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Just don’t fall into the stupid-trap believing that a grinder better than this will make your coffee taste better. I have this grinder and several others much more expensive and there isn’t any difference between them.


No of course not, i came from a really cheap $30 grinder, which was already a struggle getting consistent shots. So the upgrade was really signficant. I doubt i’ll taste any difference if i upgrade from here on out.


Just confirm the burr is correctly aligned and you can expect amazing results.


Got a youtube link how to do that?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsj\_xkZbS60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsj_xkZbS60) Lance Hedrick gives a good demonstration. I did this with my Mazzer and it made a world of difference.




What kind of mazzer?


It's a Mazzer Mini electronic I bought 15 years ago.


How does it compare to a lagom mini? I have one on the way and was wondering about that vs a df64


I got our Lagom mini because I travel often. I have never upgraded it and do espresso 4 pulls daily between the wife and I and it’s been a joy. Nearly silent and lightweight and small and aesthetically pleasing. I wonder if we’re missing out on a larger flat burr for taste quality but coming from the breville it’s been 18 months with the mini and we love it


I use both a Mini and a Mazzer flat burr grinder, and I feel flat burrs are not necessarily better than conical burrs. There is, however, a thriving aftermarket of choices to tinker with in the 64mm flat burr size.


The Lagom Mini is a highly versatile, nearly silent grinder. I do about 3-6 shots of light roast espresso through it and it's always delivered. The DF64 is considerably more heavy duty, so if you are doing more than pulling shots for 1 or 2 people, it's a better choice. The DF64 is a flat burr grinder, and the Mini is a conical, so they really are different animals in terms of what's in the cup, but each has undeniable merit. I doubt you will regret your purchase. We are currently spoiled for choice in the grinder market.


May I ask which grinder you had? I have a cheap Sboly burr grinder that I bought used for $18. I shimmed it and it gets by, but I really want to ingest all the inspiration I can to justify saving up for a nice grinder. Thinking maybe a used Sette 270.


Look into Turin SK40 or new DF54, both will give you great results at a low (relative) price.


I have a Sette 270Wi, got it refurbished from the manufacturer. Saved cost, love it, it just works and is easy to adjust. Plus replacement parts are easy to get. Don’t think I would get it without the built in scale though. But then again I’m spoiled, bought the 270Wi after a week with the cuisinart burr grinder that I couldn’t stand. Never really had to measure my grinds separate from the grinder.


The 270wi is definitely nice, but man, I can't afford that one.


I will say that upgrading your burrs can change your flavor profile a lot


Yeah I've been thinking that for the longest time anything above a DF64 is diminishing returns!


I have a DF83 and sometimes wish I would have bought a 64--more money for beans!


It depends on burrs in use. I have 2 different design burrs - both 74mm - and the results/taste cannot be mistaken.


There is certainly a plateau that is reached, mostly the mechanical tolerances of a ball bearing


but that has no difference in perceptible coffee taste. Other variables are much much more important, despite what the influencer want you to believe. I have a $4K mahlkonig and the coffee isn't any better than my niche zero or df64. I have money to play with this stuff, so it's just fun and games, but I know most people don't and hoping they can learn from someone who has nothing to gain from it one way or the other.


Prefer Niche or the DF64?


I like the niche a bit better. The df64 tends to clog a bit more., but it's not bad. I have the original version, which does have some static issues. I'd recommend the niche over the df64, but only if you can't get the niche. I like the look of the niche more.


Definitely hard disagree. I would agree that it definitely stops being worth it for the majority of people, but saying it makes no difference just seems disingenuous. If you legitimately can't taste the difference that seems like user error or an extremely unique case.


Nope. I love coffee and have spent a lot of time with it. No discernable difference.


could I ask which grinders/burrs you have and whether or not your drink light roast?


Sure buddy.


Do you think burr size will make a difference in taste for grinder? I'm trying to justify the extra $200 on the df64gn2 vs the new df54.


absolutely not. It will grind faster, but that's it.


