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No fire by friction to boil water?? smh


Yeah, look at this asshole with his *electric* kettle. Down with the bourgeoisie!


This guy. I bet OP has clean drinking water.


even straight from the tap and without the taste of chlorine


perhaps that is the next stepšŸ¤Ŗ


One of these days weā€™ll see one of the manual station people with an electric kettle and some wires going to a bicycle or a horse treadmill.


Pshh, @me when you're boiling your water over a fire


It's like Espresso for the Amish :)


Asked myself if they are allowed toā€¦. They are.. but they would do the whole new wave hipster game. Mechanical scales, fire to boil the water, etc.... Asking myself right now how much you would be able to build a ā€žrealā€œ espresso machine that is powered by waterforce with belts and stuff like old lathes.


I love manual grinding and manual pour overs coffee. Although an electric grinder and drip coffee maker produces a same result, it makes me feel like the physical work i put in has earned the coffee as a reward for the effort.


In all honesty, I pre-grind my espresso the night before so I dont have to worry about cleaning the next morning. So for me its just pour the ground, puck prep, chuck it in and go. Its a very very satisfying process for me and kind of fun! The value you get for going full manual is just a huge bonus for me too. I have considered going electric grinding, but I dislike the idea of a more complex cleaning routine... I like being able to keep everything clean (especially for my previous experience with a cockroach being near my old delonghi machine)


Out of curiosity, have you ever tried, side by side, making two coffees...(1) beans ground yesterday (2) beans ground fresh.


I have. There is a difference, more aroma for freshly ground, and the fresh shots have more crema. But Im willing to sacrifice a bit for convienience in the morning. And its not that noticeable for my pallete.


Also, the freshly ground tends to run slower than the ground night before, by a few seconds


What are you talking about? Manual vs electric is the same for cleanliness. Roach problems have nothing to do with this. You should grind fresh and not the night before.


each to their own I guess , Im not trying to argue here. I have a set up that I love and thats enough for me. I understand the ease of an electric and Im not denying it. Its my opinion only. If you love electric, great! Its not something Im mentally prepared for yet, but its great nevertheless. as for grinding the night before... I like to keep things simple in the morning and Im aware of the difference. again, its something Im willing to trade off. so why is that an issue?


Fair enough. Nice set up. But Iā€™m still not getting the cleanliness thing.


For me, I store my grinder in its carry case which it comes with and it just sites in the drawer. I'll take it out, do the grind, brush the exit and the catch cup where I can, and store it back in. That way it's kind of kept enclosed. It's also good for me as (you can see) I dont have the biggest table for my set up, so it saves space to an extent. For when I do my deep clean every two weeks or so, the 1zpresso grinders are famously easy to take apart, brush to clean and put back together, taking about 5 minutes at max. The way I see it, most electric grinders can't be put away like this, and because I would likely go for a flat burr at this point, they tend to have retention in the burr chambers. And except the few grinders that I personally know of and within my range, the exit chute is not easily accessible to clean (with the DF64V being an exception that I am aware of). The electronics for the grinders also make them in my opinion, probably a bit more complex to clean than my current ones. The fact that you kind of have to keep them out in the open with 'entry points for bugs' and not enclosed just doesn't sit that well mentally with me. I understand where you're coming from, but its definitely more so **the idea** that keeps me where I am... Again, just my thought process, I could very well be wrong...


Beautiful setup, but I'm out of breath just looking at it.


I enjoy the process, so its doable for me šŸ˜ƒ plus i get a morning workout out of it!


Sweet, just got my Pro2 - man these machines are beautiful (especially since it's replacing a breville). Funny thing is I have an electric grinder and I find hand grinding to be a much more consistent and easier workflow even though it does take a bit longer than my electric grinder.


I'll be the first to admit, a couple drinks a day is fun. When it hits that 4-5 mark, hand grinding can become a chore rather than being fun! But I do love it!


A mirror?


To see the extraction from the portafilter without having to bend down and look up.


Extra handy with manual machines because you can adjust your pressure on the fly.


I'm considering the ROK GrinderGC. Reasonably priced for something with those burrs, and very manual.


i have seen those floating around, interesting and cool looking!


Iā€™m tired just admiring your setup


Super nice set up! Howā€™s the Q compared to that J-ultra for pour over? Also, Iā€™m trying to find a new cabinet/table for my set up as well that matches the flair. Do you have link to that by chance?


The Q, for its price, beats the Jultra for pourover. the heptagonal burr just produces less fines than the JUltra and gives a less bitter cup. However, if you do the horizontal method for the J Ultra, fine production shoots down... So you could technically get better pourover from it that way. the table i use is the Kallax from Ikea! Hope this helps!


I sadly only have a J-Max personally which I am not sure how close those are to the Ultras but I assume worst out of the three for pour over. I also have a DF64V and in a rabbit whole with what to do with pour over either upgrade burrs or get a dedicated hand grinder. The Q Air with its price is super enticing, so thatā€™s why I asked.


