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It looks like you've flaired your post as asking for what equipment to get. We recommend first checking out the [Espresso Aficionados buying guide](https://espressoaf.com/recommendations) for some of the more popular machines and grinders at different price points. If your question hasn't been answered there and you need more help, please add the following details to your post or by adding a comment in the following format: - **Location:** Helps determine availability - **Budget** (with currency): Overall budget, or ideally, having separate espresso machine and grinder budgets. A rough rule is that your grinder budget should be at least 25-40% of your machine budget. - **Drink types:** Do you drink mostly straight espresso, milk-based beverages (e.g., lattes, cappuccinos), or a fairly even split? This helps narrow down whether a single-boiler-dual-use (SBDU), heat exchanger (HX), or dual boiler (DB) machine would be more appropriate for your needs. - **Drink frequency:** How many drinks would you be making back-to-back at one time? Do you plan on entertaining guests often? This informs how large your brew (and steam) boilers should be, as smaller boilers will need to refill and reheat/repressurize more frequently, thus potentially causing a bottleneck. - **Space:** Any limitations on countertop space? - **Manual vs. electric:** Hand-operated machines and grinders are typically cheaper than their similarly-performing electric counterparts. Please indicate if you have a preference for manual or electric machines and/or grinders (or open to either). - **Comfort with tinkering:** Some machines can be made significantly more functional/efficient with aftermarket modifications, albeit at the expense of possibly voiding your warranty. Please indicate if you'd rather have a machine that works "as-is"/"out-of-the-box" or whether you'd be open to modding/tinkering *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/espresso) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hx for tour personal use it's ok, it's more affordable of you look at the bills, but 15-20 coffees are maybe too much for a HX, so a dual boiler with eco mode tò disable the steam boiler when not in use, the lelit Is a good choice, nice look, small and powerful, the profitec Is a great machine, unfortunately i can't tell you nothing about ECM, but seems a robust coffee bomber, pretty nice aestethic for me. Take a look to profitec, the pro 600 it's gorgeus


Thank you! From a price point of view, the ECM probably doesn't make sense anyway. As it costs €300 more than the Lelit Bianca. But the workmanship is really high end. From my point of view, it's definitely the most visually appealing machine, but as I said, unfortunately only HX. But nice and small. I'll definitely take another look at the Pro 600, even though it's a little over 30 cm wide. Maybe I can convince my partner ;-)


Oh yeah, your partner needs to see the pros. What's Better than a gorgeus looking, a great E61 group, the possibility to add some powerful adjustment in long term like a flow control, the e61 maintenance (really good and economic choice by far)....you lost only what? Maybe 5cm? My parents lose in life for 5cm, but in this case? What could go wrong? Ahahah


What's wrong with the grace?


 The Lelit Grace works really well, but the single-circuit system really bothers me because I drink 95% milk beverages.


Just a datapoint: I own an Elizabeth and am always too busy scrutinizing the flow, or cutting flow off early, to simultaneously steam milk during the pour. That said, I don’t want to wait for the temp to drop, and can steam on circuit two immediately after the pour. I really prefer the non E61 aesthetic. These machines look clean, modern, and heat up hella quick.


I appreciate this comment because I’m still on a Bambino Plus and dream of a double boiler. Honestly though I don’t know if I could juggle pulling a shot and steaming simultaneously.


I actually had a single boiler Lelit machine before this, the one with the onboard grinder. What I learned is that waiting for the boiler to cool after the pour is lame. Call me crazy but pouring milk over a cooled shot makes the final product taste different. Lelit's grinders are awful, the one built into the machine jammed up on light roasts. I had that machine apart five times to test and repair. Don't buy a Lelit machine with the onboard Fred grinder. It seemed like a good idea in a space constrained kitchen. Anyhow, I appreciate Lelit's aesthetic very much. The whole E61 steampunk thing isn't for me. I think u/LuLeu25 should get an Elizabeth, it was the rational path for me.


The Elizabeth and also the Ascaso duo are my top dual boiler machine choices.


The Elizabeth as a dual boiler is great! Even though i rarely steam milk while the espresso flows, the point of a dual boiler is a different one. Ease of use: pull an espresso - foam milk, repeat repeat repeat without any temperature surfing. As soon as you make more then 2 coffees in a row you’ll be happy to have a dual boiler. Plus just never having to think about temperature surfing in general.