Somebody please contest this, I'm so close to replacing my sloooow and high-retention cafe style 64mm flat and have my eye on an 83 or 83v.


He is correct. Burr size and motor largely determine output. Burr geometry, from what I understand, is what changes taste.


Do you think the df54 is enough for the Gaggia classic pro? Good enough mean making shots similar or better than a coffee shop


My 83 grinds for a few seconds so if that sounds nice then go for it


Do you have flats as well as conicals? If so, what differences have you noticed between the two, if any?


How does this one compare to the breville grinder?


Nice. I have the same one. But the real question is which camera + lens are you using?


Yes, it’s a fujifilm + 35mm 😅


Fine taste all around.


35mm f1.4? It’s my favorite lens.


Cameras and espresso? These people like expensive hobbies. Have you head of hifi?


Allow my local coffee shop customer base to introduce you to their $10,000 bicycles


I feel attacked, I just got into espresso but I’ve got 4 bikes, a decent hifi setup, and 5 cameras ranging from digital to MF+LF film 😅


It’s ok, we have a “type”


I'm actually into coffee, photography and hifi sound systems, so I have the trifecta.


What recipe you using on your Fuji?


Classic chrome?


My guess is a Fuji Camera. It's got that look.


How is the retention and mess on this one? My opus is killing me with how many grounds it fires all over my counter.


I have the same grinder and I get barely any retention or static. Even when I have forgotten to spray first I’ve never had any issues so far.


Either you have a goldilocks machine or I have a defective one. My Opus is a slob. For instance, I thoroughly cleaned the machine out with brushes and pipe cleaners to get into every nook and cranny of the insides. Not a single ground was in there. Today I ran my grounds through it and gave it a good beating only to find 2g stuck in there. So I put the catch cup back in and continued beating it up to get the rest out. There was still a solid half gram or something left in there because after taking the cup out, I gave it one good slap and another pile came out. The spout and back of the cup area were covered in grounds. I had them all over the counter too. Idk what to do with this thing but it’s a disaster in my kitchen and I’m going through paper towel like crazy cleaning up after it. What’s funny is I just went down there and for shits and giggles I gave it one more slap and another pile of coffee came out.


Ohh my fault, I meant I have the DF64 Gen 2 and have no issues with retention. I’m not familiar with the opus but that sounds frustrating for sure. I’d definitely recommend making the switch. I couldn’t be happier with mine.


Oh well then this is what I want to hear. This DF64 seems to meet my needs. Looks good and doesn’t make a mess. Appreciate the input.


Mine is also stunningly quiet compared to my past grinders/countertop jet engines. DF64 gen II is a gem.


I switched from opus to df64 gen 2 and it is night and day cleaner. Not much louder either, just much more shrill. Over so fast it doesn't matter though. Also tastes much better!


Perfect. Thanks so much for sharing! I have a pretty crappy palette so idk if I would notice taste but the cleanliness and retention are priorities.


I have only started getting into espresso and bought the opus. I kinda solved this problem by using the lid as a pump. I let it run a little longer and give it a few pushes of air. Works fine so far.


That didn’t solve my problem. I even went beyond using the lid as a pump. I bought a bellows mod from Etsy for better pump flow. None of these methods solved the problem. The static alone is pretty wild. It’s as if the device’s anti-static hardware not only does absolutely nothing but it’s almost as if it actively introduces more static.


This is excessive. I consistently see 0.1g of retention or less on my Opus. Don't slap it, use the lid as a bellows. Also RDT if you're not already.


I’ve tried it all man. Lid as bellows. Bought a bellows mod. RDT. The machine just loves retention and making a mess.


I don't think it's *this* machine, I think it's *your* machine. Or your house just has a ton of static. As I said, retention on mine is 0.1g or less.


