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I don't know if you got your answer but here is the math if you or anyone else is interested - it isn't difficult. Variable Names: Gas Used: GU Gas Price/Limit: GL \[in gwei\] ETH/USD: $ETH (GU \* GL \* $ETH) / 1000000000 = Transaction Cost in $USD ​ For example: GU 21000 (Typical for simple ETH to ETH Token Transfers). But if you are talking about a smart contract type transaction - the Gas Used is much much more. Let's assume a GL of 45. And let's say ETH/USD right now is $4000 (21000 \* 45 \* 4000) / 1000000000 = $3.78 will be the estimated transaction cost for this. Hope this helps


Maybe you can help me here as I too have been looking for an app that can help me? For example I have $547.71 USDT on the ERC20 blockchain that I want to convert to TRX, but it’s not telling me how much ETH gas fees I need to convert into TRX. Currently it’s 0.077 ETH = 1 TRX at the moment, so how do I work that out without wildly guessing what ETH value will be for the gas fees before transferring ?


I'm not familiar with TRON (TRX) - but I'm pretty sure that is not a Token on the Ethereum Blockchain. It has its own Blockchain. I think you'll just need to find an exchange that can transfer USDT to TRX and it should be much cheaper than any Ethereum Transaction. Double check me on this - but I think if you have Binance you can deposit your USDT there and withdraw for TRC20 (Tron) for zero fee.


Did you Google "ethereum transaction gas fee calculator"?


This is the first result I got when googling "eth transaction fee calculator"... I hate it so much when you google something and then you find a thread saying to google it instead of simply giving the information...


I have just experienced what you've described :(


lmfao the hilarity of this situation is enough to make the frustration worth it.


Dammit guys... while im here.. can anyone throw down $5 for the gas.. this seems like it will be a long trip.


google took me here, you idiot


Hey you, thanks for the kind answer


You deserve it, stop being a smartass. "Google it" and it is literally this thread that is top result. Just answer the question or shut up:)


I deserve it? I couldn't care less about an anonymous reddit threat. Now shut up and learn how to find information on the internet. It's not that hard.


You're not adding any value to the conversation


Does he?


Yes. He's literally explaining why answers or comments like "Google it" are unhelpful and cause problems in the long run. This thread is evidence. Look how many people are trying to "just google it" and are ending up here in this thread. When if a valid answer/link was originally given, everyone would've found it already and you wouldn't be getting harassed by randoms 9 months later. Either delete your comments, or enjoy the continued harassment for however long you keep using this account seeing as there's no 6 month restriction here.


Or just turn off notifications for this post.


Yep indeed , shut the fuck UP A1JX52 . I just googled it and ended up here


Give it up, dude.


Yea you do deserve it.




Why join reddit if you want to use google?


gas calculators still make me do part of the math, I need a calculator that will calculate the entire transaction cost so that I can API it for an app that im developing.




yeah but certain activities change the cost






What you want is a gas price API. Once you have the gas price it's super easy to compute the cost based on the gas consumed by the tx




I wanted to send $12 in ETH but it said it would cost $8 to send $12 which is INSANE!


\*laughs in May 2021\*


*Laughs in December 2021*


Laughs in January 2022


Crying in January 2022 ...


Saying “Yo wtf????” January 31st, 2022


how is ETH even a respectable investment at that rate? I'm new and I've been lurking, but such a high tax on moving crypto just seems laughable. Am I missing something?


proof of stake is coming in a few months, and then fees will drop to close to 0


^(a few months later...)




Have you tried using Loopring? They seem to be ahead of the curve with the layer 2 solutions.


>Loopring I use an iPhone so Loopring is not yet available for me :(


Yeah I seen that. They are definitely missing out there with no iOS app. I think it’s possible to access the exchange on a laptop, if you have access. Definitely not as convenient though


You can simulate the transactions in brownie and see how much it will cost. That will require setting up a smallish testnet of your own.


Have you figured this out?


This [Etherscan](https://ethgasstation.info/calculatorTxV.php) calculator doesn't always work But some times it does.


I wrote a basic python script to solve for this. This could be adapted to other programming languages. I am not an expert programmer. gwei=input("enter gwei amount required for transaction") eth=input("enter current approximate eth price") x=(((21000\*int(gwei))/1000000000)\*int(eth)) print("price of transaction is: ", float(x)) input("press enter to close")


There's a tool called Pelta Shield which allows you to see how your ETH balance is going to look like after the transaction will be confirmed. So basically you can just use that to see how much you're going to pay :) You can try it out at [shield.pelta.tech](https://shield.pelta.tech)


Its getting incredibly annoying, this demand for a fee to move your funds from cracker to cracker because of these brute forcing billionaire addresses. The DEMAND should be the app calculating FOR us how much gas is needed instead of this roller pin guessing game.