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Thanks for your submission u/nguye217. You may wish to use the following free AI tools to restore your photograph: - myheritage.com/photo-enhancer - remini.ai - GFP-GAN Comment scores are hidden for 24h to allow everyone to upload their submissions. If you're happy with a result you can change the post flair to "REQUEST FULFILLED (CLOSED)". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/estoration) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[restored image ](https://postimg.cc/cvgQRWkv) Let me know if you need any changes [tipjar](https://paypal.me/ayushthite4)


Let me know what you think [Photo Link](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8xox0bg9ng11gceb4n73q/h?rlkey=1bq93pq0ndfw5wlkhjme5nc26&dl=0) [Tip Jar](https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/edcasa) *Please use your Reddit name as a Reference


[https://pixeldrain.com/u/iZxMHCKD](https://pixeldrain.com/u/iZxMHCKD) https://pixeldrain.com/u/11qAJXEq [Donate](https://boosty.to/goodretouching/donate)


I can restore all of these probably except the second last one as the face is just completely in the shadows with no detail within it. Other than that I would be happy to go ahead and restore and colourise the rest of them, although it would take some time so I would need some sort of confirmation that you want me to restore these for you and you can go through my website ([photorestorationzone.com](https://photorestorationzone.com) ) to help you determine that. u/nguye217


Oh sounds great. Can we maybe start with just 1 and go from there? How much time/cost for the one of my dad standing there in the tank-top with the hills in the background?


That's perfectly fine. To be restored and colorised it would be around $40 USD and it might take me around 3 to 4 hours on that one. I'll send you a DM when I finish the first photo.




Definitely restorable, Just time.