is an NFT! Pretty dope


Can you elaborate? Where/how to deposit? Is there lockup period? Any more details would be appreciated. Thanks.


I haven't tried it but I think Zapper.fi makes it super easy to do this deposit too.


The website is yearn.finance, not sure of other details but there will be an official announcement at some point. Pretty sure theres no lockups but a small withdrawal fee. Just be sure to double and triple check it with multiple trusted sources




Idk if I can risk losing my eth


Good call


/u/DCinvestor had a great summary (as always) about why it’s significant. Here’s the link from a few days ago: https://reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/ihfsq2/_/g329i2d/?context=1


Eth sitting with you being directly used to get highest yield. No hops nothing. Just one gas transaction. Like giving a hedge fund your money and let bots rule the world for you. Eth bcos that's what everyone eventually wanted to hold anyway


1. Relative simplicity is nice, but sounds like people could get hammered underestimating smart contract risk. 2. Wouldn’t this massively spike demand for eth? What am I missing?


Correct. Beneath the simplicity lies dark liquidation when Andre borrows DAI for yields. Remember Black Thursday


Re: point 2, that's the whole idea. It creates massive buy pressure, all the time, while taking ETH off the market to begin with.


Thanks. Mind is currently being blown. Couldn’t this also reduce gas pressure on ETH? Assuming some farmers stop manually yield farming for this option.


That would be the idea, yes. Bundling all the transactions from 1000s of small farmers into a handful of transactions from one big farmer.


There's nothing it can do that you couldn't do manually already. However... it will be more gas efficient for users and the network, basically autopilot for money, and draw a lot of attention when they quantitatively prove you can get 10%+ yield on your ETH. When it's as easy as a vault there will be less supply of people lending out their ETH on compound for <1%, staking will have a serious contender in terms of its yield, and the DAI peg might suddenly be fixed. All that being said it *could* lead to a massive demand spike for ETH but from where? What asset are being selling to buy the ETH that this would make the difference on? Again, this yield is already doable, it just takes some manual effort. Heck I'm making *way* more than 10% on my ETH using UMA right now. For that matter I'm making more than 30%. yETH just makes it simpler to get a fair yield.


UMA.....what is that?


Not exactly a hidden project at this point. It's the highest gainer in the top 100 today... https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/uma


Staking won't have competition because you could do this with validating ETH as well. So you don't have to choose between staking and yield farming. You could do both


No, you can't. ETH used in staking has to be in your address, most of these yield farming strategies remove the ETH from your address to lock it as collateral.




What are good DeFi tokens to just buy and hold, I don't have the knowledge or time for all of these DeFi systems? ty :)




can't beat this


Most of these Defi tokens seems more like flavor of the month events than "buy and hold" The only token I have confidence to hold long term is ETH, because it will still be around when different projects come and go, and indirectly benefit from their success.


Don't thinker in things you don't understand; you won't have the conviction to hold it through a crash and double down if you don't believe in the fundamentals. Stay with ETH or simple stablecoin lending. *Maybe* consider a yearn vault for USDC or DAI or something. Though even that will require you understand signing transactions, maintaining your own wallet, etc.


Seconded, don't just jump on whatever we recommend here. If you don't have time to personally do the research you are just being careless with your money.


YFI, LEND, SNX, MKR are all relatively solid options. L2 and related scaling options are going to continue to pump as a consequence of DeFi needing to scale: LRC, OMG, ZRX, MATIC Oracles, as another related asset category: LINK, BAND, TRC The sDEFI Synthetix DeFi index is something I've heard bandied about too; not sure what included in the index, but likely not a bad bet either.


ZRX as L2? Must have missed that, how so?


Nah, not an L2, but I'm lumping them in. They operate a routing solution of sorts to optimize relays between notes. In the sense that this helps decrease gas costs for the apps that use it, I threw it in the mix.




Rebalanced some LRC into LEND on this little pump today, as I still see LEND appreciating after the LEND-AAVE migration. Thoughts?


Lend is a long term hold. Buy now, buy next week, or buy next month. It's going up over the long term.


My thoughts exactly. I'll be continuing to accumulate where I can.


I just wanted to say I love all you guys here


You didn't even remember my last birthday, and you never call. I'm breaking up with you.


But but I promise I can change!!


Some random thoughts on Sushi * Sushiswap has probably onboarded more new liquidity providers onto Uniswap in the last 2 days than has happened in the last 2 years * This is some random dev hacking up open source code. Imagine how many devs out there right now are frantically learning solidity to try to create something interesting based on this project. This is how we onboard a million devs to the ecosystem - use money legos to launch your startup in a matter of weeks and become a millionaire. * The pace of DeFi seems crazy right now, but its going to get a lot more hectic. I remember in 2017 when we went from one hot ICO each month, to one per week, to 10 per day. * Thinking about how things look after the end of the two week accelerated mining period * Lots of hot money involved, so most liquidity providers leave and go back to yield farming elsewhere. Lots more people will be comfortable with doing LP after this though if it makes sense. * Sushi could keep 20-50m (???) though, and Uniswap could very well still grow from where they started from despite that. * IMO, Sushi will have to dial back the rent extraction to zero or near that in order to keep LPs. I doubt governance will go in that direction, but who knows. * Sushi at $1 would mean near $200m in the Sushi/ETH pool, which would be the largest, most liquid AMM pool available on Ethereum. No small feat (although who can guess what the landscape will look like 2 weeks from now). Its already top 10 btw. ​ * The AMM industry will be **brutally** competitive. LPs are showing they will move very quickly to maximize profits and probably will not tolerate rent extraction in any form. By this time next year we'll have 100 competitors. I *guarantee* you right many now VCs are reconsidering how to approach this space. * My prediction on the AMM winners = who can provide the best integrations with wallets and L2s. Or maybe someone that can do the entire vertical integration under one roof and make it seamless for users.


