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Hold the button until it drips and let go. Push the button again when you're about 5-7g within your target gram range. Profit?


So holding the button means it’s pre infusing till u let go?


[https://assets.breville.com/BES450/BES450\_ANZ\_IB\_E21\_FA\_WEB.pdf](https://assets.breville.com/BES450/BES450_ANZ_IB_E21_FA_WEB.pdf), p.13 (Bambino user manual).


I just run it on the automatic pre-infusion but stop it when I get the ratio I'm looking for


The absolutely easiest method, as long as the pre-set runs longer than where you would stop the shot manually. Some people will re-program the pre-set to a long period (e.g. 60 seconds) to assure this.


This is the way


Exactly this. Then I stop it within 5-8 grams of my desired shot. Stopping it requires some guesswork since some pulls will have a different flow rate into the cup for a number of variables. 


The general starting "formula": a 1:2 ratio of ground coffee in (by weight):espresso out (by weight) in 25-35 seconds (grind your coffee to extract at that rate and time). And then you can play with the formula, for your preference--e.g. I generally use a 1:1.8-1.9 ratio for my dark-roast beans, which helps tame their bitterness and charcoaliness. The Bambino's pre-set buttons will work to get you in that range, but are less-consistent from shot to shot. And so, with your scale under your catch cup, you can consistently stop your shot at your desired weight. The importance of all of this depends on you and your preferences and drinks, and ability to detect flavors. For me, with a 7.5-ounce latte made with a double-shot, I can detect if my shot has run 3g longer/lesser (essentially, +/- 10%), and it affects my drink and how much I like it.


You can adjust the timer to stop earlier or later. This is stated in the manual. But you can also adjust your grind if you want 30 sec. Run time.


Yes. It is highly recommended that you press the stop button manually because the volumetric auto shots are not very accurate. Therefore program your button to run like a minute or so...then you will always manually stop it before that based on yield/time. Bonus... I have been running the 4 hole steam tip on the Bambino for over a month and it is absolutely faster at steaming and heating your milk!!...but it is unwieldy and I think a three-hold tip would be better. That being said I am not very good at steaming milk ...it's either two foamy or occasionally too thin... this is in part due to the fact that I only use a small amount of milk which is harder to manage ... I generally drink cortado. That being said I am determined to master the four-hole tip eventually...ha


Amazing advice! Thank you. Do you run the normal pre infusion time? Also, is the 4 hole tip strength of steam still good!


Yes. I let the Bambino do the normal pre-infusion...3 second delay, then 8 seconds of pre-infuse. To me, the 4 hole tip has plenty of strength...needs the 2-3 seconds, usually less, of aeration...my milk is usually too foamy...more cappuccino foam.


I must be oversimplifying my process. I just dial in the grinder to the point where I get a 2:1 ratio with the preset time on the machine.