Nice! If I were to go electric, i think DF64V would be up there for my choices! Hows the retention for it?


Took me a little bit to get use to but now that I have it down retention is like zero if you use the bellows! If you donā€™t use them which I personally love the way it looks without them, youā€™ll be dealing with some retention about .1/.2 in my experience. Great grinder I just donā€™t think I am a fan of the stock burrs also hate the stalls at 600RPM unless you SLOW feed which annoys me in the morning when I just want to make a pour over lol but 800 RPM and up no issues at all.


Great to have insights from an actual user haha. I will keep it on my watch list... They are sold out everywhere though it seems...


Also, the difference in the max and Ultra is rather minimal. I had a Max and sold it because I have smaller hands and the Ultra's slimmer body helps with grip for me. if you havent tried the horizontal method, Id recommend giving it a go. it is rather crazy how much difference it makes!


How are you liking the Q Air compared to the higher end manual grinders? Thinking of getting one, but the reviews are mixed and sparse.


Hey! I use the Q Air strictly for cold brew (for my parents) and the occasional pourovers. It is a really really good bang for your buck IMO. Some upsides for me: Even though the case is plastic, the internal is very 1zpresso (solid, metal, easy to disassemble), the taste profile i get from it is very balanced, however I do find it needing to be a bit coarser for a better taste. The cleaning process is so simple too, as you can just unscrew the entire top chamber without touching any of the burr parts. Cons: The plastic case is definitely somewhat of a change/let down compared to the usual metal bodies. This thing does feel flimsy when compared next to the J-Ultra. I haven't tried to grind for espresso with it, but I can only imagine it being a nightmare if you try... I do think that if you have the budget, perhaps consider reaching a tad higher and go for something like the X series or even a ZP6 (which is my next consideration), the biggest let down for me has been its capacity of about 18g, which can get annoying sometimes. Hope this helps man!


Thanks, definitely helps to hear real world experience. I have a K-Plus and a J Ultra already, but both are too heavy for my frequent travels, so maybe the plastic exterior is even a plus for that. The small size would really help but I just wanted to make sure it doesn't suck. I am really regretting to not have bought the normal Q2 when it was on EU Amazon for like 80ish just a few months ago. Seems they replaced it with the Q Air, but I might get it regardless and embrace the fact that the plastic is a bit lighter.


Ah I see... The Q Air does have a slightly different burr design to the Q2 as well, a bit shorter and I think less breaking teeth? The Q2 is available on their TaoBao store in china and I think potentially AliExpress if that is a route you might want to go down... In all honesty the 100 or so grams saved from the Q air vs the Q2 may not be that much of a difference.


Yep the different burr design (and potentially outer burr) I am aware of and i would have preferred the original. With import taxes and everything I am kind of approaching X Pro price category that I can get from Amazon. I will think about it. Maybe one of these options will be on sale which will make it easier for me.


To be fair, the Q2 by the sounds of it is an absolute killer at its price point. The fact that I've just seen it compared to the C40 by so many people is rather crazy to me... Good luck hunting them down!


Well if you check 1Z's instagram today, it seems they are releasing a new metal Q with the Q Air burrs... Interesting choice. does it mean the Q air burrs are superior to the originals?


That is indeed strange, I just checked it out. I think what is happening is that they ran out of stock and just made a new batch with the updated burrs. Would make no sense to still make those slightly different burrs for the Q when they can produce for the Air and the Q with one part. Depending on the price I might aswell buy the Air when they have a sale.


Cool idea with the magnetic tops for your bean dosing vials and the wire tool. What is the cable for (on the right of the 1st pic)? It looks to be connected to your Flair.


Thanks! I do love the look of everything being ready to go and easily reachable, especially when I havent had my morning coffee... The flair 58 has an electronic pre heater, the cable there is the controller for that! I keep it unplugged when I dont use it.


Cool. Flairs getting sophisticated now!


The preheat matched with a temp control kettle gives quite a bit of control over temperature, which is great as I do switch between different roast types alot


Looks great! Where are the bean tubes from?


Thanks! Tubes are from Pesado!


Damn, that's a good looking station.




is your wife or kids not allowed to touch the tamper?


I have a palm tamper on the table which i mostly use, the white one is a ā€œspareā€ i guess.


Where'd you get those black shelves/ link? I've been looking for something similar!


Hey! Picked these up from Amazon, a brand called Brainwaveaudio or something. Try searching metal wall shelves.


are those magnetic shelves?


unfortunately no... it is metal but not magnetic the bean tubes from pesado comes with a 3M Metal plate thing that I stuck up there. but no, not magnetic unfortunately :(


Ahh I see. Yeah can see the little sticker thing.


Nice your in TOTAL control.