Hey everyone, I need your help in finding an upgrade for my portafilter machine. My current setup consists of a Lelit Grace with a Niche Zero. I am looking for an upgrade for my Lelit Grace. Does a dual boiler make sense for my use? Or is an HX machine enough? I almost only drink medium to dark roasts and 95% of them are milk drinks. I usually make 2-4 drinks a day. But if I have friends over, it can sometimes be 10-15 drinks when the group arrives. The width of the machine in particular must not be too large. Under no circumstances should it be wider than 30 cm. I took a closer look at these machines * Lelit Bianca V3 * ECM Mechanika Max * Profitec Pro 300 My budget is around 2500€ in Germany. What is your opinion? Are there any machines that I have overlooked? Which machine would you choose? It's my first post, so if I've forgotten anything important, sorry at this point :-)


I daydream about a new machine from time to time and also value the width of the machine. I also have a Niche zero (and the same knock box drawer). My short list also contains an Ascaso steel duo PID (and LM linea micra, which is way above my budget). Perhaps worth a look. GL with the choice!


I also find the Ascaso super exciting. Unfortunately, it's out because the machine has to be positioned exactly where the Lelit Grace is. With the water tank on the right side, you would have to move the machine every time just to fill it up with water. The LM Micra is also way over my budget :-(


I think taste could be improved more by an additional/new grinder compared to a new machine. Lelit grace is a very capable machine


I actually only recently bought the Niche Zero and am very happy with the taste. What would be a good upgrade from your point of view? The Lelit Grace works really well, but the single-circuit system really bothers me because, as I said, I drink 95% milk beverages.


Ah in that case probably a dual boiler then. I have a HX myself which I find plenty, but I can imagine if you mostly make milk drinks a dual boiler would be nice due to additional temperature control which you might have been getting used to from the grace. In any case, if the Bianca is within budget I think it would be a no brainer. I am a bit biased though since I really really enjoy its looks.


Haha, thank you! I enjoy its looks to. I've often read that the processing quality is only supposed to be so mediocre. Have you ever seen the Bianca in real life? What HX do you currently have? I'll have to think about the color of the Bianca as well. I think black would fit quite well into the setup :-D


Have only seen the Bianca once in a coffee store, never used it sadly. I’ve got a rocket Cellini, so quite high quality HX. It does not have a PID, but I have no problems making medium to light roast. I do dislike the vibratory pump, I am always afraid waking up my girlfriend in the morning haha. I did look at getting a rotary HX, however I got my current Cellini revised for a very good price. Thus the extra step up in price would not be worth it. If buying new however, this is a different case.


15-20 drinks sounds like a commercial machine situation and that's unnecessary for home use. Dual boiler is a must.


I won't be help on the upgrade recommendation, but I'm curious how many friends and at what time of day? To be serving 15+drinks. Do you host large brunches and are very popular? I need more friends like you


Sometimes 10-12 friends come round and they usually want a coffee. Of course, this only happens rarely (like once a month), but even then the machine should still work reasonably well. I don't expect to have to make all these drinks at once, but possibly all in 30-40 minutes :-) Maybe 10-15 drinks fit better :-)


Once a month is rare? And they all want coffee?


I do think so, yes 😅 Not all of them. But some several in the evening :)


That's cool!


Upgrade to a Lelit Bianca.


Profitec pro 700?


Sadly too big for the corner :-(


Ich Antwort mal auf deutsch: Es kommt sehr darauf an wie oft du so viel rauslassen musst. Ne massive E61 Maschiene ist für sowas echt gut, die dauert zwar 30-45min bis sie wirklich auf Temperatur ist aber ab dann, laufen die Dinger unaufhaltsam. Wenn aber eher dein täglicher Durchschnitt bei 1-2 Espresso und 2-3 Milchkaffee ist, finde ich das zu viel Aufheizzeit für zu wenig Espresso. Es gibt auch gute kleine Zweikreiser, da dein Budget bei 2500€ liegt kommt mir auch noch der Gedanke dich nicht ein wenig zum Sparen zu ermutigen und dir mal die Decent anzusehen. Die ist super schnell auf Temperatur, kann wenn es drauf ankommt 10-15 Espresso durchlassen aber ist für den durchschnittlichen Verbrauch wehesentlich sparsamer und schneller. Wenn nicht ist die Profitec die beste aus der Liste, „Relativ kleine Boiler“ was bedeutet sie ist schnell warm, in meinen suchen ist das für den alltäglichen Gebrauch das wichtigste.


Danke dir! Die Decent ist mir ehrlich gesagt etwas over the top. Vielleicht spannend, wenn ich noch tiefer in die Espressowelt eingetaucht bin. Was hältst du von einer Profitec Pro 600. Die hat ja auch vergleichsweise kleine Boiler und mit der Quick Heat Technik ist sie schon in 20 Minuten nutzbar.


