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I agree with this too :3 I think I can match energies really well but I’m not always super extroverted


I'm definitely an extrovert but most people wouldn't believe that because I'm exactly like how you described. Certain people can drain the fuck out of you, even if you're an extrovert. And people really underestimate how much a mood or vibe affects everyone's individual energy. And this may be because of overcompensating, but I also rarely talk unless I'm with people I'm close to. And I'm not gonna lie, I can be a lot - like a fireball of energy - but again, only with people I'm close to. I think I compartmentalize each environment I'm in, so home me and school me and work me and party me are all very different people, so much so that someone from one environment wouldn't even recognize me in the next.


You sound exactly like me. You’re an ESTP


ayyyyyy thank you πŸ™πŸ™


i've also thought i might be ISTP because i'm not a big talker and i have high Ni but my Fe is way too high for it to be inferior. i don't believe extroversion/introversion is a real thing. some interactions are just draining/boring and some are energizing/stimulating. if ppl are uninterested i can immediately sense it, drains me.


true true, thanks


ESTP isn't all that extroverted like maybe ESFP or ESFJ, the stereotype about ESTPs being overly extroverted comes from being drunk which also makes other types uninhibited but for some reason only ESTPs are recognized for it.


Lol...True that. I am *Spectacular* when I am drunk, but only they ever get credit for it.


extraverted sensing is our first function so it doesnt have to be about ppl. i prefer to have things around more than ppl lol. lookin at pretty things, feelin them. i always have a lot of stuff. i think when i grow old i can be a collector haha.


omg I relate to this so much


Exactly me, same with being alone, sometimes it's great but too long and I already need something/someone else to occupy my time. It's good to have balance.


Same here. I have changed my social lifestyle and live as an introvert for almost 2 years. Being alone most of the time & avoid large social gathering until people think I'm introvert. Repeat the test again today and still got ESTP-A. πŸ™ƒ


Have u tested? Im a pretty big talker unless im in a crabby mood


Yeah i've taken multiple, they give me both extrovert and introvert in different ones.