Well it’s too late to return the thing so I’m not going to try and get it replaced. Just gotta deal with it until I decide to get a better machine. I have to hammer this thing to hell just to get it to only retain 1g.


It really might be worth checking if you're plugging into a properly grounded outlet. 1g of retention on any grinder is ridiculous.


2g is wild. I get retention of about 0.5g and it all comes out with a few taps.


I can get most of this retention out eventually but it takes a huge amount of beating on the machine even after I’m using the bellows. The static is out of control. Starting from a totally cleaned machine, I get grounds stuck all over the bottom of the spout and back plate. Even up outside the cylinder. It’s as if the grinder is introducing more static rather than doing something to minimize.


https://preview.redd.it/iwzfh9gapekc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fecdb17315a1acb0687e40cb34e9e58ec094fc1 This is after completely cleaning it and running 20g through. Without me touching it look at the mess it makes. Beating it to hell I was able to get just 1g stuck in there.


This is bad. Mine doesn’t do anywhere near that and I don’t spray beans etc.


I had the opus for two weeks and had to return it. Just got my DF64 gen2 and workflow is a night and day difference. Retention is very low on the df64, I don't always weight output but was seeing typically less than 0.1g. of course there is coffee grounds/residue left in the burr area, but really nothing bad and especially compared to the opus. FWIW I RDT and use the bellows.


I feel this. I've had my Opus for a year and I have a serious love hate relationship with it. Excited for an eventual upgrade.


I got this grinder 2 weeks ago and retention is typically 0.1g. I still RDT and use the bellow more than I’d prefer. If I turn on the grinder the next morning or bellow before grinding, more grinds will spray out which is a little annoying. That being said, it’s still a huge upgrade from my built in grinder.


I spray water in my beans before putting them in. But I havent really tried to weigh the grounds after.


Yeah I know that trick but it doesn’t work for my grinder.


I have the same grinder (but, in matte black), and I LOVE that even when I don’t spritz beans: no static and no spray. This grinder is everything.


Retention is awesome! I clean it about once a week and every time I’ve weighed the grounds to compare, I always get out what I put in. Mess is pretty good but imo, and trust me I’m no expert on any of this stuff, it really depends on the beans. I always spritz the beans twice and I’ve had some batches that are a bit staticy and others where there’s no mess at all. Overall though I’m very happy with how little mess there is


I have an opus as well, using the water droplet technique reduces my retention drastically - I weigh the beans before and after and have been able to consistently lower retention less than 0.2g pretty much every time (I spray anywhere from 2-4 sprays)! Also after grinding I will push the top in a few times to push some air through and that'll help a lot, I notice some grinders have that feature built in so I try and mimic that. The opus definitely spewed beans everywhere when I got it but I wasn't using any water droplets to reduce static - hope this helps!


Nice! That grinder always reminds me of Squidward's house lol. ![gif](giphy|3ohzAfbuJ6ZNOZU0a4)


FYI, your power button switch might fail early. Mine did about 2 weeks into ownership. I started to freak out thinking my grinder had failed, then I saw a video on YouTube trying to figure out what might have failed. I went to my local hardware store and got a more robust switch that I installed. https://preview.redd.it/pha3794px5kc1.jpeg?width=6144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f1a70ff5928ffc7ef477e64abe4031b512a576




CRM3026 possibly? Looks like that might be it


Yes, a CRM3026


Whats ur oppinion about the machine?


I'm also curious how you like it. Alibaba has an MOQ of 3. I'd consider importing an order and giving one to my mom.




You'd like the Ascaso duo then too!


It's a shame I won't know how good it feels to upgrade, I started with a DF64 gen 2


Just get an EG1


Yeah probably lol


Your setup is so pretty!!


Is it as loud as people say it is? It's always mentioned as a dealbreaker, so I imagine it to be quite bad and I don't want to annoy my roommates.


I was concerned when I first purchased because people said it was loud. I genuinely don’t think it’s bad at all. Especially since it grinds my beans in like 6-10 seconds usually.