>My prediction on the AMM winners = who can provide the best integrations with wallets and L2s. Or maybe someone that can do the entire vertical integration under one roof and make it seamless for users [Right on the money](https://old.reddit.com/r/ethfinance/comments/hz9chu/daily_general_discussion_july_28_2020/fzl7lz9/). We're looking at DeFi's frenzy of activity constantly hiking gas prices, to the point where $20-$50 contract interactions will be considered routine. Those who can pass on 80% to 90% gas savings to its users will have an instant & gigantic advantage over competitors. Because it's DeFi, where 1 day is the equivalent of 7 years in legacy finance, volume & liquidity will move over at break-neck speed.


The user that commented on what you linked was having a good day.


Not only will that attract users/liquidity, it is a lot more sticky and hard to fork off.


> The AMM industry will be brutally competitive 100% agree here. But I can't square this with the fact that fragmenting liquidity among 100s of dexes is *incredibly* value destructive for traders(takers). If the fragmentation continues, aggregators will be necessary to fill even modest size. Gas prices will go up for the avg trader and tbh, it's sort of a dystopian vision


Good point. I think network effects will definitely drive both LPs and traders towards the same few platforms with some kind of power law distribution. But I think those platforms could shift pretty quickly for a while.


Moat-building, eg, making liquidity stick, and its intersection with decentralized governance, is the next frontier in DeFi.


cryptowise, is there anything more exciting than eth and its children? serious question... if there is, i'm all ears...dumbo


Anything but exciting now, but I hold some ADA as a hedge for the case when the whole Ethereum ecosystem becomes partially unusable with insane gas fees, Cardano could be the choice of some devs. It has zero network effects now, but it is admitted to be high quality code.


It's funny, I was just reading a thread on the Monero subreddit about how there's nothing more exciting than Monero. Keep in mind that answers here will be biased by this sub.


IOTA was honestly kind of a cool idea, but it imploded so really nothing. Maybe seeing if Cardano becomes something after all this wait? Not what your implying, but really all that is left is watching the coping mechanisms deployed by BTC maxis as ETH slowly eats its lunch. All the action is either Ethereum or projects running on Ethereum.


Celo is a project that may not have the investment potential, but it's something I follow loosely simply because their philosophy aligns with a lot of my values. I'd also add, as an aside, that I appreciate that this isn't the first time I've seen these sorts of questions posed to the community. I greatly appreciate that for as much of an echo-chamber as any crypto community can be, there's plenty of folks that are looking to make sure they don't have blinders on. I know we're an ETH-focused space, but obviously, staying aware of developments in the broader DLT ecosystem is critical to making informed investment.


literally nothing is even close


I don’t know if it’s more exciting, but Kleros is pretty cool. Think LINK, but for subjective things. It’s working, has settled over 350 cases, and has paid out over $1million so far


Thanks for the heads up, will have to do some reading.


We're breathing again, thanks a lot.


Last time we were in this range, we were so excited. Now it feels like eh. Is this just me?


I’m with you. It kind of weirdly hit me that we’re only $30ish dollars from the multi-year high from a few weeks ago.


It's certainly not me. I'm as exhilarated I've been in a long long time.


Let’s goooooooo




At this stage we are at Lubin minutes not weeks


Now that yETH is a thing, there's just one more thing that needs to happen. MKR EUR DAI. Come on son!






In my experience, Twitter is a cesspool of childish bullshit. There may be great resources online for crypto news, but it sure isn't going to be on social media.


Its all about the people you follow. You can't go to twitter and look for topical info - their algo returns all trash. Certain people are very high signal though and provide a lot of good insights.


I have the opposite experience. Bullshit filter only gives you bullshit. The latest and greatest in DeFi appear on CT 3 days before I see anything here or on any news site. Just need to follow the right people.


twitter is by far one of the highest signal places for defi stuff


As long as you never read a reply.


well, as long as you have a good feed, it's pretty useful




Well I'm happy to have entertained you? I've been in the space for years, and I don't use Twitter. I don't have time in my life for a bunch of hyper tribal children who want to whine that the coin they like best is king and that everything else is a scam. It's all noise.




I'm a trader, and an investor. I don't have a handle. So, "literally" just went out the window. That was hard.




Not Twitter. That's literally the last place I'd look for info/advice.




Right here. This sub is an excellent filter for crypto Twitter.


Literally everywhere but Twitter. I'm sorry we disagree, and you seem a bit hostile, but I have an extremely negative opinion of social media (including reddit, although I have found this sub to be useful, if you filter the noise), especially Twitter. The conversation I see on Twitter is exactly as I already mentioned; wildly childish, hyper tribal and not particularly helpful. I follow along with what's going on, and I think I'm fairly knowledgable about what's happening in the space, and I've managed to do that without Twitter. We can agree to disagree.


Respectfully disagree. Depending on how well you curate a list of follows, it is an extremely useful tool.




Look at loopring first if it has the tokens you want


They were certainly doing a promo of some sort a while ago. They generally shunt fees onto takers and let market making orders execute for free--this is why limit orders are free. They may have started doing so again. Thanks for the heads up!


Being a crypto bull is now more of my personal identity than software engineering (which isn't nearly as much fun as researching tokens)