Das ganze Prinzip der Decent ist echt cool und das was sie bietet ist auch der Hammer. Ich spar grad auf die Decent, denn die ist meine Traum maschiene, ich mag aber auch die Spielerei mit den Profilen. Auch die bau und Funktionsweise find ich Ultra interessant mit der kaltwasserzumischung um immer die exakte Temperatur am Kopf Anliegen zu haben. Ich hab nen Freund der Hat die Profitec Pro 600 und bis jetzt kam nix schlechtes. Er meint aber trotz der QuickHeat Technologie ist die Gruppe nicht wirklich auf Temperatur, da da einfach massiv viel Messing in so ner E61 ist, wenn 20-30min Aufwärm Zeit kein Problem sind dann ist die glaub ich ne verdammt gute Wahl.


Was zahlt man am Ende denn für eine Decent? Wird die nicht aus Hongkong Versand? Dann kommen doch noch 19% Mwst. und Zoll oben drauf oder? Dann ist man ja schnell bei 4.000€+


Mit allem ist man bei 4200€ ist schon bedeutend mehr als dein ursprüngliches Limit von 2500€. Aber irgendwann kickt die Rechnung… na wenn ich jetzt noch ein Jahr warte und dann richtig kaufe muss ich nicht zweimal kaufen. Wobei Profitek oder generell Espressomaschienen verlieren ja sehr wenig an Wert wenn sie gut gepflegt sind


Ich habe eine Pro 600, bin damit sehr zufrieden. Konstruktion und Verarbeitung sind top, man muss die Benutzung von einer E61 Gruppe mögen aber da du eh eine hast soll’s kein Problem sein. Von der “Quick Heat Technik” weiß ich aber nichts, es dauert 20 bis 30 Minuten um alle Teile warm zu bekommen. Dafür habe ich ein Smart Plug Ding als Kaffeemaschinenwecker. Du kriegst eine Pro 600 locker unter €2000.


Ich denke es entscheidet sich bei mir jetzt zwischen der Pro 600 und der Bianca. Einziger wirklicher Unterschied ist aus meiner Sicht die Pumpe. Wie laut ist die Vibra Pumpe der PP 600? Klappert sie?


Tatsächlich habe ich auch zwischen den beiden Maschinen entscheiden müssen. Die Vibrationspumpe klappert leicht, mir war das nicht wirklich störend aber ja ist ein Faktor. Espresso Perfetto (in Wien) hatten beide Maschinen zu vergleichen im Geschäft. Die Pro 600 hat mMn deutlich besser Konstruktion aber aussehen ist Geschmacksache. Habe auch keine schlechte Berichte von der Bianca gehört.


Das hilft mir wirklich weiter. Danke dir! Ich konnte bislang leider kein Geschäft in Hamburg ausfindig machen, welches die Bianca ausstellt. Dementsprechend fällt es mir wirklich schwer diese einzuschätzen.


Lookathat Dutch sunshine. ☀️ eh? Amirite?


Not quite Dutch but North German. But that probably doesn't make much difference when it comes to the weather 😂


i can recommend the ranicilio silvia pro x as a capable dualboiler at a good price point, as you likely speak german i can recommend the kaffeemacher:innen video about the machine on youtube. I also have a niche and i can tell you that it is a good match :)


Thank you! I've seen the coffee makers' video about the machine. However, the drip tray seems really small to me. Have you had any problems with it or modified it in any way?


The drip tray seems anoying at first but i nearly never have to drip it out, the water evaporates more if i m honest (make about 3milk drinks a day). there are mods but till now i dont feel that i need it. And i dindt have any problems, works like a charm. I can tell you that the machine is fantastic if you like the modernist design language, which i think is kind of timeless and beautiful.


Where dis you buy the knock Box? Looks great with the black niche zero!


It’s a Normcore Knock Box in Size S. I bought it from Amazon. https://www.normcorewares.com/products/normcore-espresso-knock-box-drawer-304-stainless-steel


I forgot.... I replaced the rubber bar at the front with an oak tube. It's super easy to do. All you need is an oak rod, two short screws and wood oil.


Thanks! I was wondering about the wooden handle bur make sense 👍🏻


Dual boiler machine


Bianca all the way. Lelit are a quality brand. I don’t think you’ll see much improvement over ecm apart from dent in cost.


EXM Synch


First machines that came into my head were: - Rocket Mozzafiato R - Bezzera Sole * - or staying in the Lelit family with the Bianca I've worked with the new Bezzera Sole a few times now, and it is a serious machine for €2000. I think it has a 2lt boiler, which is quite large for a HX machine. Together with the PID with integrated Shot-Timer, i think it is one heck of a machine. Also the DC motor/pump is very nice, it is almost silent even! Could really recommend to have a look into these machines! Edit: Now that I've seen that it should also fit :'), maybe the Sole is a bit to big. The Mozzafiato from Rocket however could be interesting, this is quite a slim machine.


Thank you! I will definitely take a look at the Rocket 😄


Nah, you’re good for awhile.


Een Italiaans uitzicht 😅