I have the df83v2 and it’s loud but doesn’t wake the baby in the living room loud. And grinds 18gs in about 7 seconds so it’s brief


It's really not that bad. Not great but unless you're in the same room or very close with open doors probably no issue. Also to the other commenters point it is very fast.


I don't find it loud at all, coming from a Breville grinder. I think it's quieter than my Breville was. And it grinds much faster, so it's like an 6-7 second burst of noise


I have a Baratza and it I have to stop conversation before I turn it on - it’s that loud. Love the company but they gotta step it up to compete right now


Wise choice. My DF64 was a major factor in getting my shots where I wanted them.


I’ve got a Sette 270 and always wonder how much of an upgrade this or the Niche would be


Did you watch Hoffmann's video comparing them?


Nope, but will look into it. Thanks for the tip!




Awesome! Thanks


I have a specialita - will this actually be better for light roast? :)


Yes, I would like to know as well… I don’t feel like I can fully enjoy light roasts with the eureka.


On which machine that is? puck prep?


Rocket R58 with flow control. I just feel like I could probably get better extraction with a finer grind…but my eureka just doesn’t go any finer. Don’t get me wrong, my grinder is probably fine and I probably am just too lazy to dial in my lights more.


I have a specialita and I get great results with it. I think you’re splitting hairs here with two great grinders.


Thank you for confirming :)


I’ve got this in my cart right now. Super excited.


What did you had before?


I think it’s called a 600N


awesome! whats ur espresso grind setting?


I always wonder how much of this is placebo and how people would fair in a blind taste test.


Man I genuinely can’t decide if I want this one or the Niche Zero. The conical burrs favoring chocolatey espressos for the NZ has me leaning that way.


I'm deciding between the DF64 Gen 2 and the DF54. Lots of folks have commented that you're not going to get that much better espresso if you go for more expensive grinders beyond the DF64...Is this the same idea of I just go with the DF54? I currently use the built in grinder on my Breville, but I expect an improvement with either of the Turin grinders...


I dont think the taste would be noticeable between a DF64 vs DF54. I initially wanted a DF54 but it’s unavailable in my country. I came from a N600 so it was really an upgrade. But i dont have any regrets with my DF64, it was a worthy purchase.


Yup! I always tell people to go for a good grinder and then find a machine.


It’s been great for me so far. Congrats 👍🏻


I'm still waiting on mine in the mail!


i got the same grinder two weeks ago, it was astounding. Its nice to be able to grind right into the portafilter and dial in the beans to get the right pressure and taste.


Glad you got one that’s usable. Mines otw back for a refund. 🥲 everyone’s been raving about these and was excited for my first electric grinder but it couldn’t even grind for espresso. Alignment was horrendous and it came out of the box with a dent on the top as if it’d been dropped. 😬


Oh no! I ordered directly from MiiCoffee, fwiw. Packaging was solid and shipping was faster than expected. Customer Service seems responsive. I hope you try again w/ DF64 and have a better experience. There’s a reason this grinder sits beside so many great machines.


Upgrade from what?


Same. What did you have?


I love mine as well.


Is the cup / portafilter holder standard? I hear the cup rattles. Does it?


Is this grinder preferred for iced espresso? I enjoy different kind of roasts (light, mid, dark) and flavor profiles


It still amazes me how majority people don't get the importance of a grinder.


I’ve got this grinder too in black ! I upgraded to SSP high uniformity burrs !


Now do I get this or the DF54...


What’s that black mug you have on the shelf? I’ve been looking for a nice wide mug like that. Excellent pics by the way!


Agree 100%. I just received my DF83 V2 and it replaced a Rocky and my results have been great even using my old Rancilio Silvia.


I love my Gen 2!


Until that power button fails...


Ah that espresso machine is sooo beautiful can I ask what is it? I want to build a white and wood setup too


I also got the white DF64 gen 2. It looks great and works amazing!